The Saginaw News from Saginaw, Michigan (2024)

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, THE SAGINAW DAILY NEWS. PAGE FIVE CITY STRUGGLES THROUGH FIRES SLANY OP THEM START WITH CITY LIKE TINDER BOX--NONE ART: SERIOUS. PRESSURE 35 THIS MORNING Three Pounds Below What It Was Tuesday Afternoon But Engineer Saga Proclamation I9 Being Adhered 10. The pressure at the No. 3 hose house which 18 a fair criterion of the force of water in the east Aide mains showed 35 pounds this mornIng.

It dropped three pounds from Tuesday afternoon, but at that Chief Wallls says that the water users all over the elty have religously adhered to the proclamation of Mayor Stewart regarding the use of water for sprinkling and are not using any more of the precious fluid than lutely necessary for domestic purroses. 'The steamers at the hose house were kept ready. all day for any emergency. The use of the steamers Tuesday has brought out the fact that they are diffcult to haul to a fire 08 they are old And one of them hay nothing but iron tired wheels. When it rumbles over the pavement it resembles a relic of years ago, But the steamers will be kept in use until the Gaskill pump at the water station 18 repaired and placed in operation again.

Situation Perilous, That there is a real fear regarding the perllous situation of the city was shown Monday evening when it ba. known that the Gaskill pump had gone out of commission, It became more acute Tuesday and was the chief topic of conversation in busine? and manufacturing circles. Business men pointed out In no uncertain talk that It didn't look well city 19 have such meager fire protection in offer Anyt outside business enterprisen city. that One are thinking the first of things locating in this of an outsider who is thinking of locating elsewhere asks, is the fire protection which is given. The fact la admitted that the pregent situation isn't the best advertisem*nt for Saginaw, but the nakal truth brings it out In a forceful manner.

It: wag a strango coincidence that brought a largo number of incipient fires during many hours of day Tuesday. The fire list wag 'the largest in many months but nothing serious developed. At the east side water station this morning Engineer Scherping stated that the situation was fairly good and compared favorably to that of yesterday, Several Small Blazes. company 19 was called to 12:55 Tuesday afternoon a extinWheeler and Michigan avenues at guish 8. grass fire.

There was no. damage. lose company No. 13 and truck No. 3 were called out at 2:26, by 2.

still alarm for a grass fire at tho 'MackIna street and the Pere Marquette belt line. There was no damage. At 4:03 telephono alarm called the department to 315 Hayden street where a root of a woodshed had been set on fire by sparks. Tho department had barely returned to their barna when an alarm called them ito 622 South Water street to a story and half dwelling occupied D. Claybourne and owned by.

LA Lennick Co. Sulphur was being burned in a bedroom and the loss reached $160. 6:06 a rubbish pile near Carlisle's tannery demanded attention, In the Are on 1layden street there was a setting for a great conflagration. Ay planing mill. and lumber yard were near at hand.

M'CABE CHANGED COURT DECISION ELIMINATED BENZOATE OF SODA IN PUBLISHING DECREE IN MISSOURI CASE, (By Associated Press.) Washington, Aug. across the committe table that technical questions were bring raised to keep, back evidence In an Investigation of the Dr. Wiley case created x- citement In the houso committee (n expenditures In the agricultural de'partment Wednesday during the further- examination 32. Solleitor of that department. Solicitor McCabe: a Imittet to the committee that In onlicially publishing for the department of agriculture a court decision In a Alissouri pure food case how had changed several words in the judgment of the court.

The change eliminated benzoate of soda from the decroe holding certain substances deleterious, Solicitor McCabo also admit el that William H. larria, ai coffeo expert. is employed in the bureau of chemistry under the terms exactly similar to those in the case Dr. Rusby, which McCabe refused to sanction and which brought a about the charges against Dr. McCabe Insisted there was a ditTerence, Inasmuch as there was one coffee expert the department could employ.

DISORDER IN DOCK STRIKE. (By Associated Press.) London, Aug. disorder and progress toward peace were the contrary features of the dock strike Wednesday. The men of duckland tho already are feeling the pinch of deprivation have adopto1 drastic measures to prevent any attempt by non-unionists. or clerical staffs to move a wheel and collisions with the police were frequent and sharp.

Attack Like Tigers, In Aghting to Keep the blood pure the white corpuscles attack disease germs like tigers. But often germs multiply so fast the little fighters are Then see pimples, boils, eczema, saltrheum and sores multiply and strength and appetite fall. This condition demands Electric Bitters to regulate stomach. liver and kidneys anti to expel poisons from the blood. "They are the best blood puritier, writes: C.

T. Budahn. A of Tracy, "I have ever found." They make rich, red 'blood. strong nerves and build up your health. Try them.

at CulverDelsler Marwinske Loebrich, Richter Drug Store, W. FL. The Union Drug Co. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL LudwigA quiet wedding was solemized at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mira, Theodore Wittmus.

when their daugher, Marie, was united in marriage to Mr. Charles Ludwig at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Rev. B. Howe performed the wedding ceremony.

Alfred and Edward Wittmus, brothers of the bride, and the Misses Meta Wolf and Emma Passat, were ed in pale blue messaline and carried the a attendants. The bride was gowna boquet of bride's roses. The bridesmaids wore white and carried carnatons. After the first of September Mr. and Mrs.

Ludwig will be at home to their friends in their new home, 214 North Fourteenth street. Ag a courtesy to her guest, Miss Irene Baum of Saginaw, Miss Lena Kolb entertalned with a dinner Sunday evening at her summer home, "Willomere," Aplin beach. lier guesta were the Alisses Winnifred and Florence Presley, Marie Kolb, Pearl McGoech. Sadie Pearson, Ruth Perkins, Gertrude Elliott, and Ruth Van Eginond of Toronto: esars. William Perkins, Van Pilmore, Frank Mohr, Chester McFarland, Carl Bloom shied, Don Smith, William McMorris, Ralph Henning and Stanley Brown of Saginaw, The party was chaperoned by Mr.

and Mrs. Adam Kolb. The Misses Mildred and Beatrice Green entertained the G. S. HI.

SewIng club at their home, South milton street, Tuesday afternoon. At four o'clock a luncheon was served. The table decoration of sweet peas and smilax was very attractive. The next meeting will be held at the home of Miss Idllian Stange, 113 South Hamilton street. Mr.

and Mrs. George Spindler, entertained a. number of all about 30, at a corn and wienerwurst roast on the banks of the Tittabawassee river Tuesday night. The moon shone brightly and lent an added feature to the pleasant three hours that wass pent. The Benjamin TV.

C. T. U. will meet Friday afternoon, August 11, at the home of Mrs. Ayles, 822 North Third street, at 2:30 o'clock.

It iS hoped all members and friends will he present. Mrs. Walter Beeson entertained informally yesterday afternoon at bridge in honor of Miss Mary Armour and Mrs. Gerald Totten. An informal dance will be given this evening at the Canoe club to honor out of town guests.

The C. E. society of the Warren 4' Avenue Baptist church gave a miscellaneous shower last evening in honor of Miss Edna Bennett at the home of Miss Mary Krenz, 1081 Vermont street. Miss Bennett received many useful presents. The South Division of the Ladies' Aid society of the Genesee Avenuo Christian church will meet Thursday afternoon in the church parlors.

A box will be packed for the fire sufferers, and a full attendance is desired. The Ladies' Aid society of Bridgeport M. E. church will serve a sup- SOUTH SIDE 4 "Don't Suffer." Nyal's Dyspepsia Remedy is one of the best remedies known for the treatment of Indigestion and all forms of Nyal's dyspepsia. Dyspepsia Remedy Improves the appetite, tones the stomach, secretions increases the flow of digestive and restores the digestive tract to a normal condition.

Guaranteed to give, results or money refunded. 50c per bottle. PHARMACY, MOELLER'S South Side. Mrs. Ed.

Gardner, of 1s. in the city today on business. Mrs. Hurst has gone to Mt. Clemens, where she will receive treatment.

David Strong has returned home from Lake Orion, where ho was being trated. Miss Francis Long. of Gladwin, 13 visiting her sister, Mrs. B. A.

Wright, Wisner street. Mrs. Albert Bradley has returned to her home In Wheeler after visiting her sister, Mrs. Matt Melssner, Glasby street. The Christian Endeavor society of the Fordney, Avenue Baptist church will by Mrs.

Walton Sunday evening at 6:30. Subject, "Temperance." Mr. and Mrs. J. Merlone, 517 Wilkins street, are entertaining Mrs.

Merlone's sister, Mrs. Josephine Lovera of France. They had not met before In 15 years. a At the Tent Meetings After reading and commenting briefly upon the first nine verses of chapter, Evangelist S. B.

Shaw took for his text last night: Isa. 55:6. "Seek ye the Lord while He may be found; call ye upon Him while He is near." There was an altar service for special prayer at the close and several seekers. An earnest and cordial invitation is extended to all who want to see a revival in Saginaw to attend the all-day meeting for prayer tomorrow commencing at 10 a. m.

Luncheon will be served without charge. Brief talks on prayer will be given. About of the children who hare been attending the meetings for boys and girls held daily at 2 p. m. have had their picture taken In 8 group and by kindness of Bonhoff of North Hamilton street, each child who has been faithful in attendance will: be presented with a copy of the group on as postal card.

the An meetings Interesting Is the feature of testimonials some of those who were converted in meetings held by Mr. Shaw twenty or more years ago. To reach the tent take Court street car to Mason street and walk one short block south. Among the speakers will be Rev. a.

Jr. Vercoe. Rev. C. E.

AdJutant Mason, Maj. Ivings, Rev. P. looper, Supt. J.

I. Kellogg and Supt. Newberry. TART WILL VETO THE BILL Washington, Aug. 9.

Word was received at the capitol today that dent Taft unquestionably will veto the New Dexico and Arizona statehood bill passed by the senate Tuesday night. His objection is to the Judiciary recall feature which was left in the Arizona constitution. CA CASTORIA RIA For Infants and Children. the Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Can COUNTY FINANCES LOW IN SOME FUNDS JOLLY AFFAIR FOR CHILDREN IS THE PROGRESSIVE PARTY A. Jolly party for children is called the "progressive party." It should be at one home, during the middie of the afternoon, with the children invited all assembled for an hour! or two of games and frolic.

Then comes the progressive part--the supper. To properly play the game, if the homes are far apart, an automobile or some other vehicle for the transportation of the small guests is necessary. Even if none of the parents own an automobile, one can be hired for an afternoon and with several families participating, the ex- per at the home of Mrs. Alb -rt Mickoliczik in Bridgeport next Friday, August 11, commencing at 5:30 p. M11.

The Ladies' Aid society of the German church will meet with Mrs. Stecker, corner of North Oakley and State streets, Thursday afternoon. Cook's mid-summer assembly is to be held at the Auditorium this evening. A large crowd is expected to attend. The Ladies' Aid society of the Bridgeport Congregational church will serve supper at the home of Sirs.

Mickalaicizk on Friday, August 11, commencing at 5:30 p. m. Cecil Hive No. 20, L. 0.

T. M. will give it's annual party Friday evening in K. O. T.

M. M. hall, Bridgeport. iS Mark's Evangelical church will give The Ladias' Aid society of the St. an ice cream social on the church lawn this evening.

The Ladies' Aid society of the Zion Lutheran church, corner of Mason and Ianco*ck streets, will give an lee cream social Thursday evening. The ladies of St. Mary's church will hold a lawn fete on the church grounds Thursday evening. The Utile Dulci club will picnic at Fordney park Thursday afternoon. PERSONAL.

H. S. Steele spent Tuesday in Flint. Mrs. John Leutritz is visiting in Freeland.

Miss Alma Koeppen is spending the week in Detrolt. Miss Arla Bittermann is spending 3. week at 0-At-ka beach. Miss Lena Kolb of play City. Miss Irene Baum the guest of Mr.

and Mrs. C. C. Hickok left today for a visit in New York state. Charles Q.

Carlisle has returned from an outing spent at Bayport. Miss Zola Wilson who has been visiting in Flint, has returned home. Otto Wolf and Stewart Brown are camping at Bay Port for two weeks. trots J. Chicago, Stephenson Muskegon has and returned Grand Rapids.

Airs. Sarah Heyman has returned from a trip to New York and Canadian points. Miss Doyt Thayer left today for Detroit, where she will visit friends for the next week. Mrs. Lizzie Louden has returned home after spending two weeks at Crystal Lake.

Miss Cora Oberlin of Cheboygan 1s visiting Mrs. J. B. Greenway of Wadsworth street. W.

J. Wolf and Miss Meta Wolf have returned home from a few days' visit in Detroit. Miss Ella Berg after a six months' stay In Detroit, has returned home at 2143 State street. Dir. and Mrs.

A. L. Whedon and son Arthur leave Thursday for a trip through the east. Miss Helen C. Bernard of Detroit, 1s visiting her sister, Mrs.

McPeek and Mrs. John McQuade. Migg Elizabeth Bennett, 1134 Warren avenue, who has been ill for several recovering. Miss Hilda Jennings of Detroit Is the guest of Miss a Flora Roberts, South Washington avenue. Mrs.

Fred Buckel and children. Gladys and Harold, have returned from Buffalo and Nagara Mrs. William E. Root of Swan Creek was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.

IA Thorp of Crapo street over Sunday. Mrs. J. H. Stevenson has returned home from a week's visit with friends in Chicago, Muskegon and Grand Rapids.

1 Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cornwell and family have returned after several weeks' visit in the northern part of the state.

Mrs. Margaret Scott of Brantford, is visiting her sister, Mrs. IVillam B. Hawkins, 1008 South Weadock avenue, Sisa Ella Bigelow of Akron, Ohio. is visiting at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. William Jameson, South Weadock avenue. have left for a trip through east. Mrs. Helen Davidson and On their return they will visit at Clare.

Misses Lena and Alice Myer have left for a trip through the Thousand Islands and the St. Lawrence river. They will also visit at Montreal and Quebec. Miss Margaret McGibny of Detroit is visiting: the home of Mr. and Mrs.

E. A. Perkins, 2177 North Michigan avenue. Mrs. Jennie Quick of Grand Rapids has returned after visiting three weeks with her sister, Mrs.

M. Eib, Clark street. Miss Margaret Griffin, teacher at the Mershon school. has returned from Ypsilanti, where attended summer school. After finishing the course she visited in Fort Wayne, Kendalville and Albion, Ind.

Jirs. John Boergert and son. Alfred went to New York city Saturday to visit John H. Boergert and relMrs. Boergert will be gone about thirty day's and her son will stay there 8 week or more.

Afr. and Mrs. c. Sumption of Kalamazoo, arrived in Saginaw yesterday and intend to remain here during the year. Mr.

Sumption will act as manager of the Bijou theater this year, he having been treasurer last year of the Academy. Smith and daughter Grace, of Wadsworth, Ohio, who hare been visiting at the home of Mr. Smith's sister, Hamilton Mrs. street. J.

V. have Davis, 1721 returned a South to their home In Wadsworth, having enjoyed a delightful thre weeks' visit in Try The News Want Ads pense 19 slight. Following the games the youngsters are taken to one home for the Arst sibly; into the car again course Methesupper, a light soup posthey move on to the home of the next hostess, where something else 13 served. and SO on through the list. The number of courses to be served is optional, and the entertalnment has more than one good and attractive feature: the expense is not laid heavily on any one hostess.

With the food courses separated by auto ride there is no danger of over stuffing. The fun the children get out of a progressive party is almost unlimited. AMUsem*nTS The announcement that the Sheehan Opero Co. would present "Love Tales of Hoffman" in English the frat time in this city has created much interest. Ever since the Metropolitan performance of Love Tales of Hoffman" the past season it has been a topic of conversation among music lovers.

Its beautiful melodies and exquisite comedy delighted all who heard it and the many thousands who were unable to do SO account of the exorbitant prices charged are flocking to take advantage of the opportunity given by Mr. Sheehan and his organization. ZILAVAUKEE. Roy Clement has gone to Detroit. Miss Frida Kochler is in Chicago.

Mina Metiva is at Pine River, Miss Una Bigger is at Point Lookout. Miss Mary LaBrash has returned from Detrolt. Mrs. Chas. Brown of Birch Run, is a visitor here.

Henry Reherus is confined to his home by illness. George Otto of Detroit, is here on business. visiting her grandparents, DIr. and Mrs. Andrew George Wagner, operator for the M.

C. R. R. at Lansing, is in town. Mr.

and Mrs. Jas. Clement and Mrs. Ed. Metiva spent Sunday at Tawas.

Mrs. J. A. Summerfield and daughter, Madaline, have gone to Lupton. Mrs.

Charlan of Warren, is risiting her sister, Mrs. A. Gardiner. ed at a house evening. Mr.

and Mrs. Humphrey, entertainDIr. Ashbit's Mr. Con Marr'a families are spending the summer here, camping. H.

A. Stevenson of Wasatch, Utah. spent several days as the guest of Miss Jessie Gardiner. Miss Celia Clement. spent the past week with Mrs.

John Luth in their cottage at Winona Beach. Owen Gensiver, of Pontiac. was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.

D. Gensiver, last Sunday. Zilwaukee, Aug. Westendolt is very ill with pneumonia at the home of his son, Joseph Westendolf. Mrs.

Frank Tasbinder Lawrence, of Pontiac, and sister, and son, Mrs. Chas. Nichols, of Bay City, are visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs.

G. Toplan and son and Miss Pearl Glasslee of Flushing spent Sunday with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bierd and daughter have returned yesterday after a visit with relatives and friends in Wolverine, day Miss morning Grace for Heckathora left Flushing.

She expects to spend the remainder of the week visiting relatives. Catholic The ice cream social given ny the church at the home Mr. Napoleon Parent last evening proved 3 great success. Celery can be much Improved by soaking it for an hour in ice cold water in which a lemon has been squeezed. CONDITION WILL BE REFERRED TO FINANCE COMMITTEE IN OCTOBER.

SHERIFF AND JUSTICES WILL WAIT smallpox and Overdrafts or 1910 For Which No Provision Was Made Cause of the Trouble. When the board of superviors meets In October, County Treasurer H. F. Paddock will refer the condition of several funds to the finance commit-! tee asking that some arrangements be made so that outstanding orders can be paid. The fund for the pursult.

arrest, and trial of criminals, is at the present time overdrawn. The contingent fund will be overdrawn before January 1, and also the fund for keeping of prisoners will be depleted. No orders on the former will be pald. There are several reasons for this state of affairs. Last year funds which are used by the sheriff, deputies, and justices of the peace, Were overdrawn and County Treasurer Paddock paid orders from money to settle the claims, leaving the funds short for this year.

The condition of the contingent fund is due to the smallpox epidemic last fall, and the heavy expense which the county was forced to bear. speaking of the affairs Treasurer Paddock said the conditions were not unexpected, because of last year. The county has not one cent bonded indebtedness, and it will be an easy matter to pay the orders, when the finance committee meets. in October. Sheriff Rimmele and the justices of the peace, will be inconventenced, but their orders will be good later in year.

Mr. Paddock will also ark the committee to appropriate suffcient money to carry the departments over 1912. BLUMFIELD GUN CLUB SHOOT The Blumfeld Gun club held a successful shoot Sunday at the farm of George Bluemlein, one of its members. Many contestants from the vicinity of Reese participated in the sport. Cash prizes were won by William Stoltz and Henry Mueller.

The following being the results in each of the events: Frist event(Cash prizes) -15 birds, TV. Stoltz, H. Mueller, 12. Second event-10 birds--H. Leltow, F.

Flues, Geo. Bluemlein, H. Mueller, Frank Flues, L. Leitow 6. TWO FACTORIES TO GO ON OUTING THOS.

JACKSON AND SAGINAW WHEELBARROW TO DETROIT AUG. 19TIL fy The Thomas Jackson company and the Saginaw Whelbarrow company have joined forces and will hold their annual outing, the fifth of its kind in Detroit Saturday, Aug. 19. The Pere Marquette will run a special train which will take in the loop line and will leave the Potter street a station at o'clock. It Is expected that between 300 and 400 will go.

A ball game between the two manufacturing institutions will feature the sports of day. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAS TO RIA I CANADIAN 45,000 Farm PACIFIC, Laborers Wanted Harvesting Work in Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatche SPECIAL EXCURSIONS $10 01. Additional for the Return $18 as Ticket, below. under conditions FROM WINDSOR AND SARNIA. ONT.

AUG. 23RD. Special Train Leaves 0 A. J. Eastern Time.

These Dates One- Way Second-Class Tickets Will Be Sold to Winnipeg Ouly, Representative farmers apointed by Manitoba, Sasketchewan and Alberta Free Governments transportation will will meet be and furnished engage at laborers on arrival at Winnipeg. and Winnipeg to points Can. Pac. Saskatoon Saskatchewan and Warman, at one cent a mile each way west thereof in Alberta. These Farmers' verification certidcates, provided they are deposited with Station Ticket Agent Immediately on arrival at final destination and the conditions specified thereon are complied with, will enable purchaser to buy bec, a or ticket before good to November return to 30th.

original starting point In Ontario or Queon at $18.00. if destination has been 1911, by same route as used on going trip a Manitoba or Saskatchewan, west. southwest or northwest of Winnipeg to Moose Jaw, Sask4toon. subdivisions. Warman, Pelly or Swan River inclusive, Including Intermediate Passengers who on on going trip obtain tickets to points west of Moose Jaw or Saskatoon Canadian Pacite Ry.

Swan River, Warman or Saska. toon Iginal on starting Canadian point in Northern Ontario Ry. will be returned from such points to er. mile to Moose Jaw, Saskatoon, or Warman Quebec or Swnn fare of one cent (1c) per River addded to Farm point laborers' in Ontario return or fare of Quebec. $18.00 from those points to original starting to Tickets women are as good well only as on special Farm Laborers' trains and will be Isaned to men, but will not be Issued at half fare to children.

1. E. EDMONDS, D. P. A.

Fort Street West, Detroit. Mich. A MACAULEY SAID Those inventions which have abridged distance have done the most for civilization. USE THE BELL and patronize the service that has done most to abridge distance AT ONCE Your personality is miles away LONC Every Bell Telephone is STANCE long distance station. ELEPHONE List you: property FentonMater Co.

411 West Genesea Arequa Insure with Barton Hoist Paint, $1.50 gal. Buckhout, 613 Gen. Attend K. of C. meeting tonight.

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Crippen, of Brown City, Aug. 5, a son.

Mrs. Crippen was formerly Miss Maud Mayrille of this city. The aldermen of Bay City, city cials and a few members of the board of commerce of that city, are at Cooko Dam today as guests of the Eastern Michigan Power company. This Is the third trip of its kind to the plant. ed The at the following local men have been enlist.

recruiting station the past few days: acceptant Dickscheidt, former soldier, thirteenth infantry, Leavenworth, Walter McDonald, Chicago, for artillery: Birr Manial, Saginaw, for infantry: William Dukette, Bay City: George Freelalandine and George H. Terrill, latter three accepted for cavalry, All have gone to Columbus barracks, Columbus, O. Thursday Prices Fancy Large Apples variety: peck tall ted cans Alaska Salmon 18c Whole Per dozen 4c luffed WheatPackage 8c Wheat mic is Package Arm Hammer Pound pkg. 6c Tanglefoot Fly T'aperdouble sheets 10c Evaporated Something new; cheaper and better than fresh; id 3C Finest Dry Beans Full quart tins 72 quarts 15c or Lemon -Large bottles 19c Peach Jelly CandyVery nice, pound 18c Royal Salad Dressing26c size 18 Minest California Asparagus in large 3-pound cans 20c Best Baked Beans In Tomato Sauce- Three 2 pound cans 33c After Dinner Fresh lot, pound A 16c Nice Crock Dairy Butter for table use pound 2703 Norwegian Smoked Sardines. 15c size, 2 for 21c Ferndale Japan Ten--Saves you 16c a pound on your tea bill: pound 34c Pound Domestic A Swiss Cheese- 17c "Snow Cake or bread? Flour, small Rack 73c: large sack 1.40% Oakgrove Butterine- In one pound prints, each 20c Peter, Smith's Coffee Nero 25c Marigold 30 Tzar Volt's -Large Cream Corn Flakes (6 Silverold Teaspoons free) .15 to Ferndale 35c pound Coffee- Worth 306.

22c Best Cone sacks with orders 1.403 Rest Holland Salt Herring -Dozen 28c Bismarck Preserves Large Hubnomore jars 10 bars Son p- 39c Sound Home-grown Tomato -3 quarte Best Clotheslines-250 value Shelled Walnnts or -Pound large cans A Good Toilet Paper --7 large rolls 2503 Imperial Cheese -25c Jars 20c Fine Canned -Raspberries, Strawberries, Peaches or CAN Pears, in 'heavy syrup, 15c Fresh Egg A Dozen 1 Port Jellicon and -All Sherry favors; wine, also 2 for. 15c Yeast Foam-3 packages 10c 4 Salted pounds Sonds. also Unsalted 25c Good California. -Good size, dozen. .23 Rock Sweet late.

pound 18c Lighthouse good Ag cans Dutch: 6 large 25 Good Gem Melons -Baskets of 15 to 16 melons, each 650 CHARLES H. KRETSCHMER GROCERY COMPANY 100 S. Jefferson. Both Phones 170 TOWN TALK New per Potatoes 39c Choice Dairy Butter, by the crock, per lb 26c 6 pkgs. Corn Starch 26c Olives, per jar 12 5c boxes best Matches 380 10 bars Queen Anne Soap 33c 6.

bars Fels Naptha lbs. Ginger Pure Olive Oil, per qt. .900 lb. Baker's Cocoa: 22c 1-2 lb. Baker's Chocolate .190 3 pkgs.

Raisins 23c 2 lbs. Peanut Butter 220 2-1b. 2 lb. roll Oleomargarine, 320 15c can Pork and 3 pkg Mince Meat 3 cans lbs. Fresh Crackers Good Red Salmon.

15c 3 doz large Sour 25c bot. Blue Label Catsup. 180 3 qts, Handpicked 1-4 bbl. Lily White Flour. $1.35 bbl.

Minnesota Spring Wheat Flour $1.45 lbs Whole Rice 7 15s. Broken Rice 25c Tea Dust 25c Try a pound of my 24-cent TAR My 25c per Ib. 22c Large package Gold 19c SULEYS CROCERY STORE Talley Phone 509. Bell 1061. 522 Ave.

WALTER FRAZEE SONS FUNERAL DIRECTORS Lady Both Phones -W. MEADER 232 N. Warren. Both Phones 1:6 GROCERIES VEGETABLES Fresh Telephone Peas, quarts Fancy Large General Evergreen Corn, Tc 5 Long Green Seedless Cucumbers 5c Selected Red Ripe Tomatoes. 3 quarts 3 Bunches Extra Celery Selected.

9c FRUITS Peaches, 15c Fears, Quarts 15c Red Raspberries, extra heavy syrup, 15c Blueberries. extra heavy syrup; 15c Cherries, extra heavy syrup, 15c Peaches, extra heavy syrup. can. 15c BAKED GOODS each Fresh Angel Foods, Fresh Roston Brown Bread 5c Fresh Ples, any kind 15c Home-made Cookies, dozen ...10 After-Dinner Mints, 16c Fresh Salted Peanuts, 15c PICNIC GOODS or pkgs, Tryphosa Jello, Jellycon 15c 12 Napkins or Plates Grape Julce, bottle 25c Arcadian Ginger Alc, dozen 1.25 Veal Loaf. can 15c caCorn Beef Hash 10c flavor, Campbell's can Soups, any Full Cream Cheese, 16c Strictly Fresh Eggs, guaranteed 21c Best Creamery or Dairy 28c Sardines Best Domestic Oil 55c, Lobsters, 30c 18c Pure Maple Syrup can HELLERS SPECIALS FOR ALL THIS WEEK.

2 dz. STRICTLY FRESH 30c or IO lbs. FINE GRAN. CANE SUGAR With $1.00 or more. of other goods.

A One lot of Choice Dairy 250 and and Creamery Butter, 28c in We 2-lb. keep rolls, the 25c best O1co 4 Ginger Iba fresh Snaps 25c 2 Butter The, fresh Crackers 15c 5 Ibe. best Clothes Starch 15c 2 Cornstarch 1-lb. pkgs. best 15c 13 barg Sunny Monday Soap 49c A Broom, good only 4-bound 19c 2 Butter fresh Peanut 23c 1 Peanuts lb.

fresh Salted 2 Chocolate lbs. fresh: Creams 25c Beans cans Picnic Baked 15c 4 Sardines cans Imported 011 25c Finest Now York State Cream Cheese, Brick Cream and Limburger; also the best Imported Enmenthaler Swias Cheese. In Fruit Jars we keep Mason, Economy. Sobramm and Soulfast Glass Top Sanitary Jars Buy your Spices, high grade Vinegar for pickles. Baking Powder, Teas and Coffers here And get An order on Krupp's Studio for 3 Photograph worth $1.25 free.

Remember we guarantee our Spices and Vinegar pure. Now Imported Mayche's Herring now. P.P. Heller Bro. Phone 12.

601 Genesce. Bell Phone 999.1 Valley 132-B. Dan Troy Co. 212 N. Jefferson Are.

Thursday's specials: 1b. crock choice Butter $1.40 10 bars Fela Naptha Soap. 4 quarts New Dry Onions. 25c doz. Fresh Eggs 390 Large Ripe Water Melons.

.350 1 peck Tender Sweet Peas. 3 large Cucumbers 3 pkgs. Corn Flakes 1. pkgs. Corn Starch tall can Red Alaska Sale mon We handle the Best Fruits vegetables the market fords, Bell Phone 999.

Valley 152-5. News Want Ads Pay.

The Saginaw News from Saginaw, Michigan (2024)
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Article information

Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Last Updated:

Views: 6193

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (44 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.