Lake Placid - jawnslulluby21 - Hawaii Five-0 (2010) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Chapter 1: Serendipity

Chapter Text

…’All men must have someone, have someone
Who would never take advantage
Of a love bright as the sun
Someone to understand them
And you just may be the one
All men must have someone, have someone
Who would never take for granted
All the pleasures and the fun
Someone to stand beside them
And you just may be the one
I saw when you walked by
The love light in your eye
I knew I must try
To win you more than just a friend
I'm starting near the end
And here I go again…’

Surround me like a circle.

Danny really liked that phrase. It just sorta fit into his way of life.

“4.25. How’s it going Kelso?”

Danny nodded and shrugged. “It’s goin’ I suppose.” He counted out his change and left the big man behind the counter of the Bodega a dollar tip, separated neatly from the price of his cigarettes and Snickers bar, so that Hi! I’m Ray on his name tag would know the extra was his.
Danny stuffed everything in the pockets of his faded blue hoodie and swaggered out into the cold night.

It wasn’t going to be profitable, he lamented. Such a cold night, too cold to bring the steady stream of gawkers and lookie for Lou’s out.

Out of the street light’s reach and into the shadows, Danny leaned against the side of a brick building, cupped his hands over his lighter and took a drag off the now lit cigarette, the nicotine pounding his system with a fury. He watched as a truck stopped for the light and the driver, just barely visible in the dim dash lights, looked over. Danny feigned interest. If it was a cop he wanted no part of it. If he was a true customer, he’d no doubt circle the block and return to check Danny out a second time.

Sure enough, the man in the truck came back and pulled over to the side of the street next to the curb. Danny snubbed his cigarette on the sole of his shoe, threw the butt in the trash bin and sauntered over to the passenger side of the truck, where the man had put down the window.

“How much?” The man asked.
Danny grinned and pulled up the hood a bit more so it covered a good bit of his face.
“What? I thought you wanted directions. f*ck no I don’t do that!” Danny turned and walked back to where he’d been standing while the man in the truck (so obviously a cop and a rookie at that) swore and tried to get Danny to come back. f*ck, the man wasn’t a customer; he was a cop. Danny wasn’t stupid.

The rest of the evening, Danny had a couple easy hits— one where he just had to flash his junk and pretend he was a movie star (weird fantasy but he made 200 bucks just putting his co*ck on display) and the other was a fast and furious hand job behind a park bench. The ground had been cold and damp but the earth was soft which made standing up a whole lot easier on Danny’s bum knee. It was time now to go home and take a shower, curl up on the couch/bed and break into his stash of dill pickle chips.

Danny kept the hoodie up until he reached his apartment building. The outside of the building didn’t look like much, but he could pay the rent here easily enough and the monthly price included AC and heat, plus there was a security system. In his line of work, he was most grateful for that.

20 minutes later, Danny was in his sweat pants and tee he wore for pajamas and set about making a toasted cheese sandwich. He thought about the night’s clients, 5 regulars and 2 one and done and wondered how much he had saved up til now. First things first. He’d eat then look at his stash.

Across the city, in a penthouse that rivaled Dolce and Gabbana’s residence in Portofino, Steve McGarrett adjusted his bow tie and smoothed down his jacket. He personally hated these late night soirées but his mother had insisted he attend, urging him to escort Catherine Rollins, an up and coming socialite whose parents owned a couple of racetracks and the Smooth Egg franchise. He opened his medicine cabinet and pulled out a box which he turned over on its side so he could shake out one of the little bottles of amyl nitrate, a popper that he’d use before he attempted sex with Catherine. This was the only way he could feel any desire for her. It was effective and kept her from asking questions if he didn’t manage to get hard on cue. What was expected of him sometimes sucked, Steve thought.

“Steven? We should go.”
His mother waited outside Steve’s bedroom door until her son opened it and walked out, extending his arm to take hers. She placed her hand on the crook of his elbow as they headed towards the lift.

“You look lovely, Mother,” Steve said, and actually meant it. Doris McGarrett, at 55 years old, was a head Turner for the middle age set. She kept trim with tennis and yoga; her hair was short in a cropped cut, coloured a dark auburn, and her brown eyes missed nothing. When Steve was a child, he always thought of his mother as a falcon, always looking around and knowing what’s what.

“And you, my dear boy, are so handsome. Catherine is going to feel lucky to be your Plus One.”

Steve’s free hand automatically drifted to his pocket where he’d stashed the popper. He didn’t know about being lucky but he was at least prepared.

Danny finished his dinner and cleaned his few dishes, stacking them in a tidy manner in one of the two cupboards he had in his efficiency kitchen. From force of habit, he made sure his door was locked, checking each of the five locks and security bar, and lowered his shades on the windows facing outside. Satisfied, he sat on the floor beside his bed and moved aside the throw rug, exposing the old wooden floorboards beneath.

He bent his head in concentration, the tip of his tongue protruding just slightly from his mouth, and pulled up one of the boards. Tucked way beneath the open space was a silver lockbox. Danny placed the box on his lap and slipped a chain off his neck. At the end was a key which he used to open the box.

Concentrating as he counted, Danny added today’s stash to the thick pile of bills and sat back satisfied. Soon, he’d have enough to blow the city and travel anywhere. They day was coming; he was confident.

Catherine rolled her eyes as she looked at Steve who was sprawled on the bed in the suite. He was snoring softly with no indication that he was going to wake up and engage in the hot sex she thought they’d have.
“Asshole!” She muttered. Well, she wasn’t leaving empty handed. Catherine pulled Steve’s jacket off the foot of the bed where he’d thrown it and looked for his wallet. “You’re going to make it worth my while for getting a blow out.” Catherine pulled out what bills were in Steve’s wallet and threw the now empty leather trifold on his stomach. He flinched slightly but didn’t wake up. “f*ck you, McGarrett!” Catherine stomped out of the suite, hair swinging as she flounced.

Steve waited until he heard the door slam shut before he made a move and when he was sure she was gone, he sat up and grabbed the tv remote. Wait until she looked at the money she’d taken from the wallet. Steve made sure he had plenty of one dollar bills and a five. Catherine had claimed exactly 26 dollars; wouldn’t she be surprised?

His mother thought he and Catherine were doing the nasty so she just told him to take one of the suites in their friend’s swanky hotel where the late dinner/get together had been held. Steve just could not face trying to have sex with the stick thin and annoying Catherine. The very thought of it, even with the popper was almost puke inducing.

“I suppose I could have thought about that cute guy I saw in the park the other day,” Steve said aloud to no one. “Now HE was hot!” And obviously a sex worker, Steve reasoned. Oh well, fantasies should not be wasted. Steve kicked off his shoes, undid his tie and unbuttoned his shirt. He picked up his phone and scrolled through it, looking at the Escorts page but alas, the blonde haired kid was nowhere to be found. “Who ARE you?” Steve whispered.

Danny took a shower and crawled into bed, tired but still a bit wired. He had been reading Les Miserables by Hugo so he picked that up and got lost in the redemption of Jean Valjean as part of him also dreamed about having an adventure. He dreamed of leaving the city and going somewhere peaceful where he could maybe write a book like some of his heroes— Hugo, Fitzgerald, Bukowski, Hunter Thompson, Michael Hastings, Jonathan Franzen—and live off the royalties and never have to support himself like he did at the present time.

Time for bed now. Danny shut off the light and snuggled with his stuffie, one of the only two things he’d kept when he had run away from home 2 years ago. Tomorrow was another day. Another dollar towards shaking the chains that kept him doing what he was doing.

The next morning, after a pleasant night’s sleep, Steve showered and changed into the clean new clothes the concierge had purchased at his request. He wasn’t ready to go home yet; perhaps after brunch, he’d cruise the park and people watch. Doris would be home but would figure he and Catherine were spending time getting busy in the hotel so he had a lot of free time to kill, as was the past time of the idle rich, like he was.

Brunch was tasty. Steve arranged for his clothes from the night before to be sent to the valet then delivered to the house and left the hotel on foot, deciding to walk off the eggs and potatoes he’d consumed. It was a nice day, a bit chilly for late August, but pleasant enough to walk without a jacket as long as you wore something with long sleeves.

Steve ignored the vibration of the phone in his jeans pocket; it was no doubt Catherine calling to scream and swear at him and he just could not would not put up with her reedy voice, the tone of which was like fingernails on a chalkboard. A voicemail, if she left him one, he could delete easily enough without bothering to listen to it.

A coffee was in order so Steve stopped at Starbucks, waited patiently in line, ordered an Americano, tipped, and picked up his drink when it was ready. The barista had drawn a heart next to his name on the cup and that made Steve smile. She had more empathy and personality than the shrew harpy he was expected to marry.

Steve was halfway to the swan pond when he spotted the blonde. There was a moment of uncertainty (was it him?) followed by a little shock down his spine setting his central nervous system ablaze as Steve determined that the boy in the blue hoodie and worn looking Chucks was the person he’d been wanting to see.

What were the chances?
Was this fate? Or serendipity like the sappy movie where John Cusack romanced Kate Beckinsale over hot chocolates? Either way, Steve was determined not to waste an opportunity when it had fallen in his very interested lap.

Danny considered having a cigarette but there were a lot of kids around so he shoved the pack back into his pocket and decided maybe he shouldn’t even buy them. It wasn’t like he was a nicotine addict but the prop worked well when he was hunting or being hunted or just plain bored. Besides, his hair smelled like nasty smoke and lingered, and he didn’t particularly like that odour. Into the garbage can the cigarettes went but he kept the lighter because you never knew if or when you were going to need it.

“Excuse me? Hello? Hey!”

Danny stopped and turned around, happy that his hood was still up in case it was a cop or some nosy concerned citizen who had seen how young Danny was and wanted to report that he should be in school. To his surprise, he faced a young man with wavy dark hair cut rather short but tousled like he had just stepped out of a Nautica ad, and intense dark blue eyes under long dark lashes. He had the easy grace of someone who took care of himself and his clothes even at first glance screamed money.

“Uh hi my name is Steve.” Steve held his hand out offering to shake but Danny did not move.

“What do you want? I’m not interested in making a p*rn movie or being recruited to sell magazines door to door.” Danny squared his shoulders and played with the lighter inside his hoodie pocket, rolling it around in his palm.

“What oh no uh no nothing like that. Uh I was wondering…. Uh… do you want a hot dog or like a lemonade? We could sit and talk.” Steve asked hopefully.

“Talking will cost you a hundred for thirty minutes. If you think I’m interesting you can book me again tomorrow. I’ll listen to your bull sh*t as long as you want me to, provided you have the money to pay.” Danny waited, sure the young man would give up.

“Yeah fine let’s go. Uh we can sit inside maybe? It’s a little chilly.. out here..” Steve pointed to the Balcony, a little shop advertising baked goods and brews. “How about there?”

“You’re buying that too,” Danny muttered but started down the walk with Steve close behind.

Once seated, Danny looked at the menu while Steve looked at Danny, studying him while Danny concentrated on his choices. The boy was attractive though not in the standard all American advertisers way. Steve wished he’d lower the hood so he could see his hair but the few strands that peeked out from it were curly and a streaky blonde brown.
Steve had no way of knowing that it was not even the beginnings of Danny’s hair. Plump pleasing lips, Sandy coloured lashes and eyebrows completed his face.

“Stop staring. It’s not polite,” Danny muttered still scoping out the menu. Steve felt his cheeks flush and picked up his own menu.

“You gonna lose the hood? It’s kind of oh I dunno rude to keep it up inside a restaurant.” To Steve’s surprise, Danny pulled it down without looking at Steve. Oh that hair was gloriously long and soft looking. Steve swallowed, focused on choosing what kind of lemonade he was going to order.
“Are you ready to uh to order?” Steve asked.

“Yeah.” Danny flipped the plastic menu down and stretched, arching his back and raising his arms as he yawned. “Sorry. I was up early.”

“About that,” Steve began but was interrupted when the server came for their orders. “Uh I’ll have a strawberry lemonade, and a piece of strawberry pie.”

Danny snorted and looked up at Steve in disbelief. “Strawberries? Really? He’ll have a brownie with caramel. Me too and a big glass of water and ice thanks.” Danny gave her the menus and leaned back, cooly studying Steve. “You don’t order f*cking strawberry anything when they are out of season! Stick with the chocolate.”

“What if I was allergic to chocolate?” Steve countered.
“Then you would have said something to me and to her. But I hope you aren’t but feel determined to eat it because you want to please me.” Danny crossed his arms in front of his chest and co*cked his head.

“How old are you?” Steve asked.
“Gonna have to do better than that for a starter conversation,” Danny said, still co*cking his head.

Steve laughed and shook his head. “Wow. You’re gritty.”
“Thank God you didn’t say salty,” Danny scoffed. “I hate that.”
“ it’s pretentious bullsh*t.”
“Kind of like the Prada shirt you’ve got on?” Danny said, eyes narrowing. “What exactly is it you want? I can sit here running the clock if you want or you can just fess up to what you REALLY want to do.”

Steve couldn’t speak for a few seconds but Danny picked up the slack of silence.
“I’m Danny. And yes that’s my real name. And you are?”

“Steve. And that too is my real name.”
“Ok. So answer my question please.” Danny sat back as the server brought their food over and set their order in front of them. Danny thanked her and put a napkin on his lap obviously waiting for Steve to say something.

“I just… I have seen you around. You’re… you’re cute ok? I think so anyways.” Steve sipped his drink and decided that he was not good at flirting with this man child across from him.

“Huh.” Danny snorted and concentrated on his brownie. “So Steve. Are you rich?”
“Yes. Not gonna lie. My late father was head of McGarrett Industries. “

Danny stopped eating and set his fork down. The look on his face was not conducive to pleasant conversation.
“I see. Son of the man whose corporation is advocating for the construction of flimsy tract condos on public lands in Hart Island which is part of the Pelham Islands archipelago?!?! But I suppose you have no problem with that because after all, usurping cemeteries to put a soulless subdivision on the property means nothing to you as long as you can wear Prada and look like a male model.”

“I’ll be paying you with that money for your sparkling wit and debate.” Steve suddenly had no appetite and set his fork down forcefully.

“You’re right. Thanks but I’ll pay my own bill.” Danny peeled off a five from an impressive roll of cash and then added another. “We’re done. See ya, Steve.”

“For a whor* you think you’re pretty smart,” Steve shot back. f*ck. He saw the hurt that momentarily flashed on Danny’s face. “I’m sorry. That was out of line.”

Danny walked away and put his hood up as he hit the door with both palms to open it.
You’re an idiot, McGarrett, Steve thought. He exhaled a breath he didn’t realize he was holding and threw a twenty to cover his snack and left too.

Maybe it was the confrontation with Steve or the fact that Danny was being too cautious in who he allowed to approach him but things certainly dried up in the afternoon. Danny bought another pack of cigarettes and ended up giving them away to one of his friends who regularly strolled the streets at night. She tried to pay him but he refused and decided to just go home.

Steve went straight to the roomy and opulent quarters of his suite in the mansion, avoiding Doris who was no doubt busy banging the tennis instructor or the pool boy. Steve didn’t care. He ignored her most of the time but looking back on what Danny had said, he wondered if their corporation actually DID displace cemeteries to build condos! It was oh so Poltergeist!

He supposed he could go ask Joe White, his father’s best friend, advisor and now head of the company but he didn’t want to appear too eager since he’d had no interest in it before. Steve sat down at his desk and Googled the company and cross referenced that with Hart Island. Three hours and more research later, Steve hastened to the study where Joe usually was most of the time, Steve’s head full of facts.

Danny ate a PB&J sammy then brushed his teeth, changed from the hoodie to a very tight very almost see through black knit polo and took the bandie out of his hair shaking it loose from the pony. He was gliding on autopilot, eager to get rid of the memory of the blue eyes under those long lashes.

His first trick that night was a regular who tipped well. He touched Danny until Danny shot off in his hand then spent the rest of the allotted time holding on to him and calling him by his dead boyfriend’s name. Danny actually liked him but his heart broke for him too.

Danny cruised the area outside Washington Park, taking a chance because there had been some beatings recently but he did not get any hits so he took it back to Central Park, riding the subway to get where he wanted and on that train car, he got some interest from a very well dressed genial looking man.
This could be your lucky night, he’d told Danny.
Turned out he was wrong about that.

“Why are you suddenly interested in what is now a moot matter? Don’t you keep busy enough with your swimming and training? Why should you care, Steve!? John made sure that all of these projects would continue to put food on your table and insure you live in a palace.” Joe White crossed his arms and sat on the edge of the desk. He hid the burn on his hand from Steve’s sight and in his head, pushed back his earlier encounter with the kid in the hoodie.

“If it’s true it isn’t right! Displacing bodies! Come on! I know my Dad was into real estate but who buys land not for sale and makes it a cul de sac? How is it fair?” Steve paced around the library, not meeting Joe’s intense gaze.

“Take it or leave it Steve. The company is in your mother’s name and Doris —“

“Doris or you. Joe? I mean, I’d think my mother would have more compassion for those poor people than you would have and who would think my father would approve of these plans?”

“You’re one to talk, son.” Joe poured a tumbler half full of whiskey and held it out to Steve who refused it. “Very well. It’s time you know some things, and trust me, I thought Doris was going to tell you but once again I’m left holding the bag.” He took a sip of the amber liquid.

“f*ck it, Joe,”Steve said bitterly. “Maybe I should have stayed in Annapolis.”
“That was my recommendation but Doris has a soft spot for you so she wanted to bring you home.” Joe looked him up and down. “Why don’t you go on back to your room and I’ll forget we had this conversation.”

Steve felt the betrayal rolling off the man in front of him. He wasn’t sure what he could exactly do but he knew one thing. He was in danger.

Danny collapsed on the bed and tried to stop the tears. He was bruised, battered but definitely lucky. If he hadn’t thought quickly and found the lighter in his hoodie pocket, lit it and held it to the bald man’s hand to make him let go of his neck, Danny would have for sure ended up in the landfill.
He got some ice out of the freezer and wrapped it in a washcloth, pressed it against his neck and felt the soothing cold momentarily stop his aching bruised flesh. He knew he could not work looking like he did—- one eye was already swollen and his lip was split— but that was ok. It was time to go. New York City had sucked him dry and it was time he try to regain his soul.

Steve packed quickly after transferring funds to his personal account. He had a good deal in there already and he wanted to make sure that he took what he felt was owed to him. There were millions tied up in accounts for Doris and he supposed Joe too.
Steve planned to leave after he was sure they were in bed but as he finished zipping up his duffel, snatches of conversation drifted up from the gardens below. Stealthily, Steve crouched down and listened, trying not to make any noise at all.

“—I never thought we’d have to do that.” Doris.

“I’m not sure if he isn’t a bigger liability than I thought he might be. I was hoping he would have pursued a career in the Navy. God knows why he didn’t stay.” Joe.

“What happened to your hand? That looks painful.” Doris.
Steve wondered too, peeking up just so he could see them down at the walkway that circled the garden. Joe was showing his mother what looked like a splotch, because Steve could not properly see it at this distance.

“Little bastard burned me. I tried to do some rough Justice in taking a whor* off the streets but the kid was quick and got me with a lighter I didn’t know he had.”

“You’d better tie up loose ends, Joe. He might have been a whor* but whor*s talk.”

“I know his name is Danny but they call him Kelso on the street. He’s underage but he’s prancing around selling his sh*t—“

“You bought it, Joe!” Doris giggled.

“It’s not funny is it? I need to send a couple guys to Heartland Apartments to put him down. Now let’s go have a drink and talk about the best way to deal with your meddling son.”

Steve willed himself to move.
Had Joe been talking about Steve’s Danny?!?! Steve’s Danny who fit the description that Joe mentioned????

He grabbed his duffel and looked around his room. One last thing. Steve popped the SIM card out of his phone and flushed it down the toilet. He threw the remains of his phone into the waste basket and quietly skipped out of his room and down the stairs. He knew the evening shift of workers was leaving for the night and he hoped to get a ride from one of them.

Danny curled up on his side and stroked his stuffie, absently registering the still plushness of the giraffe. He ached all over but knew he’d dodged a bullet and was thankful for the chance to be alive. f*cking pervert. He was almost asleep when the security buzzer rang.
“What the f*ck?”
Danny got up with an audible groan and, holding his rib cage, arm around his chest, clicked on the response bar.
“Who’s there?”

“Danny? Is this Danny from the park? Listen, it’s Steve.”

Steve?!?! Steve!!!! How the hell..

“Look I don’t want to keep arguing—“

“Listen to me!!! That man you burned is sending over someone to dispatch you and I don’t mean as in a telegram! Danny, let me up! We are in danger!”

How the hell did Steve know about the guy that night?!?! Maybe he was telling the truth?! Danny buzzed him in and went to the door keeping it open a crack so he could see Steve as he came up to the stair landing. Sure enough, Steve was there, dressed more casually in cargo pants and long coat and he was lugging a duffel. Danny stepped back as Steve cautiously pushed the door open. One look at Danny and his face registered shock.

“Did he do that? Did he hurt you like that?” Steve asked.
“Doesn’t matter. Tell me again what’s going on?” Danny asked.

“Give me your phone,” Steve said suddenly, holding his hand out and wiggling his fingers. “Come on come on!”

“What are you doing?” Danny asked placing his phone in Steve’s hand. Steve whirled, walked quickly to the window, opened it and punched the screen out. “Hey! I have a security deposit on this place!” Danny protested. Steve proceeded like he didn’t hear Danny and tossed the phone exactly at the same time as an open bed dump truck went rumbling by. The phone disappeared into the bins and bags. “I paid 500–“

“Listen to me, Danny!!! “ Steve gently cradled that bruised face in his hands. “We are both going to die if we don’t get out of here and trust me when I say that Joe White, the man who you burned, is out for revenge. As for me, if it wasn’t for my mother’s sentimental streak I’d have been Dead a long time ago. We gotta go! Pack a bag and move it!”

Danny searched those eyes and decided Steve was telling the truth. He nodded and Steve stepped away and over to the fridge. While Danny packed (and he didn’t have all that much) , Steve salvaged whatever food he could find from the cupboard.

“We can’t use cards like debit or credit. I got thirty thousand out and left all of my cards behind. How about you?” Steve asked as Danny started to move the rug and floorboards to access his stash. “What are you doing?”

“Getting my money. “ Danny pulled a round wad out of the lockbox and looked around not knowing what to do with it.

“Do you trust me?” Steve asked.


“Give that here and I’ll add it to mine. Just temporarily! This metal wallet thing can’t be scanned.”

“How are we supposed to get past the scanners at security?” Danny asked.
“Oh we aren’t flying. Now you got everything?” Steve asked.

“Yeah guess so…” Danny’s breath hitched as he tried to draw a deep breath. “Where are we going?”

“Ithaca NY by Greyhound. From there we will take another bus to Lake Placid.” Steve paused. “You know we won’t ever come back here.”

Danny grinned looking like a prizefighter with his facial injuries.
“That’s ok. I never liked this place anyways.”

Chapter 2: Flight


Steve uses his skills to get them out of the city.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

‘…. Love my way, it's a new road
I follow where my mind goes, they'd put us on a railroad
They'd dearly make us pay for laughing in their faces and making it our way
There's emptiness behind their eyes, there's dust in all their hearts
They just want to steal us all and take us all apart, but not in
Love my way, it's a new road
I follow where my mind goes
Love my way, it's a new road
I follow where my mind goes….’

Danny impatiently pulled at the rack of tee shirts and sighed.
“There are no small sizes. Just like large and up.”He glanced at Steve who was buying trucker hats with I❤️NY on them. “Oh no I’m not wearing that! Steve!” Danny protested but Steve was oblivious. Danny grabbed 2 shirts both in Size large and brought them over to the counter.

“We will take these thanks.” Steve paid cash and shook his head when the clerk asked if they wanted a bag. “Can you cut these tags off though? I’d appreciate it.”

Five minutes later they were heading for the subway station.
“Here. Danny! This way.” Danny reluctantly followed Steve into one of the bathrooms at the station and Danny was immediately reminded why he didn’t like to come here for any reason. He walked around a man who was on knees giving head to another man wearing a suit with just his zipper open. Steve possessively pulled Danny into one of the stalls and squeezed in with him, bolting the door behind them. “Listen, change into your tee shirt. Put your hoodie away and tuck that hair up into the cap. Here are some fake glasses, glass lenses, to wear. There’s gonna be a lot of security cams around the bus stop and I want them not to notice us. We’re gonna look like 2 tourists.”

“That’s actually kind of brilliant. “ Danny pulled off his hoodie taking his shirt with it and stuffed both in his duffel. Steve tried not to cringe at the bruises which had come up in full bloom including definite hand marks around Danny’s throat.

“Ok. Gotta do something about that. Wait I know what we can do,” Steve said. “We have to walk a little ways to get to the bus station after we get off the subway. We can look for a NY souvenir hoodie. Ok come on.”

Danny winked at the man who was giving head as they walked by and thanked God he wasn’t hustling that night.

They took the subway to the 175th Street Station and started to walk the block or so to the George Washington Bridge Bus Station. Good to his word, Steve popped in to a souvies kiosk and came out with a rather warm looking black NY The Big Apple hoodie and a NYR scarf.

Danny gratefully zipped up the hoodie as Steve wrapped and tucked the scarf into the hoodie so it hid Danny’s neck.
“Come on. If you have to go, go now. I’m gonna get some snacks for on the bus.” Steve kissed Danny on the forehead and was gone, heading towards the snack area.

Were they in so much danger they had to play this kind of game, Danny wondered but he hit the restroom before getting on a steel beast that would take him to someplace far away where, Steve said, they would start over. That is, if Steve was going to stay with him. Of that he was not sure.

“Ok, my turn.” Steve gave Danny two plastic bags to hold and hustled into the bathroom. Danny stood and waited, people watching as he did. Steve had purchased a couple of burner phones and was going to set those up before they got on the bus.

“Miss me?” Steve said as he appeared at Danny’s side. Danny jumped a little because he was startled and Steve gently patted Danny’s arm. “Sorry fir scaring you. Let’s get on the bus. We have 5 hours and 43 minutes til Ithaca and we will arrive there at approximately 8:30 am.”

The bus was roomier than Steve remembered from his days going places in the Navy program. Danny wanted to sit by the window which worked out because Steve had a bit more leg room on the aisle. They were into their snacks before they left the terminal.

“So from … Ithaca.. we go to … ?” Danny asked popping a cheese and pretzel Combo piece into his mouth.
“We go to Lake Placid,” Steve said quietly. “I know someone there.”

Danny frowned. “But if you know that person, won’t .. that guy who tried to kill me—“


“Ok JOE. Does JOE know his name? And come looking for you?” Danny asked somewhat exasperated then remembered Steve was helping him. Maybe he’d be dead by now had he stayed in the apartment. It was a sobering thought.

“What? What’s that look all about?” Steve asked, noting Danny’s thoughtful stare.

“Won’t Joe come after you if he knows who your friends are?” Danny twisted off the cap of his juice and took a big swig. “That tastes good.”

“He doesn’t know all of my secrets. Besides my friend? He’s a cop in Lake Placid. Joe won’t mess with him but better yet, Joe is never gonna know where we went.” Steve yawned and put his bag of snacks away. “Let’s try and get some sleep right? We have another very long bus ride ahead after we get to Ithaca.” With that, Steve slumped down and closed his eyes, pulling his parka around his middle.

Danny was tired but wired. His usual state, for sure. He looked out the bus window and watched the traffic whizzing by on the other side of the interstate. Steve hadn’t messed with their burners yet and Danny did not want to step on his toes and try to turn his on and use it.

Just why would that crazy maniac Joe want to kill Steve? Man, the rich had some problems!

“Quit thinking so loud and go to sleep. You can even take the glasses off. I know they must be bugging your eyes.” Steve reached over, found Danny’s hand and squeezed it. “You can lean on me if you want to.”

Danny sighed and pulled his hood up using it as a sort of buffer between his very sore face and the solid set of Steve’s shoulder. He had slipped the glasses into the hoodie pocket along with a pair of gloves that he’d purchased at the souvie shop. He hated being cold and his hands usually were the first victim of the dampness. He closed his eyes and to his surprise, he fell asleep.

Steve woke up first, smiling because Danny was leaning against him, head pressed right against Steve’s arm. Christ, he was so pretty. Did he know that or was he just operating in a bubble of cluelessness? Steve wasn’t sure where the fierce need to protect the boy had come from but it was strong.

Carefully, not wanting to wake Danny, Steve extracted the burner phones he’d purchased at the souvenir shop and slid them out of the plastic packaging. He could conceivably set them up here as he’d made 2 anonymous new email accounts for that very purpose. Danny jerked a little, as Steve began to program each phone, but didn’t wake up.

There. Both phones were activated. Steve would stash the prepaid phone cards he’d used but right now, he needed to charge them. The bus also had access to charging ports at every seat so Steve plugged in one at his seat and the other next to Danny’s seat. Step two was complete.

It was a bit exhilarating being on the run like this. Who knew he could do some James Bond plus a few tricks he’d learned from the Naval academy? Perhaps he should have pursued his Naval career and fulfilled his dream of being a Navy SEAL, but when his father died, Steve just felt he should come home. Looking back, that was a mistake. Here he was at 22, sitting in a bus with the city’s youngest prostitute, heading to a resort town in the Adirondacks. Well. Certainly never a dull moment.

God, Steve was hungry! He carefully reached down and retrieved one of the snack bags and tried not to rustle it but the plastic had other ideas. Danny sat up; he huffed a breath as he went to rub his eyes, but encountered the sore black and blue swollen eye and gave up on that idea quickly. Owlishly, he looked around.

“What time is it?” Danny asked.
“Almost 600 hours. We have a bit of time to go yet.” Steve retrieved a cellophane wrapped Turkey and cheese sandwich from the bag, and held it up like it was a prize. “Want one?”

Danny nodded and accepted it gratefully. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d eaten. Steve also pulled out a sandwich and made short work of it, swallowing and chewing it in three or so big bites. He drank the rest of his open bottle of juice and pointed to the phones that were charging.

“I set them up and wrote down the phony email account for yours, along with the number. And I was thinking, if we get to Ithaca at that early hour, we can go have breakfast somewhere providing the bus station isn’t out in BFE and maybe we could even think about getting a room for the night. I kind of want to sink into anonymity slowly because Joe White will be thinking I’d do the opposite.”

“Are you scared he will catch us?” Danny asked.

“Scared? No. And you know, if he didn’t find us in your apartment, then he might just give up and say screw it.”

But I doubt it, Steve thought. He’s gonna come for me eventually because I’m a loose end. Joe never liked loose ends and Steve was definitely one who could completely unravel and cause major harm to the company and its reputation.

“Right? I mean, I have a dummy credit card.”
“What?” Steve asked guilty because he’d been daydreaming. Danny didn’t seem to mind, though, and repeated what he’d said.

“I have a dummy credit card. I mean it works and everything but it’s attached to a false name and fake creds. I bought it from an identity thief, some guy in the UK. Anyways, I’ve used it a couple times and as long as I pay the bank where the card is affiliated, it serves me well.” Danny looked at Steve out of his one good eye, as the other was swollen shut. “Do you think we could stay at a hotel? Is there somewhere safe around the bus area because to tell you the truth, I’d love a shower and a stretch out.”

“God that sounds good. Ok, we can look into it when we get there. I think too once we are there I’ll call my friend Chin Ho Kelly in Lake Placid and get the ball rolling.”

They ate their apples and the packs of Nilla wafers Steve had bought for snacks and once done, used some wet wipes from a box provided by the bus company.

“Did you ditch all of your electronics at home?” Danny asked as he watched out the window at the rising sun. “I bet you lived in a real fancy house huh?”

“Yeah I mean that’s a fair question. We did. I mean I did. They are still there in the house, my Mom and Joe.” Steve checked the status of the charging phones. “Never thought they’d try to kill me though.”

“Can I ask if you are an only child?” Danny said. He snuggled down in the seat with his new hoodie keeping him warm. He felt disconnected and at the same time a bit apprehensive. He’d taken the leap of faith to come with Steve without another thought. What if this was all unnecessary? What if Steve was just being paranoid?

“No I have a younger sister whom I have not seen in years. Last I knew she was partying it up in Denver with the friends she’s living with, so there’s that. I’m not certain she’s going to finish high school but that’s not my problem.” Steve leaned back and closed his eyes. He hadn’t thought about Mary in such a long time. “How about you? Brothers? Sisters?”

Danny shook his head no. “I have had my share of supposed family. That isn’t for me, all that warm and fuzzy bullsh*t. It doesn’t exist.”

“Spoken like a true cynic. I kind of think you’re right though. After my Dad died, I found out ny mother and Joe, who had been my Dad’s best friend, were carrying on in an affair for several years, even when Dad was alive. Betrayal by a best friend who you thought of as your brother is the worst.” Steve glanced at Danny who was still tucked into his hoodie.

“No I kind of disagree with you,” Danny said. “Respectively. The worst is when your parents, who you have tried desperately to love, SELLS you to the slum lord of the building where they live. It took me a couple days to escape that hell but I did and I took his money that he had stashed. I was 13 years old.” Danny sighed and it’s the saddest sound Steve has ever heard. He moved in his seat so he could put his arm around Danny and pulled him closer. At first, the blonde put up resistance but then he was all warm and soft against Steve. Impulsively, Steve kissed Danny on the hoodie clad head.

“Life sucks sometimes but I promise you, our fortunes will be much better from now on.” Danny nodded but said nothing which, Steve thought, was approval of some kind.

They got off the bus, bleary eyed and blinking in the unexpected sunshine. The bus station was downtown which was a solid win for them. They could walk across the wide boulevard to the Hilton Garden Inn just in time for their breakfast buffet.

“What do you think? Wanna try that?” Steve asked. He was cringing inwardly at the sight of Danny’s eye and lip. The eye was way worse than the lip but they both looked painful.

“I’m hungry yeah for real let’s do it. We do look like a couple of wack jobs in these shirts though.” Danny picked up his duffel and waited while Steve grabbed his.

“Yeah but they are a necessary evil until we get inside and maybe get a room. Let’s go.”

The dining room wasn’t crowded (Steve had to think hard to remember the day was a Monday) and despite a bit of second looks at Danny’s face, the hostess seated them. They both knew they wanted the buffet which smelled pretty good, so they waited for their server to order their drinks.

“We’ll have coffee,” Steve said but Danny politely interrupted and asked for tea. Steve raised his eyebrows and looked at Danny in surprise. “Tea? Really?”
Danny laughed and punched Steve lightly in the arm. “Yes, goof. I like tea. Come on now. Those potatoes aren’t waiting around forever.”

The food was good and filling and after a third trip to the buffet for each of them, Steve took his wallet out to pay the bill. As he counted out the amount, he thought about Catherine and how pissed she must have been to discover there was only a paltry amount of money from her cash grab the other night.

“What’s funny?” Danny asked, getting anxious because everywhere he saw the signs that said check in was not until 1 pm.

“I’ll tell you later. Now. The credit card. Could I use it? I’m not sure they’ll buy it if you try and get us a room. They’ll ask for ID—“
“I have fake ID showing that I’m 18 and another saying I’m 21.” Danny bobbed forward like anyone would ever believe he was 21 years old.
“Hand over the card and let me do the talking,” Steve said holding out his hand.

With a bit of grumbling, Danny found the credit card in his wallet and gave it to Steve.
“Ok, go sit down on one of those chairs in the lobby and I’ll hopefully get us checked in early. Be right back.”

Danny sat down on a couch and watched as Steve confidently walked over to the main desk. A young woman in a Hilton Team Member polo shirt was sorting receipts but stopped when Steve arrived. Danny could not see or hear Steve but whatever he was selling, she was buying. Within a minute, Steve was filling out a room card info sheet and handing over the credit card to pay for a double with a king bed, at a reduced price no less.

“Grab your bag and let’s go and when we pass the desk, look very sore and innocent. She bought my story of us being mugged which is what happened to your face.” Steve guided Danny towards the elevator bay with one hand on Danny’s elbow and Danny did his best to look dejected and sad.

“If you need anything let us know!” She called out to them as they stood waiting for the elevator.

“Thank you Janelle!” Steve waved in acknowledgement.

Danny was never so happy to get a quick shower, change into clean clothes and lie on the bed with an ice pack on his throbbing eye. Steve, who had let Danny get showered first, strolled out of the bathroom with just a towel around his waist. Danny watched him walk to the luggage stand where he’d set his duffel.

Christ, the man had tattoos out the wazoo! There were the ones on both shoulders extending down his upper arm, a gecko on one of his pecs, something else on the other pec but it was his back that Danny couldn’t take his eyes off. That tat was huge, extending from his lower back to just above his buttocks, and wrapping around his hip bones to almost meet in the front.

“f*ck, that is one piece of pain!” Danny said. Steve laughed and pulled on a pair of undies and his jeans. Not that Danny didn’t also notice Steve’s lean long muscular body.

“Yeah it wasn’t easy to sleep most nights when I was getting it done.” Steve pulled on a tee and yawned as he approached the bed. “I’m gonna set my watch to wake us in an hour. We probably shouldn’t nap longer than that.”

“Agree. Ok.” Danny stretched again and definitely enjoyed the firm mattress and the roomy bed. He couldn’t ever remember sleeping on anything this nice before.

“You have tats.”

Danny grunted and looked down at his hand where he’d (stupidly) one day decided to have a tattoo artist mark his knuckles with the word Pony spelled out across them. It was a lasting tribute to a character in S.E. Hinton’s novel The Outsiders, Ponyboy Curtis, and although looking back, it wasn’t the brightest thing to do, Danny was kind of proud of it. There was also a cross, just a tiny one, on his right hand near the webbing between his thumb and pointer finger, indicating what? A semi interest in religion when Danny was trying to figure things out? The last, three dots on his left hand, at the base of his thumb, meant Mi Vida Loca, my crazy life, plus his journey was not done yet. The tattoo artist who had ink marked Danny for life had been hesitant to do so because of Danny’s age but his colleague in the shop had no such qualms if money greased his palm. Everyone could be bought and wasn’t that a damn shame?

“Yeah.” Danny adjusted the ice pack on his eye and tried to relax. He could sleep for many hours, not just one, but it felt good to just be clean and comfortable.

When Steve’s watch alarm rang, both of them jumped, as they had been deeply asleep.
“f*ck. I guess it’s time to wake up. I’d say we could get a walk but I don’t want to be strutting around the city so we are recorded on cams.”

“True that.” Danny sat up and grabbed the remote, clicking through the complimentary channels . He found a skateboarding/Extreme Sports competition and left it there as he pushed up so he was sitting with his back against the headboard. “Steve! Hey! Don’t go back to sleep! Come on! Sit up!!” Danny poked Steve and when there was just a mumble as a response, Danny pounced on him, shaking him and tickling.

“Down tiny tiger!” Steve laughed but it worked because he too sat up and yawned but looked awake. “How about I go down and get you more ice and some drinks? You like pop?”

“Yeah,” Danny gave him a look that was half fond, half exasperated as if he could not believe Steve had asked that.

“Ok. Be right back.” Steve slipped his shoes on and stood up, stretched and grabbed his wallet. “Caffeinated?”

“Hell yes!” Danny answered.

When Steve was gone, Danny reached over and grabbed the hotel ‘book’ with the rules. Inside, too, were ads of places that delivered to the hotel. Danny considered a menu of a pizza place and decided that it sounded the best of their dinner options.

“I’m back! Here we go, more ice,” Steve set the bucket down on the nightstand and reached for Danny’s towel that he’d had over his eye, “plus co*kes for us annnnnnd a couple of cracker and cheese packages. Just sounded good.”

“Steve, do you think you should call your friend? And when you talk to him maybe you could have him do a search to see what if anything your mom and Joe are doing. Like are they trying to find you? Or are we just reading more into it?”

“Good points. Yeah I’ll call him now.” Steve picked up one of the burner phones and punched a number in and waited.

Chin Ho Kelly shook his head as he wrote out a Civil Decency Violation for the young woman in front of him. The dip in the cold 40 degree lake water had done nothing to sober her up; it had just made her a freezing drunk.

“Your mother is en route but you need to realize what you did is very dangerous. Had you not come out of the water within seconds as you did, you’d probably be dead due to hypothermia. Going in naked was also not a good choice but you are very drunk.” His lecture was interrupted by the sounds of car tires screeching and a woman’s voice.
“Oh my God, Sabrina!!! What did you do? Come here oh my poor baby!” The girl’s mother hugged her tightly though as much as Chin wanted to see a happy ending there was the matter of the ticket.

“Excuse me but she needs to sign for this. She will receive a written summons in the mail within 10 days. It’s up to you to retain counsel.” Chin held the clipboard out and laid the pen on top of it. “Sign at the X.”

“Go ahead and sign it. I guarantee your father will have someone call the Chief of Police to sort this out!” The mother said angrily looking Chin up and down. Oh she was a regular ‘Karen’ she was.

“Good. I’m usually in the office early mornings. I’ll be more than happy to take his call.” Chin pulled off the ticket from the pad and handed it to the mother. With a tip of his hat, he walked back to the cruiser that he’d left jutting into traffic when he’d seen the girl walking into the waters. Just another day, he thought as he pulled out on to the main road.

When his personal phone rang, Chin glanced at the number but did not recognize it. Still, he was curious. Nobody except his trusted friends and family had his personal cell number so this was worth answering. Chin pulled off into an empty parking lot and turned off the cruiser.

“This is Chin Ho. Who am I speaking with please?”

“Hey buddy it’s good to hear your voice! How are you?”

“Steve!!! Hey it’s been a minute! How are you?”

“Listen, I’m in a bit of trouble. I have a friend with me and we’d like to hang out at Lake Placid for a while. Do you think you could meet us at the bus station tomorrow?”

“Just what kind of trouble? Can you tell me and where the hell are you calling from?” Chin asked.

Calling from Ithaca. We are going to take the bus tomorrow and should arrive in Lake Placid around 3 in the afternoon. As for the first question, it’s hard to explain but can you take a look at the back chatter to find out if there’s anything about me? Call me back at this number.”

Chin was momentarily flustered at Steve’s suddenly showing up but pulled it together. “Yeah to both. I’ll call you right back and of course I can pick you up. Are you with Catherine?”

At that, Steve laughed. “Nope. Call me back.”

“Did he ask if you were with Catherine?” Danny asked. “Who’s that? Girlfriend?”

“Not at all and she’s nobody you should worry about.” Steve took the remote and started changing channels.

“Excuse me. I was watching that!” Danny said, trying to reclaim the remote but he stopped because twisting that way made his ribs protest. Steve saw though, and the look of discomfort and pain on Danny’s face made him relinquish the remote and Pat Danny’s arm.

“Sorry. You ok? Did I hurt you?” Steve asked.

“No, I hurt me,” Danny laughed but it was humorless.
Steve picked up the book Danny had dropped and flipped through the ads. He was hyper aware of Danny laying so close to him; he actually could feel his heat. It was nice. Steve paused on the page where Danny had found the pizza place and decided he’d ask if that was a good place to order their dinner.

Chin waited until he returned to the office to check on Steve. He gave the patrol car keys to one of his deputies, an affable young man named Kris who was married to the man who had purchased the main ski lodge in the village.
Armed with a cup of tea, Chin began his search.

Danny and Steve were done eating and in the process of cleaning up, putting the extra leftover pizza in their mini fridge, when Chin called.

“What’s the word?” Steve asked, watching Danny wipe down the small table where they’d sat and ate. His eye definitely looked better and it was on the verge of opening thanks to the ice and ibuprofen.

“Steve.” Chin sounded serious. “There’s nothing on the main frame but when I delve deeper it’s really disturbing. Your mother, Doris McGarrett and an unnamed executive of the company are urging anyone with information about you to come foreword. They are making it seem like you are not in your right mind and need mental health. There’s also a confidential reward for information.”

“It’s a bounty,” Steve muttered. “They have taken out a bounty on me. Christ. Just when you think your mother couldn’t get any worse.”

Danny froze and turned around to face Steve. He could not believe there was a monetary bounty! Worse yet, apparently Steve’s own mother had posted it. He sat down beside Steve and gently weaved his fingers through Steve’s one hand, offering silent support.

“I don’t think she realizes how resourceful I am,” Steve continued. “Are there. … photos of me?”
Chin was about to answer but Steve went on. “Of course there are.”

“Listen, Steve, I’m sending a chopper to pick you guys up tomorrow. Can you get to Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport?”

“Chin you don’t have to —-“

“Yeah I do to keep you safe. You and your friend. Be at the airport at…. 11 am tomorrow. Remember Eric, the crazy pyro guy? He’s a pilot now so look for him and his big blue copter. And don’t worry about where you stay. If you don’t mind a little work in exchange for board, you’re all set.”

“Thank you, Chin. To say I’m grateful is an understatement. See you tomorrow. We will be at the airport at 10:30.”

Steve pushed END and told Danny what Chin had said.
“We are riding in a helicopter?” Danny asked, looking nervous but excited. “Wow! Sure beats the bus!” But then he quickly shifted gears. “Steve, I’m sorry about your Mom.”

“It’s ok.” Steve said and resisted the urge to kiss Danny. He did not want the blonde to think badly of him. Better to get to know him, find out how old he was, and delve a little into his past before making a move.

“It’s not but there’s nothing we can do about it. So,” Danny shrugged, “we will just stay on the down low. I’m used to doing that.”

They went to bed early with the intentions of getting up by 6 am. Breakfast was included and after they ate and packed, Steve used his boyish charm to con the young woman staff to use the hotel computer to book an uber. She was happy to do it especially after Steve asked for her number though he had no intention of calling her. Instead, before they left the room, Steve took one of the envelopes provided on the stand and wrote the woman’s name on the outside. Inside, he wrote an apology note and left her a 50 for her troubles.

As they rode to the airport, Steve studied Danny’s face.
“Stop it.”

Steve looked away. Caught in the act. “I was just checking out your eye.”

“Ok let me explain something to you. Checking out my eye would take maybe 5 to 7 seconds, tops-“

“Oh? Are we putting a time limit on looking? Maybe I should make a reservation next time?” Steve asked sarcastically.

“Maybe you just don’t look ok? Cuz there’s nothing to see. Just keep your eyes on other stuff like I dunno that cow out there standing… “

“That’s a mule, Danny, not a cow,” Steve said, almost gleeful that Danny had got it wrong.

“Cow or mule whatever… it’s I dunno livestock! Ok good here’s the airport.” Danny pointed to the metal lattice arch over the road. “Now I don’t have to listen to your opinions on animals.”

“Not an opinion. A fact.” Steve took out a ten and waited as the car came to a halt. “Thank you,” Steve said as he tipped the driver.

As the Uber sped off, Steve looked around the regional airport. “Let’s go inside the terminal so I can ascertain where Eric will be landing.” Danny followed without comment. “This is an extension of the main airport over there,” Steve explained pointing to where the big runways were with the jets taxiing on them. “Ok, this should just take a minute.”

When Danny saw the helicopter, though, his whole demeanor changed. He was excited and anxious, equal parts, as he clutched his duffel and watched the colourfully painted helicopter sit down. Steve waved as a man of about 40 came hurrying around the front of the chopper and headed towards Steve. They apparently were good friends because they hugged and Steve laughed at something the man said. Steve motioned for Danny to come over and as the pilot went around the front to get into the seat, Steve waited for Danny.

“Throw your duffel back with mine and climb up there. Buckle in and put the headset on!” Steve shouted above the din of the rotor blades. As Danny scrambled up, Steve lifted him, hands around Danny’s waist so he could crawl in.

The seat certainly wasn’t made for comfort. Danny buckled in and waited while the pilot, whose name was Eric or as Steve called him, E, clicked and pushed all the bells and whistles so they could lift off the ground.

“Danny, this is an old friend and one of my flight instructors, Eric Cardinale. We call him E. E, this is my traveling companion and friend, Danny.”

“Very pleasant to have you with us, Danny,” E said, and Danny detected an accent. Maybe French? He wasn’t sure. “But if I were you, I’d run and find some better company than this guy!”

“Is that all you got?” Steve bantered.
Danny, however, was intent on looking out the windows at the mountains and the sheer beauty of the land itself.

“Lake Placid, she’s pretty sleepy in the summertime but in the winter all hell breaks loose!” E said. “Danny? Do you ski or snowboard?”

“Huh? No .. neither.”
“I’ll teach you,” Steve said confidently.

The ride was rather short, around a half hour, and when E put the copter down in a rather sleepy looking regional airport with just a few runways, Danny was curious as to how big the actual city of Lake Placid was.

“Questions?” Steve asked as the three of them walked over to the parking lot.
“Just wondered .. the airport isn’t really big but .. I mean.. how big is the city?” Danny asked.

“It’s technically a Village,” E said with a laugh. “This isn’t the main airport, Petit. The main one is that way.” He pointed south and Danny did see a bigger plane circling off in the distance. “Chin tells me you guys are going to live in the boathouse at Camp Cavendish. The people who own it are from New York City and only come out a few times a summer which is nuts because it’s beautiful.” Eric stopped in front of a tricked up Blazer. “Hop in.”

Danny hardly listened to Steve and E as they talked about the camp which would be their future home. He was too busy looking at the Blazer. He loved cars and always had since he was a toddler. His real mother’s brother, one of the only adults to ever be nice to Danny, always talked about cars and tricking them out and Danny had listened and watched as he pointed stuff out on his own automobile.

“So it’s a boat house?” Steve asked.

“Yeah. It’s a great place though. Gorgeous interior. The kitchen has been fitted since Chin called and said you guys would like to live there. Besides, you’ll be in Heaven on the water though it’s too cold to swim. Keep that in mind please.”

“Who did the custom work on your Blazer?” Danny asked.
“My partner Philippe. He’s way into those kinds of things.” E grinned. “I’ll have to tell him you like this hot rod. We’ll have you guys over for dinner and he can bend your ear about his savage chop shopping.” Eric switched to French to talk to Steve. “Ne devrait-il pas être à l'école ? Il est jeune.” (Shouldn’t he be in school? He is young.)

“Je ne sais pas quel âge il a. Il travaillait comme pute. Son histoire doit être bien triste.”
(I don’t know how old he is. He was working as a hooker. His story is very sad.)

“Il est beau. Eh bien, nous prendrons bien soin de vous deux.” (He is cute. Oh well. We will take good care of you two.)

“English please!” Danny said. He knew they must be talking about him and it made him uncomfortable.

“Forgive me. It’s easier for me to speak en Francais rather than English,” E said with a wink.
He pulled on to a narrow paved road that looked like it led to the Lake which indeed it did. As they drove out of the trees on either side that surrounded the road, Camp Cavendish came into view. “You’re home, my friends.”


This is gonna be a fun spooky crime-solving story to read I hope!

Chapter 3: Insight


Danny and Steve settle in


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

…’Rayando el sol
Rayando por ti
Esta pena me duele, me quema sin tu amor
No me has llamado, estoy desesperado
Son muchas lunas las que te he llorado
Rayando el sol, (oh, eh, oh) desesperación
Es más fácil llegar al sol que a tu corazón
Me muero por ti, (oh, eh, oh) viviendo sin ti
Y no aguanto, me duele tanto estar así
Rayando el sol…’

Camp Cavendish!
Danny sat forward with his hands on the back of Steve’s seat, in awe at the sight of the lake that spread out in front of them.
“This is Lake Placid itself right? Not Mirror Lake?!” Steve said but it was more like a sigh. “Is it true that no motors are allowed on Mirror Lake?”

“Correct, mon ami. No motors to f*ck up the pristine nature of our jewel. But that is not true of Lake Placid which you see here. Now. Before we go in,” Eric shut off the Blazer and turned a bit towards Steve and Danny, “know that the owner manager’s bark is way worse than his bite. He’s a good man, just had a bit of hardships in his life, among them his young son drowning in the lake. It was very sad and more than a few years ago but he carries that hurt as we all would. So don’t be afraid of him and you’ll get along fine. Come on. This way.”

Danny’s immediate thought was they would have to meet a real dickhe*d but then he considered the man was probably still grieving. What would it be like to lose someone you love to a place right outside your door?

“Up these stairs we go, to the lodge itself which is built up here.” Eric led the way while Steve and Danny looked around at the beauty of their surroundings. The stairs they took were stone, surrounded on both sides by cut backs of trees and vines, but when they reached the main lodge, it was like stumbling into a different time.
“Impressive yes?” Eric asked with a chuckle. “This is only the main lodge. The other building over there is the three bedroom guest house.”

“You said we’d be staying here?” Steve asked.

“That’s for Nando to explain. I’m just an escort.” Eric motioned for them to follow him up to the big doors of the stone and timber lodge. Great care had been taken to build this place and memories whispered if you listened. Danny clutched his duffel nervously, feeling his heart beat in his ears. He was so far out of his element but it was too late to run. He’d come this far.

“Nando? Dónde estás? ¡Tienes visitas! ¡Los dos Chin enviados!”

“Siempre eres tan ruidoso. Entonces están aquí. ¿A quién le importa? Tengo cosas que hacer en lugar de mostrárselas.”

Danny understood enough Spanish to know that this Nando guy clearly was not happy with him and Steve being here just from his words and tone. Oh this was going to be fun. Maybe they should have just kept heading north.

“Don’t be so grumpy, man.” Eric smiled and threw an arm around the man’s shoulders. “This is Steve McGarrett and Danny….”

“Williams,” Danny said aware that the Nando guy was intensely staring at him. “Hi. Nice to meet you. Encantado de conocerte.”

Nando stared at Danny’s outstretched hand with narrowed eyes. After a few seconds which felt like a year, he shook Danny’s hand. Steve held out his hand but Nando ignored it.

“¿Conoces mi idioma?” Nando asked.

“Un poco. When I lived in New York City, the people around me were Hispanic so I learned a little of the language from them.” Danny shoved his hands in his pockets and felt his cheeks get hot. “But I’m terrible at speaking. My accent is so bad.”

When it was obvious that Nando was not going to stop staring at Danny, Eric tried an intervention. “Nando? Can we show them around? Tell them what they’ll be doing?”

“What?” Nando looked at Eric as if he’d just woke from a dream. “Yeah. They can come to the kitchen first. Meet the chefs.”

“Guys, I wish I could stay but I need to make sure that my mate isn’t destroying the kitchen where I live, in his efforts to make dinner. Good luck and see you both around!” With a jaunty wave and a wink, Eric disappeared out the big doors and down the steps.

Steve felt like calling Eric a coward but refrained and held Danny’s hand as they followed the tall grey haired man to the kitchen. Nando reminded Steve of a rogue Spaniard on a Spaghetti Western, such was his demeanor. He had a proud profile and glittering dark eyes that missed nothing. His veneer was going to be hard to crack.

Inside the huge well appointed kitchen were two men of rather sizable substance. They both sported shaved heads and wore tee shirts with pink shrimps on them under printing that read ‘coming soon! Kamekona’s Shrimp Truck!’

“Kamekona, these 2 are joining the staff. They’ll be serving and cleaning and doing some outside maintenance. Although,” Nando looked askance at Danny, “I’m not sure how much work we will get out of them.”

“How can you possibly say that when you know nothing about us? We are both hard workers!” Danny said. He was tired and his eye throbbed and he was quite honestly sick of this man’s attitude. He’d rather they go into the village and do menial work than put up with this. “Steve is super smart and has a lot of skills! I’m no slacker and I know how to run a lawn mower. I can even change the oil and the spark plugs. So don’t stand there and diss what you don’t know.”

For a moment, an uneasy silence settled between them all.
“Oh un pajarito has some bite to him!!” Nando began to laugh and it transformed his whole face. He nodded and stepped back. “Kamekona and Flippa, meet Steve and Danny.”

“A pleasure,” Kamekona said as he shook hands with them, and as Flippa followed suit, they heard the doors open and someone approaching.

“Busy place,” Nando muttered, but he lit up when Chin strolled in to the kitchen. “Mi amigo!”

“Nando.” Chin gave the man a bro hug and then grinned widely at Steve. “Come here you! You’re all grown up!”

“Don’t say that!” Steve admonished as he hugged his friend. “You’re not that much older!”

“Eight years but who is counting? Is this Danny? Hi. Chin Ho Kelly.” Chin shook Danny’s hand and looked around the kitchen where the cooking cousins were extremely interested in what was happening. “Why don’t we take this party to the big room? It will give you an idea of how huge this place is.”

“Huge but homey,” Nando said. He walked beside Danny as they entered the main room . it did not disappoint. A huge stone fireplace took up most of one wall and a series of comfy chairs and a couch faced it. A flat screen tv sat in one corner so that people who chose the chairs could watch it. On the other side of the room was a long dining room table and chairs with seats for ten.

“It’s very nice,” Steve said. He turned around and around and pointed out the doors. “The deck is spectacular. This is an amazing place. We are very grateful for you to let us stay and work for our board.”

“That’s because of Chin. Don’t think I’m a nice guy.” Nando scowled. “Come on, and I will show you the guest house and then we will go where you’ll be living.” He started out the doors and waited for Danny so he could fall into step beside the blonde. “Shouldn’t you be in school? What happened to your eye? That guy, did he give it you?” Nando asked, voice dipping to a whisper as he pointed at Steve who was too busy chatting with Chin to notice.

“No, Steve didn’t hurt me. He’s been my rock for the past couple of days,” Danny answered.

“And school? Eh Pajarito, you belong in school!”

Danny said nothing but just scowled and chalked Nabdo’s question up to nosy humans. What did it matter?

“Here we are. You see the guest house is connected by this beautiful stone walkway. That way, guests come to the lodge to eat their meals and socialize,” Nando said. “The main lodge where we just were has 3 bedrooms upstairs and while the original lodge was built in 1893, this guest house with 3 bedrooms and 3 and a half bathrooms was built in 1985. Of course, there’s been some updates to make it more… modern. WIFI, sat tv that sort of thing. You know, the poet Robert Frost stayed here at one time. What do you think? Shall we go inside?”

The four entered the guest lodge where apparently there were guests but they weren’t present. Nando explained that they had gone to ride the Cliffside Coaster that followed the track of the 1980 Olympic Sliding Track.

“That would be awesome to do!” Steve exclaimed. “Have you done it?” He asked Chin.

“Nooooo, my feet are just fine on the ground thanks,” Chin chuckled.

Nando took them for the full tour but they did not disturb the guests’ rooms. He explained that each bedroom and bathroom were functional, comfortable and appointed with extra touches that made a guest feel special. Each bedroom also had a sitting area with tv and comfortable couches and chairs.

“They don’t really stay here all day , because you see,”Chin said, “there’s so much to do outside. Nando has a power boat for in skiing and fishing and a pontoon boat for lazy pleasures. You can also swim here but it’s too damn cold now. I’m talking to you, Steve. You missed the window of summer swimming.”

“I love the water,” Steve said. “I’d be more than happy to take care of your fleet for you.”

“Fleet?” Nando raised an eyebrow and chuckled. “Boy, I have 4 boats. That ain’t exactly a fleet. But let’s go down and see your quarters. You can settle in but I’m gonna ask you to help serve tonight and clean up afterwards. Not Danny though. I don’t want my guests to think I beat him up.”

“No I want to help! I’m not looking for a handout!” Danny protested. “I can wash dishes or something!”

“That eye looks sore. Rest tonight and I promise I won’t work Steve too hard. “. Nando led the way down another set of steps to an A framed wooden structure with a wrap around deck. “Ah here we go. This is the boathouse, aka your home as long as you stay here. I have to warn you that there’s no AC on the premises; even the lodge doesn’t have it. But you’re always comfortable with the lake breezes and the mountains shutting that hot air off before it can get here.”

Danny and Steve ducked by Chin and Nando and looked around the first floor of the two story boat house. The kitchen was more like a kitchenette though there was an air fryer and microwave along with a full sized fridge and wrap around island. The living room had a sectional, a flat screen and a couple of arm chairs all sitting on top of a polished wooden floor that looked like a mirror. Upstairs was a colourful tiled bathroom with a tile stand up shower, a jet tub, sink and vanity and toilet. The bedroom was spacious with big windows looking out on the lake and a king sized bed.

“What do you think? Livable?” Chin asked. “And Steve, the lower level is where the actual boat house is, with room for four boats. It does get cold here in the winter or so I’m told which is why you have a fireplace.” Chin leaned against the counter and crossed his arms. “I worked summers for Nando when I first came to Lake Placid.”

“That explains how you know so much about this place,” Steve said. He grinned as he looked out at the patio. It was a wide deck with a fireplace and assorted casual furniture scattered about. “Is that a pizza oven?”

“I had to get with the times. People from the city want stuff like that.” Nando shrugged and looked at his watch. “Steve, come up to the main lodge about 4 to help Kamekona. We will talk more tomorrow.”

“Yeah no worries. I’ll see you at 4.”

After he left and was out of earshot, Steve looked at Chin and began to laugh. “I blame you for this!”

“Bro, where were you going to go? Your mother will never find you here.” Chin walked over to where Danny sat; he was looking at the water. “How old are you?”

“You conducting a survey?” Danny asked and immediately regretted it. Chin was a friend and of not for him, he wasn’t sure where he’d be. “Sorry. That was rude and out of line. Look, is it a big deal? I could not go to school because I would have had to go back to my parents or be a ward of the state which I was not going to do. I’m 16. And no I did not graduate high school.” Danny took a deep breath and bit his sore lip so he’d concentrate on the pain instead of crying. He did not want to cry. It wasn’t his thing and yet a simple question had elicited that emotion. Biting his lip worked however. He faced Chin with a stony face.

“There are online classes we could look into. Maybe after this whole mess is straightened out.” Chin squeezed Danny’s shoulder. “Well. You need to get some groceries so how about if I take Danny with me and let you rest and settle in a bit, Steve?”

“You up to it?” Steve asked Danny, and when the blonde nodded, Steve tried to give him money. Danny shook his head and gently pushed Steve towards the living room.
“I got this. Go rest. You gotta work today.”

“Alrighty then. We will go to Price Chopper,” Chin said. “It’s way better than Aldi’s. Come on. My car is right over here.”

To Danny’s disappointment, Chin did not have any kind of crazy car, not like Eric’s Blazer. It was just a Ford Fusion with blankets on the seats.

“My wife likes to protect the seats from our dog, Eddie. He’s a crazy lab who loves everyone but his hair is non stop.” Chin pulled the car onto the service road.

“I like dogs. Maybe I could see Eddie some day?”

“No worries, we will have you guys over for dinner. Steve and I have a lot to catch up on.”

“How long have you and Steve been friends?” Danny asked.

“Friends? At first I was his instructor, just a kid myself. He was so eager and honest and dedicated. Man, he was going to go places in the Navy. After he graduated Annapolis, he was heading for Officer’s School and a chance to be a SEAL but his plans got derailed when he got word his father was killed in an accident so he left and made himself available in the family business. He HAS grown up nicely.”

Chin put his blinker on as he turned into the parking lot of the grocery store. It was big and bright and busy. There were a number of cars in line for pick up orders.
“I guess everyone else likes it better than Aldi’s too,” Danny joked.

Danny loaded up the cart with food that would be easy to prepare, and hit the self care aisle for soap, shampoo and toothpaste. Danny did not skimp on buying the better stuff which cost a bit more, since he knew he’d be working again soon. He hesitated in buying a potted flower that was on sale and thought the hell with it and put it in the cart with everything else. It would brighten up their living space.

As he and Chin were loading the groceries into Chin’s car, they both stopped abruptly upon hearing a horrific scream. It did not sound human however, more like that of an animal.

“What was that?” Danny asked. He stepped around the car and saw a couple of teenage boys holding a big rabbit with its feet dangling down, and underneath a paw, one of the cretins had a lit lighter.

Danny exploded in a hall of fury. He ran and as he ran, he got angrier until he was actually off the ground horizontally, jumping with his legs extended. He hit the first animal abuser in the jaw with his foot, sending him spinning and howling in pain. Danny crouched and turned on the other kid who had let go of the rabbit and was feigning fists up like a fighter.

Quickly, so fast that his victim never saw it, Danny side kicked him making him moan and bend over, then chopped him with high fists on the back of the neck. He was out cold as he hit the ground.

“Come here, bunny. It’s ok. Nobody is going to hurt you. Come on.” Danny knelt and patted the grass on front of himself, ignoring the moaning teenager and Chin radioing for an ambulance. The bunny, obviously some kind of giant breed since it was quite large for an ordinary rabbit, cautiously hopped over to Danny. “Yeah that’s it. Poor thing. Is your paw burned? Let me see it.” Danny reached for the paw but the rabbit immediately sat back on its haunches so Danny could not reach it. “Chin!? We need to take him to the vet! He’s hurt!!”

“Danny, I need to write a report about this. You… well you were a one man wrecking crew.” Chin sighed and radioed for Kris to come to the parking lot. He supposed Kris could handle things while he took Danny and the rabbit to the vet. “Put the rabbit in the car and we’ll take him to Lake Placid Animal Hospital and Dr. Lukela.”

Steve sat on the edge of the bed and yawned. He had had a nap and supposed he was ready to go to work. He glanced at Danny’s duffel which was sitting beside his and decided to be snoopy. The boy wasn’t around and maybe looking into it would give Steve some better insight on Danny. It couldn’t hurt.

On top of Danny’s clothes and a couple pairs of shoes, was a very faded and worn giraffe stuffie. Its neck was wobbly as though it had been hugged tightly too many times but it was cute. Steve decided it might be one of the only remnants of Danny’s childhood that was decent. Next to the giraffe was a very old Hot Wheels model of a metal Camaro with doors that opened as well as a hood that came off to expose the engine.
“You are full of surprises, Danny Williams,” Steve said. There were no photos or any other memorabilia that would link Danny to anything from when he was younger so Steve zipped up the duffel and decided to put his own clothes in part of the closet.

As he worked, he wondered if Joe had discovered they’d left via bus or was he still stumped. He hoped it was the latter. Steve thought their tourist disguise was a good way to throw Joe off and anyone else thinking of collecting the bounty. They weren’t stupid though and eventually something would happen which was why Steve had brought his service revolver and though it wasn’t loaded right at the moment, it was still a formidable weapon.

Steve grabbed some clean clothes, grateful that there was a washer and dryer in the boathouse and ducked into the shower.

“ it looks like a young female though she’s already been spayed. I’d estimate her age at around 6 months which means she has some growing to do. You know anything about rabbits?” Dr. Lakela asked. He was an older gentleman with a very quiet, very warm bedside manner and he was very gentle with the bunny. “It looks like she just has some singed fur on her rear leg and no burn marks. Teeth are healthy. She’s a bit underweight but I’d say she’s in good shape. I will, however, give her an injection to prevent RHVD2. It’s a disease that is very contagious to bunnies.”

“But she doesn’t have it?” Danny asked fearfully.
“No. She’s in good health. “ He prepared a syringe. “I take it you’re keeping her?”

“I am.” Danny stubbornly jutted his chin out.

“Do you know anything about keeping a bunny?”

“Ummmmm no.. do you have a book or something?” Danny asked. He looked at the bunny who was staring at him like he’d just hung the moon. “Is there a pet store in town? I mean I will need food.”

“Man and Beast. It’s a great place but I’ll tell you what… “ Duke gave the rabbit the jab and wiped the area with a sterile alcohol ball. “I’ll call my friend Abby and ask her to stay open until you can get there.”

“You’d do that? Thank you so much!” Danny said. He gently picked the rabbit up and walked out to the waiting room. “Chin? Can you hold her so I can pay the doctor?” As if she understood, the bunny started to wriggle around and push against Danny’s arm. “Stop that, bunny! I have to pay the nice doctor!”

“Why don’t I just pay it and you can pay me back?” Chin suggested. “Go on out to the car and I’ll follow as soon as I get this straightened out.” He waited until Danny had left with the bunny before he sighed and ran a hand through his longish dark hair. His office didn’t have any set rules on hair length but this was almost too long simply because he was the Chief. Malia could make an appointment with SuperCuts so he would look like a proper person in charge.

“That’s quite the rabbit,” Duke said as he put on his glasses to square up the bill. “A Flemish Giant. They usually get pretty big.”

“The Dowd twins were trying to light a paw on fire. Danny took them both out like a ninja. I have never seen anything like it. The kid is full of surprises.” Chin handed Duke his credit card.

“Danny had best be careful then. Those twins are bad news.” Duke looked at Chin over his readers. “They’ll be wanting revenge you know that.”

“Not for a while. Chet’s jaw is busted in two places and Maynard has a broken vertebrae. They’ll be out of commission for a goodly bit. Hey, thanks, Duke. I appreciate this.”

“Eh go have a good night. Tomorrow is another day,” Duke said and waved his hand as if to say it was nothing to stay open late.

Danny sat in the front seat and petted the trembling bunny. She was so pretty— her fur was mostly light brown with a ring of white around her eye and some white blotches on her back.
“Do you like the name Lily? I like that name and you remind me of a Lily or.. there’s always Toffee. I like Lily for you though. It’s more personal.”

“What does she think? I like the name Lily too.” Chin grinned as he slipped behind the wheel. “Off to Abby’s pet store. Maybe Lily can pick out some things there. Right, Lily?” Chin brushed his fingers through the rabbit’s soft fur on her side. She looked at him and cuddled closer to Danny. “It looks to me like you have found your first friend here in Lake Placid, Danny.”

Steve listened as Kamekona explained the service. It wasn’t formal but attentive, he said. Refill water and wine glasses. Take away dirty plates and give napkins again as usual.

“I can do that,” Steve said. He started to place napkins on each plate at the table. “Is there only 4 eating tonight?”

“Just 4 people Brah. Slow night,” Kamekona said.
“Can I see the menu?” Steve took the written menu from Flippa and studied it. Everything sounded (and smelled) delicious. As he handed back the menu, he wondered how Danny was doing. Should they make him go to school? He was 16 so technically he could refuse. 16. Oh God ….16…. Steve felt like a cradle robber.

“Here they come. Are you ready?” Flippa asked.
“As I’ll ever be,” Steve said.

As Steve was serving dinner on the plates from the kitchen and eluding the hands of the wife of the man sitting beside her (but he was too busy looking at the scores on his phone to bother calling her off), Danny was setting up an X Pen enclosure in the bedroom of the boathouse. Chin had helped him carry in and put away the groceries, and the whole time they did that, Lily just hunched on the stool watching them. Danny cooed at her and she responded by twitching her ears.

“Chin? Can you see if I did this right?” Danny shouted down the stairs.
Chin took the stairs two at a time and paused as he checked out the sprawling pen. “It looks right. Abby said to make sure her pen is big enough.”

“I hope Steve doesn’t mind because she’s taking up a lot of room but the bedroom is big!” Danny looked fearfully at Chin. “I couldn’t just leave her!”

“Danny, Steve likes animals. He will be fine with it. Don’t worry so much.” Chin looked at his watch. “Well. I have a report to write and I promised my wife I’d be home for dinner.”

“Sorry. Thank you so much for helping me and Lily.” Danny followed Chin down the stairs to the door. “Take care.”

“Lock this door until Steve comes home. You’re fine here but it pays to be careful.” Chin did not add ‘especially when you’ve taken out the Dowd brothers.’
“K. Good night.”

Danny locked the doors and found a light switch on the side of the wall so he flicked it on and lights flooded the outside and the patio. That should help Steve find his way, Danny thought. He finished putting the groceries away and decided to make some salad for the bunny. He started with romaine and added beet tops, cilantro and tiny coins of red pepper. He’d already filled her hay corral upstairs and laid out apple branches for her teeth so that was done.

“Lily, would you like to eat your dinner now? Come on.” Danny placed her dish on the floor and picked her up to put her beside it. She chinned his hand and wiggled her nose at him as if smelling his scent. “You don’t have to worry. I’ll never hurt you.”

Lily was just about to dig in when she lifted her head and started to sniff the air. She hopped over to the entrance and sat looking at the closed and locked doors.

“What’s going on? Is Steve coming?” Danny opened the door and looked out at the lake, where tendrils of fog and mist rose from the surface. A blast of cold air enveloped him and just as suddenly it was gone. He heard a girl laugh and it seemed to come from the direction of the middle of the lake. “f*ck!!” Danny slammed the door shut and re locked the doors. His heart was pumping and his throat was dry.
A knock on the door made him jump and squeal.

“Danny? You ok?”
Steve oh God it was Steve!!
With shaking hands, Danny unlocked the doors and as Steve walked in, practically threw himself into Steve’s arms.

“Danny? You ok!? You’re shaking like a leaf. Hey. You ok?” Steve gently pulled Danny away and looked into his face, lifting his head up with a finger under Danny’s chin. The colours of the bruising around his eye had taken on an ugly black green.

“I thought…. I thought there was… I dunno. I’m just tired.” Danny sighed and pressed his face against Steve’s chest, careful to turn the side of his head away with the sore eye.

“How about if we go to bed soon? First things first though. Did you eat yet? I have dinner.” Steve pointed to a bag he’d set on the floor. “It smelled so good when I was serving it. Chicken stuffed with crab and artichokes, four cheese mashed potatoes, roasted green beans with barbecue sauce and some greens with goat cheese and cranberries.”

“Wow! Fancy! I never had that kind of stuff.”

“First time for—- wait what’s that?” Steve stared at the rabbit who was looking at him.

“Ummmmmm that’s Lily. Lily, this is Steve.” Danny bent down and petted her head but she kept looking at Steve. “Lily, Steve lives here.”

“Did you just find her in the yard eating clover?” Steve asked as he walked around her eyeing her suspiciously.

“No see, funny thing was, Chin and I were loading groceries and we heard this… this horrible… squeal like.. something was hurt. I saw two guys trying to light her foot on fire with a lighter so I uh… I took them out. I guess I broke the one guy’s jaw and snapped another kid’s vertebrae or so we thought but no he was just bruised Chin found out later. But they were hurting her. So. Here she is.”

Steve sighed and sat down on one of the dining room chairs. “Let’s eat while it’s fairly warm.”

“I can keep her? Right? I got a pen for her and toys and hay and two litter boxes which she already used one so she’s smart! Please Steve?!”

“It’s not up to me. We will have to ask Nando. See what he says.” Steve gave Danny his salad at which time Lily hopped over and jumped up so her paws were on Danny’s leg. Her nose was going and her ears were co*cked forward.

“Want some cranberries?” Danny asked. He put a couple in his hand and the bunny took them nicely and ate them. She jumped down and hopped back to her own dish.

“She is really big.” Steve watched as the rabbit stopped eating and turned towards them, just watching.

“She’s a Flemish Giant. Chin took us to the vet and then the pet store. The vet says she’s around 6 months old but she’s spayed.”

“That’s good. No babies.” Steve finished his salad and went to work on his chicken. “What had you so freaked out when I got here?”

Danny felt his cheeks grow hot. Steve was going to think he was a baby, scared of what? Ghosts?
“I thought I heard something but it must have been the tv. Or something. I guess I just missed you.”

“I missed you too. Tomorrow we are going to have to clean the guest rooms because those people are leaving.”

“I can do that.” Danny pushed aside his potatoes. “You want these? I hate mashed potatoes.”

“I’ll take them! Thanks!” Steve held out his plate.
“Who doesn’t like mashed potatoes?”

“Me. That’s all we used to have. I swore I’d never eat them again.” Danny watched as Lily began to explore, hopping and sniffing.

“What about if you sign up for correspondence school? Or a private tutor. Actually I like that idea the best. No computer trail to find you.”

“Steve, do you really think Joe and your Mom are going to come after us?” Danny asked.

“I do. I’m sorry but I do. I know them. It’s wrong but that’s how they are.” Steve chewed thoughtfully. “Anyways, let’s just consider school on the back burner.”

“Fine.” After a minute, Danny reached out and placed his hand on top of Steve’s. “Thank you. Thanks for saving me.”

Steve was just about to say something when there was a distinctive thump from the living room area.
“What’s that?” Steve asked, thinking maybe someone was messing with them.

“It’s Lily! She’s mad or something! Dr. Duke said that rabbits thump when angry or mad or excited. Oh it looks like you put your coat across the chair and it’s hanging down over her tunnel entrance. There you go.” Danny moved Steve’s coat to a wall hook. Lily happily hopped into the tunnel and popped up on the top of it then disappeared again.

“I’m going to have to get used to that rabbit,” Steve muttered.
“You got used to me didn’t you?” Danny teased.
“I certainly did.”

They watched a bit of tv but Danny kept falling asleep so Steve turned off the tv and as Danny was going to protest, gently pulled him up off the couch. “Shower then bed. Sleeping is gonna feel amazing!”

“Yeah you’re right. I’m really tired.” Danny started for the steps but stopped and picked up Lily holding her gently like Duke had shown him. The rabbit who was looking over Danny’s shoulder looked triumphantly at Steve who was following them.

“She’s got her pen right?” Steve asked then paused when he saw it. “She has a swing and a bed…. Like a person’s bed… only miniature…”

“Abby is ordering the big pirate ship for me. It wasn’t in stock.”
“Pirate ship..” Steve muttered. He watched as Lily jumped around in her pen then stopped to eat hay.

“Steve? Don’t you like her?”

“No, I like her! I do!” Steve said hastily. “She’s just wow what a surprise!”

“A good surprise.” Danny grabbed his pajamas and disappeared into the bathroom. “I won’t be long!”
“K.” Steve rubbed his face and walked over to the window. The lake was a glittery dark under the moon’s rays. He wondered what fate had in store for them and hoped they’d be ready to meet it head on. His life had taken a very mysterious and crazy turn.

Nando followed the routine he’d had for the last five years, even before his wife had left and divorced him. He rose at 5, did a 45 minute workout on the home gym, showered and ate breakfast. Today it was Life cereal with two scrambled eggs on the side.

As he ate in the breakfast nook of the lodge, he thought about Danny and Steve. If it weren’t for Chin and their friendship, Nando would certainly have said no when Chin asked that they stay and work off their board. But it was the off season and there was work to be done so it would help to have another set of hands or two around the place. Besides, if he didn’t make the entire amount of taxes he owed he was going to have to put the Camp up for sale anyways.

“Morning Boss. How are you today?”

“Morning Kamekona and Flippa. There’s fresh eggs from Jamie’s farm plus honey from her hives. I figure you can make a good breakfast for our guests with that.” Nando rinsed out his bowl and retreated to his office, a small but well kept room off to the side of the living room. It had a perfect view of the water and it was mornings like this as the sun made the surface sparkle when he thought about Darren. His boy. His pride and joy. In an instant his life was over.

Nando shook himself out of that well of memories. He had some work to do but first he wanted to check on something. He fired up his laptop and waited while it booted to display his new email messages (new reservations! That was always welcome!) and brought up Google to do a search on Steve McGarrett: 22 years old; graduate of the Naval Academy in Annapolis (impressive); named as one of only 2 applicants to continue training as a Navy SEAL; left the Navy to return home after his father, the inventor John McGarrett perished in an automobile accident in Croatia. Steve had a sister and a mother, Doris, who took control of the family business once John died.

There was a photo of Doris and the manager of McGarrett Industries. The man gave off an unsettling vibe as Nando studied the photo. Perhaps there was a very good reason Steve had come to the sleepy village of Lake Placid.

Next up was a search for information on Danny Williams but that went nowhere. There were a few hits—an 82 year old in New Mexico, a 54 year old football coach in Lansing Michigan, and other assorted people with the same name but no young Danny Williams. What was his story, Nando wondered.

Back to business he supposed. There would be time to question both of them in the future but for right now, they were here to work and stay.

Steve woke up alone in the bed. He sat up and blinked blearily.

“In here. I’m almost done. Just gotta put up my hair.”

Steve settled back and yawned. He had not realized he was so tired but he had had a good night’s sleep and was ready, he supposed, to take what the day was going to give him.

Danny opened the bathroom door and immediately the room was filled with the scents of soap and shampoo. Steve sniffed appreciatively.

“I think we need to report to Nando this morning. I’ll get us some breakfast if you want to get a shower.” Danny sat on the edge of the bed and slipped on his Chucks. He winced as he bent to tie them; his ribs were still sore. At least the bruises on his neck had faded and his eye was open so he could see better. Ice had really helped it.

“Where’s the uh the rabbit?” Steve asked looking around. As if to answer his question, Lily hopped out of her enclosure and over to Danny.

“Right here. Hi baby. Did you sleep well?” Danny picked her up and held her against his shoulder. “Your fur is so soft!”

“I read where they have very thick fur so they can’t get overheated,” Steve said, sliding out of bed. “Of course it’s fall now and cooler.”

“I’ll make sure she’s got everything she needs.” Danny kissed the bunny on the side of her face and carefully set her on the bed. Lily immediately crawled on Danny’s lap.

“Looks like she’s already claimed you as hers,” Steve said aware that his tone was kind of jealous.

“She’s just such a love,” Danny cooed. Steve rolled his eyes and went to get a shower.

At 8 am, Steve and Danny reported for duty to Kamekona. The big chef sent Danny on his way to collect the morning mail and newspapers from the box at the head of the driveway while Steve set the table to Flippa’s specifications.

“I’m glad Danny is here to get that stuff,” Flippa admitted. “It’s almost a quarter mile there and back.”
“He’s got young legs,” Steve responded. “It’s good he gets that energy out,”
“Younger legs than mine, Brah.”

Danny put the mail and the newspapers into the cloth sack Flippa had given him. It was shaping up to be a very nice day, with temps in the 60’s and just enough clouds to make the sky look moody. Danny took his time walking back, enjoying the smells and sounds of the woods around him. He thought about what he’d heard over the water last night. It was definitely a girl’s laughter but there had not been anyone there!

Perhaps it was the acoustics of the surroundings. It could have been one of the guests—Steve had said there were 2 children. That must have been it. Happy to have solved that problem, Danny took off towards the Lodge just because it felt good to run.

An hour later, as Danny was loading the industrial dishwasher with breakfast dishes, he listened as Flippa teased Steve over the woman guest who made it clear what her intentions were. Steve modestly deflected the talk and laughed about it.

“They are gone so you two can go clean the rooms. Clean linens are in the big closet at the end of the hall. There you’ll also find towels and supplies to stock in the bathrooms plus cleaning supplies. I’ll be up to inspect when you’re done.” Nando sorted through the mail as he told Steve and Danny what he wanted them to do and when they went upstairs, he decided to ask Kamekona if they had helped at breakfast.

“I’d bet you a twenty that our boss is asking the cousins how we did this morning,” Steve whispered as they walked down the hall to the closet.

“I thought we worked out pretty well. Kamekona said there’s no guests until Friday so I wonder what he will have us do.” Danny got out the vacuum and took the bucket Steve gave him. He realized Steve’s plan was to fill the bucket with cleaning supplies so they could just take it down to the first bedroom.

“I wonder what the rabbit is doing,” Steve muttered.
“She really loves bananas!” Danny said thinking on how crazy the bunny went when Danny was peeling his banana to slice on his cereal. “I read where they should not have a lot because that breed gains weight and bananas are high in sugar so she will get some in moderation.”

Steve chuckled.
“What? Why are you laughing?” Danny asked feeling offended.
“Nothing… just it’s so sweet to see how invested you are in doing the right thing for the rabbit. You’re a good person, Danny. Such a big heart.”

Danny shrugged but was pleased. To have Steve recognize good qualities made him happy.
“Let’s get this done.”

Three hours later, both of them paused outside Nando’s office. Steve knocked lightly and waited.
“Come in.”

Steve went first and stood off to one side of the desk where Nando sat.
“We are done. What now?” Steve asked.
“The main room needs to be vacuumed and cleaned. Go take an hour for lunch and we will see you at 1.”
“Ok thanks.” Steve turned to go but Nando started to speak so Steve paused.
“I heard you did a good job at breakfast today. Keep it up.”
“Yes sir.” Steve joined Danny in the hall and the two of them walked down the stairs to their own house.

Over toasted cheese sandwiches and vegetable soup that Kamekona had given Danny to warm up for their lunch, Steve checked in with Chin and heard that the Dowd twins were recuperating but had vowed to ‘get’ their attacker. Danny just laughed it off.

“I f*cking hooked on the streets of New York City. A couple of overweight animal abusers don’t scare me.” Danny watched as Steve looked less than enthused. “What? What are you thinking?”

“I just feel bad you had to do what you did. I mean, weren’t you ever… scared…. When you met someone and got naked?”

“Okay let me tell you how it went, ok? First I never got naked. I never f*cked any of them. Hand jobs yeah ok. blow j*bs with a condom and a dental dam. Lots of exhibitionism. I had regulars. A few unknowns. I made good money because the perverts would get off seeing how young I was. But that life I hope is behind me so this is the last time I will talk about it.” Danny clenched his jaw and fought the tears. “Are you happy now? Did I answer what you’ve been wondering!?”

“Hey Danny, I didn’t mean to make you upset. I really didn’t. I was being nosy and I’m sorry. I’m sorry ok?” Steve gently pulled Danny towards him and hugged him. Danny out his arms around Steve’s neck and shoulders and hung on. “We have a new beginning here. I’m not going to clean forever though. I want to help Nando maybe expand his business. Maybe do some fall boat tours. Fishing. Stuff like that.”

“Those are good ideas.” Danny let go and sat back down. Lily pawed at his leg so he picked her up and set her on his lap. She immediately stole Steve’s last piece of his banana that was by his bowl and it was gone in two bites.

“Hey!!” Steve protested. Danny was laughing and the rabbit looked .. pleased. “You were just saying how that’s gonna make her fat!”

“An extra piece now and then is not gonna bother her! Besides it’s your fault you didn’t eat it all at once.” Danny kissed Lily on her head and carefully put her down. “I’m gonna wash my hands and do our dishes. Then I suppose it’s back to vacuuming and dusting.”

That afternoon, they were almost done cleaning when Danny accidentally bumped into a table while he vacuumed. He was backing up and misjudged the distance, which would have been fine except on the table were some framed photos. Two remained on the table but the third fell off and hit the stone floor around the hearth. The glass surprisingly did not break but the picture cane out of the frame.

Before Danny could correct what happened, Nando came roaring out of nowhere. He grabbed Danny by the arm and started yelling.

“Clumsy ox! Look what you’ve done! You need to be careful! This is not your house!”

“I’m sorry. I did not mean to knock it over/—“

“Don’t touch it! Don’t put your dirty hands anywhere near it! Get out!! GET OUT!!”

Danny took off, his arm hurting where Nando had grabbed him, his feelings hurt by what Nando had yelled and feeling bad because whatever that photo was must hold great significance to the man. He ran down the path that headed towards the road, caught in flight of fight mode, preferring to flee this time. Finally away from the lodge, he collapsed against a tree and sat down on the ground in front of it, tears pricking his eyes.

Ha why were people such assholes? He should have stayed in the city and not listened to Steve at all! He could always leave with Lily and go somewhere people would not know him. He had enough money—-

Danny sighed and stood up, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
“What? Look, I’ll pay you it to be reframed. It was an accident!”
Nando pointed to the space beside Danny. “May I sit? Come. Sit with me.”

Reluctantly, Danny sat down but still would not look at Nando.

“I’m sorry. I had no right to speak to you that way nor should I have told you to go away. My son. My son.. that was the last photo I had of him.”

Danny looked at Nando and saw how horribly sad the man looked. Before Danny could say anything, Nando continued.

“He drowned in the lake, as a passenger in a canoe that tipped over. The two people with him, the girls, didn’t wait for him or look for him. They just saved themselves and said nothing until a couple hours later when my wife found his bed empty. The one finally confessed they’d taken the canoe out for fun and were afraid to say anything about him to get in trouble.”

“Oh my God that’s awful,” Danny said. He reached between them and squeezed Nando’s hand.

“They found his body…. Chin did actually… he was part of the crew who went out to search. My boy was floating on the swells, his body blue from the cold. And they tried to give him CPR but he’d been dead for too long..”.

“what was his name?” Danny asked.
“Darren. His name was Darren. My wife named him because it sounded classy you know and she never wanted him to be treated differently because he was half Hispanic …. From his father.”

“I’m so so sorry. You must miss him so much every day. Tell me about him. Like did he laugh a lot? What did he like to do? Was he a good student?”

Nando opened up and spent the next 20 minutes telling Danny all about his son, the one who drowned at 14 years old, victim or accident.

“The police investigated?” Danny asked.

“Oh yes of course but the girls said they could not remember much that their minds were so … touched by tragedy that they’d blocked it out.”

“Do you believe them?” Danny asked. Nando snorted.
“Not at all. You see after that I lost my wife and my staff who I could not afford to keep. Words had got around that I was running an unsafe place and bookings fell off quickly. Just now I am starting to see some profit but I have a 54,000 tax bill to pay. One of the girls… she’s the daughter of my rival, the man who owns the Snowshoe Inn. They have seen a huge uptick in business since nobody wants to come to a place where the owner would let his own son die.”

Danny frowned, his sense of social Justice percolating under his calm exterior.
“You said Darren loved it here, that he was so thrilled you’d moved here and enjoyed the mountains and water.”

“Yes I told you that, and he did, Danny. He really did.”

“Would you want him to know you aren’t fighting for the very thing he lost his life over, doing what he loved? Even if it was careless? We need to advertise and get the word out that you have a beautiful place here and wonderful food! Steve had an idea for fall rides on the lake in the pontoon. We could do kids parties for Halloween! Decorate this big old place and have a party. That asshole and his snowsh*t lodge can eat yellow snow!”

Nando started to laugh but he nodded and looked at Danny in a whole different light.
“Perhaps, pequeño, the Gods were not wrong when they sent you to me. Let’s go back before they send for the National Guard to find us. You… you are … a breath of air!”

“I have a rabbit,” Danny said as they started to walk back.
“A rabbit?”
“Can I keep her? I promise to keep her area clean oh hey there’s Steve!” Danny waved and quickened the pace. “What’s Kamekona making for dinner anyways?”

“Back to the rabbit,” Nando said.
“Is that a yes?” Danny asked.
“Yes I suppose—/“

“Thank you! Muchas Gracias,” Danny pulled the older man along to where Steve was waiting.

“I think the rooster has been tricked by the small quick fox,” Nando laughed. “But that’s ok. Yes, that’s ok.”


The link to the camp

Chapter 4: Reflections


Life with Nando


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

…’Waking up, I see that everything is okay
The first time in my life and now it's so great
Slowing down, I look around and I am so amazed
I think about the little things that make life great
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling
This innocence is brilliant, I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect
Please don't go away, I need you now
And I'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by..’

“So how did you and Nando settle things?” Steve asked as he and Danny lay in bed after a long day. “He was upbeat the whole evening. Do you have a magic wand somewhere?”

Danny chuckled and continued to pet Lily who lay on Danny’s stomach and lower legs. “We just talked a little. He told me about his son who died in an accident on the lake though when I heard his story I did not think it was much of an accident. I think though he’s open to your thoughts on doing some boat tours and maybe even kid themed stuff around Halloween.”

“Danny Danny Danny,” Steve muttered.

“What? What was that for? Are you trying to conjure me like Bloody Mary?” Danny teased.

“I’m just thinking you are special. I mean it. I have never met anyone like you. Definitely unique.” Steve turned on his side facing Danny. “You’re so young.”

“I’m really not,” Danny huffed. “Age is just a number that the government uses to keep track of you. It’s really nothing but an identifier.” He stroked Lily’s ears and head. “There are days I feel really old like I have been around a very long time.”

“I’m 22.” Steve waited but Danny didn’t react. “Do you think that’s too old to …that is… I mean I think you’re ..” To Steve’s surprise, Danny stroked Steve’s face with cool fingers.

“Hey. I like you. These are crazy times though so let’s just settle into something and work on that first. The rest is woven through it.”

“I won’t sweat the small stuff,” Steve agreed. He turned his head and kissed Danny’s fingers.

“That’s the right attitude.” Danny yawned and closed his eyes. Lily felt like a comforting weight on him and as he slipped into sleep he thought of how lucky he was.


Danny woke up in a panic, dislodging Lily who had slid entirely to his legs, and tried to breathe.
He heard Steve next to him, felt him too as Steve tried to calm an obviously panicked and ragged breathing Danny. The blonde was hyperventilating hard, his chest heaving trying to take in enough air to breathe yet not expelling the carbon dioxide from his lungs. Danny rolled off the bed on to the floor and curled up in a ball clutching his throat!!
Steve closed his eyes said a prayer to forgive him and slapped Danny hard across the face. Danny gasped and relaxed, panting but he began to get his breathing cycle reestablished, and blinked in puzzlement at Steve.

“I’m sorry, baby. Are you ok?” Steve gently rubbed the side of Danny’s red stinging cheek.

“I was… I was underwater… I was under the water and I saw… I saw…” Danny suddenly threw up, frothy water expelled from his mouth as he wrapped his arms around his stomach.

Steve ran to the bathroom and got a warm, soapy wet washcloth and towel and ducked into the closet to get a clean tee shirt. When he returned to where Danny was vainly trying to use his own shirt to soak up the mess, Steve threw the soiled shirt into the wastebasket and tenderly cleaned Danny’s face and chest. When he was done toweling him off, he popped the clean shirt over Danny’s head and helped Danny put his arms in the sleeves.

“I’m so sorry, Steve. My dream… it was so real…” Danny sobbed and clung to Steve who had finished with the clean up to pull Danny into a solid hug.

“Shhh we will sort it. Right now let’s get you into the bathroom. Do you have to puke some more?”

“Maybe… maybe yeah.”

Half hour later, they were under the blankets with lights on and Danny was safe in the circle of Steve’s arms. Lily had returned but she lay on the bed at the bottom by Danny’s feet.

“That was quite the nightmare,” Steve whispered, smoothing Danny’s hair, wanting to touch and reassure the blonde that he was fine, he was ok, things were back to normal.

“Never had that happen before,” Danny mumbled sleepily. He nudged Steve’s chest with his nose and Steve felt a tremor of pleasure. Now is not the time, he told himself sternly and gave Danny one last squeeze.

“Try and get some sleep. We’ll sort this out in the morning.”

Nando decided to let younger legs get the mail and paper that next morning. There was something to be said about the two boys living on the grounds; they were willing to work hard and do whatever he asked of them. Nando was curious about Steve though and how he ended up there in Lake Placid as it was a far cry from the glamour of NYC. Obviously they were running away but why? What was their story?

“Good morning,” Steve said brightly as he strode easily past the open doors to the main room area. “Danny walked out to get your mail and I brought this in. Someone left it out by the steps.” Steve held up a basket with a gingham checked towel over the contents.

“Looks like Bonnie sent you something tasty from her kitchen, Boss!” Kamekona called out. He saluted with the spatula he held in his hand and returned to the kitchen.

“Bonnie?” Steve asked, eyebrows waggling.

“She’s just a friend,” Nando muttered as he took the basket from Steve snd peeked under the towel. There were 5 peach muffins, brown and lucious looking, the tops sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon, under the plastic wrap. On top was a note that simply said ‘Enjoy—B.’ “We will have these for break because, Steve, I intend to have you help me in the boathouse. I want to start winterizing it. I have neglected it for a couple of years.” (Admit he, he thought, since Darren died)

“Sounds good to me.” Steve was just about to present the proposal Danny and he had worked up last night before bed (before the incident) when Danny returned, the canvas bag full of daily papers and mail.

“There’s a yellow jacket nest under the mailbox by the wooden stake,” Danny said as he handed Nando the mail. “The post office delivery guy and I got stung.” He held up his right hand with two swollen red white bumps on the back of it.

“Let’s make you a paste of baking soda,” Nando said as he ushered Danny into the kitchen. Steve followed, bringing the muffins. “Sit down and I’ll mix it up.”

“Tsk keiki, those bees must know you’re as sweet as honey. Except those ones don’t make honey. They just make trouble.” Kamekona shook his head. “We can get you all fixed up. Wash your hands really well first.”

Steve hovered but it seemed like Kamekona was taking over so Steve decided to ask Nando about his proposal.
“Do you have a sec? I’d like to talk to you about something Danny and I came up with?”

“You ok?” Nando asked Danny who was watching as the big chef smeared the paste of baking soda and water on his hand.

“Go ahead. I’ll be ready to go in a minute.” Danny winced as Kamekona touched the throbbing area, tender as it was, but it felt better already.

“I can go out after dark and spray the nest,” Steve said. “Do you have bee killer?”
“I don’t so we can put that on the list. I need to go to Aubuchon Hardware anyways because I gotta pick up the boat covers I ordered. You are welcome to ride along.”

“I’ll do that,” Steve said. “We can look at what they have to poison those little bastards out of there.”

“So you and Danny came up with something?” Nando sat in one of the dining room chairs, pushed another chair out and patted that one’s seat. “Take a load off. I’m listening.”

“Ok, Danny and I share this idea, and basically what we’d like to try and do is give pontoon boat rides with a little party here in the lodge after the ride. We thought about every Saturday, weather permitting, in October. The kids can dress up and we can give goodie bags out and serve up hot chocolate and donuts. The pontoon boat ride would not be a long one, say around 30 minutes just up and back along the shore. Here inside , there can be karaoke and maybe some games, like cornhole on the patio.”

Nando sat back and actually acted as though he was considering it. “Do you think people would come?”

“Oh definitely! For sure! As far as the pontoon boat, I’m certified in water rescue, scuba and just about anything else as far as water is involved and I grew up around boats, as we belonged to a yacht club.” Steve cleared his throat and looked down at the floor, sheepishly. “Sorry. I’m not boasting. I just want you to know I know a thing or two about watercraft.

“I’d get insurance anyways. I am licensed as a party place, though since … well, I haven’t done one in years.”

Steve was about to tell Nando he was sorry about Darren when Danny popped out of the kitchen and sat down beside Steve. He was eating a cookie and slid one on a napkin to Steve and one to Nando.

“Feels better with a cookie.” Danny grinned and took another bite. “Did Steve tell you the idea we had?”

“He did. I think it could work. Having lots of people around here again.” Nando looked at the room rather wistfully. “It’s time.”

“Did I hear you guys say that you are going into the village to the hardware? If you are, could you stop and pick up Lily’s pirate ship at Man snd Beast. It should be there by now.”

“Who’s … Lily?” Nando asked.
“Rabbit.” Steve rolled his eyes.

“I’ll give you the money—“ Danny began but Nando shook his head no.

“We can pick it up. Let me check with Kame in the kitchen to see what they need.Danny, I have a little job for you if you don’t mind being outside.” Nando poised and waited for Danny to answer.

“Yeah sure. What can I do?”

“Use the soap attachment and hose down the vinyl patio cushions. Then hose down the patio.”

“Sure yeah I can do that! I’ll be happy to do that.” Danny gave Nando a thumbs up and sat back down next to Steve as Nando ducked into the kitchen. “ Steve, don’t tell our boss about last night. I think it would upset him.”

“You’re probably right. I won’t tell him.” Steve pantomimed zipping and locking his lips and Danny laughed and pushed him. “That water you threw up—-“

“Steve. Let’s not go there now. Here he comes.” Danny stood up, stretched and walked out to the patio where the hose was. “Where is the soap to attach for the hose?”

“Danny if you go to the boat house it’s on the shelf on the right as you open the door. I used it last time on your patio furniture and just put it away down there.” Nando fished the truck keys out of his pocket. “You ready Steve!?”

Danny watched them leave, waving as they pulled out of the parking area. His hand throbbed a little so he got more paste to put on it and walked down to the boat house. He was determined not to freak out or act scared. Last night’s nightmare seemed like a long time ago and he was not going to be chased away through some bad dream.
As he approached the wide building, the sun peeled out from between the clouds and lit up the way. It was turning out to be a nice early fall day.

Using the one door off the patio, Danny entered the boat house and looked around. There were four slips, three currently in use with 2 sailboats and a motorboat skiff that looked like the boat they might use for water skiing. Wooden plank walkways skirted around the boats and big garage doors compromised the other side of the building. There wasn’t anything spooky or strange here. Danny relaxed and on the shelf by the man door, found the bottle of soap that attached to the hose. He emerged from the boat house and sniffed the air appreciatively. The smell of leaves and water combined to make a pleasant backdrop. As he walked back up the stairs, he wondered how Steve’s excursion with Nando was going.
“Never a dull moment,” Danny said out loud.

Steve was duly impressed with the Main Street of Lake Placid. It was quaint and well tuned to the flocks of tourists that constantly flooded the small town. Nando drove slowly looking for a parking space then gave up and turned down a side street where he parallel parked his truck.

“We can walk to the hardware from here, Steve,” Nando explained. “As you can see, there are plenty of places that pander to tourists.”

“It’s nice though. Is that the Olympic Museum up the street a ways? Where all of those flags are flying?” Steve asked.

“It is. We are pretty proud of it and the fact we are the only city to have hosted the Olympics twice, once in 1922 and the last time in 1980 when the American ice hockey team brought home the gold! There are souvenir shops and a great brewery with views of the lake. Some good eating at other places too.” Nando stopped in front of the hardware store which had a very upscale facade. “Here we go.”

Aubuchon Hardware was a modern facility with a well kept atmosphere. The clerk retrieved the boat covers and a cart so they could take them out to the truck. Steve found some high powered spray bee killer and bought two cans of it just in case he needed to spray twice.

As they loaded the covers in the truck, Steve remembered about the rabbit and Danny’s request for them to stop at the pet store, which they did and picked that up too.

“Looks like you’ll have to put it together,” Nando said eyeing the box. “I didn’t know rabbits like nautical themed stuff.”

“This rabbit is really big. When Danny picks her up she’s a real handful. Danny read an article about how her breed has really thick fur but because of that density they get cold or overheated quickly. It’s hard for them to regulate their own body temp sooooo he wants to get clothes for her. To keep her warm in the winter.” Steve rolled his eyes and shook his head. “The bunny hasn’t really warmed up to me. She likes it when I feed her a piece of my banana though.”

“I learned something about bunnies …. And dressing them up.. Oh hey Steve I’m gonna fill the truck.” Nando pulled into a Shell station and parked in front of a set of pumps. He got out but Steve was faster and had already popped the gas gate to pump the gas. “I’m just running in to get a coffee. You want one?”

“A co*ke would be great,” Steve said. “Thanks!”
As he held the gas nozzle, Steve wondered what Danny was doing. He hoped the stings weren’t giving him much trouble though he had seemed fine when they left. ‘I worry too much,’ Steve thought. ‘I just want to take care of him, to protect him.’

“Hey! You!”

Startled out of his reverie, Steve looked around to find a rather nasty looking bearded man with a paunch and a flannel shirt that was halfway buttoned pointing at him.
“Are you talking to me?” Steve asked hoping his voice was neutral.

“Who else would I be talking to, ya dumbass. Do you see a crowd?” The msn walked, or rather swaggered, over and Steve bristled. This was not a good situation but Steve did not want to provoke or carry this anywhere. He finished pumping gas and replaced the nozzle on the pump, closed the truck gasoline gate and grabbed a paper towel from the dispenser on the pole next to the pumps.

“Can I help you with something?” Steve asked trying to sound neutral.

“You and some other pretty boy are living up at the Camp.” The man stopped and Steve almost passed out from the fumes on the man’s breath, day drinking? Oh he had a problem alright and it had nothing to do with Danny and Steve. “You know that bastard Hernandez accused my daughter of killing his boy. Yet here you are working for him.”

“I wasn’t around then and even if I was, I certainly would not be talking about a tragedy. I think Nando has it way worse than you. He doesn’t have a son to raise. At least your daughter is still alive.” Steve began to walk towards the passenger door

“You son of a —-“
“Lloyd, I would not do that if I were you.”

Steve breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of Chin who had just pulled up in the squad car. He looked sternly at the man in flannel and immediately, Lloyd Backus turned around and stomped to his car.

“Stirring up the natives, Steve?” Chin asked pleasantly. “I can’t leave you alone for any amount of time.”

“What’s going on?” Nando asked as he hustled over. He’d just caught the end of the confrontation and watched as Lloyd Backus squealed the tires of his old model Lincoln as he pulled out of the gas station.

“Oh you know the usual. Hostile locals with a score to settle,” Steve retorted. “Does he also have an urge to drink hard alcohol during the day?”

“He does,” Chin nodded. “You guys ok? I thought I’d stop out to see you after shift tonight if that’s ok with you, Nando?”

“You know you’re always welcome, Chin. No reason to ask. Here Steve, your caffeine fix.” He handed Steve a cold bottle of Coca Cola and headed for the diver’s side then hesitated. “Why don’t you drive? My arthritis is acting up. My leg isn’t a picnic.”

“Sure, yeah, thanks,”Steve answered and caught the keys as Nando threw them his way. “See ya tonight Chin and thanks.”

“He’ll sleep it off. I’ll see you later.”

As Steve drove back to the Camp, Nando sighed. “I know you want to ask me so I’ll tell you. Lloyd and I used to be pretty good friends. His daughter, Tracy, used to be … well, she was in Darren’s grade. I wouldn’t say Darren and her were exactly good friends but he knew her she knew him. The night my son drowned, he was in a canoe with Tracy and Kitty Lewis; the Lewis family owns the big hotel I showed you. The both of them, both girls, made it to shore and never tried to help Darren. The law at that time never charged them with anything. Nothing. I wasn’t thinking lock them up but to make them accountable… my son lost his life and they have theirs.” Nando stared out the window, his voice soft but dripping with the hurt he felt over his son’s death.

“I’m sorry. I can’t imagine. You know, it seems you have good people surrounding you though. Those 2 cousins in the kitchen, your friend Bonnie, Abby at the pet store,” Steve said, thinking back on how caring Abby was when Nando had come into the shop. “Danny and me, Chin, and I’m sure there are more. We can help you bring the Camp back to life again, Nando. It’s worth a try.”

“Ok, Steve let’s do it. I’ll make up a flyer… unless you know how… and we can post it in the community activity group. “

“Yeah sure I can do a flyer or a poster. We can go through the specifics and of course I’ll run everything by you.” Steve turned on to the service road and stopped by the mail box. Sure enough, there was a small swarm of the trouble making bees around the box. “Enjoy your last day,” Steve said out the window to them.

They ate some lunch on the patio, the cousins joining them in a sit down meal of salad, scalloped fish and fresh fruit for dessert. Danny helped clear the table, then continued on his chore of cleaning the patio. It wasn’t hard work because he just aimed the hose with the soap attached and then rinsed it. Steve and Nando were working out the flyer for the fall fun. The events of last night seemed very far away.

Chin arrived around 4, bringing news to a serious Steve that his mother and Joe were still very actively looking for him but Chin had cleverly enlisted a friend’s help to throw them off the real trail, and they were looking for Steve in Idaho.

“It’s called lighting the paper trail. In other words, all smoke and no substance.” When Chin saw Danny rolling his eyes and Steve looking skeptical, Chin chuckled. “Hey, that didn’t come from me. That joke came from the computer guru himself. Which reminds me,” Chin said slowly. “Jerry has offered to tutor Danny so he can get his GED. How about it? Are you interested?”

“Hell yes he is!” Nando said. “I think that’s a great idea!”

Danny, clearly caught in the upswing of the movement, decided he really did not have any choice but to agree. “That’s something I should do, I agree. But how will I earn my keep if I just study for school?”

“Don’t you even worry about things like that,” Nando said. “Your education is important. That comes first.”

Danny glanced at Steve who nodded. “Ok. When can I start?”

“I’ll give you Jerry’s number and you can call him. Oh, he’s a bit of a legend around here. He has an interest in the.. paranormal and the unexplained besides being a huge conspiracy nut.” Chin shrugged. “But he’s a certified teacher with a Master’s in Education so you’ll learn from the best.”

“Sounds good.” Danny thought about his dream, about puking what looked like lake water, and thought that fate was pushing him in a strange direction. “I’ll call him today.”

Steve sat on the floor of their bedroom and looked at the pieces of the pirate ship in front of him. Danny was on the bed, cuddling Lily and telling her that she would soon be sailing the high seas.

“Are you nervous about school starting Monday?” Steve asked. He began to build the hull by snapping two pieces of plastic together. “In my honest opinion you won’t be studying long before you take the test. You’re smart.”

“You’re giving me too much credit,” Danny laughed. Lily chinned his hand and sighed, leaning against him as she relaxed.

“This isn’t hard… I thought it was going to be tricky but…” Steve placed a fully assembled ship in her x pen. Lily raised her head and watched him with interest. “Ahoy, Matey, you’re all set.” He got up, all long lean legs and tanned arms. Danny couldn’t stop staring at him. “I’m gonna go destroy those nests. Nando said I could take the 4 wheeler down so I would not have to walk back in the dark.”

“Want me to go with you!?” Danny asked.

“If you want to, sure. Just stay back while I’m spraying,” Steve directed. Steve watched as Danny gently put Lily into her enclosure where her new ship sat, fully assembled. Because Lily was going to be a large bunny, the ship was also large. Lily sniffed it and chinned the bow then hopped up on it and settled down on the deck. She looked so cute that Danny took a picture of her using the burner phone. “I’ll get you a camera so you can take photos for real.”

“Really? I never had a real camera before!” Danny said happily. “Ok, let’s get that spraying done. I feel bad but those bees are a hazard with the post person who delivers the mail.”

“They don’t make honey anyways,” Steve noted.

The ATV was basically a two person one seat sort of big four wheeler type. Danny hung on to Steve as Steve drove out to the mailbox, following the dirt path from the main lodge. Danny had the spray in a bag slung over his shoulder and as they approached the mailbox, Steve parked a ways away from the post.

“Stay here.” Steve kissed Danny on the top of his head and, armed with a can of spray, coated the inside and outside of the offending nest with the poison. A few bees lazily flew out of it but Steve was far enough away they did not sting him.

As Danny watched, he absently rubbed the back of his hand where he’d been stung. He had never ever been stung by a bee before this and decided if he never got stung again it would be just fine.

“Done and done. Tomorrow I’ll get the mail to see if the bees are in bee heaven. Huh. That didn’t take long.”

“You escape unscathed?” Danny asked.

Steve grinned, his teeth white in the fading light. “Not a scratch. Hop on.”

Danny slipped his arms around Steve and pressed his face against Steve’s muscular back. There was no doubt he was very attracted to Steve and would do anything for him. Having had no meaningful relationships, even though he had ached for one, Danny felt like Steve was the only one who truly understood him and even then there were some things he got wrong. Here in Lake Placid, hooking and sex for money seemed a far cry from the wholesome life he was living.

They pulled into the driveway by the boat house and Steve pushed the ATV into the adjacent shed by the boat house. Danny paused and looked out over the water. The moonlight made the surface of the water sparkle and shine.

“Pretty isn’t it?” Steve whispered, coming up behind Danny and wrapping his arms around him. “Like you. Only you are prettier.”

“No I’m not pretty,” Danny muttered but he allowed himself to be pulled into the embrace where he was hyper aware of Steve’s heat and muscles. Tilting his head up, Danny closed his eyes and


They broke apart, startled and maybe a little guilty, as their attention was diverted to the middle of the Lake. As they watched, a woman, so white she was alabaster, surfaced and then sunk beneath the water.

“f*ck! There’s someone out there!” Steve kicked off his shoes and took off his shirt. “Call 911, Danny!”

“Steve!! No! Don’t! Please don’t go!” Danny yelled, holding on to Steve’s arm with both hands. Steve was practically dragging Danny along as he mulishly kept trying to run towards the end of the dock. Danny was full of dread, of fear and he knew if Steve went out there he was not going to come back. “Stop it!” In desperation, Danny jumped on Steve’s back and knocked him down so the two of them tumbled onto the wooden surface of the dock.

“Danny! What the f*ck are—“

There was another splash and this time, as they both watched, the woman rose from the water as though being lifted. She had a thick rope tied around her neck, at the end an anchor, and as she rose, she reached out her hand as if to invite them to jump in. In a few seconds, her beauty faded to be replaced by a grinning hag with missing teeth and black holes where her eyes should be. The lake churned and she disappeared as quickly as she had surfaced.

“f*ck….” Steve said softly. He stood quickly and pulled Danny up. “Come on. Let’s go inside.” Danny was shivering and Steve thought vaguely that he was too. They pulled the door shut and locked it.

“Did we really see… that?” Danny asked. “What the hell?”

“I think it was indeed a ghost, Danny. I’m not an expert but I sure felt and saw that thing. We’re both shivering. You ok? Come here.” Steve spread his arms out and wrapped Danny up in them, pulling the blonde to him. “Maybe that
Jerry character can shed some truths as to what is out there.”

“Is this place haunted, Steve? I’m not sure I can stay here if it’s going to be scary!” Danny said and received a comforting back rub.

“Hey, it’s nothing we can’t figure out right? Ghosts can’t hurt you. And who knows maybe we will discover it’s something akin to the Scooby Doo gang. You know where there’s someone who would have got away with it,” Steve said but Danny joined in on the last bit so they said it in unison. “If it wasn’t for those meddling kids.”
“You’re making me laugh,” Danny said and he felt better.

“Wanna watch tv and snuggle? I was—-“


“What is she doing?” Steve asked as he let go of Danny and the blonde crouched down next to the bunny who was looking pointedly at the cabinet where her pellets were kept.

“Begging. No, Lily, you get half a cup of pellets in the morning. I’ll give you some greens and blueberries though.”

Steve smirked and looked at the rabbit. She looked up at him, twitched her nose and turned her back to him.
“Danny! Your rabbit is showing me her butt! That’s rude!”

“Steven, go watch tv. I’ll be in soon. Just gotta do this for her.” Danny was concentrating on peeling the romaine off the stalk and putting it into the long square bowl that Lily ate her salad out of.
Steve stepped over the bunny as she watched him and as soon as he plopped down on the couch, she hopped over to Danny and wrapped her front paws around his leg as she stood on her haunches. She alternated watching Danny and looking (triumphantly Steve thought) at Steve.

“There you go, Lily my beautiful bun. I put some carrot tops in there too and before bed I’ll give you a piece of banana.” Danny washed his hands and came out to where Steve was relaxing on the couch. “Is there a game on? I saw where the Yankees are playing the Bosox.”

“No that’s not the game . We got the Nats versus the Pirates.” Steve pointed with the remote to the screen.
“Pittsburgh?!” Danny made a face. “Really?”

“There’s a movie on. The Meg. Oh. Maybe not.”

“There’s no sharks in the lake, Steve. That’s fine. Get that and we will watch it. I don’t know if I want to talk about what was in the lake/—“

“No. No let’s not go there. When Jerry comes we can talk about it.”

“You saw her though right? With the rope?” Danny asked.

“Like I can’t forget it.” Steve pulled Danny closer and wrapped a reassuring arm around the blonde’s shoulders. “I’m looking forward to what Jerry has to say tomorrow. And for you getting your classes finalized.”

“Yes, Steve. “ Danny was quiet for a long moment as Jason Stratham strapped on to save the romantic interest. “Are you… sorry we came here?”

“Not at all. I guess I need to think about what I want to do. I was wondering if Chin could use some help.” Steve felt Danny stiffen underneath his petting hand. “What? It’s not dangerous. I bet they don’t have anything more than some car accidents and loose dogs.”

“And ladies in the lake with ropes and an anchor around her neck. But I know you by now. You’d be good on the squad or force whatever they call it.” Danny relaxed again. “Are you done Lily? Come on! Come on up!” Danny patted his lap.

“Anyways,” Steve said ignoring the rabbit, “we can get some answers tomorrow.”

Danny petted Lily. He hoped Steve was right because if Jerry was not Forthcoming,
Danny was going to look for those answers elsewhere.


Hmmm the mystery deepens. I’m going somewhere with all of this, so be patient!

Chapter 5: Assignment


Danny and Steve are assigned a task.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

…’If we were older
We wouldn't have to be worried tonight
Baby oh (oh!) I want to be with you
So bad (yeah, I want to be with you)
Oh baby (oh!) I want to be with you
Oh yeah (yeah, I want to be with you)
Well tonight (tonight)
The night (the night)
We always knew it would feel so right
So come on baby, I just want to be with you
Someday's a long time
And we've been waiting so long to be here..’

Steve paced himself as he ran. He wanted to get his miles in after not running for what he perceived as a long time when in reality it had only been a week. So far this morning, he was right on pace without too much exertion so he was pleased he hadn’t lost anything in those days when he could not work out.

The sun was just starting to rise and the asphalt was still wet from the dew, the moisture causing his trainers to make a kind of ‘slap slap’ noise with every step. Steve preferred to run without air buds or music to distract him, and it was important in this new environment that he hear approaching traffic so he could move out of the way if necessary.

Running also freed him mentally; he could leave behind his troubles and problems and just pour his energy into sweat and movement. Sometimes he didn’t even realize how much distance he’d covered until he checked his watch that tracked his mileage and time.

This was a great way to start the day! Ahead was a stop sign at an intersection and Steve recognized it from the day before when he’d driven into the village with Nando. Going right would take you to Lake Placid; to the left was water and a marina. Steve decided he’d turn around and head back, curious as to what Jerry was like. They’d find out that morning at 11.

Danny shoved his hand in his pocket so he would not itch the stupid bee stings. They were healing just fine though so he was grateful for that. He was becoming whole again after the beating from Joe White. His black eye just had remnants of purple under the eye and the bruises on his neck had faded so as not to be seen.

Lily bumped his leg and looked pointedly at her veggie bowl which was empty.
“Yeah yeah I’ll get there. I just thought I’d make Steve something for when he gets back.” Danny abandoned those plans and pandered to making a salad for the rabbit, adding some blueberries on top. “There. My perfect little bun, you have a nice fresh salad. I already cleaned your litter boxes and gave you fresh hay and water so you’re all set.” Danny finished up the egg Sammies he had made for Steve and poured out the cereal he wanted in a bowl. Lily stopped eating and stood up on her haunches sniffing the air. “I’ll give you a slice of banana as soon as we start eating but you gotta wait for a few minutes.”

Danny wondered as he waited what kind of a person Jerry would be. He was nervous about school and whether or not he’d do well enough to cruise through and get his GED or be deemed as not smart enough. He loved to read and had kept a journal for quite some time but would that count as far as school was concerned? Despite having to work to support himself, Danny had frequented the library and had taught himself algebra and geometry from some of the textbooks there. Would that help? He had no idea.

“I’m back,” Steve announced as he walked in to the kitchen and headed for the bathroom. “I’ll be about ten minutes.”
“M”ok. Breakies is ready so when you come out we can eat.” Danny glanced out the big picture window at the lake. It was a pretty dark blue colour, and it did not look threatening nor spooky, though it was still ominous. “There’s something out there, Lake Placid,” Danny muttered but the lake was silent and gave no indication it heard.

Promptly at 11:00, a minivan with an alien replica sticker on the back, arrived at their boat house. The driver, Jerry Ortega, was a larger than life personality, both in build and personality. He carried a messenger bag over his shoulder as he walked up the steps, and Danny went out to meet him. From that first meeting, Danny and Steve liked him right away as Jerry was wary but friendly and humble, as though he had a lot to say but would not tell you unless you asked.

“Danny, we can start with your lessons but first I need to give you an aptitude test to see where your strengths and weaknesses lie plus at what level you are currently.” Jerry started to pull folders out of his bag.

Danny nervously bit his lip and looked over at Steve. “What if I flunk that test?”

“You can’t flunk it. The test is only to show me where to start with you and what you may already know. You don’t have to worry. Honestly, it’s just an indicator.” Jerry looked at Lily who was playing with a ball. “That rabbit has some growing to do,” Jerry said. “Flemish Giants are big critters.”

“She’s so pretty,” Danny said as he looked at her fondly. “I’m so glad I saved her.”

Steve snorted and went back to looking up stuff on a laptop. The laptop was technically Nando’s but he had let Steve borrow it. They’d also use it for Danny’s school work.

“I take it you aren’t of the same opinion?” Jerry asked. Steve just waved his hand as if to say whatever. “Alright. Why don’t you take that test now. It should take you an hour and afterwards. I can evaluate your level so I can set up your individual programs on the laptop.”

“Ok,” Danny mumbled though he was still very nervous. “I hope I’m not in sixth grade or something,” he said as he accepted the packet from Jerry.

While Danny worked in the dining room at the table, Steve closed up the laptop and he and Jerry went out on the main deck. The sun was just right and a gentle breeze blew in from the water.

“Kamekona is sending a late lunch down to us, you included. That man can cook!” Steve said. He watched as the waves lapped at the float near the shores. The float was a box shape with a ladder from the water on either side. “Were you here in the village when Darren drowned?”

Jerry took a sip of the lemonade Danny had made and set his glass down on the glass topped table beside him. “I was, yes. Terrible tragedy that still is in the court system now.”

“Oh. I thought, well, Nando told me the girls got off without charges.”

“I’m talking civil suit. Nando filed a claim against the families of the two girls who had been with Darren that night, a suit for abandonment resulting in catastrophic death. So far, it’s looking good on Nando’s end. The girls didn’t even call 911 immediately. And if all this sounds petty, imagine the repercussions the whole event had on the village itself with the parents of the one girl owning the big hotel. They kind of blackballed Nando’s business.”

“Figures. Small town politics and nobody wins. Still, Danny and I have thought up a great money making excursion for the kids. We have expanded it to include adults who also want to go out in the pontoon boat. We made up flyers and I do believe Nando was going to go with his friend Bonnie and ask for it to be put in the paper. He also took it to radio stations.” Steve paused. “He’s a good guy. He and Danny butted heads at first but Danny stood up to him.”

“Uh how old is Danny? He’s pretty young?” Jerry asked.
“He’s uh yes he’s 16.” Steve tried his best for his face to remain neutral.
“Thought so. Are you and he a thing? I hope you don’t mind me asking but it helps to know a bit about my students. If he’s motivated by you then I’ll use that.”

“I’m not sure he’s exactly motivated by me,” Steve said. A fish jumping from the water diverted their attention. “I’d like to think he cares about me and I know, I know,” Steve waved his hand to emphasize what he was saying, “I know he’s young. Christ, he’s 6 years younger than I am but he’s mature in a lot of ways. We get along well considering I did not even know him a week or so ago.”

Jerry nodded seeming to accept what Steve said. He pointed to the fish that was still lolling about on the surface of the water.
“A sign of a healthy ecosystem,” Jerry said. “Typically the mayflies are gone by this time but there are still some around. That means there’s oxygen in the lake and just like a regular food chain going from the smallest to the largest, the humble mayfly feeds the fish so that the fish can feed other fish and so on.”

“You’re a bit of an expert on the spooky stuff around here, at least that’s what I hear. Can I ask you about the legends of the lake?” Steve asked. Jerry frowned and concentrated on staring at his glass of lemonade. “I would believe you because Danny and I saw something that made me a million times creeped out. It still does if I think about it.”
Jerry nodded.

“If you don’t mind, we’ll talk about it when Danny is present too. If you saw the Lady of the Lake she’s trying to send you a message.”

“The Lady. She’s a white figure? With long hair and like a big rope knotted around her neck?”Steve asked eagerly.

“While I myself have never seen her that is how she’s described.”

“And the first night we were here, Danny had a horrific nightmare, where he could not breathe. I actually heard him make noises like he was …. Drowning. I had to slap him so he’d come around and after I did, he threw up…. Lake water.”

Jerry pondered this and nodded slowly. “It appears that Danny might have bonded with the spirit of Darren Hernandez. Wow.”

“Bonded.. that’s bad isn’t it?” Steve asked, an edge of panic creeping into his tone.

“No it’s not. I mean it could be but let’s hope it isn’t. We aren’t in the Insidious universe that’s for sure. Now let’s just consider this. Oh!” They were interrupted by Kamekona tapping on the door. Steve motioned for him to come out on the deck, which he did; he pulled a wagon behind him. Inside, Steve heard Flippa talking to Danny.
“Hey! He’s taking a timed test, FlippA! Leave him be!” Steve shouted.

“Sorry, Jer.” Flippa joined Steve and Kamekona on the deck. “Wait til you see what we made! Stuffed shells, salad and Kamekona’s secret pasta sauce!”

“ That sounds really good! Hey, do you know if Nando left to drop those flyers off?” Steve caught a whiff of something tasty and tried not to drool, figuratively speaking.

“He did. Bright and early this morning,” Flippa answered.

While Danny worked on his test, the four sat on the deck, enjoying the weather as the talk turned to winter time, the mountains, skiing and the constant non league hockey games. Steve decided it certainly fit into his lifestyle. He could ski, snowboard and skate so he was down with all of that. Flippa explained that winter was when they did their best business and up until the accident, Nando’s camp was always booked solid a year in advance!

“I’d like to help him get back to that place,” Steve said. He was interrupted by the sounds of the screen door sliding.

“I’m done.” Danny walked out to where they sat; he carried his test in one hand and was holding Lily with his other arm.

“You’re early,” Jerry observed. “Did you fill out all the question areas?”

“I did. It actually wasn’t that hard.” Danny perched on the bottom of the chaise Steve was sitting on, so he was on the lounge and slightly between Steve’s bent legs. Lily was content to sit on his lap, her big front paws hanging down.

“That’s a good sign, as long as you didn’t rush,” Jerry explained. He slipped the test in to his messenger bag and rubbed his stomach. “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I could eat.” Everyone there agreed so Kamekona and Flippa began to set things up.

Lunch was good, plentiful and extremely tasty, once again a testament to the cooking prowess of the cousins. Lily had bites of Danny’s salad and at last scored that piece of banana from the dessert fruit bowl. She watched Steve eat his and he felt so guilty that he gave her a banana bite too.

“That’s a hella big bunny,” Kamekona said. “I guess I know where to come if Hasenpfeffer is on the menu.”

“What’s… Hasenpfeffer?” Danny asked. Steve snorted and started to laugh as Jerry threw Kamekona a look.

“Rabbit stew,” Jerry said.

Danny looked horrified and immediately the friendly chef apologized and said he was just teasing.

“Lily is a special bunny,” Danny said softly, hugging her to his chest. She closed her eyes and turned her head so she could snuggle that much closer.

“Well, we’d best get back up those stairs. We keep telling Nando to get a freight lift between the water and the lodge but I don’t think he’s gonna put out the bucks for that.” Kamekona sighed.

“Want me to help you?” Danny offered.

“Not unless you want to carry one of us!” Flippa said and when Danny pondered that, the cousins got up and wheeled their wagon, now loaded with the remains of lunch, around to the steps. “Here we go!”

“You know Kamekona was just teasing you about your bunny,” Steve said.
“I do now,” Danny said. “He’s goofy.”
“I agree,” Steve said. “Since we have eaten, I asked Jerry earlier to tell us about the lake and the lady we saw.”

Danny leaned back against Steve and Steve made room for him so Danny was sitting against him. Steve was more than pleased since there were a lot of places for Danny to sit and he chose to sit by Steve.
“I’m very interested in finding out what you can teach us about this place,” Danny said.

“Steve tells me that he and you saw the Lady of the Lake,” Jerry began. “She was white with a rope around her neck.”
“Both of us did, last night! We saw her, didn’t we, Steve? It wasn’t a dream, Jerry!” Danny said.

“You guys should know that people who see her, and there haven’t been many, have been chosen for a particular task or errand. She appears to command you to do something and if you don’t well, she reverts to strong arm tactics.” Jerry glanced towards the lake; he looked thoughtful.

“Seriously?” Steve said. “Right. She’s asking us and if we don’t OBEY her” he said using air quotes, “she gets pissed. And then what? She sinks our boat?”

“The Lady in the Lake is no entity to piss off, Steve. She’s rather a stalwart for Justice as in life so it goes in death. She wasn’t just a random swimmer.”

“This just gets better and better,” Steve said. “But do go on. I’m interested.”

“When the Lady asks you to do something, she is carrying out … fairness. The fact you, Danny, had such a bad physical reaction the first night you were here tells me that she may want you to investigate a drowning. If I’m also going to be a believer, I’d say it has something to do with Darren Hernandez.”

“If she wants us to, I’ll do it,” Danny said sincerely. “Steve will too.”

“Let me just give you the story behind her and Steve, maybe you will understand once I tell this.” Jerry sipped his lemonade and scowled. “This is fact by the way and not a ghost story, at least this part is not.”

“We’re listening. Go ahead, Jerry,” Danny said.

“There’s a rock near the shore of Lake Placid, aptly named Pulpit Rock because it looks like you could stand on it and give a sermon. It was on this rock where she was last seen.

On September 21, 1933, Mabel Smith Douglass disappeared while rowing on Lake Placid. She was a successful educator, creating and serving as the first dean to the New Jersey College for Women at Rutgers, which was later renamed Douglass College in her honor. Her family was about to close up Camp Onondaga for the season and head back to New Jersey the next day when Douglass went out for a paddle. She wasn’t seen again for just a week short of 30 years.”

“Thirty years??” Steve asked. “But … but… the body would be decomposed!”
“Listen and learn, my handsome friend,” Jerry continued. “The story does not end there.” He took another drink and set his now empty glass down. If the wind had stopped and there was an eerie silence like the leaves and lake were listening, nobody commented.

Jerry continued.
“Scuba divers found Mabel’s body on Sept. 15, 1963, in the depths of Lake Placid near Pulpit Rock (named, as I said, because it looks like a clergyman could preach from the top of it).
The first two divers followed Pulpit Rock as it plunges straight down through the depths of the water, finding an old guide boat on a rock shelf then continuing down. As they approached the bottom, 105 feet below the surface, they saw what they thought was a mannequin, put there as a practical joke. It wasn’t until one of them grabbed its arm and it detached from the rest of the body that they realized it was human, perfectly preserved due to the depths and cold of the water.
The chemical makeup of the water and the conditions were just so that the outer layers of tissue of Mabel’s body slowly started to turn into soap, giving her skin a hard, waxy, white look that gave the divers the initial impression that she was made of plastic. She lay on her right side with her legs together in a crouching position, and she looked like she had just died five minutes ago. The divers noticed a rope tied around her neck, which was attached to an anchor.
One of the divers, Air Force Staff Sergeant Richard Niffenegger, motioned for the other, 18-year-old Jimmy Rogers, to stay with the body as he returned to the surface, where he intended to get rope to mark the spot where the body lay so police could investigate it. As Jimmy waited with the body in the deep, dark water, though, he grew disconcerted by the way Mabel looked like she could wake up at any second. He decided to bring her body to the surface himself.”

“That can’t have ended well,” Steve muttered. “I bet the body would have disintegrated!”

“You go to the head of the class, McGruff. That’s exactly what happened.”
“The body disintegrated?!” Danny asked. He shifted and Lily thumped against the chaise. “Sorry baby.”

“As Jimmy rose through the water with her, Mabel’s face disintegrated before the eyes of the divers who were coming down to help Jimmy. Her arm, her other hand, and her head all fell off in the process of getting her body out of the water, and all that was left by the time it was brought to the funeral home was a body that “resembled little more than a sculptor’s rough clay form of an unfinished human statue,” according to the book “A Lady in the Lake,” which was written about the incident.”

“Of course all kinds of speculation went rampant. It didn’t take long for investigators to find out that Mabel was the only person to have disappeared on Lake Placid and never have been found. They also learned that Mabel’s husband had died and her son had killed himself, and she had run into professional issues the year before she died. Combined, those circ*mstances caused her to have a nervous breakdown, and she spent about a year at a mental health facility before her daughter brought her to their Lake Placid camp for the summer. Years after Mabel’s death, her daughter Edith also committed suicide following her own husband’s untimely death.
With that background and the story that her neck was tied to an anchor, many have drawn the conclusion that she killed herself. Perhaps the idea of heading back to New Jersey and figuring out how to dive back into the real world was just too much for her. Yet the coroner declared the official cause of death to be accidental drowning. The type of boat Mabel was in is notoriously unstable and dangerous for beginners, so there’s always the slight possibility that she slipped and fell, and somehow she became entangled in the anchor’s rope as she fell. “

“Do you believe that? I bet she was murdered!” Danny said. “No wonder she wants people to talk about Justice or to do the right thing.”

“Legend or stories have it that if you don’t do what she tells you, you will fall victim to the Lake and she will hold your head underwater until your last breath.” Jerry raised an eyebrow and looked directly at Steve. “I would not want to chance it.”

“Ok, yeah, say she wants us to do something. How can you or Danny and I be sure that she wants us to .. I dunno… solve the death of Darren?”

“She will let you know,” Jerry said. “Now. There are of course more legends associated with this place—the ghost of Annie Dewey, wife of the man who invented the Dewey Decimal System, appearing in what is now the site of a new hotel. Some ghostly happenings in the correctional facility. Oh the Crowne Plaza Resort? The one that’s owned by the father of one of the girls who went canoeing on the lake with Darren, is also rife with stories. Way back when, it used to be the Grand View Hotel. And of course you have the usual spirits of drowning victims and the deaths of three young people in a cove near here, nicknamed The Death Depths.”

Steve sighed. “Jerry, I admit to seeing the … spirit last night. It was very ghostly and I felt like I could not get warm afterwards. If it… if it wants us to … to investigate … I’ll only do it if there’s no danger to Danny … ok or to me.”

“She can’t promise that nor does she care,” Jerry said with a shrug. “Steve, she really doesn’t have … a heart? Compassion? She seeks the truth for an injustice just like an injustice was done to her by dragging her body up until it just dissolved.”

“Ok. Enough ghost talk.” Steve crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the water.

“Steve, it’s ok if you’re scared.” Danny rubbed Steve’s leg. “I’m scared too.”

“I’m not scared, Danny. I’m just.. I dunno… I guess I’m just skeptical still. We will see.”

“On that note, I must go. I have a class to teach in half hour.” Jerry got up and looked at Danny and Steve with a mixture of concern and anxiety. “You have my number if you need me.”

“I’ll walk you out,” Danny said. He put Lily on Steve’s lap and followed Jerry out to his car.

“What do you think, huh, bunny? It’s madness I tell you,” Steve said to Lily who looked at him for a long moment then used his lap as a launch pad to hit the deck and run over to the screen door where she sat looking inside. “Yeah yeah ok. Danny isn’t here so I just won’t do.” Steve got up and collected their glasses. He opened the door so the bunny could scoot through, and followed shutting the screen behind him.

“What do you think?” Danny asked. He lay beside Steve, snuggled close to the tall brunette. “Do you believe the story? We haven’t talked about it all day.”

“There’s some validity. I mean…. We saw the ghost. It was scary and strange and.. fits what Jerry told us. I guess we will have to, and I feel silly even saying this, look for signs.”

“Thank you,” Danny said with a yawn.
“For what?” Steve whispered, brushing Danny’s hair with his fingers. It was so soft and curly.

“For trying to believe. You’re right. We will figure it out. Night, Steve.”
“Night Danny.”

Steve lay there in the dark and listened as Danny’s soft breathing evened out to a sleep pattern. Maybe it was the tea at dinner time or all of the talk of the Lady in the Lake but Steve just couldn’t tip over the edge to slumber. He decided instead to focus thinking on Danny, because that was his favourite topic.

At 16, Danny was too young to even think about a relationship other than friendship. Steve had looked up the age of consent in New York and it was in black and white, clearly stated, that the law said it a person must be 17 years old to engage in a consensual sex act. Steve did not want to risk going to jail, though he was pretty certain people who knew them would look the other way. There WAS a loophole though, and Steve hoped, as they got to know each other, he could produce that loophole and he and Danny could discuss it to see where it led.

Steve had never felt the way he felt about Danny. Did Danny feel the same? Would Danny, with his background, be willing to have a relationship with Steve that involved physical affection as well as a commitment? Would the age difference doom them or was Danny mature enough?
Steve sighed and decided that maybe he could sleep; he had the days ahead to work things out. He pulled Danny closer, spooning the blonde from behind, and went to sleep surrounded with the sweet scent of Danny’s hair.

“I have never seen a more impatient bun in all my life!” Danny scolded. Lily thumped again, annoyed because Danny was taking his time making her morning salad plus they were out of bananas and she had not been offered her slice. Danny had asked Steve to stop at the lodge after his run to get a banana so she’d have her precious two slices. “Better late than never, Lily.” Danny set her salad down and she hopped over to it to nose out the cilantro first. “We are having avocado toast and fried potatoes. Steve will be hungry when he returns.”

Danny hummed as he turned the potatoes in the air fryer and set the timer again. Using the appliance was easy and a real time saver but someday he would like a real kitchen with an oven and a cooktop. Still, this was a beautiful house and he and Steve were living in it rent free.

“Today, Nando and Steve are working in the boat house while I’m going with Chin’s cousin to get groceries and pick up some fresh hay for you.” Danny glanced down at Lily who was crunching through her greens. “It looks a bit stormy out over the lake and why I’m talking to you like you’ll answer is beyond me,” Danny laughed. Could he have seen himself here in this situation a month ago? Just having such a relaxed life style with these amenities made Danny consider how lucky he was. All of the past encounters with men and all of the trauma he’d experienced were tucked away thanks to Steve. Steve had literally saved his life. “He shouldn’t be so handsome! Honestly that dark hair and those eyes are enough to make me melt when I look at him!”

“I’m back with a banana! Actually four.” Steve strolled in to the kitchen holding up the prize bananas as he mopped his face with his tee shirt, which he had taken off. Danny noticed the tats and the glistening sweaty and quite attractive pecs but came to his senses and took the bananas. He wondered if Steve had heard him when Danny was waxing poetically over Steve’s looks, but Steve didn’t give any indication he had and headed to get a shower.

“Thank you and don’t be too long!” Danny called after him. Steve waved in acknowledgement and disappeared into the bedroom. “Look, Lily, Kamekona has saved your life by sending you some bananas.” Danny laughed and popped the bread into the toaster. It looked like it was going to be a good day.

After breakfast, Nando came down to the boathouse and Steve and he went to work on covering the sailboats and the small motorboat. The covers were made of a breathable polyester blended material and waterproof so the boats would be protected even though they were inside a structure already.
“Steve! I’m leaving! Lily is in the bedroom in her pen! See ya in a bit!” Danny called as he saw a red Chevy Cruze pull into the parking area. Steve waved in acknowledgement so Danny walked down the steps to meet her.

Kono Kalakaua, Chin’s cousin, was a looker. Danny blushed when he slid into the front seat passenger side and she grinned at him; she was all dimples and dark shaggy hair.
“I’m Kono. You’re Danny.” She shook his hand.

“Yeah I’m Danny,” he said. “Very nice to meet you and thank you for taking me grocery shopping. I appreciate it.”

“Hey any friend of my cousin’s is a friend of mine. So Danny, you’re helping Nando Hernandez at the Lodge. How is that going?”

“He’s actually a really nice man,” Danny said. “So it’s been good. I think he doesn’t know what to do with us since he has a regular cleaning service and the cousins cook. Steve and he will doing stuff to the boats, making them ready for winter.”

“I hear you’ll be going for your GED? That’s awesome!” Kono exclaimed
“It’s all a little … daunting… “ Danny admitted. “I took an aptitude test and it wasn’t really that hard so I’m hoping that Jerry has some good news for me.”

“I’m sure you will ace the courses, Danny.” Kono sounded determined and even though she did not know Danny, her confidence was reassuring.
“Here we go. First stop, grocery store.”

“I appreciate this. I’m not sure if Steve can buy a car or not…ummm…” he wasn’t sure how much Chin had told his cousin.

“I get it. Hopefully you won’t have to be careful a lot longer. It must be scary knowing there’s people who want to hurt you. Chin and I will make sure that doesn’t happen!” Kono grabbed a cart from the corral and brought it around.

“I didn’t know you were on the police force,” Danny said.

“Oh I’m just a special consultant,” Kono said breezily. “I run a self defense school and specialize in weapons training too. All in a day’s work!” She smiled again. “Let’s go get some food for your cupboards!”

While Danny and Kono were shopping, Steve and Nando were doing the unenviable job of stretching the boat covers to winterize the boats. More than a few curse words were said but in the end, they got the difficult chore done.

“Come up to the Lodge and we’ll have a beer and sit outside,” Nando said when they got the last cover on. “I’m not sure how many days we will have like this when it’s warm enough to be outside on the deck.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Steve said. “Give me a minute to change my tee shirt and I’ll be up.”

“Meet you up there,” Nando said. “Hey Steve. Thanks. This was a big job and it was easy with your help.” He patted Steve’s shoulder and started to leave the boathouse. Steve waited for a moment, watching him go, feeling the waves of sadness rolling off the man. No doubt he was thinking about his son.

Steve was ready to head out too when he saw that he had not secured the bow tie to the post in one of the berths. He returned to the plank walkway and hopped over the side of the boat to reach the ropes when suddenly he felt something cold on his ankle. It was as if a hand was gripping him and he tried to take a step back.

Beside the sensation of the hand, the temperature in the boathouse had dropped to where Steve could see his breath and the sun, which, before had been shining through the open garage doors, was behind a cloud, making the inside of the boat house dark with shifting shadows.

“Let go!” Steve said sternly. “Let go and just indicate what you want me to do for you.”

His ankle was released and he stepped away from the side of the boat. Looking around, Steve didn’t see anything but he heard a splashing in the water beside the boat.

“Killer! Killer! Muuurrrrrrderrrr!”

Steve swallowed, his body tuned for flight, as he tried to believe that this was happening to him. He’d always had a vague interest in the paranormal but mostly it was trying to debunk it. This was real,; he heard the voice.

“Do you want us to find out what really happened to Darren Hernandez on this lake?” There was a moment when nothing was said and Steve thought he was imagining things but a soft plunk behind him answered his question. Steve turned and stared at the object, not really understanding but wanting to at the same time. He picked it up just as the sun broke free of the clouds and the boathouse was once again flooded with light. It was warm again too.

Steve looked at the personal flotation device and saw the name of the Lodge sewn inside. Had this been Darren’s Steve wondered. He picked it up and quickly started up the steps, but not before he set the PFD neatly by the door to their house. He did not want to upset Nando but he thought maybe the Lady In The Lake had pleaded her case.

Danny placed the case of Bai coconut water on the bottom rack of the cart and was just straightening up when a well dressed woman approached him, her neck dripping with pearls. She was, however, overdressed to be in the grocery store and Danny had to stifle a laugh at her uppity attitude.

“Are you one of the drifters that Nando Hernandez has hired to do pontoon boat rides and parties at his lodge?” She asked pointedly. Danny noticed she had lipstick bleed on her tooth.

“My friend Steve and I work for Mr. Hernandez, yes, that’s right. He’s having some fall events at the Lodge and I hear they are getting booked pretty quickly.” Danny jutted his jaw and shoved his hands in his pockets. “And you are? You’ll have to help me out, Ma’am, because I have no idea who you’re supposed to be.”

“Who I’m supposed…..” she looked totally amazed that someone would speak to her like that (and, Danny thought, it should have happened way before now) and she reached for Danny’s arm but Danny side stepped her and was greatly relieved to see Kono on her way with the car.

“Excuse me. My ride’s here.” Danny pushed the cart by her and resisted the urge to keep arguing. It would not do well especially since he lived at Nando’s now. He did not want people associating bad behavior with the Lodge.

“Oh I might have known! Kono however you say your last name! The school bully!” The woman announced and looked around because she was drawing attention.

“Let me spell that for you, in case you ever need me to kick the crap out of your philandering husband,” Kono said cheerfully. “It’s K-A-“

“Oh stop! You’ll not be laughing when Hernandez can’t pay his taxes and you are all commiserating on what a poor business owner he is!” She marched off and climbed into her Lexus Hybrid which was parked in the Fire Lane.

“Who the eff is that piece of work?” Danny asked watching her drive off, gunning through the parking lot at top speeds.

“Oh that charming woman is Shereshe Lewis. Her husband owns the Crowne Plaza Hotel. She’s the mother of one of the girls who were with Darren the night he drowned.”

“Wow. Remind me again that there are good humans in this world.” Danny finished loading the groceries in the trunk of the car.

“There are, Danny. You just have to know where to look.” Kono squeezed Danny’s hand and smiled again. “Come on. Let’s go see Abby and get the hay for your rabbit. Speaking of her, can I see the bunny?”

“Heck yeah! I bet she’d like you!”
“Then let’s go!” Kono said and they were on their way to the pet store to get hay and pellets.

Chin scratched his head and frowned as he stared at the computer screen and re read the document for the third time. He had been doing a routine check of people who lived in the area or who had left to live in other cities and had stumbled upon an obituary of an eccentric artist who had lived in Lake Placid for a number of years until he moved to NYC. There was a report from the Bronx police stating that the man, William Jukes, had died in his home and the police had been called when the neighbours noticed a strong odour.

Jukes had a will that had been opened by the Department of Wills and currently, because Jukes had no living relatives, the benefactor of the will fell upon Danny Williams, of 321 East 112th Street, Apartment 60. The Probate Department was seeking Danny Williams because he was apparently the beneficiary of Jukes estate.

What were the chances, Chin wondered. Was that the Danny who was here? If Chin contacted the police and set the events in place (if it truly WAS Danny) would there be a chance Doris McGarrett and Joe White would know? Chin was in a quandary on what to do. He supposed the first step would be to contact Danny to ask him if he knew Jukes. Chin logged out after printing off the papers and grabbed the keys to the squad car. Now was as good a time as any.

So it was mid afternoon when Chin, and Kono and Danny converged at the same time on the Lodge.

“Cousin! What are you doing here?” Kono asked giving Chin a quick hug.
“I’m actually looking for Danny. Isn’t he with you?” Chin looked around.
“He’s in the house. I was just getting the bag of hay but since you’re here, I’ll let you carry it.” Kono turned around and pranced to the door.

Chin smiled and picked up the bag ducking inside while Kono held the door. Danny was just finishing up putting groceries away but he paused when he saw Chin.

“Hey buddy! How’s it going?” Danny said.
“Danny! Just the guy I want to see,” Chin said. “Where do you want this?”

“On that top shelf there. If we don’t put it up there she gets into it,” Danny explained. “Let me let her out of her pen so she can meet Kono.”

“Chin! Hey bro, how ya doing?” Steve sauntered inside, gave Chin a bro hug and immediately started to rummage through the fridge. “Does anywhere do pizza delivery here?”

“I’m not sure they’d drive out this far and if the cousins up in the lodge see a pizza delivery service they’ll flip.” Chin suddenly had an idea. “How about if I go back and exchange cars, get changed, pick up Malia and bring pizzas?”

“Adam and I can stop and get some salad and beers,” Kono offered.
“That would be great,” Steve said.

“However, I do need to talk to Danny preferably alone if I could?” Chin looked from Steve to Danny to Steve.

“Did I do something wrong?” Danny asked. “I was nice to that lady we met at the store even.”

“Danny, I don’t know any lady. Relax.” Chin wrapped his arm around Danny’s shoulder and walked him out to the living room. “Listen to me. Did you know a person named William Jukes?”

“Billy? Yeah I knew Billy. He was uh a friend.” Danny cleared his throat.
“Just a friend? You sure?” When Danny simply nodded, Chin continued.

“Billy was one of my regulars back in New York.” A mental picture of Billy, as he liked to be called, holding Danny, after he’d watched Danny touch himself popped into Danny’s head. “He had broken up with his boyfriend right before he found me and would just cry. Why? Did something…. Happen?” Danny asked.

“Well, yes and yes. William Jukes was found dead in his apartment after one of his neighbours requested a welfare check when they noticed an odd smell. Nobody has come forward to claim the body but the will, I mean his will, had been filed about six months ago.” Chin saw that Danny looked genuinely upset. “Danny, his will states that he’s left everything to you and by everything we are talking about a hefty sum of just over 18 million dollars.”

“Wha…. What?” Danny asked. He started to cry, tears rolling down his cheeks as he looked stricken. “He’s dead? What happened?”

“He slipped and fell in the kitchen, hit his head against the counter. He had a subdural hemorrhage, or a brain bleed.” Chin decided reinforcements were definitely needed. “Steve? Could you come in here please?” Chin turned back to Danny who was staring at the floor still crying. “Hey, I’m sorry to upset you.”

“He died alone? That’s awful. That’s just… he was a good guy. He just wanted Saul, his ex, to come back to him. Poor Billy.”

Steve hurried over, took a look at Danny, and immediately sat beside him and started to rub Danny’s back.

“Steve? Billy’s dead!” Danny said as he practically slammed into Steve and sobbed.

“I got you. It’s ok now.” Steve whispered. He let Danny cry as he looked at Chin with raised eyebrows. “Who’s Billy?” Steve mouthed.

“I was just telling Danny that an old uh patron of his passed away. The will states that Danny gets everything.” Steve nodded so Chin went on. “It’s just over 18 million dollars.”

It was Steve’s turn to look amazed and utterly disbelieving. “You’re sure?”

“All the numbers add up—Danny’s birthdate, social, address.”

“But that means… well he would have to go collect it?” Steve asked, petting Danny’s hair. The boy was quiet now and pulled away from Steve. Kono, who had been hovering in the kitchen petting the rabbit, brought in some tissues.

“Yes that is what it means. I can go with him to protect him in case Joe White gets any ideas.”

“Chin, if you’re going I’m going!” Kono volunteered.
“I’m here and I’m definitely going to accompany Danny to get his money. But first… we have been entrusted with solving a mystery. I have to tell you guys what happened in the boat house…”Steve said.

Six of them sat in a circle on the deck, the fireplace going and the empty pizza boxes pushed to one side. Danny and Malia were drinking co*kes while the rest had beer. Lily was laying against Danny’s crossed legs, content to be outside with him close by.

Steve had just related what had happened to him that morning in the boathouse. Taking about it made his arms pucker with goosebumps as he remembered what had been given to him.

“It’s in the boathouse, yet. I didn’t bring it out with me. Chin, I know it sounds crazy but Jerry told us about the Lady in the Lake legend and then this happened. It’s like she’s asking for Justice.” Steve took a pull on his beer. “So we have that to unravel and the fact that Danny is a millionaire.”

Danny just bit his lip and looked at Lily. Malia squeezed his shoulder.

“Well, I can let you see the accident reports. The autopsy said drowning due to hypothermia. The lake was 42 degrees at the time.” Chin explained.

“Those girls. They were questioned?” Steve asked.
“Define question. I was first year on the squad and the sheriff at that time was a fellow named Seamus Locke. There were rumours he was corrupt and morale was terrible under him. He up and quit one day just like that, shortly after the accident. Left a goodbye resignation and skated.”

“Ha everyone THINKS he left town. I swear his body is probably down under with a rope and anchor tied around his neck!”Kono said.

“At the time, the two girls whose parents by the way, are business owners here in LP, weren’t even blamed for waiting to call 911! I swear it was an inside job.” Malia spoke up. “I was there when poor Darren was brought in. Had he been rescued earlier he would have lived. His fingers on one hand were broken like he had defensive wounds.”

“Do you think the girls pitched him overboard? But why?” Danny asked.

“Because of the Lodge. Rival businesses. Up til then, Nando’s place was booked solid and had events that were the talk of the town! When Darren passed, Nando fell into a funk and nothing was ever done as far as maintenance etc. While the Snowshoe and the Crowne continued to have great success, Nando’s Lodge, the Camp, suffered terribly.” Chin ended his explanation with the fact he’d love to question the girls again.

“So we examine the reports and try to get the girls to open up,” Danny said.
“Good luck. The parents pretty much have protected them,” Chin said wearily.

“We are trying to turn the lodge around,” Danny said. “As a matter of fact we are booked for the first day sail and party.”

They all clapped and cheered at that, causing Lily to thump.
“Sorry,” Danny said and stroked the bunny’s head and ears.

“Let’s just see how this party goes and afterwards we can delve into some detective work,” Steve reasoned. “As for Danny? I think we could ride the train into the city and go to the designated courthouse.”

“That’s a lot of cheddar, Danny,” Adam said.

“Maybe Steve and I can buy a house and a car here,” he said shyly. “I’d like to stay. I like it here.”

Steve reached over to hold Danny’s hand and winked.
“I have to start sucking up to you. You’re my meal ticket,” Steve said but as happy as he was for Danny, he had a very strong feeling that somehow Joe and Doris were behind this. That’s why Steve wanted to do his research. He did not want Danny walking into a trap.

They talked for a bit longer then dispersed for the night. Steve put the fire out and made sure things were secure before he came inside.
“Showers? Bed?” Steve asked.

Danny, who had been dozing on the couch, snapped awake and nodded. He waited for Steve to go first plus he had to get Lily’s snack before bed. As Danny cut off the romaine stalks, his phone rang.

“What the…” the number said Unknown. Duh. Obviously because it was a burner phone. “Hello?” He answered because really. No harm ever came from answering a phone.

“Hello are you one of the new guys at the Lodge!?”

The voice was female, and she sounded scared.
“Yes. Who’s this?”

“My name is Kitty and I was on that canoe the day Darren died. There’s a lot more to the story than you realize. Can I meet you somewhere?”

“Um yeah. You know where the road splits at the junction where the gravel turns to asphalt? There’s a big ring of oaks to the north side. Meet me under there.”

“At 11. I gotta go.”


Danny stared at the phone wondering how she got his number. He needed to talk to Steve and so he waited for Lily to finish then scooped her up and retreated to the bedroom. Steve was sitting on the bed, finishing toweling his hair.

“Steve. I’m not sure we can wait until after the party. I got a phone call….”

As Danny talked, a white figure floated to the top of the lake and listened.



I hope everyone is enjoying this! As I try to bring everything together, I hope it makes sense.

Chapter 6: Closure


Danny and Steve are involved in a dust up. The Lady comes out of the Lake.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

…’A race is on I'm on your side
And hearing you my engines die
I'm in a mood for you
For running away
Stars come down in you
And love, you can't give it away
Inside you the time moves…’

“What are you going to do then?” Steve asked.

“I don’t know what else to do except meet up with her. How did she even know the case was opened again or we were talking about it? How did she get my number?” Danny chewed his bottom lip and felt the anxiety building. He didn’t like where this was going.

“I’m going with you.”

“You are? You’d do that?” Danny asked hopefully. He turned around so he was facing Steve, who was laying on his side. Steve smiled warmly and cupped Danny’s face.

“Of course. We can ride out on the ATV.” Steve pulled Danny closer and tucked him securely against himself. “Now we both need to sleep. Good night, Danny.”

“Night Steve,” Danny half sighed half mumbled. He hadn’t realized how tired he really was and as Lily got comfy against Danny’s feet, Danny decided he was damn lucky to have a person like Steve in his corner.

Danny and Steve reported for duty at the Lodge the next day, each knowing they’d have to cut out of there about 10:45 to make it to the meeting with Kitty. Nando was fairly noncommittal but Danny had the idea they should start getting prepared for the party happening Saturday. He put out the goodie bags and started to fill them; Steve found the karaoke system and was trying it out to make sure everything worked. They had just finished up and were going to start to decorate when Jerry showed up.

“There’s the one I need to speak to,” Jerry said with a smile as he pointed at Danny. “I have the results of your aptitude exam if you want to take a minute to go over them.”

“Go go go!” Nando shooed Danny and Jerry towards the deck. It was still warm out; fall hadn’t really taken a foothold.

Danny sat opposite Jerry at a small round table and tried to hide his nervousness. For his part, Jerry seemed to be in a good mood and as he removed the test from his messenger bag, he beamed at Danny.
“You did very very well. You certainly exceeded my expectations. So here we are, your results in just a generalized test so I could know where to start to prepare you.”

“What did I score the best in? I taught myself algebra so I bet that sucked.” Danny glanced at the patio door and wished Steve was here for moral support when Jerry told him if he sucked at the testing.

“I’m doubly impressed then because you did very well in all the categories. Like the GED, I gave you a pretest in Social Studies, Language Art, Math, and Sciences. We can do some lessons in person and you can use the online learning skills to prepare but Danny, I think you will do great. Let’s set a goal of two weeks although I think you’re fairly well prepared right now.”

“I… I did well?” Danny asked, hope in the tone of his voice.

“Buccaneer, you did more than well! I’d put you in the superlative category. Now the test… you don’t have to take it all at once because it’s in 4 parts. You’ll take it online and I’ll be your proctor. The four parts take approximately 70 minutes each or less to complete and aside from the math part, they are all fill in the little circles next to the answers, fill in the blank or drop and drag. For math, you can use a calculator and it will have both geometry and algebra.”

“It sounds challenging,” Danny muttered.
“You are really very intelligent, Danny! This aptitude test tells me that you’re more than able to pass without a problem but I want to fine tune you too.”

“Ok.” Danny giggled nervously. “When can we begin?”
“I have set up a schedule when I’m available so here it is,” Jerry slid a piece of paper over and Danny began to look it over. “You are weakest in the Sciences so we can concentrate on that. As far as Language Arts, you scored the highest so aside from a brief tutorial we aren’t going to worry about that. You also,” Jerry continued, “did very well in Math.”

“That’s good right?”
Jerry nodded, aware that the young man sitting across from him was full of self doubt but with some maturity and confidence he’d be able to do whatever it was he wanted to do.
“Like I said, the test is long with each section being about 70 minutes.”

“Ok. Ok so when do we start?” Danny took a look at what Jerry had given him. Jerry had outlined the times and the study hours. “And how much do I owe you?”

“50 each session. A hundred the days of the test.” Jerry usually charged way more than that but Danny was genuine and had a lot of hard knocks thrown at him. Jerry wasn’t going to make this about the money.

“Fair enough. I can pay you—-“

“Don’t worry about it. Now I’m going to leave a study guide and a book that will help focus on the topics the GED will contain. Do the accompanying worksheets neatly so I can turn them in. Follow directions and if you have any questions, you can ask me next session. “

“Wow! I didn’t think I’d do this well!” Danny looked over his test results. “I can’t wait to earn my diploma.”

“If only my other students had this much enthusiasm,” Jerry lamented . “You take care, Danny, and treat that grey matter gently! See youuuuuuu,” Jerry checked his schedule, “in a few days!”

“Thank you, Jerry,” Danny said sincerely. “I’m really looking forward to taking the test and getting that GED.”

Jerry stopped to talk to the cousins while Danny told Nando and Steve the exciting news. Steve scoffed. “I knew you are smart. The test will be easy peasey for you.”

“Take it seriously, Danny, and work with Jerry.” Nando patted Danny’s shoulder. “You will make us proud.”

Danny could not stop smiling at the praise and confidence they had for him. Things were seriously turning around since he’d met Steve.
“Oh hey Steve we gotta go do that thing.” Danny pointed to the clock.

“Yeah, I almost forgot in the excitement. Nando, do you think we could borrow the ATV for about an hour? Danny wants to show me something he noticed when he was out with Kono.” The lie slipped easily from Steve’s lips and he regretted not being truthful but if it was to fall through, he did not want to disappoint Nando. Better the man not know they were taking to Kitty Lewis until after it happened.

“You know where the keys are. Just wear the helmets. Insurance you know.” Nando took a look at the goodie bags. “These are real nice, Danny. Thank you for the suggestion.”

It didn’t take long for Danny and Steve to reach the area where Kitty had agreed to meet, and as Steve parked the ATV off the road, he was instantly wary. Danny was ready to plunge into the woods to see if Kitty was here but something told Steve to wait so he hastily grabbed hold of Danny and pulled him back.

“Wait,” Steve said. He put a finger up to his lips and Danny nodded. Steve’s senses were singing as he looked over at the copse of trees where Danny had told Kitty to meet him. The ground looked disturbed as though freshly dug but an effort was made to cover that up. Steve crouched down and pulled Danny with him, still signaling for Danny not to say anything.

They waited until 11:30 just like that, crouched down and quiet. Danny’s leg muscles were screaming but he didn’t move. If Steve could do it so could he.

Just after 11:45, off in the distance they heard a car door slam. Was she that late but no, it was not a young woman. Instead, a tall muscular bouncer looking man, his face rather obscured by a baseball hat pulled low on his brow, walked over to the trees though he was careful to avoid the area where it was apparent to Steve that the ground had been dug. He looked this way and that, then pulled out a 2 way radio from his jacket.

“Home base? This is Nomad. Copy?” He paused, looking around. When the radio crackled to life in response acknowledging him, the mysterious man continued. “They musta either got spooked or busy at the Lodge cuz they ain’t here. Now what? Copy.”

“Come back to base. I’ll have my daughter make another call tonight.”

“Copy that. Over and out.”

Steve suddenly erupted out of the bush, skirting the area in front of the trees and rushing the man who was completely surprised with the attack. He fell down under Steve and Steve pulled the man’s pistol from the holster to aim it in the man’s face.

“Start talking and make it the truth or this gun is going to decorate your brains all over this ground! “ Steve snarled.

Danny was edging closer, staying away from where the ground looked freshly turned over.

“Get off me! I got a right to walk around in these woods!” The man said and brought up his arm in a wide arc, smacking Steve right on the face. Steve was momentarily stunned and as the man rolled away from him, he grabbed the gun out of Steve’s hand. Danny desperately looked around for something to stop the man because their assailant was now on his feet and turned towards where Steve was just getting up. “And now I’m gonna put a hole in your head! I don’t care if it does not look like an accident.” He aimed and Steve closed his eyes just as Danny wielded a branch. He hit the man in the chest and though it was not a strong blow, it surprised him. The man shot the ground in front of his own feet as his arm pinwheeled and he took a step backwards on to the area in front of the trees.

Suddenly he was gone, falling into the earth in an elaborately dug hole. The man issued an ear piercing scream as blood in a geyser type arch spurted up just above the rim of the hole.

“I’ll go, Danny. Stay down. Maybe he’s not … maybe he’s playing….” Steve slid over to the edge of the hole and looked down, then looked away, his face registering a myriad of emotions— shock, sick, surprise, anger. “Use your burner and call Chin. I’m going to…. Gather my wits.”

“What’s wrong with him?” Danny asked.
“Just call Chin!” Steve ordered but his tone was not stern; it was more like desperate. Danny scrambled to get his phone out of his pocket and with shaking hands called Chin.

Steve ignored the bloom of pain on his cheekbone and rested his forehead against the grass. He was sick to his stomach with not only the sight of the man at the bottom of the hole but sick at the thought that one or both of them would have fallen victim to it if Steve had not seen the discrepancy with the ground. From down below the radio crackled to life.

“Mort? You there? Over.” Pause. “Mort? MORT? Where the hell are you? Is it done?” Then silence again, which made Steve think they’d soon have company.

“Chin’s on his way! I told him it was urgent and there might be a dead guy. He’s dead right, Steve?” Danny asked.

“Yeah. He’s dead.”

Chin used the siren and lights as he and Kris raced to the junction of the auxiliary road that led to River Road and eventually State Route 73. He focused on getting there as fast as he could because he’d had a lingering feeling all day that he could not shake. Kono would tease him accusing him of having that Hawaiian manaʻo ʻeono, or Sixth Sense. Maybe he did have it and certainly now it would seem so.

As he got to the stop sign, he saw an ATV parked neatly in a small thicket of bushes on the other side of the road. He pulled up alongside it, and he and Kris got out and hurried through the woods to a clearing where a copse of oak trees stood. To the side was Danny sitting cross legged looking extremely worried and opposite him, a neatly dug section of earth between them, sat Steve.

“Jesus Murphy what happened here?” Chin crouched down next to Steve who pointed at the hole. Kris skirted the hole to get to Danny and gently pulled the blonde up when Danny offered his hand.

“Chin, he just stumbled. I didn’t push him but that… that was meant for us. Or for Danny, if he had come out on his own. He tried to shoot me and Danny wacked him with a branch and he just…. tripped back.” Steve ran his hands through his hair.

Chin peered into the hole and swallowed hard. He was not used to seeing such things; Lake Placid was not a hotbed for any kind of homemade hunting traps like this one. At the very bottom, the victim was dead, a dozen or so sharp pointed metallic stakes sticking out of his body. Blood had flowed out of his wounds and now saturated the ground underneath him. His eyes were open as was his mouth as if his last conscious thought was surprise. At the ends of some of the stakes were fleshy body bits and organ tissues.

“I know that guy,” Chin said quietly. “He runs security at the Crowne Plaza. His name is Mortimer Jacks.”

“Want me to call the ME and Forensics?” Kris asked. “He’s pretty much… dead.”
“Who made this trap? And just why were you guys out here in the first place?” Chin asked as Kris made the calls.

“I was supposed to meet with Kitty. She called me last night and set it up. I mean, I suggested where to meet.” Danny wrapped his arms around himself and bobbed forward. He was nauseous at the thought of causing someone’s death and isn’t that exactly what had happened here? “Look… Chin…. Please… I didn’t mean to kill him but he was going to shoot Steve and I couldn’t have him shoot Steve I just couldn’t!”

“Kris, take Danny over to the cruiser and wait there for Max. There’s bottles of water in the trunk. See if he will drink something.” Chin watched as Kris, a young man a bit older than Steve, guided Danny across the road to the police car. Chin sat down next to Steve. “It’s self defense. You or Danny aren’t going to be charged. Obviously this trap was meant for you guys and I need forensics to go over it with a fine toothed comb. Of course now, thanks to Mortimer, it’s corrupt.”

“This is awful,” Steve said slowly. He looked down at his hands and saw they were still trembling. “Why did they want us dead? Kitty called Danny. He’s got the number on the burner. She wanted to meet to talk.”

“We will get to the bottom of things, Steve. I promise.” Chin looked up just as a white van without markings pulled up and parked in the grass, rear doors facing towards the site of the crime. The ME, a very studious looking fellow named Max Bergman, got out of the van and started walking back. “Max! We have a situation. I’m not sure we can retrieve the body yet. Take a look.”

Max peered over the hole and drew back in surprise. “This appears to be a version of a whip trap or in certain folklore, a trou du loup. Whoever made it has used metal for the spikes instead of bamboo or ash.”

“He’s dead, right?” Steve asked.
“It appears that he is. Nobody could lose that much blood with that many pierced organs and still live. Ingenious.”

“Steve, I’m going to have Kris take you and Danny home—-“

Nando’s big pick up truck came to a roaring stop and the man jumped out of the driver’s seat.
“Steve !! Danny!!! You ok? What the hell is going on?” He bellowed. On seeing the state of Steve, though, he backed off and waited for some kind of an explanation from Chin.

“It seems that Danny and Steve were set up to meet with one of the girls who were with Darren in the canoe; at her request, they were supposed to meet here, at a place Danny suggested. Someone made a trap but ultimately both of them are ok and the assailant is at the bottom. Nando, I’m going to have to ask you to wait and get more of an explanation after I talk with Steve and Danny but right now, I have Forensics coming and Danny is not in a good state of mind.” Chin glanced at Steve who waved him off. “Would you want to take Danny back? That way Kris could stay with me.”

“Yeah yeah I can do that. Just…. Let me know ok? Chin?” Nando asked.
“You know I will,” Chin promised.

As they drove back to the house, the ATV in the back of Nando’s truck, Danny simply stared out the window. Once they reached the Lodge, Nando watched as Danny took off for the boat house, every movement screaming that he wanted to be alone. Nando sighed and using the ramp, drove the ATV off the truck and into the garage. He asked Kamekona to make some soup and a couple of sandwiches and to add some brownies that they had made that morning. There were guests at the Lodge but right now, they had gone into the village to spend the day.
Once Kamekona had a nice noodle soup made and four tuna salad Sammies, he added the brownies and some chocolate milk to round out the late lunch.

Nando knocked on the door, balancing the tray of soup bowls and sandwiches. After a minute, Danny came to the door and opened it, turning back to shuffle off to the living room where he wrapped up in a blanket once again. Lily lay beside him on the couch.

“Hey. I had Kame make us some good lunch eh! Will you eat with me?” Nando asked.

“I shouldn’t be hungry but ummmm … Looks good. Thanks.” Danny accepted the bowl of soup and started to eat. “Wow. Tasty.”

“Those cousins are the best chefs. Did I tell you they used to work at the Crowne? Yeah they did but Lewis? He’s a piece of work.” Nando started eating his soup.

“I met the wife at the grocery store. Talk about Botox queen! Wow! She was super nasty. So you snatched those two chefs from him? Is that why he hates you?” Danny asked.

“Our feud goes back a long way. It just accelerated when Kitty, his daughter, and her bestie Tracy Backus let my son drown. Nothing was done to them, Danny. Nothing.”

“Do you think punishing them will bring him back?” Danny asked softly. “Although Chin said the guy at the bottom of the hole was head of security for the Crowne.”

“Mortimer? Mortimer Jacks? HE was the one who died?” Nando asked.

“That’s what Chin said. He was there to kill us; if we hadn’t fallen into that pit he would have shot us. He radioed back to someone though that person never identified himself. So it’s obvious that either Kitty laid a trap with her phone call about meeting me or… Kitty was sincere and her parents found out about it and wanted to kill us.”

“That’s messed up,” Nando said. “Maybe you boys should high tail it to Canada.”
“And leave you? No, we can’t do that. Besides, the Lady asked us to do this. We need to uncover what happened to Darren. I know you care.” Danny’s voice dropped and he patted Nando on the arm.

“You and Steve, though, when this is over… you gotta go to Canada and marry. The Age of Consent is 16 there.”

Danny felt his face grow very warm. “I don’t know if …. Well I mean… Steve is.. that is….”

“Sorry I brought it up,” Nando said but he did not look one bit sorry.

“I’m just gonna eat…” Danny cleared his throat and went back to his food. There was an amiable silence between them as Danny thought about running off with Steve to Canada. He did have strong feelings for the handsome brunette but what if Steve didn’t feel the same? Did he want saddled with a 16 year old kid? Besides, Danny mused, there was the matter of his GED and this mystery to solve before they even thought about doing anything.

Steve sat in the front seat of Max Bergman’s van and calmly went over the events of how the man ended up in the pit. When he was done, Max explained that the man had not suffered, that it had been quick and instant.

“That’s at least good. I never meant for him to die but he sure wanted to kill us.”
“Perhaps in this instance, good actually did prevail,” Max said. He had a very soothing presence and Steve appreciated that.

“Thanks and uh thanks for letting me know it was over really fast.” Steve got out of the van and walked over to where Chin was standing. He was deep in discussion with several suit clad men, who, Steve surmised, were detectives or police officers from the state of New York.

“Steve! These gentlemen are officers from the New York State Police. Can you explain what happened one more time?” Chin asked, though he did not seem happy. After Steve spent a few minutes recreating the scene, he could see why Chin was less than enthusiastic.

The attitude of the officers towards Steve was mostly aggressive but Steve handled himself well despite the fact he felt like he was being accused of some kind of crime.

“You know if any of you think that what happened here is my fault, let me say I did not build that pit nor did I bring a gun to this party. You have my statement. If you don’t mind, Sheriff Kelly, I’d like to go home now.”

Chin nodded at the police officers and guided Steve to the cruiser. He spoke with Kris for a few minutes then hopped into the driver’s seat and paused, looking at Steve.
“You ok?”
“I don’t know. Yes. No. I don’t know. I think I just want to go home and .. see how Danny is doing.”
“We can do that.”

Danny met the car as Chin pulled in. He was anxious to see Steve and to learn anything new about the case.
“I’m done with Steve now but there will probably be other questions. I don’t have to tell you boys to stick around.”

“Thanks Chin!” Steve said and with a wave, the handsome sheriff was in his car and rumbling back to the access road.

“Did you give a statement and were they ok? Come on. Kamekona sent lunch. I’m sure you’re hungry.” Danny slipped his hand inside Steve’s and pulled him towards the door. Just that grounding touch made Steve relax and suddenly he was very tired.

“I hope you weren’t grilled too much, Steve,” Nando said. “I’ll leave you boys to collect your wits and I’ll see you tomorrow for the event. You still want to do that right?”

“Oh absolutely!” Steve said. “In my fact I’m going to take the boat out this afternoon and get a feel for the route. If you want to ride along…”

“No thanks. I’ll let you boys do that.” Nando waved as he walked away. “Just be careful and wear your PFDs!”

Steve ate while Danny sat beside him. They were both quiet just because the traumatic effects of the day were hitting them hard.

“You were very brave to go after him like you did,” Danny told Steve. “I just reacted when I hit him with the branch. I did not want him to shoot you!”

“This is such a mess,” Steve said. “I just kind of feel we are … drifting from one thing to another. My mother and Joe, coming here, getting to know Nando, the Lady, the task she gave us, your inheritance. It’s a lot. Now this, a nefarious plot to kill us. That pit was intended for us!”

“I know, Steve, I know.” Danny wrapped his arms around Steve and nuzzled his neck. “We will get through it though. I believe that because we have each other. This life now is a lot better than my life on the streets picking up random men—-“

“Don’t go there, Danny.”

“But it’s true. I got paid for sex because I didn’t have any skills or anything to work anyplace else.”

“I hate to even think about you with other men!” Steve said with steel in his tone. He closed his eyes and clenched his fists, his whole body tense.

“Steve? Steve, look at me please.” Danny kissed Steve’s cheek and sat in front of Steve with his hands on Steve’s shoulders. When Steve looked at him, Danny could see how anguished he looked. “You saved me from that and look where we are! Just look! It’s so pretty here and we have a bunny now and jobs and a future. You and me! We can manage all of this together with help from friends.”

“I just feel like we are over our heads.” Steve sighed.

“As long as I’m with you, I can find my way clear. Now. Let’s go explore that route we are going to take tomorrow. Come on!” Danny pulled on Steve’s hand and tugged him up then hugged him, hard, his head against Steve’s chest.

“Thanks, Danny,” Steve said hugging back. They stayed like that just drawing strength from each other until Lily hopped over and reached up with her front paws to pat Danny’s leg.

“Yes, Lily. I’ll get your banana slice!” Danny laughed.

The pontoon boat had set Nando back around 30,000 but it was clean and had an electric 9.9 volt electric motor that could not even be heard. There was room on the boat for 8 people plus the driver so they had made room for 7 passengers to take part in the cruise because Danny was coming too. They had new PFDs all hung up on the walls on the boathouse and a fridge full of drinks.

Danny sat beside Steve as he steered the pontoon boat out into the water but hugged the shoreline as they puttered along. He had a GPS/navigation but Steve had studied the maps too so he knew where the shallow areas were as well as knowing the location of the rocks that could tear a hole in the bottom of the flat boat.

“You love this, don’t you?” Danny asked Steve.
“Pretty much. It’s so pretty out here. The colours and the water …. The shoreline! There’s something to see everywhere you look!”

“Look! Pulpit Rock!” Danny pointed to the historical marker off in the distance.
“We aren’t going that far,” Steve said. “It’s right here where we turn around. 15 minutes up and 15 minutes back.”
“Sounds fair,” Danny said. Steve turned the boat around in a wide arc and they headed back to the boathouse.

Chin was waiting for them when they got back. He looked less than happy although Chin never really revealed his emotions on his face. He caught the rope Danny threw him as Steve cut the motor and left the boat to drift over against the dock.

“Taking a practice run? I thought I’d stop to tell you the latest developments.”

“Bad news?” Danny asked.
“No. Come on. Let’s sit for a minute.”

They gathered on the deck. Danny had let Lily out and she was sprawled half on the chaise he sat upon and half on his lap.

“Ok. After the state boys showed up en masse at the hotel, Lewis spilled his guts. He had hired Jacks to kill both of you because you were asking around about Darren. Except you really weren’t. At least not blatantly. Funny thing is, when the cops found him, he was in his study, under the desk, cowering and babbling about the Lady of the Lake and how he didn’t want to meet a watery fate.”

“Wow!” Danny said. “How come she didn’t do this earlier?”
“We had nothing on him. But when he tried to contract a hit on you guys, apparently she saw her opportunity. The cops says there were wet footprints on the carpet.” Chin looked out at the lake. “You know, revenge is a big motivator.”

“And did he confess about Darren? His involvement in his death?” Steve asked.

“No he didn’t but his daughter was ready to spill what she knew about that night. She and Tracy knew Darren was in trouble out in the water that night but Kitty’s dad bought her and Tracy each a car and padded their bank accounts to leave him out there. All of this because of the rivalry between Nando and him trying to compete for the tourist dollars. The Crowne’s business had been going down while people had loved the experience of staying here.” Chin paused. “It’s a damn shame. Lives lost because of greed.”

“Have you told Nando yet?” Danny asked.
“No. I’ll have that conversation with him after I’m satisfied you guys are ok. Just don’t go anywhere for a while. You’ll have to testify I’m sure.”

“Except for going to NY to get Danny established as the beneficiary of that guy’s estate, we aren’t planning on going anywhere.”

“I’m going to go with you boys, me and Kono. No way am I going to have you walk into something you can’t handle.” Chin smiled at last. “Besides, it’s been a while since I’ve been in a big city. Plus we can hitch a ride with E on the chopper.”

“I have my GED tests coming up,” Danny said.

“We can wait til you have that diploma and have a reason to celebrate then. Alright. I’ll see you in a bit. I need to tell this grieving dad about his son.”

That evening, Nando invited them up to eat dinner with him out on the deck. The family staying at the Lodge was out for the night, busy in the village and the place was very quiet. Over a delicious pasta meal, Danny and Steve let Nando reminisce about his son and his life before the incident. There were some tears but as they said goodnight, there was also the signs of closure. The Lady had her Justice and that Justice extended to Nando.

“What a f*cked up day,” Steve muttered as he sprawled on his back in bed. “Tomorrow is the day party. After that we can move on for you to start studying for your GED and then we will go to NYC.”

“You have it all planned out do you?” Danny asked. He petted Lily who had now taken a spot between them, her head sharing Danny’s pillow.

“I do. I like to plan. I’m a planner.” Steve turned his head to look at Danny and waggled his eyebrows. “If that bunny wasn’t here I’d show you my plans for you.”

“Don’t you move, Lily,” Danny whispered. “Never trust an army guy.”

“Navy, Danny. Navy.”

“Whatever. They are all branches of the service.” Danny waved a hand, knowing what he said would wind Steve up.

“Like I said, if that rabbit wasn’t there…”

“Go to sleep, Steven. We need to entertain a bunch of kids and people tomorrow. And hey? Steve?”

“Yeah what?”

“Thank you. You really are such a beautiful man. Now shut those blue eyes and if you’re good I’ll fix you pancakes for breakies.”

“And if I’m bad?” Steve asked.

“Carrot tops and beet root.”

“Goodnight Danny. I’m being very very good.”

“I thought you’d see it my way, “ Danny laughed. “Goodnight.”

Around 2 am, with Danny and Steve fast asleep, the Lady came creeping, leaving her watery grave one more time that day. With her wet finger she traced a symbol along the side of the house right by the door. In life, Mabel Smith Douglass was not a believer in magic or the occult but in death, her spirit sought solace in the old ways. These two were innocent but they had her protection. She’d see to it that no harm would come to them.
Satisfied, she slipped back under the glittering cold surface.


This is NOT the end! Lots more to come.

I wanted to wrap up this criminal part of the story so I could branch out.

To the person who told me my stories don’t have enough sex in them, I blocked you from reading and commenting. There’s more to fan fic than p*rn and while I love a good sex scene it has to flow naturally.

Chapter 7: New York New York


Danny gets the results of his exam. They go to NYC for the Will.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

…’I'd walk the water to get back to you
And where I was complete
We found you scattered by the highway side too
Soon to be released
Gathered the pieces up and clean the places
Where you were undone
And washed the wreckage out unfinished all the
Thoughts that we'd begun
I came to burn the sky and tear away
The beauty that it sows
If I could rape the day and find the things I thought
I'd always known
Leave it alone again tonight…’

3 Weeks Later

Danny took a deep breath and pushed SEND on the laptop. He was officially done with the last piece of his test for his GED. He had listened to Jerry’s advice and waited to take the last exam as the Language Arts (Math had been first) because he was so strong in that skill set. Now he just had to wait until his grade was figured and as long as he scored at least 145 points overall, he could get his diploma.

“I’m done, Steve,” Danny said as he slid the door open and walked out to where Steve was sitting in a big patio chair. Lily, who had been sitting beside Steve’s foot, immediately hopped over to meet Danny. “How’s my boo bunny?” Danny asked, picking her up. She had just had a vet appointment and Dr. Duke had declared her healthy at 18 pounds. She had also grown 3 inches, which he assured Danny was right in the healthy wheelhouse.

“She was thumping a bit ago because I think she thought you were gone forever.” Steve put down the book he was reading and embraced both Danny and bunny. “I’m so damn proud of you! We will really celebrate when we get to New York City next week!”

Danny returned the hug as best he could while holding the rabbit. “Steve, let’s go have dinner. I’m starving, my brain is fried, and we need to touch base with Nando about the day party Saturday.”

“Last one of the season. Supposed to snow soon, at least that’s what Chin says,” Steve said as he looked out beyond the dock. The sky was a slate blue and the Lake churned with the wind, the colour of the water angry and grey. “Do you want to take Lily up to the Lodge while we eat? Might as well put her in the bunny back.”

Danny had found a big back pack at one of the second hand stores in Lake Placid. It was just the right size for Lily to ride in, and they could fill the bottom with hay and some apple branches to chew. Danny had created a patch with her name on it and Malia had sewn it on the back of the canvas backpack. In the Lodge, Nando had even made up a litter box for her visits; it was tucked away in the mud room.

“Can we?” Danny asked happily. “Do you mind taking her?”
“I wouldn’t have offered if I did not want to do it. Go get her backpack and let’s put her in there.”

Danny practically skipped into the other room where they kept Lily’s supplies. He knew Steve and Lily at times competed for his attention and there had been more than once when Steve had huffed and puffed when Lily slept between them in the big bed. So for Steve to offer to take her up to the Lodge for dinner with them was huge.

They walked up the steps and Danny reached for Steve’s hand so they could hold hands as they approached the big building.
“I can hardly wait to get my GED so we can go to New York. Steve, do you really think I have that much money waiting for me? I mean, if I do, we can get a place of our own. Not that I don’t like it here but it’s going to be really cold in the winter time and it would just be nice to have our own space and a car we could drive instead of depending on Nando. I mean, we’d still see him and come over and help and everything!”

“We will see when we get there and the Will is read I guess. You need to call the lawyer who is handling the Will. See what he says. That would give you a definitive answer.” Steve knocked once but opened the door; he and Danny were like family do they did not wait for someone to answer.

“I’m done with my exams!” Danny announced as they walked into the Lodge. To his surprise, there was a banner hung over the fireplace that read ‘Way To Go Danny’ and the dining table was loaded with a buffet of various dishes. Kamekona and Flippa beamed as they looked out from behind the table.

“Help yourself. We made your favourite dishes!” Kamekona said proudly. “You need to eat if you’re going to grow up big and strong.”

“Using all that brain power! You have to replace it!” Flippa said.

“Guys…. I don’t know what to say.” Danny swallowed the lump in his throat and let Nando pull him into a hug.

“Every day I thank God you and Steve came to me when I needed you most. You have made a dark place light again. There’s no way we were going to let you achieve what you have without a little celebration.” Nando took the backpack off Steve’s shoulders and opened it, letting Lily hop out. She shook the hay out of her fur and headed towards a little play area Danny had set up for her at ‘Grandpa Nando’s’ house.

“Everything smells so good! You guys… this is just… wow!” Danny looked over the food as his mouth watered. “Let’s eat!”

The 5 of them enjoyed the fruits of the cousins’ labour— there was pasta salad, fruit salad (with mini marshmallows like Danny liked), chicken tenders, mini naan pizzas, fried squash blossoms with marinara sauce, and guacamole and chips. Flippa, the dessert master, had made chocolate tarts with blood orange whipped cream, mini filled donuts and chocolate chip cookies.

“This is amazing!” Steve proclaimed as he popped a loaded chip into his mouth.

“Honestly you guys! Thank you. I don’t even know if I passed yet but I have to tell you that I knew every answer in the test today.” Danny sighed. “Jerry said he’d let me know as soon as he could if I passed or not.”

“You’re smart, Danny. You passed. I know it!” Nando said confidently. He put a piece of melon from the fruit salad on a little plate and set it on the floor for Lily who immediately abandoned her toys and hopped over to eat it. “Next week you go to New York and then you’ll be rich and move away.”

“No, Nando, who knows if I’m going to be rich. I don’t know what’s going on and even if I inherit some money it’s not like we are going to never see you.” Danny saw the way the older man’s face went from sad to sadder. “Steve and I are sticking with you and that’s a promise.”

“You boys need to think about winter activities,” Kamekona said. “I like having a full house to cook for. It makes me happy.”

“Steve actually came up with a cool idea,” Danny said. “He wants to teach a survival course. Go on tell them, Babe.” Danny nudged Steve with his elbow.

“What I thought,” Steve began as he set his plate down, “was to have like a 5 week course. On Saturdays, we’d meet here and learn some skills for surviving in the woods and just to identify various natural elements. Afterwards, we could have a simple lunch of like hot dogs and whatever.”

“I know the boys around here would probably love that,” Nando said thoughtfully. “You make up a curriculum and a poster and we’ll go for that.”

“Cool!” Danny said. He grinned at Steve who looked very pleased and went back to eating. Damn, those cousins sure could cook!

Two days later, Danny waited nervously at the door for Jerry who had just pulled into the driveway. Danny swore he could see his heartbeat through his shirt as Jerry walked towards the steps with his familiar messenger bag slung across his shoulder.

“Hi Jerry!” Danny said, opening the door and stepping back. Steve sat on the couch, also nervous though he knew, he believed, Danny had done well.

“Hi guys! I see you have the Triple Goddess protection symbol on your house. That’s different.,” Jerry said cheerily.

“What are you talking about?” Danny asked. He ducked out and actually looked at the siding by the door. Sure enough, there was a rather odd looking design of a circle with a quarter moon on either side of it, each one touching the circle, the whole design in a larger circle. “What is this?”

“The Triple Goddess? Oh it’s a good thing. Together, the three aspects of the Triple Goddess represent the cycle of life, death, and rebirth that touch us all. They remind us that we're never truly alone, that we're all part of a greater whole, connected by the same thread of existence.
Wearing or keeping this symbol close to you, invokes the power of the Triple Goddess who looks after the cycles of life.”

By now, Steve had joined Danny in looking at the design, obviously drawn on because of the irregularities in the artwork itself.
“That’s… nice I guess.” Steve shrugged and went back inside. “So about the test. How did our prodigy do?”

“You’d better sit down,” Jerry said cryptically.

“Uh oh. Oh no.” Danny gripped Steve’s hand. Had he f*cked up on the test? Would he have to be retested? Jerry had a poker face so Danny could not tell what he was thinking.

“Let’s go through the exams one by one,” Jerry said, “keeping in mind there’s a possible 200 points to be had on each section, with at least a score of 145 to pass.”

Danny scooched forward and nodded. “I thought I did ok but if not I can re take the test right?”

Jerry held up a finger. “Hang on my poufy haired friend. Let me continue.”

“Sorry. Go on.” Danny wanted to scream. He was so nervous.

“First test you took was in Math. You used a calculator and submitted your work. Looks like you did very well on that section for a score of 192 out of 200.”

“Wow 192! Danny, that’s so good! I’m so proud of you!” Steve said. “Sorry, Jer, go on.”

“In Sciences, which we pounded out pretty hard before you took the exam, out of a possible 200 points, you got a 189. Very very good, considering I thought this was your weakest area.”

“I’m glad I at least scored that high,” Danny said. “I thought it was the hardest section. What about… the other two parts?”

“Social Studies! You did extremely well in this section, which is surprising since you have not had any formal education in 3 years. Honestly, Danny, that library work really helped you. Out of 200 points, you scored a 198.”

“Wow! Danny! A 198!! That’s just perfect! Almost but still you know! Wow!” Steve hugged Danny with an arm around him. “One more section right Jerry!?”

“Language Arts which is basically what we’d call English. 200 points available. 200 points on your test result. Congratulations, Danny. You’ve been flagged as having an excellent result on your GED and you have unequivocally passed. Nice job. Really nice job!” Jerry beamed as he shook Danny’s hand.

“Steve! Steve, that’s… just.. “ Danny dissolved into happy tears, face almost split with his big smile.

“779 points out of 800. Danny, that’s just phenomenal. “

“I had the best teacher, Jer. Thank you!”

“This calls for a celebration!” Steve said. “I’ll round up Nando and the four of us can go to a restaurant in the Village. Know of any good places?” Steve asked Jerry.

“Generations Tap and Grill is a good place. Tasty foods! Good desserts.”

“Then let’s go!” Steve said.

45 minutes later, the 6 of them (because of course Danny had insisted that the cousins also come with them) were seated at the restaurant and perusing the menu. The atmosphere there was laid back but the servers were attentive and the food smelled good.

“New York City is coming up huh?” Jerry asked.

“The Will is being read at the Daniel Moynihan United States Courthouse on Pearl Street so we will be staying in Manhattan at the Hilton Garden Inn,” Steve offered a bite of his Cuban sandwich to Danny who shook his head as he concentrated on his tuna sandwich. The food really was excellent and Steve and Nando were each enjoying a craft brew with their meals.

“I know where that hotel is,” Danny said. “It’s got a nice facade so I’m looking forward to staying there!”

“You do realize,” Nando said softly, “that anyone can check on a Will. The information is all online unfortunately because whoever heard of privacy? Do you think that Joe White has dissed it out?”

“I don’t think he would,” Steve said. “I mean, how would he even be aware that Danny was going to inherit money?”

“That’s true but I just.. I just want you I think to be careful. Really.”

“Chin and Kono are going with us. I’d hate to be on the receiving end of Kono’s bad moods. That’s all I’m saying,” Steve joked.

“Are you excited to go and find out, Danny?” Flippa asked.

Danny nodded because he was drinking his co*ke but he still could not shake the feeling that something was going to happen. It was nothing he could put his finger on, not a definite threat or idea but nonetheless it was a nagging festering thought. He hoped he was wrong.

It would turn out he wasn’t.
The Hilton was bustling with people checking in and checking out, coming and going, full of noise and activity. Danny had never been inside the hotel though he’d walked past it plenty of times. He tried to pay attention to what Steve and Kono were chattering about but he was adrift in a sea of memories, feeling like someone who was now out of place.

“Danny? You ok?”
Danny blinked and returned to the present, leaving behind the jumbled mess of his existence before Steve. Chin’s worried face came into view and Danny smiled and nodded.

“Sorry. I was just a bit lost. It looks like everything is a green light for us to go to our rooms.”

They had registered and paid for the rooms with Kono’s credit card, giving her the cash equivalent before they’d arrived. Steve said he did not want any paper trails connected to him just because he was sure Doris and Joe would be monitoring his movements. Danny had admired Steve’s stealth level but still he realized they had to be careful.

Danny picked up his duffel and wondered again why it was so heavy but attributed it to just adding a pair of shoes at the last minute. He had not been able to completely zip it across the top but it hadn’t mattered because they’d taken the helicopter and then rented a car so there was no extreme luggage handling.

They were just going to go to the elevators when someone called Steve’s name. Steve paused and looked back then swore softly.

“Steve! Does Cath know you’re in town! You just kind of fell off the edge of the world!!! Oh my God you look yummy as always!”

She was, Danny thought, completely fake from her Botoxed lips to her silicone breasts jutting almost out of the sun dress she wore. Her blonde hair came from a bottle while her face had a rather bovine quality to it.

“Amber… uh…. Hi.. “ Steve glanced at Danny then deliberately turned his back and focused on the woman. “I’m just here for the weekend.”

“Just where did you go? One minute you’re warming Cath’s bed and the next you’re nowhere! Oh and oh my God she had a pregnancy scare but she was just late so you’re off the hook! Wait til I tell her you’re here!”

“No no don’t do that! I’m here to uh surprise her. Yeah, if you tell her, it will ruin the surprise.”

“Ohhhh!” She giggled and Danny thought it sounded rather pig like. She was a real prize.

“So no telling her because I’ll see her.. tomorrow.. and it will be a huge surprise!” Steve urged, nodding.

“Ok, Stevie. Oh you are so cute! I wish I was Cath!” She batted her false eyelashes.

“Well you aren’t. Excuse us.” Danny grabbed hold of Steve’s arm and pulled him away. Steve waved at Amber and then yanked his arm from Danny’s grip.

“Way to draw attention to us,” Steve muttered. “Come on. We need to get up to the room.”

The elevator was crowded with other tourists so the friends were quiet until they reached their floor.

“Shall we find someplace for dinner later? Say we meet in my room,” Chin said as he glanced at his keycard. “Room 6414, around 6?”

“Sounds good, Cuz. Is that ok with you, Steve and Danny?”

“YeH that’s no problem.” Steve opened the door to his and Danny’s room. “By the way, that woman is a friend to Catherine, a woman I used to see once in a while. It would be best if we did our thing and left as soon as we could. I don’t know if she will go back and tell people she saw me.”

“Great,” Danny muttered. He put his bag on the bed nearest the door and was about to walk over to the window when the bag moved. “What the….” Danny unzipped the top and was about to reach inside when Lily popped up, shaking her head. “Oh my God what are you doing?????”

“Oh that’s just perfect! The damn rabbit has to come along too! As if we don’t have enough to worry about! We have no litter, no food and the damn thing has probably peed all over your clothes!” Steve stormed over to the other bed and sat down glaring at the rabbit. He was pissed off because their cover could effectively be blown now that Amber had seen him. He was certain she’d go and tell Cath who would then tell Joe. And now this.

Danny ignored Steve and lifted Lily out of his bag. There wasn’t any wet or dampness so she had not peed of pooped which was, ok, a huge relief. But Steve was right in one way. She had nothing to use as a litter pan.

“I’m gonna call Kono and ask her to look up a pet store.” Danny sat down and started to pet Lily who sat beside him, nose twitching, looking around. He used the house phone and explained to Kono what had happened. After she was done laughing, she scrolled down on her mobile and told Danny she had found a pet store nearby that delivered and what did he need.

“There. That’s taken care of, huh, Lily.” He kissed the rabbit on her head. Glancing over at Steve who did not look happy, Danny regretted Lily stowing away but there was nothing he could do. He couldn’t punish her and he couldn’t just ignore her. “I’m sorry you’re mad, Steve.”

“I’m not mad exactly,” Steve shrugged, tamping down his annoyance. “We better call Nando and tell him the rabbit came with us.” Steve got up and started to check out the tv as he held the remote. “Great mood killer.”

Danny frowned. “What do you mean? Like.. because she’s here you can’t.. what.. put the moves on me like you did that cow downstairs? She needed a drool bucket the way she looked at you!”

“It’s a testament that I’m still appealing I guess.”

Danny got up too, leaving the rabbit on the bed. “Oh excuse me that I have not hopped into bed with you to reaffirm your masculinity! I thought we’d wait to do that!”

“Listen to you, using your vocabulary from your exam.” Steve shut the tv off and ran a hand through his hair. “Sorry.”

Danny swallowed and debated, his whole being wanting to just run away and not come back. He felt sad and betrayed. Did Steve think he was stupid?
“For your information, I knew those words before my test.” He grabbed his wallet and headed for the door.

“Danny, I’m sorry. I’m just in a bad mood. I didn’t mean to be snarky. Then seeing Amber I just .. nothing is going as we planned.”

“Because you thought we’d have sex if we came here? And Lily ruins that?”

“You think I’m that desperate to sleep with you? Wow you twist my words around. I know you’re just a kid. “

“f*ck you, Steve.” Danny picked Lily up and put her back in his duffel so her head was sticking out.

“What are you doing? Danny, where are you going?” Steve asked.

“Getting my own room. I have money. Honestly you’re as bad as my clients just thinking about one thing.” Danny scowled and put the bag strap over one shoulder.

“You know what Danny? Here’s a clue! I don’t want to sleep with you!! Why would I?”

“f*ck off.” Danny slammed out the door and steamed towards the elevators. It had to come out one of these times. It had to come out that Steve held Danny’s past against him. Who knew if the whole friendship had been just a sham? Danny did not want to think that way but maybe he was totally wrong about Steve. He felt his anger growing and he bit his lip to just try and control it, to keep it inside.

In the lobby, he stood in the queue for the registration desk. He had forgotten about Lily being able to see out of his bag until a child behind him started making a huge fuss about the ‘bunny in the bag’ and before Danny knew it, despite arguing his case, he was escorted out of the hotel and told not to come back with that vermin. Their words not his. The Hilton Garden Inn was not a pet friendly facility.

Great. He did have some money with him but not his burner phone. He’d taken that out of his jeans pocket upon arrival to the room and had not grabbed it when he left. He could not just stand on the sidewalk and be jostled by everyone. So far, too, Steve had not come after him which just proved how little he really cared.

“f*ck you, Steve.” Danny sighed and decided to go try his luck at one of the other hotels. He would, however, have to stop at a pet store to get supplies and hide Lily better when he went to register. As far as the Will, he knew where to go. He could take his own cab over and get it done without Steve’s help.

He really had become dependent on Steve the last several weeks. They did fine as roommates but perhaps they were not destined to be more than that even though Danny felt a huge attraction to Steve.

Danny ducked his head down and decided to try the hotel across the street. He could hide Lily as he registered but first he had to find a pet store.

“You’re an idiot!”
“Come on, Kono. I know that. It’s just… stuff just came out of my mouth. I just thought a weekend away with just Danny would be really nice and then the rabbit shows up.” Steve raised a finger to Kono to indicate he was not done. “Yeah fine I admit it. I’m jealous because the rabbit makes sure she has Danny all to herself and there’s no way I can even make a move.” Steve sighed and paced over to the window. “I need to go after him. I need to go now.”

“Yes you do! Chin and I can help you look.” She shook her head as she walked over to the door. “Come on.”

Danny found a pet store on 42nd Street and loaded up on supplies for the weekend. He was not aware of the black car sitting outside the store, engine idling, the tinted windows hiding the two men inside.

Danny had no way of knowing that Amber Luciano had called Catherine Rollins as soon as she’d left the hotel, and Catherine Rollins had called Doris McGarrett. Joe White had dispatched a couple of cars to track down Steve starting at the hotel while another unit was sent out to find Danny. Danny would be good insurance to draw Steve back to the family which was exactly what Doris wanted.

“HQ we have eyes on the subject. He’s just leaving a pet store. Should we get him now or wait? Over.”
Get him now, over and out, came the reply.

Danny paused on the sidewalk trying to juggle everything he carried. The pet supplies were rather heavy especially the litter, and the pedestrians moving around him were not kind to his plight but instead bumped into him or walked impatiently around him. Danny’s head was down and he had put his duffel with Lily inside on the sidewalk to wait while he shifted loads. He ignored the screeching tires because after all, this was New York City and there were a ton of crazy drivers.

Suddenly, Danny was in the air and thrown into the back seat of an idling car which then took off. He struggled to sit up but was forced down by a hand around his throat and he stopped struggling after he felt the prick on his arm. It reminded him of the bee sting and his last conscious thought was that he too was drowning and would turn to white powder if he tried to surface.

Steve pushed through the tourists and the crowds; he was on the hunt for a pet store on 42nd Street where he thought Danny, on foot, would go to get supplies. He totally regretted their dust up and could kick himself knowing he was the reason why Danny had stormed out of their shared room.
“I’m an idiot,” Steve muttered as he scanned ahead. There was the pet store and perhaps Danny was still inside.

“Excuse me,” Steve said as he rushed into the store. “I’m looking for a young man, brown blonde hair up in a like man bun, blue eyes, he’s short, young… jeans and a red sweater… “

The young woman behind the desk by the cash register was busy with another customer. She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

“I’m sorry. I know you’re busy but he’s my boyfriend we had a fight and I just want to say I’m sorry. He had a bunny with him.” Steve knew he probably sounded like a nut case then the thought crossed his mind that he would be more sympathetic if he explained the reason why he was on the hunt.

It worked. She looked up and nodded. “Sure yeah he was in here about ten minutes ago. Bought a bunch of rabbit stuff and left.”

“Did you notice which way he went? When he left here?” Steve asked. When she gave him a look bordering on impatience and exasperation, Steve muttered a thanks and left, trying to decide which way Danny would go. As he looked to the right, he saw a familiar dark green duffel laying on its side next to the curb. People just walked around it like it was not even there. Scattered around it were various pet supplies like you’d buy for a rabbit. “f*ck!” Steve rushed to retrieve the bag, turned it right side up and opened the zipper. Lily was squirming around inside and when Steve reached in, she immediately cuddled into his hands.

“Oh no! Danny would never leave her!” Kono said running up behind Steve.
“I have a very bad feeling about this,” Steve said. He cuddled a very scared Lily next to him, petting her fur. “Shhhh let’s get you back to a safe place and then I’m looking for Danny.”

Kono gathered up the supplies and Chin grabbed the duffel. They walked quickly back to the hotel and Steve tucked Lily under his jacket so she was hidden. He ducked to the stairwell and took the steps two at a time, reassuring Lily that he would take care of her and they’d get Danny back, wanting to believe it himself. When he got to the room, he gently put her on the bed and laid one of Danny’s shirts from his duffel beside her so she could cuddle up in it.

“Hey Steve! It’s us!” Kono said as she knocked.

Steve opened the door and continued to get the litter box ready with the supplies Kono had had delivered. He poured some pellets into a dish and added some hay to another plastic pan.

“Water?” Kono asked as she filled another dish and set it down.

“Thanks, guys. Now I’m afraid I need to make a phone call. If they hurt him…. “ Steve got his burner out of his pocket and with shaking hands punched in his mother’s personal phone number.

Danny blinked and squeezed his eyes shut as they watered from the lights in the room. He was on his side on the floor in what looked like an office. Slowly he sat up and rubbed his aching head.
Where was he? What had happened? He remembered leaving the pet store…. Oh God Lily!! Where was Lily? He stood, fell down again, and held on to a chair to haul himself up. He wanted to panic but the part of him that was still rational wasn’t letting him and so he took a deep breath to compose himself.

He was in an office. There was a table with three chairs and a desk and swivel chair in the corner. On the desk was a computer and several folders. Danny looked up at the walls but couldn’t see any cameras. Obviously, whoever had taken him had not thought this out.

Danny tried the door but it was locked, as the doorknob would only turn a fraction either way. From Danny’s limited experiences, those were the easiest to break out of. He listened first to see if he could hear anyone but it was so quiet that it was almost eerie.

He grabbed a book from the partitions on top of the desk and lifted it right above the doorknob. Using every ounce of his strength, he brought it down, hard and was repaid for his efforts. The doorknob completely broke and sagged against the Formica wood of the door.

Feeling triumphant, Danny slipped out of the room and looked up for any cameras. Unfortunately, the hall was tricked out like some kind of paparazzi Heaven so Danny quickly moved towards the end of the hallway where a red exit sign was mounted at the top of the door.

Whew! He made it! He tried the door but it was locked and it looked like it needed a key card to open it.
“Great,” he muttered. Danny tried to gain access into the room across the hall and to his absolute surprise, it opened easily. He closed it after he entered the room and locked it.

The office room was similar to the one where he had been dumped but it had windows which the other did not have! He said a prayer as he approached them and was grateful and relieved to see that the room he was in was only about a 20 foot drop down to the grass below. And there was a gutter system that ran down beside the window.

“f*ck you, whoever you are!” Danny muttered. He slid the window open, popped out the screen and was grateful for older buildings without the five pane windows. This is one he could definitely work with.

Carefully, Danny crawled up on the window ledge and reached for the gutter length. He hoped it would hold him or at least let him get closer to the ground so he took a breath and swung over just as he heard commotion down the hall. Looks like they’d discovered he was gone so it was now or never.

The gutter held him long enough to get him to about 5 feet above the ground where he dropped off and rolled into the soft grass. The ground, though, was hard and it kind of knocked the breath out of him but he stood and on shaky legs ran towards a series of hedges just to take refuge in until he could figure out an escape plan. He knew they’d figure out how he had climbed down and would probably start a ground search. f*ck. This was a big complex! A lot of cars, a lot of out buildings, a lot of places to hide.

Danny opted for the parking lot, figuring that the cameras would probably cover the building instead of the parking lot or if there was a camera for the parking lot, he could still move around the cars and not be seen.

Hiding behind a blue club cab pickup truck, Danny saw a bunch of security men start swarming out of the exits and towards the hedges. Thank God he hadn’t stayed there! As he watched them, his gaze was drawn to the truck and the window. Because this was an older model, the locks were still on the upper arm by the windows and this one indicated an unlocked truck!!

“f*ck yeah!” Danny muttered and carefully opened the door knowing that if it was unlocked, there was no alarm. He slid into the front seat and lay there , face against the vinyl seat, the gearshift digging into his ribs. He flipped on to his back and slid over to the passenger side, straightening his legs but still keeping down.

Whoever drove this truck was an idiot, Danny thought, because not only was there a phone in the truck but there was a gun, a revolver, stuck between the consoles. He retrieved both and was about to examine the phone but heard some commotion.
A big black car was entering in to the parking lot. Danny ducked down and watched from the side window as it pulled up in front of the doors and stopped. A woman got out of the back and walked around to the rear passenger side where she flung open the door and stepped aside. Two men in security garb stood on either side of the woman, training wicked looking guns on whoever was coming out of the car.

f*ck it was Steve.
It was Steve.

Danny pounded the seat in frustration. He wondered what had happened but could put two and two together to think they’d tricked Steve into coming because they had told Steve that he, Danny, was here. Now what?

He grabbed the phone and realized it was an old timey flip phone, but it had bars and power. That meant he didn’t need a code to use it! The fates were smiling so far, Danny thought, and offered up a little prayer of thanks. He punched in Chin’s number and waited breathlessly.

Chin answered on the second ring.
“Who is this?” Chin demanded.

“Chin it’s Danny. Long story but I’m here at this big complex and I’m in the parking lot in a truck. I just saw them bring Steve here but he was with some heavy duty guards.”

“You’re ok? Thank God,” Chin said.
“Yeah can you get a signal on this thing? I have no idea where I am.”

“Hang on. Kono is using her computer. Was Steve ok?” Chin asked.

“Yeah he seemed fine. Just sad looking.”

“He came after you and we found Lily in your bag; it was on the sidewalk. We also saw the pet supplies which told us pretty much that you were taken. Then Steve got a phone call and just took off before we could follow him. We thought it had something to do with you.”

“Yeah well they’ll have to try harder. Is Lily ok?” Danny asked.
“She’s good. She’s eating right now.” Kono gave Chin the thumbs up. “Ok we have a location on you. Chin and I are going to call in the big guns as in the police. Danny, you are not hurt are you?”

“Naw I’m fine. Whatever drug they gave me wore off. I’m just thirsty as hell right now.”

“You wait until we get there, hear me?” Chin ordered.
“I hear ya, yes,” Danny said. “See you soon.”

Suddenly, Danny’s attention was changed to the front facade of the building by someone shouting through a bullhorn. There, between two big security guards, was Steve, on his knees with his hands tied behind his back. His head was down.

“Danny Williams! You have one minute to come out! I’m sure you don’t want to see any harm come to Steve do you? Huh?”

Danny recognized the bald man with the bullhorn as he stepped into view. Joe White! Bastard, Danny thought, an idea coming to him. He dug through the bin between the seats because he’d seen something earlier now if only he could find it. Ah! There it was!!

Left on his own at an early age, Danny learned all he could about things he was interested in, whether by talking with neighbours or reading in the library. At one time when he was 10, the man who rented the apartment next to Danny’s family worked as a mechanic and he’d taught Danny how to hot wire any car.

Danny removed the steering Mount and found the wires he needed. He popped the dash cover off after using the tiny screwdriver in the tool kit to loosen the screws and found the rest of what he needed.

“I’m losing patience!”

Danny glanced up and cringed when one of the security guards aimed a punch at Steve’s face. Steve went reeling back and Danny could see he was bleeding.

“Come on come on..” the truck whined then sprang to life. It rumbled and rattled but Danny popped the steering Mount on, attached it hurriedly with a couple of screws and buckled up in the driver’s seat. Thankfully, the truck was parked at the end of a row without anything in front of it so he could just go from the parking spot!

Danny swung the truck out into the main drive and headed for the main entrance where they had Steve. When the guards saw what Danny was going to do, and that his intent was to drive the truck right into them, they dropped Steve and scattered. Steve staggered to his feet as Danny pulled up and did a 180 degree burnout turn so the passenger side was right next to Steve.

“Get in!” Danny yelled and Steve hauled ass into the truck just as one of the guards started to fire shots at them. One hit the front windshield and it shattered but Danny just gunned the truck towards the entrance gates. One guard attempted to stand in front of the gates but as Danny aimed for him he jumped to safety at the last minute.

Out onto the access road Danny went, the truck sputtering a bit at being put through the abuse.

“You ok Steve?” Danny asked chancing a quick look at Steve.
“Yeah just a little groggy. They … they gave me. Me… somethin’…”

“Well just lean back and relax. I got this!” Danny said. “Oh thank Christ here come the cops!”

Danny pulled over just as the truck started to overheat, water vapor turning to smoke and curling out from under the hood. A police car pulled in behind him and one pulled in front hemming the truck in.
“Danny!!! Danny! Is Steve with you?” Chin ran up to the driver side where Danny was getting out, the adrenalin wearing off. He nodded and gave Chin a thumbs up then collapsed on to the ground.

Steve woke up slowly, reluctant to leave the warmth of the cocoon he’d built. He blinked bleary eyed at the white walls and the sink against one wall. There was a white board with some writing on it but he could not read it.

“Hello?” He called out. There had to be a bell around so he searched his bed until he found it and pushed the call button. Almost immediately a young woman in scrubs bustled in. “What happened?” He asked.

“Let me take your vitals and I’ll let you know. Hold still please.” She took his temperature, blood pressure and checked the pulsar. “Looks good.” She wrapped up the blood pressure cuff. “You were admitted because someone gave you Ketamine which is a strong tranquilizer. We flushed out your system and monitored your potassium levels. I believe the doctor is releasing you today.”

“I have a friend. His name is Danny—-“

“Oh yes here’s a note from him. But your other friend is here and she’s anxious to see you.” The nurse went to the doorway and motioned just as Kono came into the room.

“Hey you. How you doing?”she asked.

“Apparently none the worse for wear. Where’s Danny though? Is he ok?” Steve asked.

“Danny and Chin are at the courthouse. They decided not to postpone it and Danny was given the all clear by the docs. He didn’t get the keto. He got the Benadryl which was way milder.”

“Wow. I have a slamming headache,” Steve said with a long sigh. “Danny is ok then?”

“Danny is a maniac,” Kono laughed.

“Did they get Joe? Joe White?” Steve asked anxiously.

“No they didn’t. He must have taken off with your mother just before the police arrived. I guess the computer banks were wiped and things were shredded. I bet they raided the bank accounts too.” Kono said. “I brought you clean clothes. Nurse said you can wait til the hotel before you shower as there’s no one here to um assist you.”

“You’re enjoying this aren’t you?” Steve scoffed.

“Not at all,” she smirked.

Danny walked out of the courthouse clutching his sheaf of papers. He felt like he’d signed his life totally away and was out of his element but he was done. All good, after taxes, he’d inherit 16.3 million dollars. His benefactor had invested well and had many shares of stock in Amazon, Bell Canada and Pfizer then sold when the market was hot and banked the money.

“Just think. You and Steve can get that house you want,” Chin said as he and Danny walked down the steps in front of the regal building.

“I don’t even know what to think. Are the cops right that Steve does not have to worry about Joe White and Doris? I think they are optimistic. We need to be careful.” Danny grabbed Chin’s arm. “Chin, I’m scared Steve doesn’t like me like I like him.”

“Oh Danny.” Chin’s expression was soft. “He adores you. He just .. he’s one of those guys who is scared to show his emotions. He’s scared because you’re young. I mean come on you ARE young but….” Chin held a hand up just as Danny was going to protest, “very mature. You kept your cool, escaped and saved his life. How many other kids your age can do that?”
Danny sighed and nodded. “Shall we go pick up Steve and Kono from the hospital? Get something good to eat and take it back to the room? Check on Lily?” Chin continued.

“Steve hates Lily,”. Danny said sadly.

“You should have seen Steve cuddle her when he found her. I think you’ll find Steve and Lily have kind of found some common ground. Things are going to be different with those two going forward.” Chin wrapped an arm around Danny’s shoulders. “Let’s go get your man.”

“Steve!!! Answer my phone please!!!” Danny juggled the bags of groceries he was bringing into the house and he’d left his phone on the counter after the first load.

“Yep got it,” Steve answered, as he carried Lily over to the kitchen. He hit the code and pressed ACCEPT. “Hi Jerry!”

“Oh is that Jerry! Let me talk to him!” Danny set the bags down and took his phone from Steve’s outstretched hand. “S’up?”

“Dude, I have the best book on ghost stories that I have ever read! Can I bring it by tonight before it snows tomorrow?”

“Yeah Jer, come to dinner. I’m just doing a stir fry.”

“See you soon.”

Danny started to put the groceries away as Steve and Lily came up behind him. Steve nuzzled Danny’s neck making the blonde giggle.
“Goofball. Stop spoiling her and help me cut up some veggies!”

“As you wish.” Steve set Lily down on to the floor and washed his hands. He and Danny and Lily had come a long way in the few days they had been home from New York. Although they knew they needed to be careful since Doris and Joe were still out there, their sacrifices to each other had solidified their affection.

“Are we taking Nando with us to look at houses next week?”Steve asked. “I think he’s counting on it.”

“Yep. I planned on it. He will help us with the locations.”

“Steve? Can I just say—-“ before Danny could speak any more, Steve pulled him over and kissed him. It was a tender but solid kiss and it made Danny smile. “That was nice.” Danny touched Steve’s lips. “You’re so handsome!”

“I can’t wait to impress you with more of my kissing prowess.”

“Bring it on! But first…. Chop those veggies. “


Well well well.
Looks like Steve and Lily are going to bond after all.
This isn’t the end!
Lots more to come including moving to a new house!

Chapter 8: New House New Attitude


Danny and Steve get the house of their dreams!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

…’Bury all your secrets in my skin
Come away with innocence, and leave me with my sins
The air around me still feels like a cage
And love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage again

So if you love me, let me go.
And run away before I know.
My heart is just too dark to care.
I can't destroy what isn't there.
Deliver me into my fate, if I'm alone I cannot hate
I don't deserve to have you
My smile was taken long ago, if I can change I hope I never know…’

Danny sat cross legged on a cushion on the floor of the living room. He was freezing even though Steve had built a nice fire in the fireplace. The problem was the water and the proximity of the house to it; the dampness just never left when it became cold.

“What do you think, Lily? Steve ought to be back very soon.” The rabbit hopped over to Danny and leaned against him so he shared his blanket with her even though she was wearing a kind of insulated snap jacket that fit over her front paws to close on her back. “And we will find out tomorrow if our bid is accepted for the house. Hope so. Not that I don’t love it here but it’s just cold all of the time. It would be nice too to decorate our own home, don’t you agree? No antlers of any kinds on the walls!”

Danny went back to concentrate on his iPad. He was looking at the Wayfair site for bedding and sheets, plus for some furniture throws and rugs. If they got the big house, their lives were going to change in so many ways!
“What do you think of that, Lily?” Danny tipped the screen towards the rabbit who at least looked as though she was interested. “That’s a pretty blue. I’m thinking dark greens for Steve and blues for me. I never had my own bedroom before you know. Or bathroom! Some people might call us crazy because there are only the two of us, well…. Three… rattling around in that house but the second I saw the photos? Steve didn’t have to sell me on it.”

Back to the site this time looking at blankets. “We will need plenty of these. Snowmobiling is very very big in Long Lake. Steve wants to get two and teach me how to ride. I think I’ll try it though I hate being cold.”

Lily twitched her nose as if in agreement and flopped against Danny, this time more of a possessive lay over than a lean.

“It’s so weird to be rich enough to afford this kind of thing. A truck. A house. Going to college online, because I am you know. Steve thinks I’m smart enough and Jerry too! I’d love to learn how to really write, like write a book. Steve says the sky is the limit because I have choices and can pick any of them! He’s going to work for the DEC, as a Forest Ranger. Such an exciting job! That means he will educate the public about all of the natural things in the forest and the lakes plus assist in search and rescue ops. It pays well and Steve is so excited to start next month!” Danny stroked the rabbit’s head and ears. “That money I inherited has been a life changing experience!”

The money from the Will had rolled over to Danny and he’d hired, at Nando’s suggestion, a financial planner. His money was safely tucked away in various accounts while he had spendable cash at the ready. So of course the first thing Danny did was to pay off Nando’s tax debts so he could start using the money he made from the Lodge back into the Lodge to make it even better.

The second thing he and Steve did was to buy a truck, a dark blue Silverado Club Cab with a premier sound system and all the bells and whistles they had ever wanted. Surprisingly, Steve was more than happy to take a back seat to Danny in choosing and outfitting the vehicle. They would certainly need a truck for where they had decided to live, if, like Danny said, their bid was accepted.

“I’m going to miss Nando but he can come and visit and stay because we have two guest bedrooms, both with their own bathrooms! Think of it, Lily. My own bathroom. It doesn’t seem real. I have to tell myself I’m not dreaming, that this is really really happening! And then with Halloween next week? If we get the house Steve and I want to have a party more like a sleepover and invite our friends! You can visit with Snowball, Kono’s bunny because she’s bringing her along.” Danny sighed. “IF we get the house.”

Lily perked up, ears front, as the sound of the truck on the gravel driveway drifted into the boathouse.
“Steve’s home! Hopefully with pizza!” Danny stood up and hurried to the door. Steve was indeed carrying two pizza boxes and juggling two bags of groceries in his other hand. He even had a bag around his neck.

“Honey, I’m home!” Steve announced and let Danny remove the bag from around his neck. It had all of the bunny’s greens and berries inside.

“You brought dinner! Yum!” Danny sniffed, appreciatively.
“Did anyone…. Call?” Steve asked hopefully.

“No.” Danny sighed. “Do you think they don’t want to approve us?” He started to put the groceries away. “I mean we are paying the full amount we offered, in cash.”

“5.1 million. That is a helluva lot of money! But then it’s a helluva house!” Steve got out plates for the pizza and Danny noticed that he shivered as he set them on the counter.
“Your sweatshirt is on the back of the couch. You go put it on.”

Steve paused before he walked to the connected living room and bent his head to capture Danny’s lips in a kiss. Danny reciprocated and rubbed his hands, palms down, against Steve’s chest.
“I love you,” Steve whispered and broke away to get his shirt. Danny watched him, admiring the confident way Steve moved, how his muscles were visible under his tight tee shirt.

“I love you too, Steve.” Danny turned back to the task of making Lily’s salad. He was so anxious for a real stove, a real cooktop and oven! He couldn’t wait to make his first Turkey for Thanksgiving!

Danny’s phone started playing ‘Don’t Stop Believing’ and he picked it up, looked at the screen and showed it to Steve. It was Mike Raymaley, the realtor for Camp-On-A-Point!!!

“Answer it, Danny!” Steve urged. Danny nodded and took a deep breath. He put the phone on speaker and told Mike that Steve was there too. What was the verdict?

Camp-On-A-Point was a very unique place. Nestled indeed on a point that jutted out into Little Tupper Lake , it was one of only two houses that held the privilege for the occupants to use a motor boat on the lake. It had 5200 square feet, a 7000 feet private shoreline with a Sandy beach and a two slip boathouse. There were 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms with beautiful natural light and views of the lake and mountains. Set on 58 acres of pristine woodland, there was also a manned private gate to insure privacy and security.

Danny and Steve had fallen in love with the light wood and white walls, the cathedral ceilings and loft, and the modern amenities found throughout the home. Triple paned windows graced every room with each room having unique views of the lake, the woods or in some cases both. There wasn’t any need for air conditioning as the constant lake breezes and the shade from the forest kept the house very agreeable during the summer months. There were 2 gas fireplaces, a half bath downstairs for guests, a full finished basem*nt with a wine room, and a couple of balconies jutting out from bedrooms upstairs. A gentle grassy slope led down to the lake and a three car garage was on the property not far from the house.

Upon entering the house, anyone would be impressed at the graceful staircases on either sides of the entry room. It was a grand sight but simple in the design. Danny felt like he and Steve deserved the slight opulence.
As for the kitchen, it took Danny’s breath away.

The cabinets were white and the backsplash had subway tile that gleamed nice and bright. The counters were a rosy quartz and the appliances all were modern stainless steel. There was a big island and 4 stools with backs on them to suggest comfort. The kitchen floor was planked wood, though the finish was polished and gave the room some colour.

“Congratulations, kids! You have a house! Camp-On—A-Point is yours! We can have the closing this coming week.”

Danny and Steve whooped and started to dance, sending Lily hopping for cover in to the living room where she looked at them balefully from the couch.

“I can’t believe it! That house is just the most wonderful I’ve ever seen!” Danny said. He was aware he was going to cry and wiped at his eyes furiously.

“I’m happy for you,” Mike continued. “Steve, you’re going to love the waterfront amenities. There is a motorboat that comes with the house and the furnishings are yours except for the personal bric-a-bracs. You’ll have to buy bedding, cushions etc but the homeowner has agreed to leave the small appliances as well as the pots and pans and the cutlery with the house. Because she was not there most of the time, spending the time in Florida, most of it is brand new. Oh the plants also come with the house.”

“Mike, you are a good agent! We appreciate you so much! Thank you!” Danny said.

“I think in this case the money did most of the talking. I’ll call you back when I know the closing date but I’ll drop off the keys and passcodes to the alarm system tomorrow. That way you can start to move your stuff in to the place.”

“Ok Mike! Come any time! We’re here!” Steve said.

After they hung up with Mike, Danny and Steve looked at each other for a long moment until Danny jumped up on Steve, legs around Steve’s upper hips, arms around Steve’s neck. Steve twirled him around and they were both giddy from the sale. It would be so amazing to have a home of their own!

“Can you believe it! We got the house! We got the house!!” Danny screamed.
“Thank you so much, Danny! It really is a beautiful place that we can enjoy every day!” Steve hugged Danny tightly and they stayed that way until Lily thumped. “Someone is wanting her salad!” Steve laughed. He gently released Danny and as the blonde slid down the front of him, he couldn’t help but feel the delicious thrill that ran through him.

“Yes, your majesty,” Danny said as he bowed. Lily hopped closer now that they were done making noise. She nosed Steve’s leg and he crouched down to pet her.

“You’re going to have to wear a bell in the new house so we can find you.” Steve watched as Danny started cutting up her washed greens. “We can each have a bedroom but uh… I’d love it if. Sometimes… you’d sleep with me.”

Danny turned, the romaine still in his hand. “I’d like that. It’s a big house and until I get used to it, I think I’d enjoy your company.”

Over dinner, Danny showed Steve the bedding and blankets and the rugs he thought would look nice.
“Those couch cushions look great, too,” Steve said. “Are we still shooting for a Halloween party? Or hey what about a Day of the Dead party! That would be different plus it falls on a Saturday night. People would be inclined to stay over that night.”

“Wow I never.. what is the Day of the Dead? Is it… it’s a custom with the skulls right?” Danny asked.

“It’s a tradition of honouring the dead. I believe it started with the Aztecs who used the whole month instead of one day to pay homage to their loved ones. Festivities were presided over by the goddess Mictecacihuatl. Ha! Pronounce that name three times! We could have a chili bar, sliders, punch and nachos. Oh and cupcakes ! I could help you make them! We could decorate them with whatever like glitter and then I’d put frosting on your face and lick it off.” Steve’s eyes were soft and dark under his long eyelashes.

“Steve.” Danny cupped Steve’s face with his hand and stroked his cheek. “I can’t wait to spend every day with you together in our new house.”

“Well,” Steve said reluctantly breaking the mood, “That pizza isn’t going to be eating itself.”

“I have never met anyone like you, and I’d fight a million people for you,” Danny said and his heart ached as he nuzzled close to Steve. He had already saved Steve once but he would do it again and again if need be.

“Let’s hope that never happens,” Steve whispered.


Danny and Steve both started laughing. The bunny wanted her salad and her humans were not listening.
“Lily, you have the worst timing,” Steve teased.

Danny folded down the quilt on the bed in the white bedroom. He had chosen that one, not because it was white but because it was very roomy and allowed a good deal of space for Lily’s corner. Her ship, bed, tunnel, toys and hopping post fit nicely in the area opposite the windows. Danny also had a little balcony attached that overlooked the water. It was just big enough for a couple of small wrought iron patio chairs, again purchased from Wayfair.

The carpet was also white, which wasn’t ideal with a rabbit but Danny had placed some very pretty deep blue rugs around to give the room colour and depth. He had a writing desk too which he absolutely loved!

Steve had chosen the room with the more masculine furniture and bed frame. His was a wrought iron bed with darker accessories in the room. He, too, had a balcony and Danny had ordered chairs for him. They each had beautiful en-suite bathrooms; Danny’s bathroom had the deep jetted soaking tub though and he could not wait to use it.

“Do you need any help?” Steve asked. He had made his bed and put away his clothes, loving his room and the views he had of the lake.

“Yeah, can you pull this over a bit and tuck it in? Yeah that’s great thank you!” Danny said. “Did you get everything in your drawers and make your bed?” Danny asked.

“It didn’t take long,” Steve answered. He watched as Lily hopped about investigating. She was unsure of what was happening and had not let Danny out of her sight the whole day they’d been at their new house. “We are going to go shopping for some new clothes. You’re going to freeze if you keep wearing those tee shirts.”

“At least it’s not as damp as the boat house! I know this is a huge house but it’s warm! Are you hungry? I’m starving and we still have to put stuff away downstairs.” Danny put an empty laundry basket down near the door to the bathroom. “I can’t wait to use that front load washer and dryer! Listen to me, getting excited about a washing machine.”

“I love it! I wish I could have given you this right away. You deserve it and so much more,” Steve said.
“Ok we have more to do. Can you grab Lily? I don’t want her to use those steps herself because they are kinda slippery.”

Steve gently picked up the rabbit, who was looking adorable in her pink overalls. Danny loved dressing her up and she seemed to like it or was just tolerating it because it was Danny paying attention to her.

As they passed through the living room, Danny mock glared at the dining room table on the other side of the great open room.
“That has to go. People like eating on a real wooden table not something made of glass.”

Steve chuckled. “Danny, we had glass tables the whole time I grew up. The coffee table here is made of glass. It’s modern—-“

“It’s an accident waiting to happen and while I guess the coffee table can stay, the dining room table needs to go.”

They were now in the kitchen where Steve placed Lily on the floor. She immediately hopped over to the laundry room and poked her head in.

“Let’s put our mugs in this cupboard and the dry groceries in this one,” Danny suggested. He paused and peeked into the big fridge. “Tonight, I’m making macaroni and cheese and Impossible chicken fingers. “Refrigerator add pasta to my grocery list.” Danny grinned at Steve and pointed to the portal on the fridge door. “So cool.”

They worked side by side , Steve chopping up the cheese and Danny boiling the pasta, making sure it was Al dente to add to his mix. It had started to rain while they fixed dinner and the sound against the big windows was both comforting and strange.

“It’s going to take me a while to get used to all of this. It’s so…. Beautiful. Never did I ever think we’d be here, Steve.”

“I would still be under my mother’s thumb pushing papers around with Joe White thinking of ways to get rid of me. f*ck them! You know, I don’t care if they know where we are! We have security and an alarm system and we aren’t harming them or anyone!”

“Babe, it’s ok.” Danny wrapped his arms around Steve and hugged him. “We have friends and people who love us plus you’re right. We DO have security and we are so far off the radar here they won’t know where to look! So let’s not even talk about them and give them a voice.”

“When did you get so smart?” Steve sighed.

“I had some good teachers,” Danny answered. He reluctantly let go and returned to put the chicken in the oven. This certainly was heaven to actually have a stove to cook with and he could not wait to make them pancakes tomorrow morning.

“Man, it is pouring outside!” Steve switched the outside illumination lights on so he could see the lake. “It’s like a huge grey blanket of water!”

“All the better to have a garage for the truck and a cozy place for us. Are you excited to start work in two weeks?” Danny asked.
This made Steve’s face light up.
“Hell yeah! I can’t wait! Though I do worry about you being alone here.”

“Steven, we have security and I’m not exactly gonna be just lounging around. I start my online courses when you go to work so we will both be busy.”

“True.” Steve turned off the lights and pointed to the island. “Are we eating here?”
“There’s no way I’m eating on that dumb table,” Danny muttered.

They ate in the kitchen and Danny allowed Lily to lay on a large folded blanket on the island. She did not bother them while they ate, content to gnaw on one of her apple tree branches. After dinner, Danny loaded the dishwasher while Steve put the leftovers away and swept the kitchen floor. They worked in amiable silence and when they finished simultaneously, Steve picked up Lily and they retreated to their cozy living room. The sectional was very nice, even though it was in a fabric Danny probably wouldn’t have selected, but that and the big comfy chairs that surrounded the low coffee table looked really nice framing the fireplace. Steve switched on the gas log and yawned. It had been a busy day with the movers and getting settled but already it felt like home. Danny snuggled next to him and Lily lay sprawled on the floor playing with her treat ball. The rain was still falling; the sounds on the windows was almost hypnotic.

“Want to watch tv?” Steve asked reaching for the remote, and suddenly realized that Danny was asleep. “Ok. You just rest.” Steve turned the tv on low volume, found Bear Gryllis running a contest and decided to watch that.

He had never felt so settled and content in his entire 22 years on earth. Memories of Catherine Rollins and her evil manipulative ways were a dim memory and Steve wondered just how he had ever put up with the reedy voiced demanding bitch. Danny sighed in his sleep and Steve idly petted the blonde’s hair, loving the silky feel of it between his fingers. Here was where his heart was, with Danny and an impossibly bossy rabbit.

Steve looked around the living room area and was again struck by how light and open this house was. The ceilings extended past the second floor to make a cathedral effect and looking down from the loft space at the top of the stairs, you could see everything on the first level. Danny was right about the dining room table though. Something a little more homey would be much better than the heavy ostentatious glass that was there now.

They had been planning their Day of the Dead party coming up next weekend; they wanted all of their friends to have a relaxing night and since their home was about an hour’s drive from Lake Placid, the invitation was for an overnight too. Whoever did not fit in the bedrooms (and Steve and Danny were vacating their own rooms for their guests) could sleep on the sectional or the nice pull out couches on the loft landing.

People were going to bring a dish to share and Steve and Danny were going to make Mac and cheese, 2 different kinds of sliders and cupcakes. They were also providing the nachos with toppings, chips and pretzels plus beer and pop. Danny had been meticulous with the grocery list planning what he’d need to make the food and this week they’d venture into Kalil’s Grocery to pick up the essentials.

This was what homeowners did, have parties and invite friends over, Steve thought.
When they first saw the house, though, Danny was not sold on it completely because of its close proximity to the lake. He was bothered by the dampness and cold in the boat house and said he did not want to live in another house where he was cold all the time, but the realtor assured him that with baseboard oil heat, they’d have no worries on staying warm. Mike the realtor was correct, Steve thought. It was nice and warm inside with the fireplace too of course.

As they’d toured the house, though, Steve could tell Danny was excited and impressed with the amenities. They had so much here! It was truly the home of their dreams.

On to the evening news.
“Danny? Hey buddy you’ve been sleeping. Want to get ready for bed?” Steve asked as Danny sat up and rubbed his eyes.
“Yeah sounds good.” Danny stood up and stretched, and when he glanced at Steve, he was surprised and flattered to see the hunger on Steve’s face as he watched Danny.

“I’ll set the alarm,” Steve said hastily and scrambled to man the control panel in the kitchen. Danny followed, aiming to fix them a little something before bed. Lily hopped along in his wake, the rabbit expecting a snack before bed and of course she would get one.

They ate cereal as they listened to the rain and wind.
“You want to sleep in my room tonight or can I grace yours?” Steve asked. Danny quickly jumped at that since the prospect of spending the first night in a new place, even their own house, was a bit challenging.

“Come to mine,” Danny said gratefully.

“Ok I’ll do just that.”

Before midnight, Steve and Danny were snuggled in the big bed in Danny’s bedroom. Lily lay on her fuzzy blanket at their feet, happy to be near them and feeling reassured because after all, it was her first night here too.

“Steve? Do you think your Mom has given up?”

“Given up? Oh you mean on trying to find me? Huh. I dunno. Actually I don’t care. I’m not going to give her rent in my head and you know what else? This community around us? It’s not like it’s NYC. They are small towns without a lot of people so whatever she says or does will get back to me immediately.”

“Good answer. I think you’re right,” Danny muttered, seeking the warmth that Steve was putting out. He pulled the blanket up until his chin and sighed. “Goodnight, Babe. I love you.”

“I love you too, Danny.” Steve answered and meant it.

It was mid afternoon a day before their party and Danny was mixing up the pudding to make the trifle. Lily was dozing on her blanket on the counter as Alexa spun the tunes on the state of the art sound system. Steve was in town picking up the last of their supplies.
Danny sang along with Johnny Hates Jazz as he stirred.
“I thought it was you who said I would die for love…. And now you’ve given me given me nothing but shattered dreams shattered dreams…” he frowned as the doorbell cut into the song.

Danny immediately called the guard at the gatehouse, wondering if the guard had let someone through but no, Diego said he hadn’t seen anyone. He did, though, say he was on his way and not to answer the door.

“I’m down with that,” Danny muttered and looked around for the pepper spray Steve had bought him. He stuck that in his pocket and peeked out the window. Nothing and nobody was out there but Danny’s nerves were humming on high frequency.

The sound of his phone made him jump but when he saw it was Diego, he was relieved.
“There’s nobody here, Danny but let me make a circuit anyways. You just stay inside.”

Danny sighed. Maybe he should not be so paranoid but it really bothered him that the doorbell was activated and Diego saw nobody. Was it just a coincidence or a glitch?

“Nobody here. I’ll do another circuit up the road so just chill until I get back to you.”

“Yeah ok, be careful,” Danny said. He left the phone line open because he could hear Diego on the cycle they’d bought for security to use in case they needed to come to the house quickly. A few minutes later, the cycle was off and Diego was at the door.

Danny walked out to meet him.
“I didn’t see anyone. Do you think it might have just been an electronic burp?” Diego asked.

“Yeah I think you’re right. Thank you though. I appreciate you looking around.”

“That’s my job,” Diego said proudly. “I’m here if you need me.”
“Thanks!” Danny looked out at the lake as he turned to go in. Something just told him to look at the side panel by the doorbell itself. There, looking like it was still wet, was that symbol of the Triple Goddesses. Danny traced it with his finger and abruptly jumped back. It was as if a shock had gone through his body.

He looked down at the porch but there weren’t any wet footprints or anything to indicate anyone having walked up to the door.
“Ok that’s all for today.” Danny ducked inside and took a deep breath. Nothing to be scared of. It was just a protection symbol like the one on the boat house. He’d point it out to Steve when Steve returned.

“I guess she’s still looking after us,” Steve said as he stared at the symbol.
“But we are on an entirely different lake, Steve! She drowned in Lake Placid and we are 2 lakes away! Joe could she get here?” Danny asked.

“I don’t know. Maybe she has friends?” Steve shrugged. “It’s spooky but it’s kind of comforting too don’t you think?”

“Yes…. I guess. Ok, this is.. silly. So let’s see what kind of stuff you brought! “

The guest list for their party included: Nando, the cousins, Kono and Adam, Chin and Malia, and Jerry. Danny could not wait to show off the house and Steve was already busy that Saturday morning collecting firewood for a bonfire so they could make s’mores.

“Hey Babe!” Danny walked out to where Steve was stacking an inverse pile of driftwood and dead limbs. He hunched his shoulders under the warmth of his hoodie. Steve looked up, his young face flushed with effort, but he smiled and pointed towards the fire ring. “This is going to be the best fire ever! I did it like this so the heat is at the bottom rather than the top so it won’t burn the marshmallows.”

“You’re a good man, Steven…. Uh what’s your middle name?” Danny asked, suddenly aware that this was one thing he did not really know.

“Jack. Steven Jack McGarrett.” Steve bowed. “At your service, munchkin.”

“Munchkin?? I’ll munchkin you!” Danny plowed into Steve knocking him over in to the grass, trying to find purchase to tickle. Steve was giggling and protecting his ribs but having the advantage of several inches and pounds, deftly flipped Danny over so it was now the blonde on the grass and Steve on top. “We can talk about this,” Danny laughed but quickly sobered when he saw the dreamy look on Steve’s face. Tenderly, Steve stroked Danny’s cheek and Danny turned so he could kiss those long fingers.

The next thing he knew, Steve was kissing him, all tongue and teeth, open mouth to open mouth. Danny groaned into the kiss, feeling his body react as it had many times when he was in the tub thinking about Steve. He arched up as Steve settled between Danny’s legs and they rubbed bulging groins together.

“Wait wait wait,” Steve panted and Danny felt disappointment when Steve rose just a bit to unzip his zipper and undo Danny’s as well. His hands were cold so at first touch of Danny’s warm naked flesh, Danny flinched but he was hard and warm and thick as Steve pulled his undies out of the way and did the same with his.

Oh sweet Jesus, Danny couldn’t think. He was overcome with a surge of passion like a car hitting a brick wall. He thrust up, pulling Steve down so they could kiss and when Danny felt Steve’s big co*ck push against his own, all he could do was accept the rhythm Steve was setting. It was all too much and not enough and Danny called out Steve’s name from around the kiss as he fell tumbling over the edge. Steve followed, biting Danny’s neck as he came.

“Steve…. Steve, you’re so beautiful,” Danny whispered. He kissed Steve’s face— eyelids, nose, cheek, mouth—- as Steve stroked Danny back to hardness.

“Let’s try that again,” Steve moaned. He was already building his lust and his co*ck was more than interested. He’d never ever experienced this level of passion but Danny certainly brought it out in him.

This time, Steve slid his hands under Danny’s butt and brought him up so his legs were open and Steve was pressed more against him. Danny sought the kiss again and as they slowly joined mouths with lazy tongues, Steve began to pound Danny, their cum making the ride slippery and hot.

“I wish you were naked because I would f*ck you,” Steve growled but Danny was too lost in the sensations to answer. He gripped Steve’s shoulders with bruising fingers as he came again, coating Steve’s thrusting co*ck and his own stomach. Seeing that Danny was done, Steve let the blonde go so he was once again on the ground but Steve readjusted his grip to spread Danny’s legs as wide as he could. The warm wet against his thick length was perfect and he cried out as he shot his load, his cum mixing with Danny’s.

Panting, Steve rolled off Danny as they both lay on their backs trying to recover, savouring the beauty of the love they’d shared. Steve reached for Danny’s hand and squeezed it.
“That was f*cking amazing!” Steve said.

“It was,” Danny agreed. He rolled on to his side facing Steve. “You have pine needles in your hair.”

Steve opened one eye and looked Danny up and down. “You look like you’ve had a good outdoor romp.”

“We’d best get up in case any of our guests are early,” Danny said. He tucked himself away and wiped his hands on his jeans. He got to his feet and held out a hand to Steve who had also put himself away. “Come on Steven Jack. Your fire is built. It is time to get showers and prepare for the party.”

“You HAVE to give me the recipe for this dip it’s sooo good!” Kono exclaimed.

“It’s vegan believe it or not. Brewer’s yeast and mushrooms make the cheese crab flavour. I’m actually on the path to be a better human and not eat animals.” Danny looked down at his shoe. “I know it’s kinda dumb but Steve said he’d go along with it.”

“Steve is a good man!” Kono said. “Do I detect some strong romantic vibes between you two?” She nudged Danny with her elbow.

“Yes,” Danny said, more like a sigh. “He’s very attentive and kind.” And sexy and hung and a good kisser, Danny thought but didn’t say.

“And your house! It’s soooo gorgeous! Wow!”

“Well deserved,” Nando said. He was hitting the dip again. “This is unbelievably good.”

“Thank you.” Danny pointed to Kamekona and Flippa who were overseeing Steve making the sliders on the stovetop grill. “Looks like Steve has some help.”

“You can never leave the inner chef at home I guess,” Nando laughed.

As the guests chatted and ate, Danny looked out the window and noticed that the cycle they used for the security guards was outside still and not in the garage. He glanced at Steve but he was busy with Chin and Adam.

“Excuse me. I just gotta put the bike away. I’ll be right back,” Danny said to Nando. He grabbed his jacket (the hoodie was in the wash) and slipped outside. “Ok, Let’s put you in the garage.” Danny walked the bike down the driveway to the garage and hit the code on the alarm pad. As soon as the door opened, he shoved the bike inside and shut the overhead, turning on the alarm again.

Danny was just going to start back to the brightly lit and welcoming house when he heard what sounded like footsteps coming up behind him. He started to run now, towards the house, the steps getting heavier and closer narrowing the gap. He had the dreadful feeling that if he turned to look at what it was (not who but what) he’d be ground up in little pieces by the toothy mouth he was certain it had. Suddenly, he was enveloped in cold and shoved aside.

To his amazement, Danny watched as the Lady, because it WAS her, it HAD to be her, stood between Danny and a black shapeshifting thing, that had no real form, only a fluid one. She held up her hand in like a ‘halt’ motion as her hair flowed behind her; it was tinged green with algae, but nonetheless hauntingly beautiful.

The black thing disappeared into the ground, absorbed and deleted.

The Lady turned her focus on Danny and held out her hand, her palm down as though she held something. Her mouth opened but Danny did not hear her as much as think her.

This is for you and only you…. You are blessed by the Lake and the water and the ebb of the currents. Lo, you will not suffer at the hands of the dark things in the woods. Take this Danny. Take this.

He held out his hand under hers and as he felt something in his palm, he watched her dissolve leaving only some water on his hand.

“Danny! You ok?”
Danny roused from his dream like state and waved.
“Yeah! I’m coming in! Just had to put the cycle away!”

As he walked towards the house, he looked at what she had given him. It was a smooth white stone, perfectly round. This he put in to his jeans pocket, intending to tell Steve. As he took off his coat, he looked around at the happy faces of their friends.
The explanation could wait. Right now, all he wanted to do was enjoy their company. Still the stone in his pocket reminded him that they were safe here, from living OR dead things and that drew comfort too.


The house…

Chapter 9: Over My Head


Pay attention! Things happen this chapter.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

….’We get it almost every night
When that moon gets so big and bright
It's a supernatural delight
Everybody was dancin' in the moonlight
Everybody here is out of sight
They don't bark and they don't bite
They keep things loose, they keep things light
Everybody was dancin' in the moonlight
Dancin' in the moonlight
Everybody's feelin' warm and right
It's such a fine and natural sight
Everybody's dancin' in the moonlight….’

“Danny, I’m telling you! She’d love it!! Just look at this thing! She can even go inside when the hatch is open!!!”

Danny hid a smile and pretended to ignore Steve which was a bit hard to do since he had 6 feet plus one right up against his back. Steve waved the magazine in front of Danny’s face.
“See? It’s a real steal!”

Danny sighed and grabbed the magazine, turning around at the sink so he faced Steve. He saw where Steve had circled an ad and with a dramatic tone, began to read out loud.

“Delight your rabbit or cat with the ultimate in bad boy toys! This deluxe tank replica is rolling and it isn’t slowing down for nothing or nobody!” Danny looked up at Steve’s earnest face. “Sounds ominous. I would not want to get in front of this bunny when she’s in this tank during her banana fixation.”

Steve relaxed and realization began to dawn. “You’re right. She’d probably mow us down.”

“Go get the mail you silly man. I need to run the vacuum and straighten up. But man, wasn’t that a fun party!” Danny grinned as he remembered how they’d shared a lot of laughs and excellent food. The cousins were the last to leave only because their car battery had died but Levi had jumped their car with his and off they went to buy a new battery. That morning, Danny had loved making brunch for everyone but truthfully, Kamekona had taken over. “A tank for Lily. She’s just my furry little girl, aren’t you, Princess?” Danny kissed the bunny on her head and she yawned and stretched out on her blanket.

Danny had decided to tell Steve about the stone and what had happened outside but he wanted to make sure they were alone. Jerry might understand but he was not sure if everyone else would. He reached into his pocket and rubbed it, then started to vacuum the living room. Steve returned from outside and moved the chairs so Danny could vacuum around and underneath them. When he was done, he turned off the vacuum and stood in the dining room with his hands on his hips, looking thoughtful.

“We are still getting the previous homeowner’s mail,” Steve announced as he came up behind Danny and circled his arms around Danny’s waist. He nuzzled Danny’s neck, then inhaled noisily, eliciting a giggle.
“I guess all we can do is circle the address and place it back in the mailbox.” Danny squirmed loose and unplugged the vacuum. “Two things. One serious one is not. I’ll start with the one that’s not.”

“Oh I hate these kinds of things,” Steve muttered but he perched on the stool by the island.

“First, we need a new sectional. I hate the leopard print. Period. We can look at that place where you can rearrange the pieces and it also has charging ports. Plus you can wash the slipcovers.”

“Alright. I’m not at all opposed to that,” Steve said. “There are some good furniture stores around, if we wanted to start there.”

“Well see that’s the thing!” Danny objected. “They all have that rustic Adirondack” I just shot me a moose and caught a billion fish look at my knotty pine” vibe. I just can’t deal.”

“Rice Furniture. I remember Chin talking about a nice couch he and Malia got there. We can check it out and I agree. This…. Kerfluffle.. has to go!” Steve waved a hand in the general direction of the living room.

“Kerfluffle? Listen to you, Babe. Who have you been hanging out with these days? Ok, Rice Furniture it is. Now about the second thing.. and this is the serious one.” Danny took a deep breath and sat beside Steve, taking his hand. He explained what had happened as best he could and when he was done, Steve looked very thoughtful. “You believe me don’t you? Here it is, the stone.”

Steve held out his hand palm up and examined the stone. “It’s very white. And round.” Danny nodded and worried his lip between his teeth. “Hey don’t be nervous. I think it’s awesome she saved you from. … whatever the hell that was coming after you! Do you want to show Jerry?”

“I thought that’s what we could do. I can call him and we could stop to see him. I think he’s working at his cousin’s store this afternoon.”

“Let’s go to the furniture store, get lunch, and stop to see him. It will be a date!” Steve winked.

“I’ll go get changed into something warmer!” Danny said happily.

They had to order the furniture at Rice’s but the helpful woman they dealt with guided them through the process of ordering the fabric and colour of the couch and two chairs for the living room; the farmhouse wooden table and chairs for the dining room and a wooden coffee table to replace the glass one. They also bought several colourful woven rugs for the living room and their bedrooms. By the time they returned to the truck, their heads were spinning.

“Adulting is hard work,” Danny said with a laugh. “Wow! But in 6 weeks we should have our new furnishings! We still need to sit down and order some stuff from Wayfair.”

“You go ahead. I’ll trust whatever you think,” Steve said.

“No no no you are not going to just let me have that responsibility. It’s your house too and we need to trick out the bedrooms. I won’t make you do that today though. By the way where are we going for lunch?”

“Would the Long Lake Diner do?” Steve asked parking in the lot beside the two story white sided building.

“Oh yeah! Kono says the breakfasts are phenom here but it looks like we will have to get lunch. Which is ok too.” Danny jumped out of the truck and held Steve’s hand as they walked into the Diner.

They shared a platter of fried green tomatoes with homemade balsamic dressing and moz, a platter of poutine, and while Steve opted for a Cuban melt, Danny talked the waitress into asking the chef to make him chocolate chip
Pancakes which she did and the chef complied. They took a piece of homemade apple pie to go for Jerry.

Jerry worked a few hours a week at Wilde’s Antiques and Uniques just to help his aunt and uncle. His cousin worked there also but she made jewelry and, according to Jerry, did Tarot card readings on the side. It was as good a place as any to stop and see if anyone knew anything about the stone.

“Hey guys! Didn’t I just see you?” Jerry teased but he looked happy and greeted them each with a bro hug.

“We got you some pie, Jer. It’s a bribe to pick your brain,” Danny admitted. “Maybe we could talk with your cousin?”

“Yeah, I’m sure Mindy wouldn’t mind the distraction either. We just had a bus come through and all of those tourists cleaned us out of Pendleton blankets.” Jerry dropped his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “As if they are actually going to use them.”

“Why would they buy them if they weren’t going to use them?” Danny asked.

“It’s the brand, Danny. It’s just to show off is all. Anywho, here we go. Mindy, these are my friends, Steve McGarrett and Danny Williams.”

“It is very nice to meet you,” the young woman said, extending her hand to shake. She was attractive with dark hair and eyes, and a very nice smile. They shook hands and Mindy indicated they sit down across from her at the other side of a table. She had various jewelry on the table, with tiny instruments to either repair or make whatever she was making.

“I have a stone that…. Someone… thing.. something gave me and please don’t laugh because I am not making this up. You know the legend of the Lady In The Lake?” Danny said.

“Who doesn’t?” She asked. “Did you encounter her?”

“I did and she gave me this.” Danny took out the stone and laid it on the table. Mindy gasped and looked first at it then at Danny.

“May I pick it up?”

“Sure yeah go ahead.” Danny sat back and watched as Mindy examined the smooth white stone.

“You don’t know what this is?” She asked. “Of course you don’t but that’s ok because I’m going to tell you. "Self-holed" stones found near bodies of water are known as mare stanes, adder stones, holey stones, hag stones, witch stones and so on.
They are a prized find for many witches and are free to give them to those they wish to protect. You must keep them on your person as personal talismans and amulets for their power is great.”
Mindy continued to look at it. “I could make it into a necklace for you, and what I will do is bind it with leather as any metal might moot the properties. Would you like that so you can wear it?”

“I guess so,” Danny said.
“It would be best so he would not lose it,” Steve added.

“You must not take it off, Danny, once it is on it is bound to you,” Mindy warned.
“I promise I’ll keep it on,” Danny assured her.

“Alright. Let’s go with a dark blue leather.” Mindy pulled a spool of leather laces out from behind her work area and measured Danny’s neck. “You want to wear the stone so it falls around your pulse point, so we will go from there.”

Within minutes, Mindy had made a well made pouch for the stone and secured it to the length of leather. She knotted the lace around Danny’s neck and stepped back to admire her handiwork. “I like it. It’s where it is intended to be.” She eyed Steve. “Where is yours!?”

Steve shrugged but Danny quickly stepped in to say that he thought Steve would get his stone soon.

“It won’t be the same as yours, Danny,” Mindy said, “but when you get it, Steve, come to me and I’ll happily make a necklace for you too.”

“Thank you so much.” Danny pulled out his wallet but Mindy shook her head.

“I cannot accept money for magic. Just go do good things.”

“We can buy you lunch tomorrow,” Steve offered. She smiled.

“Well that will do thank you.”

As they left the shop, Danny felt the stone and he was happy that he was wearing it. He felt protected, something he hoped would happen to Steve.
“I wonder what colour your stone will be,” Danny said.
“I don’t know. Maybe I don’t get a stone.” Steve steered the truck on to the Main Street and headed for their home.
“Noooo you’ll get a stone!! The Lady knows you too.” Danny reached across the console and squeezed Steve’s thigh.

They were both quiet with just the radio filling the background but it was an amiable silence. As their house came into view and Levi put the gate up, Danny thought again how fortunate he was to be here. It was far far away from the streets and hooking, when he was lost and had no education.

“You ok?” Steve asked, eyeing Danny suspiciously. “You’re usually talking. “

“Maybe I choose to be quiet for once, Steve,” Danny teased. “Oh! I need to ask Levi if he and Diego picked up the corn for the ducks!”

“Wait what corn. ..” Steve shut the truck off and slid out, watching as Danny ran over to the guardhouse to talk to Levi. “What corn? What ducks?”

Danny disappeared into the guardhouse and emerged with a smallish silver bucket. He thanked Levi and started down the path that jutted to the lake, taking Steve by the hand and pulling him along.

“We have ducks! So I asked if the guys could get corn you know to feed them since they should not have bread and they did! Let’s go feed them.”

“Alright,” Steve agreed. He found it amusing that Danny would of course find the wildlife.

“See! There they are! And I figure we can feed them here and maybe build them a box or something for winter.”

“Danny, what do you think they did before you came along?” Steve asked watching as Danny threw the corn to the flock of loud quacking ducks. There were black ones, speckled ones, ducks with green heads and ducks with an abundance of feathers.

“We also need to put straw bales along the walls of the house so they can squeeze in to keep warm.” Danny finished with the corn and as the ducks enjoyed their treat, Steve and Danny walked back to the guardhouse.

“So someone is coming to .. build a duck house?” Steve asked trying to keep the amusem*nt out of his voice.

“ Tomorrow,” Danny answered. “Is that ok? I just don’t want them to freeze when it gets cold.”

Steve shook his head and felt such a rush of love for the boy that he had to swallow hard to keep his wits about him. “That’s great. You have such a gentle heart. I’m glad the ducks are getting a nice home.”

That night, after going through the Wayfair site and buying throw pillows, bedding, rugs and a couple of nice accessories for the living room, Steve turned on the alarm system and made sure things were locked up. His next task was to carry Lily up the stairs although Steve thought she was big and strong enough to hop up on her own. But Danny had a point that the stairs might be slippery so better safe than have a wounded bunny.

“Come on, sweetheart,” Steve said as he hefted the rabbit up. She settled against him and was quiet as he carried her to Danny’s bedroom. “We are ready for bed,” Steve said. He carefully placed Lily on the floor and watched her hop off to her corner of the room where her hay was.

“Oh are we now? You.. you wanna come back here after your shower?” Danny asked.

“Or you could visit my abode. You know,” Steve said and jerked his head in the direction of the rabbit. Danny laughed and nodded.
“Ok. See you soon.”

Danny soaked in the jet tub and tried to tamp his growing excitement at the thought of being in Steve’s bed. He knew that he needed to stop before things went too far— he certainly did not want to get pregnant yet and he had never seen a doctor to get checked. But just the thought of Steve and his strong lean body made his knees quiver and his breath quicken.

“Danny?” Steve said as he stood outside the bathroom. He leaned his forehead against the cool wood of the door. “I’m going to say goodnight. I don’t think it’s a good idea if you …. Come to my bed tonight. No pun intended. I just don’t want you to think—- Danny!”

Danny had thrown open the door and there he stood, towel wrapped around his trim body, wet hair hanging past his shoulders. Steve had an impossible thought that Danny’s hair was so curly in its natural state. The disappointment on Danny’s face was hard to miss.

“You don’t want me to think what?” Danny asked.

“That I just want to be with you because of the sex.” Steve’s cheeks turned a bit pink. “It’s not that I don’t want you because you are all I think about but it’s not legal. I could go to jail.”

“Who would we tell for you to go to jail, huh ?” Danny asked.

“I’d know, Danny. That’s who would know. I want to do things right, ok, maybe by the book. I love you and that won’t change but… we can’t do…. We can’t have sex and just ignore the ramifications.” Steve took a deep breath. “Goodnight. I love you.” He kissed Danny on the cheek and walked out of the bedroom as Danny didn’t say a word.

Danny lay on his side, curled up around his pillow, with Lily at his feet. He was tired with all of the activities of their day but he kept replaying what Steve had said to him. A week ago, Danny had done some research on the legal age of consent in New York State and found out that it was 17. Steve was right about having sex with Danny because Danny was still technically underage. They meant all of the times Danny had been with paying customers had been illegal also; for sure, Danny had not loved any of them, or even liked them, like he loved Steve.

So now what to do? He needed to go to the doctor and see about getting shots for birth control. That was one. Two was to just wait until he turned 17 next summer. Three was to try to be patient and not give in to his intense desires for Steve. Easier said than done. Danny sighed and closed his eyes, truly feeling unsettled but determined to try his best to wait. As he drifted off to sleep, he focused on dark blue eyes under impossibly long dark lashes.
“Are you nervous?” Danny asked. Steve looked up from focusing on his pancakes and nodded.

“I am but it’s a good nervous. I hope we get an S&R call immediately.”

“I don’t!” Danny exclaimed, thinking of all of the things that could go wrong on a rescue mission. “You just love to live on the edge!”

Steve shrugged looking impossibly smug. “I guess you’re right. I do have the motivation of coming home to you now though and I did not have that before.”

Danny considered this a moment as he readied Steve’s work lunch. It felt redeeming to know that Steve thought about him that way, especially still knowing they could not have sex.

“Besides,” Steve went on, “we need to find something to replace that hideous painting above the fireplace in the living room but I’m still thinking of a nice big tv up there.”

“A tv would work,” Danny agreed. “Ok, your lunch is all packed and you’d best get going. I’ll clean up the breakfast dishes just go get ready!”

“Copy that,” Steve said as he dabbed at his mouth with a napkin and stood, sliding his stool away from the island counter. He ran upstairs to finish his morning routine and Danny set his lunch and bottles of water next to where they hung their coats. Maybe Steve seemed unfazed about his first day of being a Ranger, but Danny was nervous.

A few minutes later, Steve was out the door, in the truck and roaring towards his new place of employment, the Ranger station on 1130 Longwood Road in the outskirts of Long Lake.
Technically, his job fell under the DOC or the Department of Conservation so he was a federal employee. Luckily for Steve , he had all of the bells and whistles for his job, including the clearances and the paperwork.

Pulling into the parking lot of the very modest shingle and one story log structure, Steve tried to ground himself and shake off the jitters. He grabbed his lunch and waters and slid out of the seat. When he opened the door to the offices, he was greeted by a lady, possibly in her 60’s, Steve could not tell, but she was smiling and handed him a folder with his name neatly printed on it.

“You’re Steve I take it? Hi. My name is Maggie and I’m the coordinator, radio dispatcher, Secretary, and chief mother hen around here. My you’re young! Well it will be good for some new blood and maybe Sam won’t have to dress up in that Smokey the Bear costume any longer since you’re here.”

“Hi Maggie,” Steve shook her hand and pointed to the folder. “Is this the welcome packet!?”

“In a manner of speaking “ she replied. “Grab a pen and fill the forms out so I can get your info into the computer so good old Uncle Sam will get his share.”

“Is Steve here? Oh yes you are. Hi Steve, I’m Mike Hanson. Nice to meet you and welcome. As soon as you’re done with that,” he shook Steve’s hand, “we will give you the grand tour.”

Steve immediately liked Mike, as the vibes he gave off were genuine and kind. The bonus was that he was fairly young, in his early thirties Steve thought and carried himself with the quiet confidence that an older man would have.

“Ok. I’ll get to work,” Steve said and sat down next to a table in the small lobby/entry to fill out his packet.

While Steve was doing his requisite tax information, Danny was watching as a team from Lowe’s set up the duck house. It was a simple structure, made of glazed pine and metal with an asphalt shingle roof, and was capable of holding up to 20 ducks, with some room under the wooden awning that encompassed the front. The men even put the straw bales inside and although the kit had come with a padlock for the door, Danny decided to just keep the door open so the ducks could come and go.

“Hey guys! Thanks so much! Looks great!” Danny handed the three Lowe’s workers 30 dollars each as a tip. Every one of them was grateful for the extra money and thanked Danny then piled in the box panel truck and rumbled off down the drive as Danny walked around the hutch and admired it. None of the ducks who frequented the cove beside their boat house would go cold!

As Danny walked back to the house, he wondered how Steve’s first day of work was going and if he had a good boss. While the staff at this station was small—Steve had told Danny there were 5 employees- the Rangers were called on to assist others around the mountains or the water. It looked like Steve had found some adrenalin fueled adventures after all.

“Brrrr, it’s cold out there,” Steve told Lily who was waiting for him by the door. “I think it’s going to snow again.” He saw Steve’s dark blue hoodie hanging on the hook by the coats so he grabbed it and shimmied it over his head. Pausing before he went into the kitchen, Danny sniffed the material in appreciation. It smelled like Steve. “I guess we should get some lunch. I see you moved your salad bowl over by the island,” Danny said to Lily. “Hint taken.”

Steve waved at Diego as he drove down the driveway and past the guardhouse. It was getting dark already, the sun sinking lower in the sky, and Danny had the outside spots on illuminating the house in warm golden light. Steve parked the truck in the garage and decided to just take a look at the new duck house and as he approached the inlet, damned if there weren’t ducks waddling up the small sloped plank ramp.

“Danny Danny Danny,” Steve whispered fondly. He continued back to the house, the dampness from the water making little tendrils of fog cling to his feet and lower legs. As soon as he opened the door, he was thrown slightly off balance by Danny hurling into him, hugging him fiercely. “Now that’s a welcome home,” Steve said, the smile reflected in his voice.

“I missed you! How was your first day?” Danny asked. “I made soup for us because it’s cold. Pasta e fa*gioli with carrots and other good stuff!”

“That sounds delicious!” Steve squeezed Danny and the blonde let go and eagerly helped Steve take off his jacket. “Smells delicious too!”

“I registered for the University of Phoenix! I start my classes in two days, two classes in my major. Intro to Creative Writing and Public Media 1.”

“I’m so proud of you and I know,” Steve said as he bent to pet Lily who had hopped off the couch to see him, “you are gonna ace them.”

“Hope so. I know I have a lot to learn.” Danny started to dish up the soup as Steve put Lily on her blanket and washed his hands. “Jerry wrote a great recommendation for me.”

“He didn’t lie. I know how smart you are, kiddo.” Steve waited while Danny sat down with his bowl. “Do you need anything? Notebooks? Pens? Do you want to take me to work tomorrow and use the truck to get any supplies?”

“That’s a good point,” Danny mused. “Ok! Let’s do it that way.”

“The ducks are using the house. There was a friggen parade up the ramp when I looked. That was a wonderful thing you did,” Steve said looking fondly at the blonde. Danny was stirring his soup, making circles with his spoon as he looked down. “I’m not teasing,” Steve continued softly. “Seriously. I’m glad, too, that they’ll be warm.”

“I don’t want to eat meat any longer,” Danny blurted. “It’s a personal preference and you know I’ll still fix you meat and stuff but I just—“

Steve pulled Danny towards him with a hand on the back of Danny’s head and kissed him right on his mouth. They both tasted like soup but it was not unpleasant.

“I’ll eat whatever you eat, Danny.”
“Really? I mean, we don’t have to just eat plain tofu! There’s a lot of good tasty things like the vegan meat and cheese! I can work with those and veg and it will still be good.” Danny nuzzled Steve’s neck. “Thank you.”

“Soup is getting cold. But I do want to know one thing,” Steve said.
“What’s that?” Danny asked, raising his eyebrows.
“How long did it take you to muster the courage to ask me that!”

Danny shrugged but he was smiling in relief. “Maybe a little while.”

“You’re adorable,” Steve said and took his bowl over to the soup pot for another round. “This is so good it calls for seconds. You?” Steve held his hand out for Danny’s bowl, feeling like he’d won the lottery with such a fabulous partner.

For the next two weeks, Danny and Steve settled into a good routine, a normal routine. Their furniture was delivered early and they quickly donated the others to the women’s shelter in Lake Placid. The portrait over the fireplace was wrapped and stored in one of the aluminum outbuilding sheds on the property while Steve got his wish with a flat screen 72 inch tv in its place.

Danny loved his courses and usually was hard at work with dinner cooking in the oven when Steve returned from work. Lily got a slide instead of a tank and she loved to hop down it and run around afterwards.

They were happy, healthy and making plans for Thanksgiving, wanting to host the dinner and perhaps another sleepover now that they had better couches and a couple of rollaway beds.

The Friday morning of the second week, Danny had woke up at 5 am and could not get back to sleep. It was as if someone was tapping on his shoulder telling him that something was going to happen. He got up, showered, dressed and took Lily downstairs so as to not wake Steve who had another hour to sleep.

Danny checked in with Diego and turned off the alarms, making sure to disengage the property perimeter alarm that Steve had insisted on having installed. He packed Steve’s lunch and put his bottles of water and thermos of lemon tea into Steve’s pack that he carried to work, and started to wash vegetables for Lily’s morning salad. She was waiting for that and for her two pieces of banana Steve fed her every morning.

“Morning, Danny.” Steve wrapped his arms around Danny’s waist and pulled him close; he kissed the sensitive spot just behind Danny’s ear, making the blonde jump.

“What?” Steve asked feigning innocence.

“What indeed. Your breakfast is almost ready. Can you put Lily’s salad in front of her?”

Steve smirked but did as Danny had asked. Lily nuzzled Steve’s hand as he placed the bowl of greens and peppers on the counter beside her blanket.
“I made you those egg and sausage muffins you like, and I got some vegan cheese to try on them. Let me know if you like it.” Danny handed Steve his plate as he set his own down. The sausage was Field Roast brand, and the eggs were from Just Eggs a plant based alternative.

“Damn these are tasty!” Steve said as he took a big bite of the muffin. “Yum! Two thumbs up!”

They ate the rest of the breakfast talking about the weather (snow for sure that day) and how Danny was supposed to get a new shipment of corn from the mill. He’d expanded feeding the ducks to leaving some out for the deer that roamed their vast acreage so a small bag wasn’t cutting it any longer. Now the corn arrived in 50 pound bags and Danny had a scoop and dishpan to carry it out of the bags.

“Hey Steve? Be careful today, ok?” Danny said as they were saying goodbye. He gave Steve a fierce hug and clung to him. That definitely was not usual so Steve paused and lifted Danny’s head up with a gentle finger under Danny’s chin.

“Hey, what’s this is all about? Huh?” Steve whispered. With his thumbs he wiped the tears that slid down Danny’s cheeks.

“I dunno. I just feel like something is going to happen to you. Please come home to me,” Danny said. “Please come home, Steve.”

“I promise. No More tears now. You have a test to prepare for so go do your thing. I’ll call you at lunch. I love you!” Steve kissed Danny this time for real instead of one of their slap and dash ones. “You and my bunny be good!”

“Your bunny??? YOUR Bunny?!!! “ Danny called after Steve. As Steve shut the door, Danny looked over at Lily who was dozing on her blanket. “Just because he’s the giver of your bananas! Ha! Who cleans your litter box? Huh?”

It was ten minutes after 11 when the call from the fire department came through.
Steve and Michael jumped in the all terrain ‘Ranger mobile’ as they called it, but it was really a tricked out JEEP rescue vehicle, capable of going into the water and traversing rough terrain, and headed to Lake Placid for a report of two men in the water thrown from their canoe.

At 11:30, Steve was in the middle of trying to rescue the last person who had fallen out of the fishing canoe from a large swell, on Lake Placid.

The man was fighting Steve, as a natural reaction from someone who is drowning. Steve avoided the man’s fists and flailing arms and scooped him up to propel him to the surface of the water where Mike and several others were waiting on the official PCW personal three man rescue boat to haul him up.

“Here!” Steve shouted. “I’ll wait for Charlie with the inflatable! I see he’s coming!” Steve pointed at a red and white inflatable motorized shed that was approaching.

“You sure? You ok?” Michael hollered.
Steve gave a thumbs up and pushed away from the side of the craft, treading water and waiting for the inflatable.

At home, Danny stopped studying, filled with an ominous dread. He looked at the clock and saw it wasn’t noon yet but rose from the new desk they’d bought from Mindy’s parents store (it seems not all things were made from knotty pine) to look out the windows. Long Lake was grey and dark, kicked up by the wind and while it had not started to snow yet, the weather people had forecast a definite accumulation starting that evening.
“Steve? I hope you’re ok.” Danny sighed and fingered his necklace, rolling the stone between his thumb and index finger, saying silent prayers for Steve.

Steve raised his hand and waited as the inflatable turned course and approached him. The water was so cold but the scuba suit gave him at least a modicum of warmth as he kicked his legs and tried to conserve some energy.

When the hand closed around his ankle, he thought he was dreaming. When it yanked him under the water, Steve knew that he wasn’t.

Maybe he should call the Rangers station. All they could do was reassure Danny that Steve was at work or doing a presentation at school or working on a conservation project. Danny debated for a minute then thought the hell with it and punched in the numbers.

Steve wasn’t prepared to go underneath the water. He tried to kick free from the now painful hold on his ankle but was mindful that he was running out of air and would soon succumb to the water and lack of oxygen. Clawing at the now diminishing surface, Steve thought of Danny and how very much he loved him but no matter how hard he tried to fight, he could not break the grip.

“There’s a rescue on the water. Seems a couple of fishermen thought it was a good idea to take their canoe out to land some bass. Last communication I got was that the rescue was successful and they were heading to shore. I’m sure Steve was involved and I’m sure he’s ok.”
Danny sighed and so badly wanted to believe Maggie but he was adamant that Steve was in trouble. When he asked where the rescue was taking place, she told him and he hung up without saying thank you. Making sure Lily was ok and had access to her litter box and hay corral, Danny threw on a coat, slipped his feet into his Chucks and headed over to the guard hut.

Something darted past Steve and dove under him. Too big for a fish and almost shining, Steve recognized the figure as the Lady, hair streaming out behind her as she treaded the water to go deeper. Suddenly the grip on his ankle loosened, and disappeared, leaving Steve to struggle upwards towards air and life. His lungs felt like they would explode but with every stroke he was closer to the top.

“Let’s go! If you get a f*cking ticket I’ll pay for it!” Danny directed. He was all nerves and sinewy muscle, jaw clenched, as he rode in Diego’s tricked up Bronco. “Lake Placid. Near the out way to Gull Island.”
“Yeah ok, Danny, but it’s still gonna take nearly an hour.”

“I’m sure you can do better than that!” Danny said. “There’s an extra thou if you do it in half an hour.”

“You got it!” Diego shifted and let the big engine go. He’d make it in twenty for an extra thousand.

Steve saw her right before he surfaced. She was beautiful framed in the water, all white and glowing, her eyes burning blue. She grabbed his arm and pressed something in his hand then closed his hand around it and pulled him to the surface, hand grabbing the material on the back of his wet suit.

Surfacing, Steve gasped, seeking air for his parched and tired lungs. He treaded water with one hand being careful not to lose in his other hand what she’d given him. He thought about Danny and their home and squeezed his eyes shut as a powerful wave of emotion hit him. As Charlie pulled Steve up on the raft, he did not feel it nor did he even recognize that he was being propelled back to shore where an ambulance waited to take him to the hospital.

“Geezus where is Steve??? Where’s Steve??” Danny ran amongst the onlookers and right up to where two volunteer firefighters stood with their batons out, not wanting anyone to cross the line to interfere with the rescue. Danny shoved past one, the man being reluctant to try to hurt or impede the boy in the hoodie. “Steve!!!” Danny ran up to the ambulance then saw with horror the brunette on the ground, turned on his side and surrounded by two paramedics and some Rangers. Steve was coughing though so thank God he was alive.

“Steve!!” Danny ran to where they were and slid the rest of the way on his knees so he was right beside Steve.

“You can’t be here! Someone get this kid out of here!” One if the paramedics snarled.
“Let him alone, Brad. It’s Steve’s mate.” Michael gently shook Danny’s shoulder. “Hey Danny? We gotta get Steve checked out so he’s going to the hospital. Come ride with me in the wagon so they can get Steve taken care of. He’s just coughing up a lot of water right now.”

Danny debated but decided that Steve should get the care he needed without him in the way so he stood and followed Michael to the vehicle while they loaded Steve in a stretcher to take him over to the hospital. Danny kept turning around to make sure Steve was ok but when he reached the Rangermobile, he did get in and buckled up while Michael radioed to Maggie that he was going to go to the hospital and make sure Steve was ok.

“Your man was a hero,” Michael said. “He’s brave he is. Cool as a cucumber and completed one hell of a fine water rescue!”

“What happened? Did he get a cramp?” Danny asked as they pulled out following the ambulance.

“I’m …. Not sure.. I was not there.” Michael stared straight ahead trying not to give anything away. Let Danny think Steve got a cramp or the cold of the water had caused him to sink below the surface. He wasn’t about to go into the detail that Max, who had had a ring side seat as to what happened had told Michael. Something about a black spiney thing pulling Steve under but then moments later seeing the Lady in the Lake bringing Steve up. It was just so messed up.

“Just as long as Steve will be ok,” Danny said.

Steve drank the Gatorade they’d brought him and lay back against the sheets. They had given him a gradual warming blanket when he was first brought in but once his core temp was normal and did not fluctuate, they’d replaced that with normal blankets. Still he was slightly chilled and smelled like the Lake, an odour of seaweed, fish and water.

“Steve! Oh my God! You’re ok!!!” Danny scuttled behind the screen and pulled a chair over close to the bed. He went to take Steve’s hand but noticed he had his hand closed tightly as if he was holding on to something.

“Danny hey. Hi.” Steve’s voice was hoarse and gravelly but that was due to how much water he’d thrown up. “They gotta do a chest x ray with a portable unit to make sure my lungs are clear.”

“My brave brave man,” Danny whispered, and kissed Steve on his forehead. “What’s that?” Danny frowned and looked at Steve’s opening hand. “Your stone! Oh Steve! It’s beautiful! It’s blue!! Oh I knew it would be blue!”

“She gave it to me…. Saved my life..”

“Ok, Babe, shhhh..just save your strength. Do you think the Lady would mind if I took your stone to make sure it is safe?”

“Naw she won’t care.” Steve gave Danny the stone, opening and tilting his palm so it fell into Danny’s hand. “Watch over it for me.”

“Danny! Steve! Are you ok?” Chin was suddenly right there, looking worried and frantic. “I got a call someone drowned!”

“Reports of my demise are premature,” Steve croaked. He nonetheless gave Chin a fist bump then laid back and closed his eyes. He wanted to talk to Danny in private though. “Chin? Can you give Danny and me a couple minutes? It’s important.”

“Yeah sure of course. I’ll try to head off Kono.”

“Good luck with that,” Danny snorted. Once Chin had gone, Danny nuzzled Steve, face against his arm.

“Danny? Danny I have been thinking of this for a long time and… I think…. I think it’s a damn fine idea. But if you… if you… don’t want to do it… I understand.”

“Just don’t try to talk. You’re making yourself cough.” Danny brushed Steve’s hair back from his face and kissed him on the cheek.

“Danny, will you marry me over Christmas in Montreal? Because the age of consent is 16. And it’s beautiful in the winter. And I love you.”

Steve was watching Danny. He looked so hopeful and scared at the same time.

“Will I marry you? Yes!!! Yes a million times yes!!!” Danny gushed. He felt the tears leak out of his eyes and tried to muster a smile.

“Good because …. Then we will be married and legal.” Steve sighed and seemed to doze off, his energy drained.

“You beautiful impossible man,” Danny whispered. How full was his heart right now?

They could go and get a leather necklace made when Steve was home and they had a little time. Danny was excited to find out what the blue stone meant but more than that, he was an engaged man!!

“Mindy, as promised, this is for you.” Steve handed her an envelope with a gift card to the Long Lake Diner. “We wanted to do something for you!”

She looked up from her task and smiled then the smile changed to a quizzical look. “Wait. It was you who was involved in that water rescue on Lake Placid, wasn’t it? How are you doing?”

“How did you… it was not published, you know, my name. But yes. I had a strange encounter with something that pulled me under.” Danny urged Steve to show her his ankle so Steve rolled his sock down and let her examine the bruises in his skin, and the distinct mark of 6 fingers.

“Wow! Did the Lady..”

“Yes. She saved me. She gave me this, and I wondered if you could make it into a necklace like Danny’s.”

“Oh absolutely!” She put her other project away and pulled out the leather laces. “Looks like it’s dark blue.”

“What’s that mean?” Danny asked.

“Deeper blue stones often connect more closely to the third eye chakra. As a result, they're often said to promote balance and enhance insight, wisdom, and communication, as well as being protection. Blue stones represent a strong sense of safety.” Mindy winked at Steve. “Right up your alley.”

“Oh Danny, hey, before Jerry gets here could you run over and get me some Powerade or Gatorade at the store? I’m feeling a little weak.” Steve batted his eyes but tried to look needy and pathetic. It worked.

“Sure! I’ll be right back! Mindy? Do you want anything?” Danny asked.
“No I’m good thanks.”

“Be right back.” Danny gave Steve a quick kiss then hurried off. He couldn’t let Steve feel weak or thirsty!

“Clever,” Mindy said. “Clearly he adores you.”

“And I adore him so… Mindy, could you make an engagement ring for him? Like not a flashy one but a really unique one? I asked him to marry me but I kinda want to seal the deal.”

“Oh Steve, that’s so nice! Of course. Why don’t you go back into my gem room and pick something out? Go on. I’ll just be right here. And Steve? Listen to your soul when you choose!”

Steve looked in awe at the stones in various containers. It truly was a gemstone paradise! Steve took a deep breath, closed his eyes and tried to just use his energy to find something; he took a step forward, then to the side. He let his hand hover above the table of containers until suddenly his hand dropped onto several containers. He opened his eyes and pulled out a blue stone of various hues. It was so pretty and it reminded Steve of Danny’s unusually coloured eyes.

He emerged with the gem and put it down carefully next to Mindy’s hand.
“Aquamarine. Such a good choice. Do you know his size?”

“Size?” Steve asked his mind automatically going there. “Uhhhhh…”
“Ring size, Romeo. RING size!”

“Oh yes yeah of course it’s 8. He wears an 8.”

“Gold or silver? “She asked.

“Platinum?” Steve asked hopefully.

“Platinum it is. Give me two weeks.” Mindy hid the gem in her tool kit. “Speaking of Danny-“

“I got you a vitamin water, Steve. Here you go!”

Mindy smiled and worked on Steve’s necklace. These two had a long long history together. She was just happy they’d found each other again.


Furniture from Rice’s Furniture

Chapter 10: Revenge Is Best Served Cold


Just a heads up that there’s some violence afoot in this chapter.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

….’For you, there'll be no more crying
For you, the sun will be shining
And I feel that when I'm with you
It's alright, I know it's right
To you, I'll give the world
To you, I'll never be cold
'Cause I feel that when I'm with you
It's alright, I know it's right
And the songbirds are singing,
Like they know the score
And I love you, I love you, I love you
Like never before
And I wish you all the love in the world
But most of all, I wish it from myself….’

The snow started just as Danny loaded the last bag of groceries inside the truck. He got in and looked around for Steve who had walked over to the Long Lake Diner to get a to go order for dinner that night. After a few minutes of waiting, Steve came into view, hurrying as he closed the distance to where he’d parked.

“Brrrrr I can’t wait to get home! Marcy at the diner said the news reported we are to get about a foot of the white stuff tonight. Good thing I don’t work on weekends!” Steve rubbed his cold hands together and reached for his keys on the dash.

“I’m glad the ducks have a place to get out of the snow. I tried to leave them ample corn.”

Steve smiled and shook his head. “You’re amazing, Danny. You have the biggest heart.”
Danny just shrugged and turned on the radio, skimming over the Sirius selections until he found one he knew Steve was fond of. “Oh hey Journey!” Steve said brightly but started to grip the steering wheel a bit harder as the snow was falling so fast and hard that it was starting to become difficult to see. He drove slowly the last two miles to their turnoff and Danny was quiet, respecting Steve’s efforts to guide them home safely.

“I’m going to tell Diego to go home. No sense in him being here,” Danny said. Even though the guardhouse was heated and had a washroom and a kitchenette, it was ridiculous to make anyone stay when it was snowing so hard.

“Yeah I’ll stop and run in. Hang on.” Steve parked the truck in front of the guardhouse and hurried into the structure. He emerged a minute later with Diego, who started to walk over to the garage where he also parked when he was working.
“He’s grateful but he said he’d help us carry groceries in before he leaves.”

“That’s much appreciated,” Danny said.

Ten minutes later, Steve and Danny were putting groceries away and fending off a bunny who acted like she had not seen them in weeks. True to his word, Diego had assisted with the bags before he had left saving multiple trips.

“She knows we have bananas,” Danny said as he watched the rabbit investigate a bag on the floor. “Nothing in there but peanut butter and bread, my friend.” Danny paused to go over to the big windows that made up one side of the downstairs. “Steve! Come look at this! It’s so pretty!” In an instant, Danny felt Steve hug him from behind so the blonde leaned back and enjoyed the closeness.

“It’s just… epic. I always took snow for granted because we never got much. I think we are going to be educated this winter.” Steve kissed Danny’s neck, his senses assaulted by warm soft skin and sweet smelling hair. “I can’t wait to marry you.”

Danny stiffened and Steve had a moment of panic when he thought Danny was somehow going to take back his answer. Danny turned around so Steve still had his arms around Danny’s waist but this way, Danny could look directly at him.

“The age of consent is 17 here so we will have plenty of time to plan,” Danny said.

“Christmas wedding, Danny! I’m taking you to Quebec City to marry you in the Chateau.”

Danny’s eyes grew wide as though he could not believe Steve was telling him this. Steve plunged on.

“See, I have been thinking about this a long time. The age of consent is 16 to marry in Canada and each party in the marriage has to agree that this is what they want, to get married. I contacted the Chateau Frontenac in Quebec City and asked them if they had any big rooms available on Christmas Day. Turns out they do and so I booked the Jacques Cartier room for our wedding and reception.”

“Steve…. I don’t know what to say.. wow! How long have you been thinking of this?” Danny stroked Steve’s cheek.

“A while. I just know I can’t … I don’t want to wait until some law says we can actually BE together. You’re the most mature 16 year old I have ever seen and I fall more in love with you every day.” Steve took a deep breath. “That’s all I got. That’s more than enough waxing poetically as I bare my emotions.”

“That sounds fantastic! Maybe we could ask our friends to come too? For the wedding?”

“Done and done. I might have sent an email to our friends already.” Steve tried his best to look innocent but Danny just laughed.

“You are sneaky and just for that, I am rewarding you with a kiss but after dinner, you need to show me what you have reserved already so I can help plan.”

“I’d love that—-“


They both dissolved in laughter because clearly someone was not happy at having to wait for her

They spent a lazy weekend in their new house on their new furniture watching their new tv. In the upstairs loft, Steve had set up some weights, a BowFlex that did double duty as a bike and an elliptical and a rowing machine. Danny joined him to work out both Saturday and Sunday and even Lily ventured over to watch as they worked their muscle groups.

The only time Steve braved the outside was to shovel a path in front of the door and to the shed to get corn which he placed by the tree for the deer and more around the duck house. His reward for being a good boyfriend was some heavy duty kisses that made Steve ache for more.

Monday came too soon and it was back to normal with the streets being plowed and the snow melting.
“I’m going to take you to work today because I have a doctor appointment,” Danny said as he dished up the steel cut oats.

“Wait I thought your… appointment was for… next week?” Steve asked pausing. “We ARE talking about the you know the DOCTOR.”

“Yes Steven, it’s that DOCTOR,” Danny teased. “Her office texted me this morning with an opening at ten. So I took it. The sooner the better you know.” Danny blushed and concentrated on pouring maple syrup into his oats.”

“I thought I was going with you?” Steve asked.

“Well yeah to the other later appointment but it’s ok. I got this. I’ll be fine.” Danny sat down next to Steve to eat. “Don’t stare. It’s rude.”

“I’m not…. Who’s staring?” Steve protested weakly. After a moment he continued. “You sure you’re ok going by yourself?”

“It’s all good, Steve. If I get into any problem I’ll call you, ok? But it’s…I have to do this. I just have to. I have an exact window of 7 weeks so there you go.”

“Seven weeks!?” Steve looked confused.

“From now until we get married!” Danny said. “I’ll let you know after my appointment what’s going on, ok? In the meantime I’m done talking about it. Let’s just finish eating.”

Steve did not bring the subject up again; perhaps he knew Danny was a whole lot nervous as they drove to the Rangers station. When Danny got out to switch places with Steve, Steve took a moment to hug Danny and kiss his cheek and side of his head, Danny’s soft hair tickling Steve’s lips.

“Good luck. See you after work.” With that, Steve walked down the sidewalk to the modest building. Danny waited and waved once when Steve turned around to look.

“It’s now or never,” Danny muttered. He put the truck in gear and headed out onto the Highway for the hour drive to Lake Placid.

Dr. Elizabeth Bartos looked at the chart in her hands and then at the young man who sat on the exam table, shivering because of the cold ac.
“I’m so sorry, Danny. We will get you back into your clothes as soon as we can. I see you are a bit underweight for your height and age. We won’t know about your general health until we get the results of your blood tests back, which should be very soon. How about we get the yukky stuff out of the way first and because it’s your first time, you might feel a bit of discomfort but it’s over quickly.”

“That sounds good. I guess I’m pretty nervous.” Danny managed a weak smile at the doctor. She was an attractive woman of around 40, Danny guessed, but she was known as one of the best doctors who specialized in Carriers, which Danny was. He did as she asked him for the next ten minutes or so and after she had what she needed, she told him to go get dressed and meet her back in the same room as they were in now.

As Danny sat on one of the benches in the guest locker room, he texted Steve.

‘It’s over and wasn’t as bad as I thought. Now I just need to wait for the consult. Hope you are having a great day. Love you! D’

Danny shoved his phone in the pocket of his jeans and returned to the room where he once again jumped up to sit on the exam table. As he waited, he swung his feet back and forth and studied the posters on the wall. Most were just reminders for good health—Eat Your Veggies! Get A Yearly Physical! Maintain A Healthy Weight!— but one poster featured a Carrier with a pregnant belly and this one, Danny studied carefully.

Would that be him in some time? Oh he’d really like to have Steve’s kids but just not yet. Maybe when he was in his twenties and Steve was pushing thirty; it would be great to just jump in to the flow and have a baby to spoil but… he could wait.

The sound of the door knob startled Danny and he quickly gathered his thoughts as Dr. Bastos entered the room with her iPad in her hands.
“Well, I’m just going to pull up a stool,” she said as she sat down on a rolling stool that had been under a desk, “and talk to you before I give you an injection.”

“Ok. Sounds good,” Danny said as he nodded. “Bring it.”

“I like your enthusiasm,” she said with a laugh. “Alrighty, your blood tests are back so let’s go over those first. You are in good health, a bit low in iron but nothing we need to worry about as I’m giving you a prescription for vitamins that are tailor made for you. Your other labs are great, so you’re a very healthy young man. So. Going on that and your desire to go on birth control since as you said you are in a monogamous dedicated relationship, I will give you the first of a series and after that once every 11 to 13 weeks. The shot contains a small amount of progesterone that is like the hormones naturally made in the body. The shot prevents pregnancy by stopping the egg from being released from your Manovary. This may have side effects— some nausea is likely for a few hours after the injection, and you might have some cramps from time to time. However, if you pass blood or have blood in your urine or get a fever, you come right back! Agree?”

Danny nodded. “Of course. Yes.”

“Alright then. Roll your sleeve up.”

Danny waited the required half hour and nibbled on a cookie as he sat in the recovery room/out patient waiting center after getting the jab. His arm was a bit tender but so far so good. When the nurse told him he could leave, he was out of there in a flash.

Before Danny started the truck, he texted Steve and told him he was done and he’d stop by the Rangers station on the way home. With that goal in mind, Danny started back to Long Lake.

Steve grinned as he told Michael about the duck house and how they’d fed the ducks and the deer over the snowy weekend.
“Danny’s so big hearted. He loves animals and now we have gone vegan, though he still cooks some meat for me as I definitely prefer that over tofu. I do love it that he’s adventurous and fixes some great meals. He makes the most delicious crab cakes out of jackfruit! Seriously!”

“Oh I think I’ll stick to my pastrami and rye,” Michael said with a chuckle. “But man oh man, you are a fool in love. I mean that with the utmost respect.”

“You’re right. I adore him. He might be young but he sure has his act together.” Steve paused. “Would you like to come up to Quebec City for our wedding? We’re getting married on Christmas.”

“What? Married? Wow!” Michael whistled. “That’s not so far away my friend. Do you have a plan?”

“Kind of sort of. I definitely have the room and caterer. The hotel is doing the food and cake and we are inviting friends. Neither of us, uh, have any family.” Steve glanced downwards. “But we have plenty of friends. So how about you? Are you and your plus one willing to spend a holiday in the Great White North?”

“Count me in. I think Michelle would love to go someplace like that and bonus points I’d get away from my obligations of hosting every damn major holiday. Not that I mind,” Michael added quickly. “It’s just that I could use a little holiday from dull Lake Placid and my family.”

“I get it,” Steve said. He clapped his boss on the shoulder and checked his watch. “Danny should have called me. Well. Maybe it took longer or he stopped somewhere.” Steve shrugged it off but of course, there was just a little inkling of nagging fear in the back of his consciousness that was pinging like a text message on repeat. Frowning, he called Danny but it went to voice mail. Perhaps, Steve reasoned, he was still at the Medical Center and had to turn his phone off. That must be it. “Listen, I’ll go check our rescue supplies in the shed and get them on inventory.”

“It’s cold out. Better you than me,” Michael joked.

Lacey Thomas had just about had it.
She adjusted the rear view mirror and cast a glare at the backseat where her 14 year old daughter sat.

“When I told you that you were grounded, that meant the weekend too. However, I’ll talk it over with your father and see if we can give you leniency for Suki’s birthday party. Might I remind you, young lady, that I am not the one who thought it was a good idea to invite two boys into the house when I was at work.”

“But Mom! Nothing happened!! I swear!” Samantha pleaded. She was on the verge of tears but still had a stubborn expression.

Lacey sighed and shook her head. If she gave in now, what kind of parent would she be? She’d always told herself that she’d give Sam reasonable doubt but when she’d arrived home that night last week, tired, worn out, beat up from the day as Activities Coordinator at the local nursing g home, and found two boys in the house, she’d lost it! Especially after one of the boys was Hamilton Renfield, a known trouble maker.

“We will discuss it. End of story—- oh my God really?? That damn car almost forced us off the road!” Lacey pulled over off the berm to collect herself. Indeed, the blue sedan that sped down the road was traveling way over the speed limit and mostly in their lane!

“Mom! Are you ok? Way to swerve! That’s some driving!” Sam had unbuckled her seat belt and was sitting on the edge of the seat, patting Lacey’s shoulder.

“Wow! Alrighty then! I guess since neither one of us peed our pants,” and Lacey laughed, “we will continue to home.” As an afterthought she added, “I think you can go to Suki’s party. But if I EVER see that Hamilton Renfield in our house—“

“Really Mom? Really? Oh thank you thank you! I promise no boys ever when you aren’t home and especially him!” Sam sat back, an excited smile on her face. She’d get to attend her best friend’s birthday party after all!

“Ok, onward. Almost home.” Lacey turned on her blinker, saw nothing in either direction and pulled out onto the road. It had started to snow lightly but it wasn’t sticking yet. “I guess we will have tacos tonight. I got .. some…. What’s this?”

“Mom! What’s going on? Why is that truck parked like that with the door open?” Sam asked. She waited as her mom once again pulled over, this time utilizing the four ways, and as soon as the engine was off, jumped out of the SUV and ran towards the truck.

“Sam!! Samantha! Please! Oh damn!” Lacey slid out of the driver’s seat and followed her daughter who was just rounding the open door of the truck.

“Mom there’s nobody in here! Wonder why this is still running?” Sam looked around when her gaze fell on a still figure laying face down in the snow. A crimson stain blotted the white around him.
“Oh my God Mom look!!”

“I see it. Listen. I want you to go to the car and call 911. You stay in the car. Hear me? Stay in The car and wait for the ambulance! Please! Sam, do as I tell you!” Lacey straightened her shoulders and as her child ran back to their car, she started over the gulley towards the person in the snow.

Maggie was almost done entering the maintenance hours on a state form when her task was interrupted with the office phone.
“Ranger Station, Long Lake. Can I help you?”

The voice on the other end was a bit broken up from reception but as he talked, Maggie stood and wrapped her hand around the phone cord feeling sick. She wrote down the information she’d heard with a shaking hand and thanked the caller. As she put the phone back in the cradle, Michael strolled in to the front office and was about to ask her something but stopped when he saw her standing behind her desk, her face pale and stricken.

“Mags? Are you ok?”
“Michael… Steve needs to get to Lake Placid. His boyfriend is… he’s been shot and he’s not expected to make it.”

It was fortunate that Lacey happened upon Danny as she did because if she had not stopped the bleeding, Danny would have died in the next ten minutes. She’d used her own down coat, smashing it up and holding it firmly on the gunshot wound on Danny’s upper leg. The boy was pale and clammy, and totally unresponsive except for a few words, among them ‘Steve.’

When the paramedics had arrived, Lacey had insisted on following them in her own car, anxious to know about the fate of the young man. The sheriff was there at the scene too, having arrived a few moments after the ambulance pulled up, and apparently, Chin Ho Kelly knew the victim. He had called him Danny.

So as Lacey drove, saying silent prayers for Danny, she also wondered if the speeding blue sedan had anything to do with what had happened. She swore there were two women in the car, one blonde, the passenger and the driver, a brunette. She also remembered something else and wether this was relevant would have to be decided by the police. There was writing on the door of the sedan like it belonged to a company and all Lacey had seen was an ‘M.’ Her daughter, however, had written down the whole insignia and would give it to the police when they gave their statements.

Lake Placid, Lacey mused, was not a hotbed of crime. Oh you had the usual domestic instances or shoplifting especially when the summer people arrived, but for the most part, things were dull as dirt. Seeing the young man so injured made her re-think how safe this small town really was.

After Danny left the Medical Center, he thought about texting Steve but decided instead to go see him at the Rangers station. He stopped at a Wendy’s drive through and got some French fries which he nibbled at while he drove. It was just starting to snow, the sky a steel grey colour with filtered sunlight.

As Danny drove, he thought about the wedding Steve was planning in Quebec City. Danny had looked up the hotel and it truly was an impressive structure with a couple of restaurants and an indoor pool. There was even a rather large in house Spa to pamper the guests. Danny had never been to a spa but he thought maybe it would be fun to get a facial or a body wrap to look good for his wedding! He pushed those thoughts in the back of his kind and concentrated on driving.

School must have been a half day since the school buses were in the mix this late morning, instead of during the appointed afternoon hours. Danny slowed down as one ahead was turning to the left onto a street in a residential area, then mused that he had never ridden a school bus. Danny had always walked the several blocks to the elementary school he’d attended and by the time he went to middle school and high school, his parents had insisted he walk then too. With a sigh he pushed those memories away and refocused on the road.

Suddenly, Danny was on high alert. Ahead, there was a dark blue sedan off the road and a dark haired slender woman standing beside it, hands on her hips. Danny slowed, put his four ways on and cruised to a stop behind them. He shoved on his hat over his hair and donned his gloves, in preparation of helping the woman. It sucked to have car trouble when it was this cold, especially on this access road that led to the main highway. Danny did not bother turning off the idling truck; he was going to ask the woman to climb inside the cab and wait while he called her a tow.

“Something I can help you with?” Danny asked as he approached her. She threw up her hands as if to indicate surrender and pantomimed kicking the car side panel.

“I have a flat tire. Can you help me change it?” She asked. Danny thought she had a kind of lean hungry look about her, a little bit feral, and that’s when he felt the stone around his neck grow warm. He stopped and stared hard at her, then glanced at the car door where there was some fancy script writing like a company fleet would have. With pounding heart, he could make out the first letters of the top line —M,C,G,A.

He saw the gun at the last second as instinct told him to run, to move, to go somewhere but to just get out of the range of fire! Danny sprinted towards the trees at the side of the road, jumping over the gulley between berm and ground, but Catherine Rollins aimed and fired; the bullet tore through a major vein and flesh, and just narrowly missed the bone which surely would have cracked upon its impact. Danny fell forward as he thought of nothing and nobody except Steve.

Michael held his speed around 60 because of the unknown quality of the road but he knew Steve, who was sitting beside him in the passenger seat, wished he’d go faster. No amount of reassurances helped; in this instance, Steve was just anxious to get to the Medical Clinic to see Danny. Michael had not been entirely forthcoming with Danny’s condition. It wasn’t fair that Steve was an hour away and by the time they reached the hospital, Danny might already be dead. That was a thought he did not want to entertain.

“There! That’s the entrance! Go go go!” Steve said, excitedly pointing. Michael nodded and pulled into the back lot where Emergency victims were taken and as he slowed down to park, Steve was out of the car before Michael could even stop.

Lacey paced in a small circle in the waiting room. She wanted to talk to the sheriff who was busy at the accident scene but had promised to meet her at the Medical Center. Sam was perched on a chair, her attention alternating between her phone and worried looks at her mother.
When the tall good looking young man with dark hair burst into the waiting room, his whole body radiating anger and concern, neither Lacey nor Sam could take their eyes off him.

“Danny Williams! I’m his boyfriend. Where is he?” Steve asked, practically vibrating as he grabbed the edges of the Formica counter of the nurse’s station.
The man in scrubs who was standing by the printer looked up and around the room at the people who were all watching the interaction.

“Why don’t you come back here to the break area. We can speak privately.”

Steve followed the nurse and clenched his fists at his sides as he did. His stomach hurt and his head was pounding. He wanted, no he NEEDED to see Danny immediately!

The man shut the door and faced Steve, and though his face was relaxed, Steve could tell he was concerned.
“Danny is in surgery. He needed to have his femoral artery repaired. I believe that Dr. Sullivan is the attending surgeon so he’s in good hands.”

“Femoral… Jesus, what happened?” Steve asked, still clenching his fists but this time doing it so hard his fingers were bruising the palms of his hands.

“Someone shot him. The bullet thankfully exited and did not break any bones but the situation was extremely dire. The only reason he’s alive is that woman in the waiting area, she stopped and put direct pressure on the wound. Five more minutes and we would be having a different conversation. Now how about if you come back and wait in this outer area? Can I get you a coffee? Tea? Pop?”

“Um… a tea is good thanks,” Steve muttered. He had been drinking a whole lot more tea now that he was with Danny. “Doc, you’re saying he’s gonna be ok? Right?”

The nurse chose his words carefully. “I’m not a doctor, but I am part of the rotating team of surgical nurses. Danny is young and healthy. I bet he bounces back quickly. I’ll come find you if I know anything.” The nurse gently pushed Steve to a sitting position on the small sofa and held up a finger. “I’ll be back soon.”

Lacey filled out her witness statement as Sam looked up a possible connection to the car letters she’d soon on the door. Sheriff Kelly had gone to see the young man who had been led away by one of the staff but before that, he had asked her to fill out her statement.

“Steve! Hey, Brother. Any word?” Chin asked as he sat down on one of the chairs after pulling it in front of the couch where he faced Steve. He squeezed Steve’s knee. “The fact that Danny has come this far is amazing.”

“Was it Catherine or Joe?” Steve asked with a menacing tone.

“Steve, I’m not sure because the State boys are doing the investigation and were going to watch the dashcam footage on your truck. As soon as I hear something I’ll let you know.”

“I’ll kill them,” Steve said. He made eye contact with Chin; the look in Steve’s eyes was frightening.

“Right now let’s worry about Danny, ok? What did the nurse or doctor say?” Chin asked. Steve blinked back the tears as he started to relay what the surgical nurse had told him.

“Woooooo!!!! Get that champagne chilled, Girl! We are gonna party tonight!” Catherine shouted. She pounded the bed with her fist for emphasis. “I shot that little f*cker! He’s dead and I win! You know Joe promised me a lot of money if I succeeded.”

Amber nodded and rifled through her suitcase for something to wear for celebratory drinks. Surely Danny Williams was indeed dead, bleeding out in the snow alongside the highway. Amber didn’t really care about Danny but had accompanied Catherine because they were friends and she liked to party.
“Is this appropriate to wear to Players?” Amber asked holding up a dress that was more like a sliver of shiny cloth. Catherine grabbed it and looked it over.

“The players at Players are gonna be playing right between your legs!” She cackled. “I’m wearing the blue halter dress that shows off my boobs!”

It didn’t take long before the two women left by Uber, from the Hampton Inn and Suites where they were staying. They headed over to Players Sports Bar, right directly on the shores of Lake Placid. They flirted with the grumpy driver and as they were leaving, Amber flashed him, showing him that she wasn’t wearing panties. They had no idea that the State Police had found the sedan, the company car with McGarrett’s written on the side, in the parking lot of their motel.

Steve bowed his head and tried to remember the last thing he’d said to Danny. Like it mattered but right now it seemed important to Steve. Nando sat on Steve’s right and Kono sat on his left. They were quiet thankfully so Steve did not have to talk.

“How long does it take for a damn Femoral Popliteal Bypass anyways?” Kono grumbled.

“I should have gone with him,” Steve muttered.

“Don’t say that, Steve! It could have happened anyways and both of you would have been killed!” Nando said. “Besides, you’ll have plenty of time to see him. I bet he goes home in a couple of days.”

“Oh my God!” Steve sat up. “Lily!! What.. what can I…”

“Brah, listen, give me the number to one of your guards. They have access to the house right?” Kono asked.

“Yes but—“

“But nothing. I can talk one of those boys through the process to feed her. Punch the number into my phone and I’ll go in the waiting room and call him.”

“Thanks Kono,” Steve said as he gave her the number to the guardhouse.

Kono opened the door and stepped back startled because at that very minute, Lacey was coming to talk to Steve.
“Sorry,” Kono said.

“No I’m sorry excuse me but is.. is Steve in here? I’m Lacey Thomas. I’m the woman who found Danny.”

“Ohhh ok, yeah, go on in. I’m sure Steve would want to talk with you.” Kono patted her arm and hurried on out to relay about the care and feeding of one big bunny. After she knew Danny was out of surgery and stable, she’d go to get the rabbit and take her home to watch her. Lily would be good company for her own bunny, Snowball.

“Excuse me? Steve?” Lacey nervously cleared her throat. She recognized Nando Hernandez, the owner of the Camp on Lake Placid, so she nodded to him. “I’m Lacey Thomas, and I found Danny while my daughter called 911.”

Steve stood up like he had springs and gently took Lacey’s hand in one of his own. “Hi yes Chin told me about you. Thank you thank you so much. I guess I owe you a coat.”

“I wish I could have done more,” Lacey said. “I was so worried about him.”

“Thank you. You did enough to save his life. I’m forever grateful,” Steve said and it was apparent that he meant it. “Did he say… anything…. Or was he unconscious?”

“Oh he said Steve a couple times when I held his hand. He did not open his eyes though. Oh and then…. It was … oh it’s nothing. Perhaps he had me mistaken for someone else.” Lacey frowned as she remembered what Danny said as he lapsed into unconsciousness.

“No it’s ok. Will you tell me? Maybe he knew the shooter?”

“Ok, well, it was so odd because when he said it, he was looking past me like he’d seen someone there. These are his words and he said ‘go get them Mabel.’”

Steve resisted the urge to smile lest she think he was a daft cow so he maintained his tone and serious face while he spontaneously hugged her.
“Thank you. Again, thank you for saving his life.”

“I’m happy he is going to be ok… he IS going to be ok, right?” Lacey asked.

“Halfway through surgery, a doctor came out to tell us it was going well. I hope to see him soon.”

“Well look, here’s my number. I wrote it down on a piece of paper. Will you PLEASE call me and let me know how he is doing?” Lacey pressed the paper into Steve’s hand. She patted his cheek and thought that he was young too, so young and to be put through this. It was all so f*cked up.

“Of course of course. I will.” Steve walked her out and returned to Nando who was watching him with raised eyebrows. “What? What’s wrong?”

“I’d hate to be whoever shot Danny.”

Catherine laughed and threw her head back so her long dark hair dramatically fell down towards her back. She was 5 vodkas in to a nice buzz and the co*ke she’d shared with Amber had only made her horny. Right now, she was chatting up a ski boy, not a resident but a tourist, and even though he was about ten years younger than she was (around Steve’s age she figured) he was interested.
Amber had also procured the interest of the ski boy’s friend who right now had his hand under her skirt and was fingering her as she sat like a besotted Barbie, eyes shiny, face lax and not at all attractive.

“Let’s move this party outside,” ski boy said. “There’s some lounge chairs we can put to good use.”

“Sounds perfect!” Catherine purred and then laughed her reedy obnoxious laugh which Steve had once told her resembled a herd of goats being put through the spin cycle. “Come on, Amber! We are going where there’s room to … stretch out!”

“But it’s cold!” Amber protested, obviously annoyed because ski boy 2 had stopped stroking her and was trying to stand up because he was so drunk.

“You’ll be fine! We’ll do exercises to warm us up,” Catherine said as she dragged the other woman towards the patio doors.

“We gotta piss so .. go on and we will be out in a sec,” ski boy 1 said as he popped an arm around his buddy and they literally staggered towards the bathroom.

“Oh Catherine! It’s so cold! I don’t like this! I wanna go inside!” Amber whined.
“Shut the f*ck up, Amber. Let’s walk over to that dock where the chaise lounges are!” Catherine grabbed Amber’s hand. It WAS damn cold and ok maybe it was a stupid idea but ski boy would definitely warm her up!”

Inside the bar, a patron was loudly complaining to the bartender that there were two young men in the bathroom, passed out and sleeping on the floor.

Lacey sighed gratefully as she pulled into the garage of their rambling ranch house. Sam had been quiet, perhaps pondering her own mortality, while Lacey was tossing around something else odd that had happened with Danny. She had not told Steve because she did not want him to think she was daft, but the white stone around the boy’s neck had glowed when he was talking about Mabel.

“Mom? Are you coming?”
“Oh sorry, Sam, yes of course.” Lacey got out of the car and as she followed her daughter inside, she could only think that there was some strange magic afoot.

Steve stared at Danny who looked very pale and waxy as he lay in bed. He had a full oxygen mask on and was hooked up to the limits with every type of monitor. The sounds of his heartbeat and respiration were comforting, however, and as Steve settled down in the chair beside the bed he reached for Danny’s hand and carefully held it.

Steve couldn’t cry. Not now. He needed to be clear headed and strong for Danny and for the investigation. Chin had relayed that they’d run the plates of the car, courtesy of the dashcam, and the car was registered as a fleet vehicle to McGarrett Enterprises. Steve had no doubt that it was either Catherine or Joe though honestly, Joe would not be so careless. He’d sent that skinny bitch to do his dirty work and she had tried to kill Danny.

Steve buried his anger among the threads of grief and concern for Danny at least for this moment, and carefully stroked the top of Danny’s hand. His Danny, his beautiful complicated smart Danny was laid out in bed, leg heavily bandaged and raised high by a Pulley. This is what it had come down to, that even in a small town far away from Joe and Doris, horror and murder could still happen.

“Steve? I’m going to go but I’ll bring you some clean clothes and something to eat tomorrow morning,” Nando said. Steve nodded and stood, then spontaneously embraced the man who had become sort of a father figure to him and Danny.

“Thanks. Take my keys,” Steve fished for them in his pocket and pulled them out. “Where’s our truck?”

“Chin and his friend Jerry drove it here and left it in the parking lot. I know you won’t come home so I’ll bring some home to you. I heard Kono is taking the rabbit with her. And look, I’ll bring you breakfast.”

“Sounds good,” Steve admitted. He could not remember the last time he’d eaten but it didn’t matter.

“Ustedes dos, muchachos... Pienso en ustedes como mis hijos. Nos vemos mañana.”

“Thank you Nando,” Steve said with shining eyes, tears threatening to spill. He waved as Nando left then settled back with Danny, watching his every movement, memorizing his face that he already knew so well.

Catherine frowned and looked around for Amber. Where had that bitch gone and where were the ski boys? Coming out by the water had sounded like fun five minutes ago but the booze and co*ke had worn off and Catherine was cold.

“Boo bitch!” Amber yelled, giggling as she practically fell over after jumping up from behind a post on the dock.

“That’s so not funny,” Catherine growled. “Let’s go inside and have another drink. Oooo this time let’s do shots!” She was just about to say more when her cell rang so she fished it out of her bag and saw that it was Joe. “Hey handsome! I did it! He’s dead!”

There was an ominous second of silence on the other end, indicating perhaps disapproval. Catherine thought fleetingly that somehow, things were not going to be working out like she had imagined.

“You stupid slu*t. You didn’t kill him. He’s alive and no doubt going to make it. So let me tell you how this is going to pan out. I’m done with you. Never contact me again.”

“But my pay! I did try to kill him! I should get what’s coming to me!” Catherine protested.

“Oh you will get what’s coming to you. Goodbye Catherine.” Joe ended the call and as she stared at her phone, Catherine felt colder than the air temperature.

“Amber, come on we gotta- —- oh my God!! AMBER!!!!” Catherine looked on in horror as her friend was surrounded by white smoke or fog, and every place the tendrils touched on her body, they cut like little knives. Amber was bloody and confused, trying to scream until what looked like a hand was stuffed into her mouth. Amber’s throat bulged with the outline of a hand and surely Catherine thought that it wasn’t possible.

As Amber made throaty grunts trying to breathe, she was spun and cut like a piece of meat on a hook. Catherine ran towards the end of the dock. She slid on an icy patch and her heel on her one shoe broke, sending her pitching sideways and into the dark cold water of the Lake.

Catherine tried to touch bottom but the dock at Players was used as a pleasure boat area so the inlet had been dredged deeply to accommodate the propellers. All around her was cold silent black.

Just as she reached the surface, thinking that the cold water had chilled her to the bone, she was yanked down again, this time to the bottom where all she could do was flail towards the subdued light above. Her lungs felt like they were on fire but that wasn’t the worst of it. Around her neck she felt a rope, big and broad with a scratchy surface that hurt her skin. The rope was being pulled tighter and tighter and all Catherine could do was to open her mouth to try to breathe but she was met by the tang of lake water, rich with algae and run offs from the streams.

The rope grew tighter and tighter as Catherine reached above her one last time, perhaps aware that she would not be ascending in the afterlife but going straight to the hell she deserved. One more tug on the rope and Catherine’s head popped off and slowly drifted upwards, her body sinking and fodder for the hundreds of fishes that were mysteriously feeding so close to shore.

Amber’s body joined Catherine’s though her head was still on her body. Her eyes were gone and her jaw and mouth were severely distended and as she continued downwards, blood from the myriad of wounds she had all over her body curled in rivulets and streamers.

Mabel was satisfied that these two had suffered for what they’d done to Danny. She gave one last glance before she darted through the dark waters of the lake, her home for almost a hundred years. Justice had been served.

Danny blinked and slowly opened his eyes. He was aware of someone at his side, and that someone held his hand.
“Steve?” He croaked, his voice raw and deficient of moisture.

Steve raised his head like it was on a spring and leaned foreword. “Danny!!! Danny, how ya doing? Hey.”

“Thirsty. Water?” Danny asked though talking exhausted him. He thought that Steve had been there a long time and perhaps he’d been out for a week or a year he didn’t know.

“I’ll have to get the nurse because uh I don’t know and I don’t want to hurt you if I give you water and you can’t have it…..” Steve reached for the call button with his other hand. “How ya doing?” He kissed Danny’s hand, having brought it to his lips.

“Ok.” Danny replied. He waited patiently as someone came in to talk to Steve and within seconds, a straw was held to Danny’s lips.

“You can sip. No big gulps,” Steve said. He watched as Danny took a few small drinks and pulled away, laying back on the pillow. “You had us worried.”

“She f*cking…. She shot me…” Danny said frowning.

“Ok none of that.” With his finger, Steve smoothed the little mark between Danny’s eyes, the one that always appeared when Danny was upset. “Chin and the State Police are on it. They’ll let us know what’s happening.”

“Where. …. I am? Hospital?”

“Yeah, Danny, you’re at the Medical Center. You needed surgery but the docs say you’ll be fine. You’ll heal quickly.”

“Hope so…. Wedding.”

“Yeah. Wedding.” Steve again kissed Danny’s hand. The blonde sighed and was quiet and Steve thought he’d drifted into sleep. Just as Steve was getting ready to move to the recliner they’d brought him, Danny whispered.

“Mabel got them.” After a short paise, he continued. “Love you, Steve.”

Steve kissed Danny’s cheek and knew there was honesty in both statements.


Don’t go away yet! Much more to come!

Thanks for waiting. I took some time.

Chapter 11: Down Time


Just a lot of talking and socializing.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

….’I never believed in things I couldn't see
I said if I can't feel it then how can it be
No, no magic could happen to me
And then I saw you
I couldn't believe it, you took my heart
I couldn't retrieve it, said to myself
What's it all about
Now I know there can be no doubt
You can do magic
You can have anything that you desire
Magic, and you know
You're the one who can put out the fire
You know darn well
When you cast your spell you will get your way
When you hypnotize with your eyes
A heart of stone can turn to clay….’

“Steve! Steve!!!”

Steve laughed and continued to carry Danny into the living room where Kono had made up a sort of bed for the blonde while he recuperated from surgery.
“I can’t help it! You’re light as a feather!” Steve teased. He’d been doing semi circles and swoops with Danny in his arms, actions that Danny had not really appreciated. “I’m not gonna drop you. I got you!” Steve carefully let go of Danny so Danny could lie down. Immediately, Lily jumped up on the sectional and cautiously sniffed Danny’s leg. She ascertained it was really him and tried to lay on his lap.

“No, bun. You gotta wait til I can rig something up for you to get on him,” Steve said. He gently picked Lily up and placed her by the end of the couch where she could watch. “She can’t inadvertently hop on your wound.”

“I know but she missed me.” Danny sighed and leaned back. “Could I have a couple pillows, just for support?”
“Coming right up.” Steve took extra pillows that he’d brought from Danny’s bed upstairs and placed them behind the blonde’s back. “How is that!?”
Danny sighed and gave Steve a thumbs up.

“Hey guys! Are you hungry yet?” Kono called from the kitchen. “Oh Steve, Diego is on the com.”
“Be right back,” Steve said to Danny as he hustled to the kitchen area where the com was. He tried to keep an eye on Lily to make sure she did not get any ideas but so far so good. “Yeah Diego? What’s up!?”

“There’s a Lacey Thomas and her daughter here. Says you know her.”
“Yeah of course send her back. They’re friends,” Steve said. As he ended the conversation, Steve wondered what had brought the woman out to see them. Danny had insisted that their address and phone numbers be given to her and Steve had done just that.

“Someone you know?” Kono asked.

“The lady who saved Danny. She and her daughter.” Steve looked around the laundry room off the kitchen and found what he wanted. “I have a clean thick towel I’m going to use for Lily. She wants to get on Danny’s lap but it’s not happening until he heals a bit more. So I’m gonna use this and she can lay beside him.”

“Sounds ingenious,” Kono teased. She watched as Steve headed towards the living area with towel in hand and wondered if Steve and Danny could ever be any cuter. After three days in the hospital, Danny had been released and Steve was now in charge of his care save for when the visiting nurses came daily. She was just about to call for delivery of something when she heard a knock on the door. “Must be Lacey,” Kono muttered. She opened the door and saw Lacey, her daughter and Diego. They were each holding a box and from these boxes came tantalizing food smells. “Come in!” Kono said as she stepped out of the way.

“I hope I’m not intruding. I wanted to drop these off so the boys could eat,” Lacey said looking apologetic.

“We figured Steve would need some help. I assisted Mom with the menu and the cooking!” Sam said proudly.

“All I got is can I get a plate when the time comes?” Diego asked. “Oh yeah and should I feed the ducks and deer?”

“You have ducks and deer?” Sam asked excitedly. “Could I help feed them?”

“Samantha, we aren’t here to interfere,” Lacey admonished.

“Heyyyyyyy thank you for dropping by,” Steve said as he padded into the kitchen. “What… what is all this?” He waved his hand at the boxes.

“Meatballs. Mac and cheese. Broccoli casserole. Pasta salad. Homemade rolls. Chocolate cake.”
Lacey mentally checked things off as she told Steve.

“Wow! That’s.. so nice! Thank you! Hey hang up your coats and stay a while. Can you?” Steve asked.

“We have a free pass today. Dad’s in New York City at a convention.” Sam wrinkled her nose. “He’s a shrink and owns his own clinic.”
Lacey looked like she would like nothing more than to quiet Sam but Steve just nodded.

“It’s great to have someone with that skill. I’m sure he’s the best. But yes, come on you made all this food you can eat with us. Do you know Kono?”

“We did meet at the hospital,” Lacey said and she and Kono exchanged smiles.

“Boss, the ducks and deer. Want me to feed them?” Diego asked, impatient because he was wearing his parka and he was getting too warm.

“Yeah please go ahead,” Steve said as he went to take Lacey’s coat.

“Mom could I help him? Please?” Sam asked.
“Diego, would you mind some assistance?” Steve nodded towards Sam.

“Sure yeah. You can help.”

“Ok, Mom, I’ll be right back!” Sam said happily as she followed Diego out the door already asking questions about the animals.

“Sorry,” Lacey said.
“No no don’t be sorry. It’s good she’s still at the age where that’s fun. And I insist you guys eat with us. Danny is in there if you want to say hello.” Steve started to get out plates as Kono took the dishes out of the boxes, inhaling and commenting on how tasty everything looked.

Lacey walked into the living room area, marveling at the beauty of the house. She’d seen the real estate ads when it was listed and always wondered what it looked like inside. The architecture with the high ceilings and the whole wall of windows was just stunning.

Danny was propped up on the couch, his leg raised by pillows, and it looked like he was asleep. Lacey marveled at how young he was but then so was Steve and she felt a surge of hatred for the people who had tried to kill Danny. In what life were he and Steve so awful that they had to be eliminated?

“Looks like the pain pill took effect,” Steve said, startling her. “We can wake him when we’re ready to eat but in the meantime, do you want a tour?”

“I’d love one! I think everyone in town has always marveled at this place! I love the changes you made. Leopard print was a bit out there.” Lacey followed Steve over to the windows by the dining room table.

“We have our own private beach and 7000 feet of shoreline and 60 acres. We had to sign an agreement that we would never allow hunting or trapping or fishing on the lands, and that we would not develop. About the only thing we did was to get a duck house and we do feed the deer. I put some salt lick blocks out too. We want to get a bird feeding station and put it above the house over there,” Steve pointed past the boathouse. “So it’s a work in progress.”

“Mom! Mom!! They have ducks in a shed!!” Sam burst into the living room, her cheeks rosy from being outside. When she saw Danny, she put her hands over her mouth and cringed.

“It’s ok. He’s not awake.” Steve pointed towards the stairs. “Come on up. The balconies are really nice.” Sam fell into line with them and they toured the upstairs. When they returned downstairs, Kono and Danny were talking, and Lily was on Danny’s lap on the towel. She was trying to put her paws around his neck like she always did and Danny was petting her as he talked.

“Isn’t the house awesome?” Kono asked.
“It’s amazing and so big and unique,” Lacey said.

“Ummmmm Steve could I pet the bunny?” Sam asked.

“She’s very tame, sure, but I’d wait til she’s done loving Danny up. She hasn’t seen him in 4 days so she’s needy.”

“Steve!” Danny protested. “Of course she missed me! She’s my booful bun.” Danny cradled her to his chest. “Sam, you can pet her. She loves her head scratched.”

“What kind of rabbit is she?” Lacey asked. The rabbit was huge; stretched out on Danny, she took up practically his whole upper half.

“Fleming Giant but not thank goodness pure bread. She’s a mix but she’s just the best,” Danny said. “I’ll have to get her outfits out because it’s cold. So,” he looked up at Lacey, “you heard about the ladies who shot me? I guess they still haven’t found all their bodies.”

“Mason Jackson said his dad is part of the scuba team and all they found was a foot from one of them!” Sam said excitedly. “Serves them right though. They shouldn’t have tried to hurt you!”

“Thank you,” Danny said and he couldn’t help but like the willowy girl who was all smiles and emotions. “Do I smell food or is that my imagination?”

“Oh, Lacey brought us some great looking food. You feel up to coming to the dining table?” Steve held up Danny’s crutches. At Danny’s nod, Steve picked up Lily who was not happy but when Steve carried her out to her blanket in the dining room, she stopped fussing because she knew dinner was coming. Returning to the couch, Steve assisted Danny in standing, pulling him up gently using an under the arm grip.

“Thanks,” Danny muttered and started for the table where Kono was busy setting out the food. Lacey hurried to help her as Steve got Danny settled and in no time at all, they were digging in to a delicious meal.

Conversation mostly focused around what Lacey did at the assisted care home and what subjects Sam was taking at school. Steve and Danny bought some chances on the car that the school was raffling and Danny proudly told them he’d aced his GED exam and was now taking online courses towards a BA in Communications/English.

By the time the three of them said goodbye to Lacey and Sam (after Sam took Diego a dinner plate full of the yummy food), Kono settled in with Steve and Danny to watch some tv.

“I like them,” Kono said. “You can tell Lacey is not a helicopter mom but cares about stuff Sam does.”

“Helicopter mom?” Steve made a face. “What’s that?”

“It’s a mom that constantly hovers and won’t let the kid be independent,” Kono replied. “I’m sure when you have kids you’ll be hovering.”

“Me?” Steve pointed to his chest. “No way. Maybe Danny who is asleep and not even listening.”

“He… and you have been through a lot, Steve,” Kono said seriously. “Chin said the way Catherine and that other bimbo found you is through the deed from buying the house and Danny registering for classes…. Though it was no doubt the house. If this Joe guy is tech savvy then it would be easy to track you down.”

“He’s tech savvy, weapons savvy the whole kabosh. But since the Securities Division has been investigating McGarrett Enterprises, he’s gone MIA, no doubt with a big chunk of the money leaving Doris to account for the business practices while she faces a long time in jail like Bernie Madoff. Doesn’t bother me.” Steve looked away and Kono could tell that no matter what he said his face gave him away.

“Steve, it’s ok. Your friends are here and Danny is here. You don’t need that woman in your life.”

“I honestly don’t think she was ever in my life, Kono,” Steve said. “But she gets what she deserves.”

“And Joe White? What about him?” Kono asked.

“I guess we’ll tackle that problem if and when he shows his face here. Maybe I’m just an afterthought.” But as he said that Steve did not truly believe it. Joe was not a man to leave loose ends around and Steve was exactly that, a loose end. “So I’m not going to dwell on it and just,” Steve shrugged and motioned towards Danny, “focus on him getting well and planning the wedding.”

“About that!” Kono said and leaned forward. “Would you mind if Malia and I helped out? Do you have colours!? A menu? Cake? Music? Place settings?”
Steve looked absolutely baffled. He took a deep breath and shook his head no.

“I have no clue. I do have the room though and an appointment to get the license.”

“Could we lend a hand?”

“By all means. I’m not sure how much input Danny is going to want so if you could ask him he could tell you.” Steve looked at Danny adoringly. “I can’t wait for us to be married.”

“I’m sure you can’t, big boy,” Kono teased. She lightly smacked Steve’s arm and noticed with satisfaction that his cheeks were getting pink. “I think we should all call it a night. You have to work in the morning and I need you to help him get dressed and everything before you leave.”

“Yeah you’re right. Look, Kono. I really appreciate you staying here for a couple days to help.”

“I wouldn’t have volunteered if I did not want to.” Kono started towards the kitchen. “Besides, I get to hang out in this gorgeous house and get to know Danny a bit better. That way we can best determine the stuff for the wedding.”

“I just never knew there was so much to plan before hand. Wait. Place settings? What are those?” Steve picked up Lily and put her on the floor. “Hop to it, bun. I gotta make your evening snack. Come on.”

Danny woke up from some kind of a weird dream. He had been standing in a forest (theirs?) in the winter because there was snow on the ground all around him. He could almost feel the cold on his feet as he lay in his bed, leg propped up. In his dream he had seen a man, bent over and limping, his features hidden by a black hat like a Magician would wear, and the way he was staring at the ground instead of looking before him made his identity unknown. Instinctively, Danny did not like this stranger who kept coming towards him, seemingly with a purpose. As for Danny, he could not move. He was rooted to the spot and just as the man cane within 10 feet of him, he had looked up and Danny

“Danny! Geezus are you ok?” Steve asked, panting a bit from hurrying down the hall, worried after hearing Danny scream. “Are you in pain?”

“Steve… no I… it was a nightmare I think. Just a nightmare.” Danny pulled Steve closer, his hand inside Steve’s warm big hand. “Could you stay with me? Please?”

“Yeah. Let me just move Lily and I’ll get in.” Steve gently picked up the rabbit who started to grunt and mew and placed her near Danny’s feet at the end of the bed where she had plenty of room to stretch out. “Yeah ok here I am.” Steve slid under the blankets and brushed some of Danny’s hair back from the blonde’s face. “Do you want to talk about it?”

Danny hesitated though he knew without even thinking that the man in his dreams would not want to be mentioned out loud, and if he was, there might be some terrible consequences. Besides, Danny could feel the heat of the stone where it lay against his throat. Bolstered by that, Danny told Steve what he could, and Steve listened patiently all the while stroking Danny’s arm and upper chest with light comforting touches.

“Wow sounds scary! I’m here now so any dark man can just f*cking take a hike,” Steve said confidently. He kissed Danny’s cheek and with satisfaction felt Danny’s breathing get deeper. “Go to sleep. I’ll watch over you, me and Lily.”

Steve did exactly that, finally drifting off himself when he was certain Danny was settled. Lily squirmed around so she lay between their feet and Steve had to admit she was nice and warm against the blankets. How had he found himself so lucky? That was his last thought as sleep spirited him away.

They held an informal party two weeks later.
Danny was limping by then, able to go without his crutches, and totally on the mend with the doctor being pleased about his progress. The only touchy thing was that he had been plagued with nightmares some nights and the doctor suggested it could be PTSD and for him to talk to a therapist, something Danny was considering.
However, during the day he was bright and focused, going back online to catch up on the work he’d missed, getting good grades on his assignments and hanging out with Lily until Steve got home from work. They’d eat dinner then relax watching tv or playing PlayStation until it was time for bed.
Joe White and his trouble seemed far away.

“These hoagies are off the mark!” Jerry said as he considered what flavour to have. He decided on a pepperoni and mushroom saucy deluxe and placed it on his plate.

Steve looked over his shoulder at what he was talking about. “Oh yeah. Lacey and Sam made those for the party.” He glanced at Danny who was talking to Sam. That was a fast friendship though Steve did not mind because the girl was always very respectful. She might have a wee bit of a crush on Danny though but most people did, Steve thought, totally dismissing his own physical attributes.

“Great party, Steve.” Michael held up his can of hard lemonade. “I’m sipping one tonight cuz I gotta drive home but this food…. Wow! Plus this house is too too much!”

“In a good way, I hope,” Steve said.
“In the best way. You guys deserve it and I gotta say I’d love to go out in the boat with you in the summer hint hint.”

“Anytime, my friend.” Steve felt Danny hug him from behind, resting his head against his back, between his shoulder blades. “Are you done talking?”

“Haven’t begun yet,” Danny teased. He slid around to the front and now Steve had the opportunity to hug him back. “I’m gonna get something to eat. Looks good, everything!”

“Make sure you get some of that amazing pasta salad!” Steve took Danny by the hand and led him to the back of the small line for the food. They were behind Chin who turned around and broke into a smile when he saw they were holding hands.

“You two. I’m gonna blindfold my wife so she doesn’t see how loved up you guys are,” Chin teased.

“We have been through a lot,” Steve said. “I think that makes it more intense.”
“And we are getting married!” Danny said with excitement, eyes sparkling. “We have, with the help of your wife, Kono and Lacey a lot of the deets done. Colours, place settings, a DJ, and in two weeks, we’ll be going to Quebec to choose a menu and the cake!” Danny emphasized the last word. “Oh and Lily will be the flower rabbit. Sam is pushing her down the aisle in the buggy and scattering flower petals. I have such a cute outfit for her too!”

Steve rolled his eyes but he, too, shared the excitement. They were going to go ring shopping there but tonight he was going to give Danny the ring Mindy had made for him.

“Yum, there’s so much to choose from!” Danny said as he started loading his plate.

Jimmy Thomas watched from his seat at the dining room table. This was his first time meeting and being with Danny and Steve though he felt he knew them both just by what his wife and daughter had told him. They were so damn young but mature. Steve carried himself with confidence and everyone in the county talked about the kind and handsome Ranger who worked with Mike Hanson. Danny was only a couple of years older than his own daughter but he too was way more mature than his years. He was not sure if the story that had brought them both here to Lake Placid but he was happy to know they had settled down.

“Isn’t this house amazing, Jimmy?” Lacey asked. “It’s so bright and pretty!”

“I bet it’s just awesome in the summer.” Jimmy pointed out the window at the dock. “They have the beach and boating steps from their house.”

“Ducks too, Dad! And the deer don’t run away either. Steve got them a couple bushel of apples from the cider mill and we put them out in the woods for them and all the animals to eat!” Sam was just beaming with excitement. Jimmy had noticed his daughter, who was struggling a bit with making friends in high school after they’d moved from Ithaca, was back to her old self, chattering and silly. “I have decided I want to be a vet as a career. I know it’s got a lot of schooling but I just want to help all the animals.”

“I’d better start getting overtime,” Lacey teased. “There’s 8 years of tuition!”

“You’re Jimmy Thomas? Chin Ho Kelly and this is my wife Malia. Nice to meet you.” They shook hands and Jimmy introduced his own family. Steve and Danny came over to eat with them too. Nando and Jerry were also perched around the table while Mike, his wife, and Adam and Kono were at the portable table next to them.

The conversation turned to the lake and Jerry mentioned the spooky stories about Lake Placid itself. Urged on to tell more, Jerry played the storyteller and began, all eyes on him.

Let me tell you about Annie,” Jerry began. “One of the repeating experiences people have shared is the existence of at least one spirit who floated around the main building of The Lake Placid Club Forest section. The stories were that of an old woman either floating in the air in the hallways or seen rocking in a chair in the library.Melvil Dewey, founder of the Lake Placid Club, was also the inventor of the Dewey Decimal System. Not surprisingly, the Club housed an extensive library on the second floor of the building, about dead center in the structure. One of the main staircases was directly in front of the entrance to the library, the walls of which were mostly glass. It was easy to observe what was going on in the main part of the library from the hallway, and it's believed by those who saw her, that it was the ghost of Annie Godfrey Dewey, Melvil's first wife. She purportedly haunted the hallways around the library as well. Annie died in the summer of 1922, at the age of 73 at her home near Albany, NY after attending a symphony concert and psychology lecture with her friend Emily Beal. According to the story, they returned home, and Annie retired as she always did. At about 1 a.m. she rang for her nurse as she had done many times because of ill health, by 2 a.m. she had passed away. In her typewriter was an unfinished poem to her husband. With her last breath she asked the nurse to give the poem to Melvil. She must have been searching for him in the halls of the Club until the structure was so damaged by fire it was razed in January of 2002.”

“Interesting. Isn’t that site where the fancy hotel is built now?” Mike asked.
“It is.”

Nando shook his head and pointed to Steve and Danny. “These two guys are living proof about the Lady of the Lake. I sometimes feel… someone watching but it’s a nice feeling not a scary one.”
“She’s on your side, Nando,” Danny said. He reached across the table and squeezed Nando’s hand.

“The prison sits on the site of the old TB hospital. There have been documented accounts of apparitions and strange noises,” Jerry continued.

“What’s TB?” Danny asked.
“It’s short for Tuberculosis,” Steve said.

“They had whole hospitals for that?” Sam asked.

“Yes great big ones since it was such a bad disease and spread so quickly. By the early 1900’s, TB had killed one in seven people. There were whole sanitariums dedicated to just caring for the patients and at that time there was no vaccine, no real cure for it,” Jerry said.

“Creepy and gross,” Danny said. “Thank God for modern medicine.”
“I won’t even go into the whole taking photos with the dead that was so popular. They’d prop up babies or kids and take photos with the families. For instance, I could—“

“Jerry why don’t we talk about the friendly ghost at the Stagecoach Inn,” Mike said quickly. Looking at the unsettled faces of Danny, Sam and even Steve, he thought they should change the subject.

“Sorry. I get uh carried away. But nowhere is an area as rich with folklore as the Hudson Valley. Now THERE is a hotbed of folk tales,” Jerry said.

“Uh why don’t you tell us some of those?” Steve asked. He read the mood in the room and wanted to lighten things up. “Plus I think we will set the desserts out. Everyone agree?”
There was a chorus of agreement so Steve and Lacey went to the kitchen and replaced the near empty main courses with the platter of cookies and cupcakes plus a towering trifle that Malia had made. “I just gained ten pounds looking at this,” Steve moaned. Nonetheless, when he went through the line he took some cookies, a cupcake and a healthy dollop of trifle.

They had just started to eat when the snow started. At first it was easy to ignore but as they talked and Jerry spun some entertaining and amusing folk stories, the snow started to increase in intensity. Steve turned on the weather radio and they listened as the reports indicated an early low pressure system combined with the jet stream had created a blizzard complete with sustained winds of 40 mph.

“That crap was not supposed to hit until tomorrow evening!” Mike said.
“Mother Nature has no set schedule,” Kono said. “How about it Steve? Can we crash here for the night?”

Danny and Steve did not hesitate. “Yes of course!” Steve said. “We even have clean tees for you guys I’m sure because between Danny and me, we have a surplus! We’ll just have to figure out logistics for sleeping.”

“Are you sure your bunny won’t mind?” Nando asked with amusem*nt. Lily was on Danny’s lap, back and front feet hanging over the blanket.

“Wherever Danny is, she will be,” Steve said. “Although she’s accepted me too.”

“Since we’re staying,” Chin said as he eyed the island, “let’s have seconds on that trifle.”

“Well there’s something I want to do first, Chin.” Steve stood up and fished the box Mindy had made out of his pocket. As he dropped to one knee in front of Danny, Danny gasped and covered his mouth with his hand. Steve cleared his throat. “Danny Williams. Will you marry me and accept this ring?”

Danny gulped and nodded, happy tears filling his eyes as he watched Steve hold out the pretty coloured box. “Yes! Yes I will!” Danny said enthusiastically.
Grinning, Steve stood and opened the box to pull out the ring.

Mindy had done an extraordinary job with it. The ring had fragments of the aquamarine stone embedded in a design all the way around the band. It was stunning and well worth the 600 dollars Steve had paid for it.

“Put it on me!” Danny asked holding his hand out. Their friends started to clap as Danny held his hand up, the light sparkling off the stones. “That’s so beautiful!”

“Like you,” Steve said with a kiss on Danny’s lips. It was so fleeting that Danny did not participate but already Steve was shaking hands with the guys. “I do realize I’m a little late to the party here but I figure we will do it our way, whatever that is.”

That night, the snow continued and Steve was grateful for the 5 pane thick window panels that made up the whole side of the wall. The house though was warm and Steve had kept both fireplaces— the one downstairs and the one upstairs— on with the gas lit heat. They’d parceled out the rooms and sleeper couches upstairs and in the loft and Danny, Steve and Sam were asleep on the big sectional. Lily had chosen to lay on Danny’s legs and was dreaming, as her back foot was digging in the air.
Steve hoped Danny would not have nightmares about the man in black. He thought they should go see Mindy to find out if it was just Danny’s fears and past torment manifesting into a figure or if it was something more sinister.

“I hear you thinking. Go to sleep,” Danny mumbled.
“Sorry. I was just … going through some stuff we have to do for the wedding.” It was an easy lie though Steve HAD honestly been thinking about it earlier. He needed to choose his groomsman though Chin for sure was his Best Man. they had the rabbit settled; they needed to concentrate on the humans!

“Mmm. Can you hold me? I’m cold.”
Steve scrambled down so he was sharing the space with Danny. Danny lay against him so Steve could put his arms around him. He did feel a little cool and Steve saw that the rabbit, due to where she was laying, had prevented
any of the blankets being pulled up. Steve wrapped his own blankets around Danny so they were cocooned and warmer.

“I love you, Steve. I never get tired of saying or thinking that. When I look back on my life…. I can’t believe I got so lucky.” Danny nuzzled Steve’s chest and kissed lightly along his scapula.

“I don’t ever want you to remember that life. It was what you had to do, sure, but now you have me and a real home here. It’s not good to dredge up the sadness and hurt.” Steve stroked Danny’s back as he talked. “I don’t really tell you or anyone how I’m feeling.. if I’m feeling down or.. anything.” Danny hugged him but said nothing preferring to listen. “It hurts…. My mother… she never seemed to really be a mother you know? She’d just expect me to be a good soldier and represent the family in a good light. My Dad was distant except when there were award ceremonies or graduations and then he acted like he was responsible for my doing well.” Steve closed his eyes and sighed. “I mean what was love to them? The first time I experienced it was and is with you. That’s a fact. I’m grateful you taught me how, Danny. I’m so grateful for you.”

With that, Danny could feel the wetness on Steve’s cheeks when he reached up to caress his face. “I’m grateful for you too. You are a wonderful kind and gentle man. Oh also sexy as hell. And I love to tease you.” Danny settled down and yawned. “I think we should get some sleep. I foresee some shoveling tomorrow.”

Steve nodded and relaxed against Danny. “I love you, you know.”

“I love you, and I know.”

Breakfast was a hodge lodge of leftovers but there was more than enough and everyone started the day in good moods. It had stopped snowing and Steve was ready to recruit some of the guys to go out and try to shovel a path to the vehicles when they heard what sounded like a big truck.
“What the..” Steve and Chin hurried out to the entry and looked out the door.

“This is my cousin Brad! He’s gonna help us with the snow removal!” Diego yelled from inside the cab of the converted dump truck to snowplow monstrosity. Two other men were clearing the snow from people’s cars and shoveling along the narrower sections of the driveway.

“Thanks man! Come in and get warm when you’re done!” Steve yelled and waved. He shut the door and looked at Chin. “Well. That’s great!”

“Let’s see if we can get some local news, check out the roads. It’s a good thing it’s Sunday.” Chin joined Steve as they returned to the kitchen. “So you’re stealing my wife to go to Quebec City in two weeks.”
“I am. I promise to rein her in if she finds a more attractive guy. Then again, she’s going with me,” Steve teased.

“Bro, if you think you are man enough to handle her, I’d say you are delusional,” Chin said with a hearty laugh.

“Who’s plowing?” Nando asked.
“Diego’s cousin or friend. They are even clearing off the cars,” Steve answered. “What’s the road situation?”

“Spotty. They are keeping the Highway open but most of the plows are on the thruway so that means it’s up to the locals districts.” Mike shook his head. “The skiers are loving this I bet. You probably can’t find a hotel vacancy anywhere!”

“I want to do that luge coaster on the mountain!” Sam said. “Christina and Xavier did it and Christina wet her pants!”

“Because she didn’t go before she went on the ride?” Jimmy teased.
“No Dad,” Sam answered with an eye roll. “She was so scared.”

“I think it’s a hard pass for me,” Danny said. “Steve, if you’re crazy enough to risk your life on some mechanical death trap then so be it.”

“Mechanical.. Danny, I’m sure it’s regulated by safety checks!” Steve protested though he knew he could wind Danny up a little. Still, he did not want Danny too excited and yappy so he backed off and just bumped gently into the blonde. “There are other activities I’d rather pursue.”

“Ahem, uh Steve, you were saying about the roads? I think if we wait til afternoon they should be better. Let the crews do their thing,” Chin said. He had noticed Sam was watching the flirting between Danny and Steve and wanted to keep the atmosphere ‘G Rated.’

“That’s probably a good idea,” Mike agreed and the rest of the day was spent eating, joking around and talking about the epic snows of the past.

“You need to see someone. Talk to them. These dreams, man, they are starting to happen every night.” Steve said as he made Lily’s breakfast. Danny sat at the island, his head in his hands, staring at the counter. “I’m not trying to get you upset, Danny. But you aren’t sleeping and I’m worried about you.”

“Yeah I know. I haven’t exactly been letting you sleep through the night either. How about if I go see Mindy and talk with her?”

“I think that’s a start. I think maybe she could help and if not we can pursue other avenues.I just want you to be well and happy,” Steve whispered, wrapping his arms around Danny as he stood behind the blonde. Danny leaned into the touch and sighed. Steve was safety, a sanctuary. He could always depend on Steve.

“I’ll take you to work and stop by to talk to her. So if that’s the case I’m gonna go get a shower and change into clothes rather than wear my pajamas.”

“Oh I dunno. You’re so cute in these flannels. I could just eat you all up,” Steve teased and started to nibble on Danny’s neck. Danny squealed and laughed but managed to get out of Steve’s grip (Steve simply did not resist) and Danny ran up the stairs. Lily watched him then looked pointedly at Steve. “I get it. It’s banana time. I’ll give you his slice too.” Steve ruffled the rabbit’s fur and grabbed a banana out of the fruit bowl. They had to move the bowl on to the counter because Lily had discovered she could stand on her stool where her blanket was and nibble at the bananas on their hanger on the island. “We have to get Danny sleeping all night, Lily. It’s not good for any of us to be awake like that.” Whether or not the bunny understood she at least listened.

Danny had made an appointment with Mindy for 11 that morning so after he dropped Steve off, he stopped at the grocery store, loaded up with fruit and veg and bunny treats, added a couple of steaks for Steve and headed home long enough to put things away. He had enough time to make it back and was waiting for Mindy to call him to her office by 10:45.

“Hey you’re here! Come on back!” Mindy ushered him through the door and waved at a chair. “Have a sit down. Want to give me your coat? You’ll melt if you don’t since my parents keep this store rather warm.”

“Thanks.” Danny sat down a bit nervously. “Thanks for seeing me on such short notice and I’m sorry you couldn’t make the party the other night.”

“Thank you for inviting me!” Mindy smiled at Danny, trying to put him at ease. She could tell he was nervous. “I had already paid for my booth at the Psychic Fair which was lucrative but I promise next party I’m all in. Jerry told me he ended up staying the night because of the snow!”

“It was a huge sleepover,” Danny said with a nod. “Maybe you can just come over sometime and hang out. You’re coming to Quebec for the wedding, right?”

“I would not miss it! Now. What’s going on. I can tell you’re troubled.” Mindy reached across the small table and held Danny’s hands. He looked like he was about to cry but was trying to hold it together. “It’s ok. Just tell me. I’m not here to judge you.”

“I’ve been having dreams. Lately, they’ve been.. even worse than when they started. I dream of a very… menacing… sinister man with a black hat like a top hat and he’s dressed all in black. He’s just dreadful but I never see his face really just his … just him coming towards me. He started far away but he’s moved closer and I… I just don’t.. I’m scared….” Danny hung his head as he brushed away the tears in embarrassment. What she must think of him!

“Danny? Danny look at me. Please.” Monty’s voice was soft and her tone was soothing. “That’s better.” She smiled and patted Danny’s hand. “It’s ok to be upset. That would disturb me too.”

“I don’t want you to think I’m a baby! And Steve, poor guy, has to come to my room and wake me up. So he’s losing sleep because of me.”

“Let’s see if the cards can help us. Would it be ok if I did a reading?”

“You think that will help?” Danny asked as he
Watched her bring out a deck of large coloured Tarot. “It can’t hurt though I guess, right?”

“If you keep an open mind about it, the Tarot will give you some answers,” Mindy said confidently.

“Ok then let’s do it!”

“I need you to cut the deck in half and keep them face down as they are now.” Danny reached over and picked up what he thought looked like half and placed the decks side by side. Mindy nodded. “Good. Let’s see the first card and take it from there.” As Mindy placed the first card on the table, she nodded. “It’s just as I thought. Danny, you’re in great danger.”


For those who asked about the ring, here it is.

Apologies for not getting this up sooner. Real life got in the way. Thanks for waiting and I hope you like it.

Chapter 12: Bells Will Be Ringin’


The boys get a new addition.
Plans are coming together for the wedding.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

…’I gave up a long time ago trying to find love
TV told me it was like the movies but it never was
I couldn't beat it or join it so just avoided it come what may then you came
and I wanna hold you in my arms I wanna let you break my heart
I wanna feel the way it feels to make you stay..’

Danny looked at Mindy with surprise. He hadn’t really expected that, all at once, all at first. She indicated the cards in front of her, arranged in a pattern.

“There’s the Fool, the House of God and the Devil all face up. That’s not good. Let’s try this again and see what you can do about it.” Mindy reshuffled the cards and asked Danny to cut the deck which he did. She laid them out again and this time looked visibly relieved.
“Well that’s better. Justice here. Prudence here. And Justice twice. So here’s what I can tell you. You’ll need to be very cautious and there’s someone in your past who is threatening. You, however, have protection in your,” she gestured towards his neck, “stone and in your Protector. Your dreams are warning you and giving you the heads up.”

“So there will be some kind of a fight?” Danny asked.
“A fight? Not sure. But a confrontation and it’s there where your guardian will help you out. Danny, I can feel the energy around you. It’s strong! Steve is also blessed with an unusual amount of courage in his aura. It sounds like something to just shrug your shoulders and go oh yeah whatever but if you tap your resources you’ll be fine.”

“I can do this.” Danny frowned and bit his lip. “I’ll tell Steve and we’ll just be cautious. I don’t know much about Joe White but Steve says he’s ex military ex OPS. I’m tired of being a target though and I’m sure Steve feels the same. “

“You’ll get through this just fine, Danny,” Mindy said as she squeezed his hand. “In fact, I wanted to offer you something that might help you. Let me go get it.”

Danny nodded and looked down at the cards as she left the room. He did not understand any of their meaning but they were very ornate. They predicted danger but also indicated he and Steve could prevail in a fight. He was ok with that.

“Here we go. It’s a blessed Protection Amulet of 7 Archangels. It’s on a long cord so it can fit right around your neck like this,” Mindy put it on Danny, slipping it over his head. “Now this is very strong in warding off the bad.”

“Thank you!” Danny breathed, studying at it as he held it up for examination. “This is pretty cool! Are you sure you don’t need it?” He asked.

“If I needed it I would not have given it to you. Now listen, keep your eyes open and trust your senses. That little voice shouldn’t need to scream at you.”

Danny sat back and nodded. He reached for his coat that Mindy had put aside on a chair, and brought out an envelope which he laid on the table in front of her.

“What’s this?” She asked, frowning.
“It’s for you. Thank you for everything today and oh thank you too for my beautiful ring! I love it so much!” Danny stood and shrugged on his coat. “We will definitely see you at the house for dinner once we come back from Quebec. Thank you again.”
When Danny left, Mindy opened the envelope and inside were 10 twenty dollar bills and a note in Danny’s spiky printing— ‘Thanks for everything.’ Mindy sighed and said a little prayer for him and Steve.

“ It’s an amulet ,” Danny explained as he held it up and away from him so Steve could see the intricate design on the medal. “It’s a Protection Amulet of 7 Archangels. So let him come! I’m ready!”

Steve let the amulet fall back against Danny’s shirt and straightened up. He wished he shared Danny’s confidence in overcoming the threat of his former friend but he knew how crafty and weapon smart Joe was which made a simple piece of metal look quite insignificant. However, Mindy must have filled Danny with some reassurance so he’d let it stand.
“It’s very cool. It looks like it would do a good job protecting someone. Still, we need to be careful.”

“I get that.” Danny reached over to pet Lily who was snoozing against his leg. “Changing subjects I can’t wait for our weekend in Quebec City! It should be fun plus I have never been there. Have you?”

“Once, but briefly,” Steve answered. “We also have an appointment on Saturday to go to Le Forgeron D’or to get rings. They make them right there and specialize in unique properties.”

“It’s so exciting but the best thing? I’ll be married to you when this is done and we can you know … fool around and …my birth control is in place. You know what I mean, Steve?” Danny asked trying hard not to blush.

“Oh I know. I’m counting the days, Daniel.” Steve waggled his eyebrows and resisted kissing those very attractive lips. He needed to control himself or they could easily get carried away and both of them wanted to wait until the wedding night. “Since I’m only human, however, I am going to go and feed the ducks. You feel well enough to come?”

“Steve, I have been walking fine! Just a little limp! Geez!” Danny got up and went to where their parkas were hanging. “Think we should also feed the deer?”

“Yeah we can. But I’m carrying the bucket.”

That night for the first time the man in black in Danny’s dreams actually took several steps backwards and Danny did not scream. Steve, though, slept with him just in case and in the morning was rewarded with a nice back rub from a grateful fiancé.
Danny had just finished dressing and was about to go downstairs when his phone rang. He sat back down on the bed and looked at the caller ID that identified as the local school district.

“Danny Williams? This is Joy Gregory from the Lake Placid Northwood School. I’m the adviser for our Freshman Group, and the chairman for the raffle fund raiser we held a few weeks ago.”

“Hi. What can I do for you?” Danny asked, barely remembering that he and Steve had bought some kind of tickets from Sam at ten dollars a chance. Danny had just written his phone number on the two he’d purchased.

“I have some fabulous news! You are the winner of our grand prize!” Joy’s voice was so enthusiastic that Danny could not help but be happy too.

“Grand prize? Cool! And what was it… I forget. I know there was a wine basket and some kind of weekend pass to the slopes but .. was it a trip?”

“Oh no something better! You have won the brand new Camaro courtesy of Frenchie’s Chevrolet!! Congratulations! I’m so pleased it was you because Sam had told me a lot about you and Steve is it? Yes, Steve. Your fiancé.”

Danny felt the blush creeping up his neck and was glad he was alone. “I really won? A car. A real car???”

“Yes and if you want to come by and sign the papers and pick up your authorization to go to Frenchie’s and claim it, you can do so. Why don’t we make the appointment now?”

“Yeah ok. Actually I’ll be taking Steve to work today so if you have any openings? Today?” Danny asked.

“Is ten am good? You’ll have to buzz in and go through Security. I’ll meet you in the front foyer.”

“See you at ten.” Danny ended the call and sat there feeling numb. A car! Not just any car!! A Camaro like the metal model he had in his special box under the bed. His dreams were all coming true and honestly how did he deserve to be this lucky? “Steve?!?! Wait til I tell you what we won in the raffle!!” Danny scrambled down the stairs, still limping a bit because his leg bothered him. Even though he had finished PT and was doing the exercises independently, there were times when it ached like a mother. This morning was one of those days.

“What are you all about? Sit. I made pancakes out of your fancy pancake vegan mix thing AND I added dark chocolate chips.” Steve looked up from his cooking task, spatula in one hand and his phone in the other. He liked to read through the paper in the morning and figured he could at least start while the batter cooked.

“Oh my God, those look amazing! Thank you! I’d best get Lily fed though.” Danny ruffled up the rabbit’s fur and dropped a kiss on her head. “My good warm bunny,” he cooed.

“Danny, what happened to get you so excited before 6 am?” Steve finished up the last pancake and handed Danny the container of greens for Lily.

“Well, the Northwood School lady called me and..” Danny grinned as he cut up some beet tops. “Remember the raffle tickets we bought from Sam?”

Steve frowned and then a light bulb went off. “Yeah. They were like ten apiece. Yeah so what did we win? A SPA getaway? Some wine? A basket of household stuff?”

“Oh waaaay better than any of those.” Danny placed the now bursting bowl of greens in front of Lily who was waiting patiently. She dove in though the second the bowl was settled on the counter. Danny met Steve’s curious gaze. “A Camaro. We won a f*cking car!!!!”

“What?” Steve’s dark blue eyes grew big as he digested the info. “A CAR???”

“A car! The Camaro!! Steve, we won a Camaro!” Danny squealed which earned him a side eye from the rabbit. Danny hopped off the stool and met Steve halfway around the island to hug. “I can’t believe it!!”

“I can’t believe how good your hair smells!” Steve started to sniff noisily at Danny’s still wet hair.


“Sorry you distract me! Well. A car. f*ck that is just the BEST thing! You won’t have to take me to work every day. You’ll have your own car except.. except…” Steve raised a finger.

“Except?” Danny asked.

“Except they are sh*t in the snow. Too much power. You’ll get stuck.”

“Oh. Yeah. Makes sense. But…. It can sit in the garage and we can take it out when the snow melts!”

“Yes that’s so true! Wow! A car!! Who would believe it?” Steve said as he sat down with Danny to eat. “You are lucky. I think I’ll keep you around.”

“Oh yeah? But I’m lucky in love too because I have you.” Danny kissed Steve’s cheek with sticky syrup lips and started to giggle. The day could not have started any better! A Camaro!!! What a dream come true.

When Danny walked down the wide sidewalk leading to the Catholic school, he was amazed at how aesthetically pleasing the building was. It looked nothing like the schools in NYC when he was younger and roaming the streets. They’d even decorated for the holidays already which was pretty cool since even the decorations were well done.
After buzzing in, Danny was taken to the front foyer where he met with the woman who had called him on the phone. Sam was there too, as she got a special gift for selling the winning ticket.

“I really can’t believe this,” Danny said in amazement. “This is amazing. I have always loved this model of car.”

“We are very pleased to be able to give it to you then,” Joy said. “Our photographer would like to take a photo of us if you don’t mind.”

“Danny, I’m so happy you guys won!” Sam told him as they walked over to the hallway to take the photo. “I have something to ask you after we get the picture taken.” Danny nodded and stood where the man with the camera told him and after four attempts, the man was finally happy.
“So I have to choose a subject to write a nature essay about. It can be anything as long as it’s natural, plant or animal, and I was wondering if I could do one on the ducks and the duck house? I can do some research on the species and take some photos to accompany my report.”

“I don’t have a problem with it as long as you don’t identify our address… but let me ask Steve. I’ll call your Mom tonight and let you know, ok?”

“Thanks Danny!” Sam skipped off, her whole demeanor radiating happiness.

“You have been good for her, you and your … partner, Steve,” Joy said as they walked back to her office. “She had a hard time at first with being the new kid trying to fit in but it seems like she has new confidence and has found a niche with the music kids.”

“We really didn’t do anything,” Danny said.

“Sometimes all it takes is a little magic,” Joy answered. “Very nice amulet. Big time protection there. Well, anyways, enjoy your new car. Frenchie’s will take care of you.”

“Thank you again,” Danny replied and he meant it. It wasn’t until he got to the truck when he wondered how she knew about the amulet.

It wasn’t until the Tuesday before the Thursday they were to leave for Quebec that Steve and he had a chance to go over to Frenchie’s, though Danny had called them to set up the appointment and they were aware to get the car ready for them. They had to sign papers and pay the taxes on it but at the end of the day, Danny drove the sleek black muscle car out of the lot and to their garage where it would stay until they returned from their trip.

“How did it drive?” Steve asked eagerly as they walked back to the house. He stuck his hands in his pockets because of the damp cold air though it was not forecasted to snow until they returned from their long weekend.

“Like a dream,” Danny answered, grinning. The dampness was having a profound effect on his leg and as they neared the door, he stumbled a bit but Steve caught him before he could fall. “Sorry. Stupid leg.”

“Are you ok?” Steve asked, hugging the blonde protectively. “Want me to carry you?”
“No Steven I do not want to be carried like some damsel in distress!” Danny said. “I just… wait… what’s that?”

“What’s what?” Steve asked immediately on the defensive thinking it was a surprise attack by Joe, and he tried to push Danny behind him.

“No, Steve, let me see!” Danny protested. He pointed towards a small black blob on the snow. It was not moving but it was definitely an animal of some kind. He limped over to it, with Steve close by. “It’s a bunny! Steve, it’s a bunny!!”

“A bunny?” Steve frowned. “Let it alone then!”

“No it’s not wild! Wild bunnies don’t look like this! It’s a Lionhead!!” Danny scooped up the rabbit, fearing the worse but as soon as he cradled it to his chest, it moved ever so slightly. “Oh poor thing! I wonder how long it’s been in the wild!”
He started back towards the door and this time, Steve went first to unlock. When they got into the entry and the warm air enveloped them, the rabbit perked up, lifting its head. “Oh please be ok,” Danny said, as he carried it out to the kitchen.

“I’m not sure Lily is going to like this. She’s gonna eat him! Or her! Geezus I hope it is not pregnant!!” Steve moaned.

“Lily is not going to eat him or her, Steve. Rabbits are vegetarians.” Danny carefully laid the rabbit on the island and shrugged off his coat. “He’s really cute! Look at his hair!” Danny brushed the shock of grey coloured hair away from the bunny’s eyes. It started to sit up, sniffing, ears up.

“The ears aren’t like a bunny’s. What happened to them?” Steve asked.

“I think this kind of rabbit has very small ears like this. Awww it’s so cute.” Danny began to pet the fur which wasn’t as dirty and matted as he thought. The rabbit had not been out too long in the wild but it was obvious he or she had been someone’s pet. “I’ve read where people just dump bunnies if they get tired of them or if the bunny is sick. It does not look sick.”

“It has to go to the vet asap if we are going to keep it and oh uh don’t look now but here comes Lily. “

“We’ll have to keep them separate because we don’t know if he is a he even though Lily is spayed. Plus that rabbit disease… we can’t have Lily catching anything.” Danny picked up the rabbit and looked around. “Steve, do you want to take some of her X Pen and make a little enclosure in the laundry room? It’s warm in there and we can put out one of the extra litter pans we have and one of the ceramic bowls for water.”

“Yeah I can do that.” Steve waylaid Lily and took her back to the living room on the couch. He took some of the free standing pieces of the pen to the laundry room and erected a structure to keep the little rabbit inside. He found another litter tray and filled it, set it inside and placed a couple of towels on the floor. Danny watched as he held the bunny, talking to it quietly. “I know we’re going to keep it,” Steve muttered.

“We can’t just let it outside, Steve!” Danny protested.

“I know. I’m just resigned to it, my role of being the set up guy.” He winked and got some fresh hay from Lily’s bag and made sure that was in a pan too. “Want to put it inside here and see how it likes this?”

“Yeah, here we go.” Danny put the rabbit on the towel where it sat for a moment then hopped over to the hay and started to eat. “Look he’s hungry! I’ll get some pellets and water. Keep an eye on him!”

Steve saluted but he did so with good nature. The rabbit WAS cute with its furry mane and little ears. Whoever had just let it out was an idiot, and a cruel one at that.

When Danny returned with the dishes of pellets and water, Lily was lurking at the door. They made sure she did not come into the room as Steve left and shut the door behind him.

“Looks like you’re gonna have a brother or sister, my friend. I just hope it’s not expecting.”

“I heard that, Steve!” Danny called out.

“Yeah you were meant to,” Steve answered. “Shall we get your evening meal around my dear? I think there might be some spicy cilantro on the menu.” Lily looked pointedly towards the closed door in response.

They ate vegetable lasagna leftovers for dinner with some crusty Italian bread. Lily sat in front of the laundry room door after she’d eaten her dinner, trying to figure out a way inside.

“I’m going to close the door to my bedroom so she won’t think about coming down here.”

“Good idea. Though she’s never done the stairs on her own,” Steve pondered. “Do you think this is enough of a lure?”

“Hell yeah,” Danny said. “We need to introduce them carefully because I don’t want any fights. I’m glad you have tomorrow off too so you can help me take her to Dr. Duke. Him. Her. Whatever it is.”

“Looks like we will have a lot to go over with Jerry,” Steve said. “Thank goodness too he’s coming to stay tomorrow so we can explain it all.”

“He likes Lily. He will be a good pet parent,” Danny said confidently.

In the morning, once Danny opened his bedroom door to start the day, Lily ran ahead of him and hopped expertly down the stairs to the kitchen, Danny in close pursuit. Steve, who was already downstairs, started to laugh when he saw the big rabbit come bouncing into the kitchen straight for the door where she sat with her butt against it.

“She can do steps!” Danny said in amazement.

“Apparently.” Steve shook his head. “This is gonna make things interesting.”

“In a good way, Steve,” Danny said. He hugged the brunette from behind and rested his face against Steve’s back. “You smell good.”

“Thank you. It’s that Bergamot body wash from the Body Shoppe.” Steve continued to form the potato Pattie’s for the air fryer. “Thought we’d have these and those fake assed eggs you like.”

“Oh stop! You eat enough of them!” Danny said and poked Steve in the ribs as he moved away.
“We have to pack and make sure the car is going to pick us up. Will you double check on that?” Danny gently shooed Lily from in front of the door, opened it quickly and went inside, shutting the door behind. The rabbit, which he was certain was a boy, was standing up looking like a little prisoner in the pen. He started to scamper when he saw Danny with the pellet bag. “Hi little one! Did you sleep well?” Danny bent down and grabbed the water dish and refilled it then placed it on the little mat. The bunny nosed his hand and he petted his head, much to the bunny’s delight. “I think we’re gonna call you Ollie. You like that name? Here are some yummy pellets and then I’m going to bring you some greens to munch on. You eat these first.”

After breakfast, Danny called and got a vet appointment with Dr. Lakela that morning. He and Steve loaded the small rabbit into the carrier they had for Lily and headed to the vet, confident in knowing they were going to keep him.

“Looks like a neutered male. He’s a bit underweight but he’s young, I’d say maybe a year. I don’t know if he’s had his RHDV2 vaccine but I’ll give him one. You say you found him outside? I wonder if someone just could not afford to keep him.” Duke patted the bunny, who was hunching on the towel on the exam table. “Has Lily been kept separate from him?”

“Yes. First thing we did.” Danny chewed his lip as he looked at the bunny. “How long do you think we need to keep them apart?”

“About a week. Then introduce gradually. Lily might be the jealous type.” Duke quickly gave the bunny, who just squeaked when he took out the needle, the jab for the vaccine. “Then again who knows? Maybe they’ll be fast friends.”

“I named him Ollie,” Danny said. “Do you like that name, Steve?”
“He looks like an Ollie for real.” Steve petted the rabbit’s head. “He looks like a mad Einstein with that hair. I like him.”

Danny beamed at his tall fiancé. What a good heart Steve had, which was so wonderful considering he really was not raised with love. Neither of them were but somehow they’d found each other and could now explore their emotions.

After the appointment, Steve stopped long enough to get them dinner at Long Lake Dinor. Once they arrived home, Danny made sure to slip into the laundry room without Lily while Steve made sure that everything was in place security wise while they were gone. He fed the ducks and deer and locked the garage. Jerry would be there soon and could park his car in the third bay which was open.

Jerry came before 6 pm, and was surprised to hear that they had another rabbit. He took it in stride though and as Danny went through the care and feeding of Both bunnies, complete with a sheet of instructions, Jerry was attentive.
“Now you guys are leaving very early in the morning for Ithica then catching a flight to Quebec?”

“Yes! We have one of those limo services to take the four of us to the airport. Our flight leaves at noon and we get into Quebec City around 5,” Steve explained. “We have stocked the fridge. Anything you want, eat. There’s also money for pizza or whatever in this envelope. I went over the ducks and deer thing and Danny told you about the bunnies. Any questions?”

“No I think I’m good here. I’m excited for you to get the arrangements figured out,” Jerry said.

“We get to eat cake,” Danny said. “I’m not gonna worry about if it’s vegan and that’s awful but it’s one day.”

“I think you can compromise once in a while,” Steve said.

They were on the road by 4:30 am. Kono and Malia were dropped off by Chin that morning so they could all leave at once. Their car was a nice comfortable black Fleetwood corporate limo with padded seats, a fridge and a sat tv. At first the four of them chattered excitedly but as the drive went on and the sun came up, they agreed to sleep a bit. Steve held on to Danny who had his head in his lap while Steve sprawled out on the seat. Malia and Kono curled up in their places and slept until the driver stopped for a break.

“Steve, this is so much fun!” Kono said as she waited in line at the small bodega that served the rest area. “Oh is that licorice for Danny?”

“Yeah he loves red vines. I’m trying not to blow my wad on junk food.” He held up a bag of veggie chips. “These seemed the least offensive out of all of the stuff there.”

“I can’t wait to see the hotel! Malia and I were looking at it online. It’s huge!”

“It is and thank goodness they have a whole block of rooms reserved for us. It’s gonna be fun but some planning which is why you guys are here to help.” Steve paid for Kono’s snacks and saw that Danny and Malia were in line. “Seriously I appreciate all of your help.”

“That’s what friends do.” Kono bumped into him and they waited while Danny and Malia got their snacks.

Back into the limo and in an hour, they were unloading at Ithica. It was a fairly busy airport, serving several airlines. They checked in and sat in the lounge until they were called to board.
“It pays to splurge on First Class tickets,” Steve said with a wink as they found their seats.

“These sure are awesome!” Malia exclaimed. “I feel like a rock star or something!”

“I can’t even begin to think about sitting in Economy. My poor legs,” Steve moaned. He watched as Danny took gum out of his backpack and distributed it.

“We get lunch onboard. That’s a nice perk,” Danny said. “I’m gonna brush up on my Francais while we fly. We have a few hours to kill.”

“That’s a good idea,” Kono said. “I brought a book, Malia. We can practice too.”

Steve snuggled close to Danny and read the book Danny had open. Having learned French in high school, Steve had a good background for renewing his knowledge of the language even though he knew that Quebec had a whole different set of French than what was taught in schools. They’d get by though. Most shopkeepers spoke English including the guy who was going to make their rings on Saturday.

“Can you believe we are getting married, Steve? I just have to tell myself that it’s really happening. It wasn’t that long ago I was … on the streets.” Danny looked at Steve from under his thick Sandy lashes. “I love you so damn much!” Impulsively, Danny kissed Steve and leaned back. “You’re so freakin good looking, but your heart is what’s beautiful.”

“Danny… “ Steve blushed and looked at his hands. “I love you too.”

“Ok you two! Enough love talk. I want to know what I should order for lunch. The pasta or the soup and sammy,” Kono said.

“Stick with the soup and Sammy,” Steve advised. “The pasta might be over cooked.”

“I’m having the pasta,” Danny said. “It’s supposed to be butternut squash ravioli with a light brown ginger sauce. Hope it’s good. I could eat.”
“I’ll stick with the soup.”

Lunch came though and after Steve had finished his soup (admittedly quite good for a vegetable beef soup) and small toasted cheese sandwich, he was eyeing Danny’s plate.
“Here. You didn’t have much and this is too much to eat.” Danny slid his plate over on to Steve’s tray table.

“Danny! No!” Steve said.
“Seriously, you eat. I’m going to email Jerry and see if he’s having any trouble with the bunnies.”

“Wait did you say plural bun-EES?” Kono asked.

“It’s like this,” Danny said with a smile, and told her and Malia about Ollie while Steve finished up the ravioli.

They landed a bit early but their car was waiting for them after they got through Customs and retrieved their luggage. Danny tried to read the signs without translating them first and was quite proud that he got most of them correct.

Their driver was a kind older Quebecois who was a fountain of information. All 4 listened to him speak about the culture and the pride with their heritage. As they reached the Old City, it was evident the attention that the residents and businesspeople put into their structures. It was like visiting Europe on a smaller scale!

Steve got Marcel’s business card for his services once they reached the hotel and tipped him generously. A porter came out and loaded up their luggage and walked with them to the information desk. The lobby was huge and bustling with people but not crowded, such was the space of the building. Steve had reserved a Fairmont Gold Riverview King Room for him and Danny while he asked for a Fairmont Gold Riverview Double Room for Malia and Kono. They picked up their key cards and promised to meet by the big clock in the lobby at 6 pm for dinner.

“What do you think, Danny? Nice place?” Steve asked looking out the window. They had a wonderful view of the river and all of the surrounding areas. Danny stood beside him and leaned his head against Steve’s arm. His leg was aching with a vengeance but he did not want to admit it. “I think we need a little lie down. We are both tired.” Steve knew that Danny was hurting.

“Yeah that would be nice.” Danny yawned and kicked off his shoes. “We can set the phone alarm for an hour or so.”

“I’ll do that.” Steve set the alarm for an hour and a half and settled in beside Danny. He pulled the duvet over them. “Come here.” Danny immediately snuggled close and closed his eyes, feeling very warm and safe.
In a hotel room in Ithaca, Joe White stared at the computer screen as he tried to visualize the area around the house on the lake. Damn but those boys had certainly stepped up to have themselves a very nice house with a private beach. Then again, their security system was flawed since there were no measures in place for a water entry. All it would take was a small hand picked contingent of men and himself of course to scuba to shore and surprise them in the middle of the night. Joe was trained in stealth maneuvers though he knew Steve had knowledge in some facets.

Joe needed to tie up those loose ends and Steve McGarrett was a definite loose end. It was sad really because Joe was fond of the boy but he stood between money and himself so the only answer was to kill him. He’d do it quickly but the brat was another matter. Steve would get the mercy intended for him but Danny would die in stages then be thrown to the boys to finish him off properly.

With his plans in place, Joe decided to bide his time until the next surveillance came back. He was patient. He could wait.

“Why don’t we just grab a bite here?” Danny asked. “The restaurant is highly recommended.”

“Does that sound good to you girls?” Steve asked.
“Yeah we will go where you go,” Malia said. She and Kono had taken s much needed siesta though they were still travel fatigued. She also noticed that Danny’s limp was more pronounced than she’d seen it and thought Steve was erring on the side of caution in choosing the hotel restaurant.

“Agreed then! Let’s go see what Le Sam, bistro évolutif, has to offer.” Steve led the way to the beautifully appointed restaurant. They were lucky in that it was not too busy and could accommodate the 4 of them.

Kono chose the Cod Fish and Chips; Malia wanted the Goat Cheese and Spinach Puff Pie; Steve ordered the Hangar Steak and the green beans; Danny decided on the Boston Salad with the Branford cherries, Waldorf dressing and candied grapes. When they arrived at the table, their meals looked and smelled spectacular, prompting Danny to say that he was more than happy to have stayed in. He had wanted to call home again but Steve had told him to wait until later.

“So this restaurant is catering the food?” Kono asked.
“Yes I mean we will have access to the menu. I wanted a sit down dinner, and Danny agrees.”

“That will be lovely,” Malia said.
“Tomorrow morning we meet with their caterers and taste and choose. We have an appointment at a bakery tomorrow afternoon for the cake.” Steve cut into his steak which was beyond tender. “So I’m thinking that we have the option of a lot of choices and if guests want to experience two choices that’s fine.”

“It’s going to be very elegant then. I’m glad we chose the Christmas plate motif and the red and white and green carnations for the centerpieces. And the wedding will be in the same room as the reception?” Kono asked.

“Yeah we are going to see it tomorrow. I understand that they will kind of separate the two sides with a movable curtain. We aren’t expecting a lot of people so…. “ Steve looked over at Danny who was quietly eating and listening. “You agree with everything, right?”

“Oh yeah!” Danny said looking up at Steve. “Sorry. This salad is so good. I’m thinking though we need to go get some dessert.”

“Agree!” Malia and Kono said in unison.

“Oh and Steve tell them the best part! About the band!!” Danny said excitedly.

“E and Philippe have friends who have a band called Gypsy. They play a lot of Fleetwood Mac, Mazzy Star, Madonna, stuff like that. They’re gonna be the music.”

“Amazing! I can’t wait!” Kono said.

“It isn’t that far off,” Steve said. “I’m counting the days.” He placed his hand on Danny’s thigh. “The honeymoon is here. You guys will all stay until Monday then fly home on the charter. It will go straight to Lake Placid bypassing Ithaca.” Steve paid for their meal and they went off to find the desserts in another restaurant, this one not too far from the chateau, a place called Dolce Chocolat, where they had the best gelato they’d ever had. Well, for Danny it was the first time and he loved his dark chocolate scoop paired with the blonde brownie flavours. By the time they were finished, Malia suggested they stroll a little to look at the shops and the lights.

“This is an otherworldly place,” Danny said to Steve as they walked along the Main Street. It was all brick and cobble stone with the river cutting through the old section. Steve pulled Danny into one of the shops and they emerged with the most beautiful hand knit scarves, or
Les ÉCHARPES, as the sales lady taught them.

“I think we should find the girls and head back. I’m tired,” Steve said. He had noticed that once again, Danny’s limp was quite pronounced.

“Good. I need to call Jerry and see how the buns are doing.”

“Never thought I’d have rabbits,” Steve said laughing. “You, my friend, are quite the life changer.”

“You needed to get shook up a little,” Danny answered. “And look. We have money, a new car and you, Ranger Steve.”

“Ranger Steve, is it?” Steve said. He saw Malia and Kono and waved and they fell in together to walk back to the hotel. “Tomorrow we need to be in the Cartier Room by ten am. So let’s meet for breakies at this place right here,” Steve pointed to a storefront with a sign Le Sultan Crêperie. “Say 8?”

“Right sounds good,” Kono said. “it’s early so we can get some great sleep.”

They said good night in the lobby since their rooms were on different floors and by the time Danny and Steve got ready for bed with showers and Jammies on, Danny called home to get a rabbit report.
Steve ducked out while Danny was on the phone, and despite any worries, Jerry was doing a good job in keeping the two rabbits apart. Ollie was very curious when Jerry had gone in to feed him and had played with a set of cups that Lily wanted nothing to do with.

“Here.” Steve returned with some ice and wrapped it in a plastic bag then put it in a towel. He propped up Danny’s leg with pillows and put the ice on the area where Danny had been shot. Danny hissed as he felt the cold but relaxed and mouthed thank you to Steve as he listened to Jerry.

“The bunnies are being good,” Danny started after he ended the call with Jerry. “Sam is coming over tomorrow as they have the day off school and Jerry and her are going to observe the ducks. Diego broke his finger playing adult league basketball and has a neon green splint and bandage. Uhhhhh what else.. guess that’s all.”

“Sounds like things are just fine.” Steve sighed and turned on the tv. They watched some hockey before Steve realized they were both dozing but he left it on because he knew Danny liked the noise when he slept. As Steve lay curled up around Danny, he wondered how lucky he was to have come this far. Next month they’d be married for real and spend their lives truly together. He honestly could not wait.


This is kind of a ‘talkie’ chapter. I’m setting up for the wedding that’s gonna come up or… will it? Joe White is coming.

Chapter 13: Pleasure And Pain


End of Part One.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

….’I know where beauty lives
I've seen it once, I know the warm she gives
The light that you could never see
It shines inside, you can't take that from me….’

Music was coming from somewhere and it filled Danny’s head before he could even open his eyes.
“What’s the name of that song?” He mumbled not wanting to really wake up fully.
“I dunno. It’s half en Francais,” Steve answered just as sleepily. The day before had taken the energy out of both of them but as Steve sat up and stretched, he thought about their tastings today. “Come on, Danny. We gotta meet the girls for breakies.” Steve patted Danny’s leg and removed the towel with the bag of ice that had melted into water.

“Then we have the chance to set the menu!” Danny rolled over and sat up, wincing ever so slightly. Steve, of course, saw that and was immediately on the move to get Danny’s pain meds. “No come on I don’t want to be half asleep today!” Danny protested.

“How about a quarter of one? We’ll not do a whole lot of walking today but you’re no doubt experiencing some kickback on all of the moving around we did yesterday.” Steve busied himself trying to cut the white pill into quarters, but made more of a mess than a success. He swore softly but relaxed as Danny wrapped his arms around him from behind.

“How about if I just take two ibuprofen and skip the drugs? Put those away, Babe, but thank you for being so attentive. Now let me hit the washroom first before you get your shower.” As always when Danny tried to calm his perfection seeking partner down, Steve listened and closed his eyes and sought the power of touch from Danny. “That’s better. Ok, I’ll be out in a minute.”

Within 45 minutes, Danny and Steve met up with Kono and Malia in the lobby and walked over to the pasty shop they’d found the night before. It was busy but the staff was efficient and soon they were eating at one of the small tables in the dining area.

“This crepe is divine!” Malia said. “Chin is gonna love all of the food here. There’s such a variety!”

Steve looked up from his egg and smoked meat hash and nodded. “Even the coffee is good.”

“So what kinds of food are you considering for the wedding?” Kono asked. “I mean, if it’s sit down are you having a choice of items?”

“That’s the plan,” Danny said. “We thought we’d have a choice of four items, plus you know the plated salad for starters. And the shrimp co*cktail appetizer. As for me, they are making a vegetarian seafood tower for Steve and I to share. I have seen photos of it and you’d never know you weren’t eating the real thing!”

“Wow fancy!” Kono teased. “And the cake?”

“We haven’t planned that far,” Steve admitted. “But…. We will figure it out today. No fruit. I hate fruitcake.” Danny made a face and nodded. “Maybe a vanilla with sea salt or a lemon blueberry. I don’t know.”

“Lucky us because we get to taste all of them!” Danny said. “And so will you girls!” Danny couldn’t help but grin because he was so happy. This getaway was just what they all needed after such craziness and right now, Joe White and any threats seemed far away.

They walked around a bit because they had some time and even though it was cold, there wasn’t any snow on the ground. Popping in and out of shops made their cheeks red and the girls ended up buying a scarf each to keep warm. They decided to head back up the hill to the hotel so they could freshen up a bit and drop their souvenirs in the rooms before the tastings.

“Your face is cold, “ Steve said as he nuzzled Danny in an embrace, once they were alone in their room. They shared warmth for a few seconds before reluctantly letting go, and Steve found their packet with the instructions and checklist about the tastings that the hotel’s caterer had sent them. “So many choices. We aren’t going to have that many guests. Maybe we should do a buffet?”

Danny’s response was a definite negative in the way he scrunched up his lips. “No Steve, it’s going to be kind of elegant right? I mean, there will be fun and all with the dancing but I don’t want our guests to have to stand in line holding a plate like we are in a cafeteria.”

“Ok that’s fine with me. Just throwing it out there.”
“And of course I will consider every suggestion,” Danny said the fondness evident in his tone. “Have I told you how much I love you?”

“Not today,” Steve answered with a pout. Danny shook his head and again hugged his fiancé, enjoying that moment when they were together body and soul. Their happiness was short lived however with Danny’s phone breaking them apart.

“Oh it’s Jerry! I hope things are ok!” Danny quickly accepted the call.

“Sorry to bother you on your trip but I have some new developments to report,” Jerry began. “First, that French press coffee thing you have is amazing! I’ve never had such a good cup of coffee in my life! Anyways, the rabbits have bonded.”

Danny felt a moment of panic. “What? Jerry, I asked you to keep them apart—“

“Not to worry, Richard Adams, things are going just peachy. Ollie seems to think he’s the boss and Lily is content to follow his lead. They’ve been snuggling together all morning oh after their morning meal. Here I’ll take a photo. Hang on.”

Danny waited, a bit nervous because of everything he’d read about the process of bonding two rabbits. It didn’t always go well and in fact, the odds were that it would go badly for most. He looked at the photo Jerry sent and was stunned to see the bunnies side by side, sleeping on Lily’s blanket. “Jerry!!! That’s amazing! Still, keep a close watch. I don’t want them fighting over food or toys.”

“Gotcha. You know, it was a total accident how this happened. Ollie scooted out the door when I went to feed him and ran right over to Lily. She was less than impressed and just laid there while he checked her out. As soon as he lay beside her, she started to groom him.”

“It’s a relief that you don’t have to be so careful but like I said, at the first sign of any type of aggression, separate them.”

“Absolutely. So. How’s it going up there?” Jerry asked.

“Really well. We are just going for the tastings now so I’ll call later on. Thank you for the photos and make sure they behave!” With that Danny ended the call and turned to Steve. “Wow. I thought it would be a big deal but apparently the bunnies have bonded.”

They met up with the girls and headed downstairs to a small room adjacent to the kitchens. Although it was so close to such a busy bustling area, the room was plush and nicely decorated, the same as anywhere else in the grand hotel.

The catering chef, a young man who simply went by the name of Moe, was enthusiastic about his dishes and impressed them all from the start with his knowledge and attention to details.

The first thing they tried was a Carnita Sope, pork carnitas on maize corn tortillas with habanero sauce, pickled red onions and cilantro. For Danny, Moe had substituted marinated tofu for the meat. That received four approvals and went on the menu as one of the choices.

Next up was a vegetarian option of Tortellini with
house made pasta, mix mushroom, 10
Acres cider soubise, vegetable umami demi, hazelnut and caraway crumble. Another unanimous decision.

The third thing they tasted was a
Salt Spring Island Mussel-Saffron Soup w/ Vegetable Sofrito and Local Beet Carpaccio W/ St. Benedictine Cheese, Walnuts, and Apple. Nobody liked that so it was a scratch.

Moe’s sous chef brought out a Dungeness crab cake, lemon basil aioli, belgian endive, and asparagus. For Danny, he had a vegan imitation crab cake made from jackfruit which was delicious. Another plus on the menu items.

A beef dish was next, with Smoked Beef Carpaccio, fermented chili & creamy sauce. Steve and Kono liked that but Malia did not and Danny abstained so it was a maybe.

Two more seafood dishes were next. Tuna & White Beans, Smoked wild albacore tuna, gigante bean salad, crostini and the second—
Cured Scallop: ginger scallop mousse, tobiko miso motoyaki, kaiso seaweed, edible shell. A yes to the tuna a No to the scallop.

A lamb dish surprised them, with Danny’s version again made from tofu, and was added to the menu selections. Spicy Larb Coriander Dumpling: Ground lamb, coriander, chive, shiitake mushroom + water chestnuts; it made for a very tasty offering.

And last was a traditional dish of Kobe beef with braised wild potatoes and grilled asparagus on a bed of saffron risotto. That earned a spot too.

“I’m stuffed,” Steve groaned. “Just having bites of all of those has filled me up.”

“We do have a fitness center and indoor pool here,” Moe teased. “Perhaps you want to go work that off so you can take advantage of our buffet tonight.”

“I’m definitely hitting the gym,” Kono said firmly.

“But you have a cake tasting later yes?” Moe asked.
“At 4,” Danny said. “Are you doing the cakes?”

“Me?” The young chef pointed to his chest. “Ah no that’s for Bettina. She’s such a good pastry chef you’ll be over the moon for her cakes!”

“Looking forward to that,” Danny said. They’d signed the papers and Steve had written the cheque for the dinners. “This is for you,” Danny said and slipped an envelope to Moe. Inside was a generous tip for Moe’s time and talents.

As the four went back upstairs to their rooms, they agreed to hit the gym and the pool within a half hour.
“We will make room for the cake we are going to eat,” Kono teased.

As they got ready for their activities, Danny paused and looked out the windows of their room to the river below. Who would have thought he’d ever be here, in such a beautiful place, planning his wedding to a man he absolutely loved beyond reason? All of those frantic years spent on the streets, selling pieces of himself to strangers, while he wished for some kind of miracle to happen…. It was all so much all at once.

“Why are you crying? Danny, does your leg hurt?” Steve asked, immediately by his side and hugging him as though he could absorb some of Danny’s pain. Danny pressed his wet face against Steve’s chest and immediately felt the sadness dissipate.
“I think too much, that’s all, and was remembering what a sh*tty life I used to have. All of it has turned around because of you.” Danny fisted Steve’s tee shirt and tried to convey how much of a physical need he had to just be that close to Steve.
Gently, Steve cupped Danny’s face and tilted it up. In Steve’s dark blue eyes were promises and love and tenderness. Their lips met for a fleeting second, like a feather, then Steve bowed his head to capture Danny’s mouth in a searing hot open mouthed kiss that left them both breathless.
“Bed,” Steve said hoarsely, boosting Danny up with hands under Danny’s bottom so Danny could wrap his legs around Steve’s middle. They stumbled over to the bed; without letting go of Danny, they tumbled on to it, still joined and kissing.

Despite their vow of celibacy before the wedding night, their emotions were too raw as their passions soared. Danny reached between them as they still kissed, long hot wet kisses that went straight to their throbbing co*cks, and unzipped Steve’s jeans then his own. Cool fingers pushed the underwear aside and at last they were thrusting against each other, desperate for release. Danny toppled over the edge first, his org*sm hitting like a freight train and he cried out as he bit Steve’s neck. Steve quickly followed, coating Danny’s groin and co*ck with his own cum.
Panting, they lay in a jumble of arms and legs, still kissing, savouring the moments. Finally, Steve found his voice.

“We need to get cleaned up and meet Kono and Malia.”

“Yeah yeah I know,” Danny sighed. “I love you, Steven.”

“I love you too, Daniel.” Steve reluctantly sat up and let Danny slip away on to his own side of the bed. “Good thing I brought extra underwear.”

“Go on, you!” Danny laughed and swatted at Steve who was too quick and dodged the intended assault. He could just lay back and relax and revel in the release but he knew too that a swim would feel good and in an indoor pool ; what could be better?

After a work out and a swim (which primarily consisted of Steve sneaking up underwater on Danny who had no idea of Steve’s stealthy water skills), they reconvened to their separate rooms to get ready for the cake tasting.

Bettina was a dynamo in an apron. She was from Switzerland and had gone to an acclaimed pastry school in her own country and one in France too. Regardless of her pedigree she made wonderful cakes as the foursome discovered.

Lemon blueberry with a filling of pistachio creme .
Dark chocolate with caramel frosting. Inside were rivers of blanc pudding.
Creme vanilla and cardamom with spice brown sugar icing.
Milk chocolate, cinnamon, and cherries with brandy and spun sugar icing.
Red velvet with raspberries and buttercream frosting

As they deliberated, Danny knew which two he wanted but he politely listened to everyone’s opinions. By the end of the tasting they had two winners.
“So it’s the lemon blueberry and the dark chocolate,” Bettina asked. “Are you sure? I could create anything you’d like.”

“I’d say we are happy with those two selections,” Steve said. “And you’ll alternate layers? We don’t want a crazy designer cake. Just maybe some … I dunno… Danny.. what’s that?” Steve peeked at the folder Danny and Kono were examining.

“How about these pretty colours in the shape of carnations gracefully draped over the layers. Like this,” Danny showed the photo. “That’s so pretty. And simple.”

“I gotta say I like that,” Steve agreed.

“Cake topper?” Bettina asked.
“I ordered one,” Danny said, slyly grinning. “I’ll send it to you as soon as I get it.”
“What is it?” Steve asked, but Danny would not tell. He had his secrets.

For dinner, they went to a place outside the hotel, to Table, a very clean modern casual restaurant nearby. The foursome feasted on the Signature Table Salad which had Arugula, baby kale, pickled red onion, candied spiced pecans, seasonal garden vegetables, and strawberry red peppercorn vinaigrette. Steve, Kono and Malia chose the Smoked Platter of Tender smoked ribs, bourbon BBQ pulled pork, fried chicken, sausage, jalapeño corn bread, mac and cheese, coleslaw and fries. Danny settled for the Antipasto Platter, with Vegetable tartare, array of in-house pickled vegetables, roasted vegetables, olives, coleslaw, baguette and condiments.

“Roll me out of here!” Steve said as he clutched his stomach. “My God, this city has some chefs who know how to cook!! “
“The dress I’m going to wear for the wedding will never fit!” Groaned Kono.
Yet despite their protests at what they ate, they stopped and had a gelato on the way back to the hotel.

“Did you have a fun day?” Steve asked Danny as Danny finished talking with Jerry. Everything was peaceful in the bunny kingdom and Sam had come over to start her research paper on the ducks.
“I did thank you.” Danny yawned and snuggled under Steve’s inviting outstretched arm. “I love you. I’m never going to get tired of saying that either.”

“I’m never going to get tired of hearing it,” Steve said. “You’re the love of my life and not to be schmaltzy but ok maybe a little, you really have shown me how to … express my feelings a lot more.”

“You’ve taught me how to trust. So I guess we are the best fit. Tomorrow we get the rings!”

“Mmmmm that will be nice. Monday morning, before we leave we have our appointment to apply for our marriage license.”

“That’s not as fun as ring shopping,” Danny muttered but he was grateful they could get the legal stuff out of the way on this trip. He was sleepy, sated with food and gelato and the activities of the day. “G’night, Steve.”
“Sweet dreams, Danny.”

The next day, after a quick workout and swim, Kono and Malia left to go shopping while Danny and Steve picked up a quick lunch at one of the little cafes around the hotel and set off to their appointment with l’Forgeron D’or to get their wedding bands. The jewelry shop was on a quaint little side street a few blocks from the hotel, and was just perfect for their needs. The owner, Luca, greeted them warmly and though his English was not as smooth as theirs, they all understood one another. Danny even tried to haltingly speak en Francais and Luca laughed and encouraged him.

They spent several hours there, choosing materials and stones and designs. It was quite a process but in the end, Steve and Danny couldn’t be happier with the rings that would represent their bonded love to each other.

“Shall we see how Kono and Malia spent their day and if they found some bargains?” Steve asked. They were walking back to the hotel, hand in hand, scarves tucked neatly into their jackets. The wind from the river was chilling and made Danny shiver.
“Can we just… sit on this bench for a second?” Danny asked wearily. He was tired, his leg ached like a heartbeat but he did not want to prevent Steve from having a good time.

Steve, though, was immediately on high alert to Danny’s needs. “Yes of course. I can tell you’re cold. Does your leg hurt?”

“A little but—-“ Danny grabbed hold of Steve’s coat as he went to stand. “Where are you going? It’s dumb to get a taxi because we are almost to the hotel. Just sit and relax for a minute. Steve. It’s ok.”

Steve looked doubtful. His jaw was clenched and his eyes looked like he was going through all of the items on his ‘save Danny checklist’ in his head.
“Please don’t worry ok? I think I just overdid on the exercise bike and then in the pool. We have tomorrow to relax. Ok, I’m ready. Let’s go.” With a wince he could not hold in, Danny stood up and tugged on Steve’s arm. “Maybe we can just get a sandwich at that shop there to take back to the hotel for dinner.”

“I’ll come back for it,” Steve said, making up a plan. “First let’s get you back and prop that leg up.”

Sure enough, Operation Danny’s Leg was carried out with military precision befitting an Annapolis graduate. Danny was in bed, with the blanket tucked around him laying with his leg propped up and ice on his incision site. Steve gave him half a pain pill and set off to get them dinner with Kono accompanying him. Malia stayed behind to watch Danny in case he needed anything.

“He loves you so much,” Malia said just before Danny nodded off. “You guys are just so cute. Chin and I think a lot of you and Steve.”

“You and Chin are golden. We love you too,” Danny said, beginning to feel the effects of the pain pill. “I’m just…. Going… to close my eyes….”

Malia patted Danny’s hand. “You do that. I promise I’m not going anywhere.”
“Jerry!!! Jerry! Come quick! Hurry up!”

Jerry slid off the stool where he’d been perched, reading through his email at the kitchen island. Sam sounded.. well not happy but urgent.
“What is it?” Jerry asked as he went outside making sure to shut the door behind him. The rabbits were lurking around the kitchen waiting for their dinner.

Sam stood by the water on the beach that was now frosty and a kind of bleak grey colour because of the cold and melted snow. She pointed at what looked like a scuba tank that was at the water’s edge, bobbing gently as the waves hit it.

“Holy pickled codfish!” Jerry muttered. He scrambled down to the water and picked up the tank, placing it on the ground well away from the water.
“Who left it there?” Sam asked.

Jerry studied the stamp on the side of the silvery tank and suddenly straightened up.
“Sam, let’s go inside where it’s warm. Come on.”he took her hand and practically started to pull her up the slope towards the house.

“What is it? Is it dangerous? Does it belong to those people who tried to kill Danny? Jerry!!!”

“Sam, I’ll answer your questions when we get inside. For now just come on.. it’s cold out here.”

Sam acquiesced and followed the big man into the house where he shut and locked the door behind them. He hurried to the radio com and alerted Levi to be on guard and perhaps call the other members of the security company. Then he turned to face Sam who looked scared.
“It’s ok. We are safe so don’t worry about anything. What I want you to do is help me gather up the bunnies’ stuff—food, litter, some toys and their blankets. Get the carriers and give me a minute to grab my bag. Ok let’s go!”

“But Jerry, if we’re safe how come we’re leaving?”
“Sam. Just do as I ask.” Jerry busied himself with getting perishables for the rabbits out of the fridge and loading them up in a bag. He did not want to tell Sam what was stamped on the outside of the discarded scuba tank. The name of ‘McGarrett Enterprises’ was enough to spur him into action. He would go home with the rabbits and make sure Sam was safe with her family before he called Steve. As of right now, time was important because Jerry had no idea how long the tank had been there.

Within half an hour, they were done and Jerry’s car was loaded. Sam held the carrier with Ollie on her lap while Lily rode it out in her carrier in the back seat. A quick stop at the guard house to let Levi and now three other members of security that they were leaving and Jerry was on his way.

“Whew! That was close!” Jerry said. “Now. Let me know where to go to drop you off at home.”

“What was wrong with the tank that we had to leave so quickly?” Sam asked.
“Man oh man, nothing gets by you does it!?” Jerry asked half teasing half serious. “It’s the company that Steve’s mother owns. That’s what was stamped on the tank. I wasn’t gonna stick around to see if anyone was going to come back for it. It’s obvious now that they are watching the house so I need to tell Steve but I wanted to get you home first.”

“I’m scared for them. For Danny and Steve!” Sam clenched her fists. “So help me I’d just like to smash in their heads! Danny and Steve are the best people ever!”

“You’re making me sad,” Jerry teased.
“Oh no, Jerry, you’re fabulous too but.. you know they are closer in age to me.”

“And another zinger,” Jerry pretended to clutch his chest but then started to laugh. He liked Sam; they shared a fascination for ghosts and animals. Jerry’s smile faded as he glanced into the rear view mirror and saw a dark SUV coming in hot behind them. “Your seat belt on?”

“Yeah. I never ride in a car without my. … Jerry! There’s a car!”

When the SUV hit the back of Jerry’s Ford Focus, the impact sent the car spinning into the other lane and continuing into the gully between the highway and the field. He fought to gain control but the impact of the chassis with the hilly ground made the car come to an abrupt stop, and Jerry was knocked out from the blow to his head from hitting the side window.

“Jerry? Jerry!” Sam said, ignoring the blood that dripped from a knock on her forehead. The rabbits were thumping and Jerry was unconscious and she could not find her cell phone.

“Out!!! Get out or I’ll shoot him!”
Sam looked up at the man in black who had just pulled the door open. She clutched the carrier, frozen, scared out of her mind. “Come on!” The man pulled her roughly out so she fell on to the ground but he made her stand with a grip on her arm.

“The bunnies! They can’t be out in the cold!” Sam cried.
“Oh yeah? That’s what’s in those things?”
In horror, Sam saw the man aim at the overturned carrier that held Ollie and shoot it then do the same with Lily’s. “You’re coming with us. I’ll blow your head off if you try anything!”

Sam tried not to let hysterical tears get in the way of following her assailant’s orders. All she could think about was the rabbits were dead and Jerry might be too and these men were the devil. Of that, she was certain.


Steve was dozing, Danny in his arms. The blonde had eaten a bit but wanted to sleep most of all so Steve did not fight with him. He propped his leg up again and waited until Danny fell asleep then went to get a fast shower. He tried to watch tv but discovered he was doing more napping than paying attention so he just surrendered to sleep.
His mobile woke him up.

“McGarrett.” There was a bit of an ominous silence then what sounded like a bit of a scramble on the other end. “Hello?!?! Who is this?”

“Steve! I’m so sorry! They killed the bunnies and Jerry and I’m scared and—“
“Sam?” Steve said sitting up. His stomach was suddenly rebelling against the sandwich he’d consumed for their late dinner.

“Hello Steve.”
At the sound of the voice, Steve unconsciously gripped the phone tighter. “What the bell do you want? You better not have harmed one hair on that little girl’s head!”

“Oh Steve.” Joe laughed. “Boy, what are you gonna do about it all the way up in Frogland?”

“What are you doing, Joe? Kidnapping kids. Shooting animals. That’s not your MO. That’s pretty low level for a guy like you, isn’t it?” As Steve spoke, he got out of bed and stood by the windows.

“I diversified. Just like the good company man I am. It’s too bad really that the brat found the tank one of these idiots left on the beach. If she hadn’t we’d be having a different conversation.”

“Just tell me what you want.”

“There’s a car downstairs waiting for you. I want you in it in ten minutes. If you aren’t, or you call the police or anyone here, I’ll kill the girl. Don’t underestimate me, Steve. I’ve done worse.”

“Don’t hurt her. I’ll be down sooner than ten.” Steve ended the call and got dressed in the dark. He scribbled a note to Danny and left it beside the sleeping blonde. With a resolve he knew he’d need, Steve slipped out of the room and shut the door.


What a dilemma.
More to come in Part 2 of Lake Placid!

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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.