The Saginaw News from Saginaw, Michigan (2024)

THE SAGINAW DAILY NEWS. WHEN YOUR GULUM FADES: When a girl's color fades, when her cheeks and lips grow pale and she gets short of breath easily and her heart palpitates after slight exertion or un. dor the least excitement it means that sho is Headache suffering and from backache thin blood. often ace company this condition and nervousness is frequently, present. The course, is to build up the blood and for this purpose Dr.

Williams' Pink Pills are recommended. They are the remedy best suited to restore tho blood, bring brightness to the eyes and put color in the cheeks and The lips. only other treatment needed costs nothing. It is this. Give the rationt plenty of sunlight, moderate exercise every day, not enough to rause fatigue, and use caro in the diet because the food craved is often not the best for the condition.

and Two "What books, to lat and flow to Fat," "Building the Blood" give just the information that crery mother of a growing girl needs. They are free. Write for today to The Dr. Williams Medicine Schenectadr, N. Y.

Your own druggist sells Dr. Williams' Pink Pills or they will be mailed postpaid on boxes receipt for of $2.50. price, 60 cents por box, six NAVAL OFFICERS INSPECT DESTROYERS (By Associated I'ress.) Base of the American Flotilla in British Waters, Oct. -Two Amerlean naval officers of high rank spent. a busy day Sunday inspecting the American destroyers and receiving reports from their commanders the satisfactory progress of the anti- submarine campaign.

They lunch aboard the flagshin of "the flotilla, with destroyer commanders happened to be in port. 1n the evening they attended an entertainment given In their honor bluejackets in the new clubhouse erected for the sailors. loth officers made speeches and thanked the 0011 for the entertaintuent, hundred persons Sunday, afternoon attended EL cominunity sing held a tr the Masonic temple under the direction of George' Oscar Bowen, supervisor of choral music for the Community Music association. A series of gatherings of this sort is planned as the basis for the organization of a. con1 chorus.

3 Why is Fould's Spaghetti like it the letter Because at turns it. fast into a feast. 8200 in gold will bo paid for the best advertiaing conundrums received October 5, 1917, $100 for the beat and $10 each for each of the ten next best. Send to Poulds Milling Station O. Box 100.

Madison Square New York City. Foulds'FunsterNo7 No.7 For Variety of dishes use Foulda' Curly -Q. (Elbow) Macaroni and Poulda' Egg Noodles. They are flavory 1rm, tender and. appetizingly clean, Just like Poulds' Spaghetti.

Free Cool Book on postcard request. Adv. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County' of At a of the Probate Court, for. sold County of Saginaw, held at Probate Office, in the City of Saginaw. on the 21st day of September, in the year one thousand nine hundred and seventeen.

'resent, Hon. Arthur W. Ganachow, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estate of WaltAr. M.

Howett, deceased. On reading and filing the petition, duly verified, of Bertha I. Jewett, praying that administration 011 eatatA may be gradted to Paul W. Staffeld of the alty of Saginaw. Michigan, or to: some other suitable person.

It la ordered that Sionday; the 22nd day of Octcher, 1917, at o'clock in the forenoon. at said Probate Office, be appointed for hearing said petition. And it further ordered; that copy of this order be published three successive weeks previous to said day ore hearing. ins the A Saginaw Daily Nowa, a. newspaper printed and circhlating in said County of Saginaw.

FARTHUR GANSCHOW. Strue Judge Probate JOHN PAMURPHY, of Probate, 24-1-8-15 STATE OF MICHIGAN, I County Saginaw At a Mession of the Probate Court for said County of Saginaw held at thy Probate Offce, in the City of Sagthaw, on the 22nd day of September in the yeargone thousand nine hundyed Present. and Hon. Arthur W. Ganachow, Judge of In the matter of the estate Charles Grube, deceased.

On readIng and fling the petition, duly veriof Charles I. Bird praying that his Anal account as administrator of the estate of said deceased may be ex sallowed: by this Court, has and finally his closed bondsmen and the and discharged from further Nablilty in the. premises and the to law: ordered that Tuesday, the 33rd day 1917, at ten o'clock in the at Probate appointed for closing said estate. further that a this order published three previous to. said hearing.

in the Saginaw Dally newspaper printed and cirIn kald County of Saginaw ARTHUIS W. GANSCHOW. Probate. Judge of JOHN MURPHY Probate STATE OF MICHIGAN, County the Probate Court, Counter of Saginaw. held Probate in the City of the 21st day of nine thousand hundred seventeen.

Hon. Arthur A matter af the rotate or deceased. Op reading the duly veribed Remer that may be Remer or to Mandes AGREEMENT ON WAR TAX BILL REACHED; GOES TO CONGRESS iF Graduated Tax of 20. to 60 Per Cent on Excess Profits of Corporations. SURTAXES REARRANGED "Invested Capital" Explained, Also Allowance for "Intangible Assets." (By Associated Press.) Washington.

Oct. 1. Levies of approximately $1,000.000,000 on war excess profits and $842,000.000 on incomes were left unchanged, but a j- new system of calculating excess profits was adopted by the conferees the $2,700,000,000 war tax bill on which an agreement, been reached with. congress Monday. The conference report provides that the graduated tax of from 20 to 60 per cent on.

excess profits of corporation, partnerships and individuals, shall be levied on a basis of invested capital companies with' invested capital of pre-war years of 1911, 1912 and 1913. This is a substitute for the senate taxes of front 12 to 60 per cent based upon it similar comparison of pre-war and present profits. Surtaxes Rearranged. The income tax section, virtually was unchanged. except for re-arrangement of surtaxes on incomes between $15,000 and $40,000.

The graduated surtaxes of from one to 50 per cent on. incomes from $50,000 to those of million dollars and over were approved. The senate increase of from two to four per cent of stock income tax companies on corporations, joint insurance companies was approved, together with the new normal individual tax of two per cent on incomes of unmarried persons in exCASS $1,000 and of married persons of more than $2,000. Explains "Invested Capital." the invested capital" of corIn calculating, war excess profits porations partnerships was declared to include "actual cash paid 'actual cash value of other tangibla property paid for stock or shares, at the time of payment or January 1. 1914.

but in no case to exceed the par value of the original securities; paid in or earned. surpluses, undivided profits used or employed in the business exclusive of undivided profits carned during the taxable year." The allowances for intangible include "actual cash. value of patents and copyrights paid in for stocks or shares at the time of payment good will. trade marks. trade brands, franchises, if for bona fide payments that not to exceed the cash value." It stipulates that such intangible assets exchanged for: securities, before assets exchanged for securities, before March 3, 1917, not exceeding 20 per cent of the total, shall be included at A.

value not exceeding a fair cash value at the time of purpose. St. Louts -Barzillat M. Earle, 82 years old, a resident of Gratiot county, is dead at his home in this city. He served, through the civil war in Company A.

Eleventh Michigan infantry. His widow and one sister, M1 3. Thomas Glendon of East Tawas, survive. ativa, because they love. its pleasant taste: and it thoroushly cleanses the tender little stomach, liver and bow els without griping When cross feverish.


BEDTIME STORY bY HOWARD R. GARIS UNCLE WIGGILY AND THE RED BEET. Uncle Wiggily in the garden, twinkled his pink nose, when along came a nurse maid to hang. up all the clothes. Oh, excuse me! I don't mean it just that way.

I was thinking about Mother Goose. I guess. Uncle Wiggily was in the garden, and his pink nose was twinkling, but there wasn't any nurse-maid, at least just then. The bunny rabbit gentleman was looking around his garden to see which of his vegetables he should next pull up to store away in his cellar over winter. had pulled up the carrots finding one.

big giant chap, and he had gathered his turnips, discovering a. tiny one that was blown in the alligator's eye. "And today I think I'll pull up the beets," said the rabbit gentleman to himself. "It's time they were taken from the ground, for soon the frost will come to kill them." So, with his paws, just made for digging in and taking up vegetables, Uncle Wiggily pulled his beets, putting them in 3 nice pile besido the garden walk. But, somehow or other, the beets were not happy.

They got talking among themselves as beets will, and one said: "I don't see much fun in living! All we do is grow in the summer, and in the winter we, are put in. a dark cellar." "That's right," spoke another beet: "And see what a pickle we get into sometimes! It's a shame." For they do pickle, you know. "I'll tell: you what we ought to do." said a middle beet. "What?" all the others, wiggling. their long, thin roots, like so many tails.

'We ought to roll away down hill by ourselves and start out to see the world," said the beet, who was doing most of the talking. "Why stay here to be pickled, or put in a cellar and eaten with cabbage? Let's roll away down r. let's. do it!" cried all the one others. "Oh, of the were no, pale.

don't," reddest in pink spoke the a and bunch; red others beet, for so white. "We 'had better stay. here." went on the red beet. "Uncle Wiggily planted us in his garden and he wants 1S. I don't mind being put in pickle for him." "Well, we're not going to," said other beets, and they were Just about to look for a hill to roll down, to go away and see the world when, all of 8.

sudden along came hopping the lady mouse school teacher. "Oh, "Uncle Wiggily!" she squeaked. for the gentleman rabbit was down at the other end of the garden and had not heard what the beets said. "Oh, Uncle Wigglly, our school flag 1S spoiled!" cried the lady mouse. "Spoiled! How?" asked the ny uncle.

"Well," went on the lady mouse teacher. "you know what a lovely flag -the red, white and blue colored one- we had floating over our hollow stump school." "I remember," said Uncle Wiglgily. "It got quite dirty during the summer," said the lady mouse, I sent the laundry to be washed. But what do you think?" 4'T never could guess," spoke cle Wiggily, twinkling his pink nose. "All the red faded out.

to exclaimed the lady mouse. "It's dreadful! Our flag doesn't look like the stare ar-spangled banner at all. Can't you us. put back the red in it? Then it will be all right!" Uncle Wiggily thought for a mo. ment.

Then he looked at the pile of beets from his garden. "I have it!" he cried. "Among my beets is a very bright red one--the brightest, prettiest red I. have ever seen. I will give you that for your faded school flag." but Uncle.

Wiggily--thank you just the same," said the lady mouse teacher, "but how can I make a flag of a red beet?" "I didn't mean make the flag of the beet." laughed the bunny rabbit. gentleman. juice "But and color. some the red of stripes in the flag so they will be bright and cheerful once more." that will- be lovely!" squeaked the lady mouse teacher. "I'll do it." So she took the very red beet Uncle Wiggily gave her.

and boiled it and boiled it until it was soft and tender, and the beet didn't mind a bit. Then the lady mouse teacher took some of the red beet juice, and in it she dipped the faded white stripes of the flag. They came out the most beautiful color you can imagine. Then the flag was hoisted over the hollow: school: again, and floated proudly breeze. 'The pile of other beets in Uncle Wiggily's garden.

saw it and they. all said: won't down hill 4 and see the world after all. Uncle Wiggily is good enough for us, and he might want some of us to color more flags for him. We'll stay here!" Copyright, 1917. by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.

FORMER MAYOR OF SAGINAW IS DEAD Professor Bradley M. Thompson, 83 years old, Jay professor emeritus of law in the law school of the Uniersvity of Michigan, former mayor and city attorney of East Saginaw, died suddenly at his home at Ann Arbor Sunday. He had also been mayor of Ann Arbor and served in the Civil war, reaching a rank of lieutenant colonel. U. S.

volunteers. He was graduate. the U. of M. and in 1887 was appointed lecturer on real property.

A year later he was made Jay professor of law, holding it actively until June, 1912. He leaves two daughters, Mrs. Fred N. Scott and Mrs. E.

E. Melendo. and a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Alice Thompson. The funeral will take place Tuesday afternoon at Ann Arbor.

RATE INCREASES HELD UP TILL NOV. 9 The Saginaw, Board of Trade has filed with the state railroad commission a bill. of complaint against the proposed class rate increases on shipments within the state of Michigan and Traffic Manager J. T. Ross received' word Monday morning front Lansing that the increases have been suspended until May 9 and time for hearing has been set at Oct.

9. Mr. Ross handled the complaint for the Saginaw Board and for the. Bay City Board of Commerce. Midland, Flint, Detroit, Grand Rapids and other citics have filed complaint, making it the biggest case the state: commissioner ever handled.

si The propsed increases would affect Saginaw and valley shippers to the extent of from 25 to 100 per cent in the way of advances. The Great American Home JUST LOOK AT THAT SAY, KID, YOU LOOK CHILD! You've BEEN PLANING THAT HORRID, IMMENSE WHO ROUGH FOOT BALL GAME WON THE GAME? AGAIN LADIESLOOK- For Tuesday and Wed: nesday Only 300 Pairs 1: 5 airs of women's shoes, in patent with cloth of the so-called shock a including tops, tops. and Price; calfskin with cloth $2.85 price gray, blue and br $5.85 2 THE SHOP AHEAD Corner Corner Genesee Genesee and Baum and Baum 5. Streets BOOT Streets 8 4. 3 12 BIG CROWDS COMING FOR CONVENTIONS Hotels of Saginaw are just about exhausted of reservations for.

Wednesday night in anticipation of the 600 or 700 bean growers and handlers and those from many parts of the United States who are interested in this crop and will be here, Wednesday and Thursday, when the an nual Jobbers convention is held. the The Michigan Bean Growers will meet previous. to the jobbers convention and will canvass the situation and it is expected they will report to the jobbers what they want for the 1917 crop 02 beans. Men are coming to Saginaw from California, New York, Color ado and other states and from present prospects the Michigan situation is the pivotal point of the bean situation in the United, States. BIDS WITHIN REACH FOR WORK ON ALUMNI FIELD Bids have been received for the Alumni field track which are low enough to he within the amount of money which can be raised for the work and it is probable that some action looking toward the immediate remodeling of the field will be taken.

The new bids run between? $1,100 and $1,400. The specifications now call for a track with 1 24-foot straightway in front of the grand stand, a 20-foot stretch and 14-foot turns. This will cost much less than the track contemplated in the original specifications, which wag 'to have been wide all around. ferne Saginaw high school athletic association. which has agreed to finance the work; has about $800 on hand at present, and it is expected that the association can raise the balance.

7 BUILDINGS UNDER WAY AT SHIP PLANT Operations at the "Saginaw Ship Building company yards; in Carrollton, just north of the Sixth street bridge. are being rushed as fast as possible. Construction Engineer larry D. Chase, has work started on seven buildings that will be used. A large force of men is being employed.

WARLIKE SCENE AT PARK SUNDAY MORNING AS CIVILAN UNITS PRACTICE (Continued from Page On the source of great pride to the men who have promoted them. The Red Cross unit was first on the scene, encamping at the south end of the great bowl and then drilling under Mr. Strachan. The organization has splendid equipment and attractive uniforms making a fine appearance. In the meantime the Rifle club was maneuvering.

in the territory adjoining Holland avenue. A scouting party went out ahead and found the way. They cut across the hollows north of the park, lover railroad tracks and through brush, and fences, Anally, entering. The men skirmished through the trees alone until Washington reaching avenue the south end of the and continued park. Preparations were then made for "ALL MY FAMILY TAKE FATHER JOHN'S Medicine When They Need a Tonic.

It Builds New Flesh and Strength Here is part of a letter written from Pittsburg: This is picture of my oldest boy when he was seven months old. That winter he. had a very bad attack of croup and had a doctor for a time but could not get help for him so I got a bottle of Father John's Medicine and it helped once and gave him great relief. I always give Father John's Medicine to all my family whenever they need tonic. (Signed) Mrs.

W. F. Flucher: 7003 Wiltsie E. Pittsburg, Pa." For all the family, the older people as well as the children Father John's Medicine is the best body building tonic because it de actual food Which 13 easily taken up by those who are weak and run down. is safe because it does not contain.

alcohol or dangerous drugs of any form. -Adv. the main event of the morning. The skirmishstarted from the vicinity of the Red Cross camp. Someone fell spurt and.

the Red Cross men were signalled, the stretchers hurried out and the wounded carried back, the motor ambulance being sometimes brought into service. At the field hospital which was equipped with a surgical table and other the scene was interesting. Wounds were dressed and apparently, able-bodied men were thoroughly bandaged. There were one of do cases of actual accidents, bruised Angers, and these, were also cared fo Just the completion of the skirmish came the unheralded thrill, McGee appearing from the east in his plane. He New directly over the fleld and then disappeared to the All of the men! were enthusiastic with the morning's work, the organtzations deriving mutual benefit through o- The stunt will no doubt.

be repeated. St. Louts -James B. Vliet, 83 years old, for 60 years a Louis' resident. early of Michigan is and dead one at of his St.

home here. He served. three years the Civil war, A member, of Company Michigan infantry. The widow and one soni Clarence, of Washington, ID. C.

survive. 8 NEURALGIA rub the Forehead and Temples with VICKS HARDWARE AGENTS FOR MARSHALL FURNACE COMPANY WALTER FRAZEE SONS FUNERAL DIRECTORS 307 Washington PEACHES! Albertas Bushel $2.25 10 Wit one bushel of peaches. Ho comb Bros. Stores. Hamlin 1202 Court POPP WOLF AND THE DEMONSTRATION OF THI 1900 WASHER WILL CONTINUE At Our Store Al This Week For those who failed to see the exhibit of the 11900 Washers' have ranged to continue the demonstration: at our store this week.

machine for we believe it has more good features any market frame is of heavy steel; the tub of 16-oz. copper tin on the inside rusting: exposed or cogs; no obstructions on in terior tub: machine from the heaviest to the sheer. BE SURE AND SEE THIS DEMON RATION POPP WOLI CO. 10 712-722 Genes.

The Saginaw News from Saginaw, Michigan (2024)
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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

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Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.