Ayman Alheraki on LinkedIn: #cpp #rust #multi_language_programming #software_development… (2024)

Ayman Alheraki

Senior Software Engineer. C++, Python, NodeJS/JavaScript, SQL, NoSQL

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"Beyond Boundaries: A Delphi/C++Builder Inspired Approach to Multi-Language Programming" (Highlights the success of an existing model and its potential for broader application)-------------------------------------------Absolutely! Integrating two languages like C++ and Rust within a single programming framework is not only possible but has proven highly effective. This approach allows developers to leverage the strengths of each language.How it WorksCore Libraries in Rust: Essential libraries for tasks like UI development, database connectivity, networking, and other tools can be written in Rust. Rust's memory safety and performance characteristics make it a great choice for these foundational components.Application Logic in C++: The main application logic can be written in C++, taking advantage of its extensive ecosystem and established patterns.Seamless Integration: The two languages are linked together, creating a unified program that combines the best of both worlds.Real-World Example: Delphi/C++BuilderA prime example of this successful integration is seen in Borland's Delphi/C++Builder environment.VCL Libraries: When Borland launched Delphi in the 90s, they developed the powerful Visual Component Library (VCL) in Delphi.C++Builder Integration: Later, with the release of C++Builder, they cleverly reused the VCL libraries without rewriting them in C++. This allowed C++Builder to access the rich functionality of the VCL, resulting in rapid development and high-performance applications.Cross-Platform Success: While initially limited to Windows, Embarcadero (Borland/Codegear) later introduced the FireMonkey (FMX) library, designed in Delphi and compatible with C++Builder. This enabled the creation of applications that could run seamlessly on Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, and Android.Key AdvantagesLeveraging Strengths: Each language is used for what it does best, maximizing efficiency and code quality.Rapid Development: Pre-built libraries and components accelerate the development process.Performance and Safety: Rust's memory safety features enhance the robustness of the core libraries.Cross-Platform Compatibility: Frameworks like FireMonkey demonstrate that this approach can lead to applications that run on multiple operating systems.ConclusionIntegrating multiple languages within a programming framework is a proven strategy for building powerful, efficient, and versatile applications. The Delphi/C++Builder example showcases the potential of this approach, and it's exciting to consider how similar integrations could be used to create even more innovative development environments in the future.#Cpp #Rust #Multi_Language_Programming #Software_Development #ProgrammingFrameworks #Cross_Platform_Development #Delphi #CppBuilder #Language_Integration #Programming_Languages



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Glenn Dufke

Embarcadero MVP, Delphi Multi Platform Expert | Modern Object Pascal Compilers | C#/C/C++ | Electronics Design


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A few missing pieces and corections.Under Borland, they did experiment with a cross platform framework, called CLX and based on top of QT. This was available as part of Delphi 6/7 and C++Builder 6, as well as Kylix for Linux.This effort however stalled..When the developer tools were split out to CodeGear and later Embarcadero bought CodeGear, as part of the new multi-platform effort, they acquired VGScene from KS-Dev and extended it further to create FireMonkey which was launched as part of RAD Studio XE2.It is Embarcadero's effort that we today have the most versatile and mature multi platform framework with the least friction. This allows developers to focus on what matters - develop awesome applications and design nice GUIs fast.

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    Senior Software Engineer. C++, Python, NodeJS/JavaScript, SQL, NoSQL

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    Does Money Make the Difference? Choosing the Right Programming Language for You.------------------------------------------------In the programming world, we often find ourselves in debates about the "best programming language." Is it Python for its simplicity? C++ for its power? Or perhaps Rust for its memory safety?But the truth, as pointed out by one of our esteemed followers in a previous post, is that the best programming language is the one that brings you money!This might seem like an oversimplification, but it carries an important truth:Job Market Rules: The popular and in-demand programming languages in the job market are the ones that will open more job doors and provide better opportunities.Practical Value: Learning a programming language that you don’t use in reality, no matter how powerful or elegant, won’t benefit you much.Specialization is Key: Instead of trying to master all languages, focus on specializing in the ones that give you a competitive edge in your field.How to Determine the Right Language for You?Explore Job Opportunities: Check job sites and see the languages required for the jobs that interest you.Talk to Developers: Ask developers in your field about the languages they use and why.Try for Yourself: Don’t be afraid to experiment with new languages to see which one fits your style and preferences.Does This Mean Money is Everything?Of course not! Passion and interest in a particular language are also important. But if you’re thinking about advancing your career, it’s wise to consider the potential financial return of your skills.#Programming #SkillDevelopment #TechJobs #DeveloperTips #JobMarket



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  • Ayman Alheraki

    Senior Software Engineer. C++, Python, NodeJS/JavaScript, SQL, NoSQL

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    Rust: Unleashing the Power of Inline Assembly for C++ Veterans.----------------------------------------------------------------------Calling all C++ enthusiasts venturing into the world of Rust!Are you worried about losing the fine-grained control and performance optimization that inline assembly offers in C++? Fear not! Rust empowers you to harness the same level of low-level manipulation with its robust inline assembly support.Why Inline Assembly Matters:Ultimate Performance: Squeeze every ounce of performance out of your code by directly interacting with hardware and executing critical code paths in assembly.Hardware Interaction: Gain direct access to low-level hardware resources and specialized instructions for tasks like device drivers and embedded systems.Specialized Algorithms: Implement highly optimized algorithms that aren't easily achievable with high-level abstractions.Rust's Inline Assembly Arsenal:Rust's asm! macro provides a flexible interface for inline assembly:Intel and AT&T Syntax: Choose your preferred syntax style.Embedded or Global: Seamlessly embed assembly code within your Rust functions or define it globally.Input/Output Operands: Easily pass data between Rust variables and assembly registers.Clobbers and Constraints: Explicitly specify register usage and side effects for optimal code generation.Example (Intel Syntax):use std::arch::x86_64::*;unsafe fn fast_multiply(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {let mut result: i32;asm!("imul {0}, {1}",in(reg) a,in(reg) b,out(reg) result,);result}Beyond the Basics:SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data): Leverage Rust's SIMD intrinsics and inline assembly for parallel processing on supported architectures.Custom Allocators: Craft tailored memory allocators for specific performance or safety needs.#rustlang #cplusplus #assemblylanguage #lowlevelprogramming #performanceoptimization #systemsdevelopment #programminglanguages #webassembly


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  • Ayman Alheraki

    Senior Software Engineer. C++, Python, NodeJS/JavaScript, SQL, NoSQL

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    Good topic.


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  • Ayman Alheraki

    Senior Software Engineer. C++, Python, NodeJS/JavaScript, SQL, NoSQL

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  • Ayman Alheraki

    Senior Software Engineer. C++, Python, NodeJS/JavaScript, SQL, NoSQL

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    Writing Professional C++ Code: Essential Steps and Best Practices.-------------------------------------------------------------------------Mastering C++ coding requires a deep understanding of the language and its features, along with following best practices to avoid common pitfalls. Here are the key steps you should follow:Good Design:Problem Analysis: Before coding, thoroughly analyze the problem. Define inputs, outputs, and break down the problem into smaller subtasks.Solution Design: Use design tools like UML diagrams to structure your program and define relationships between objects and functions.Algorithm and Data Structure Selection: Choose appropriate algorithms and data structures to efficiently solve the problem.Memory Management:Smart Pointers: Utilize smart pointers (std::unique_ptr, std::shared_ptr, std::weak_ptr) for automatic memory management and to prevent memory leaks.RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization): Apply RAII principle to tie resource management (like memory) to object lifecycle.Avoid new and delete: Use new and delete sparingly, preferring smart pointers over raw pointers.Multithreading Management:Standard Thread Library: Safely create and manage threads using the C++ Standard Thread Library.Synchronization: Use synchronization tools like mutexes and condition variables to ensure safe access to shared resources among threads.Asynchronous Techniques: Employ asynchronous techniques such as promises, futures, and async/await to enhance program performance and avoid thread blocking.Best Practices:Code Structuring: Divide your code into modules or files to organize it and make it more readable and maintainable.Use of const: Use const wherever possible to denote variables and constants that should not be changed, aiding in error prevention.Comments and Documentation: Write clear comments and comprehensive documentation to explain and facilitate understanding of your code by others.Code Testing: Implement unit tests to validate the correctness of your code and identify errors early on.Avoid Common Issues:Array Overflows: Use std::vector or std::array instead of C-style arrays to avoid exceeding array capacity.Uninitialized Resources: Ensure all variables and resources are properly initialized before use.Dangling Pointers: Avoid using pointers that point to objects that have already been deleted.Useful Tools:Static Code Analyzer: Employ static code analysis tools like Clang-Tidy and Cppcheck to detect potential errors early on.Debugger: Use a debugger to trace code execution and pinpoint errors.Profilers: Utilize performance profiling tools to analyze code performance and identify bottlenecks.By following these steps and utilizing appropriate tools, you can write professional and reliable C++ code, while avoiding common issues related to memory and multithreading management.


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  • Ayman Alheraki

    Senior Software Engineer. C++, Python, NodeJS/JavaScript, SQL, NoSQL

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    Steps to Learn a New Programming Language for Professionals.---------------------------------------------------------------------As a seasoned programmer, you already possess a strong foundation to quickly pick up a new language. Here's a roadmap to maximize your learning and minimize the time investment:Define Your Goals:Why this language? Clarify your purpose. Are you expanding your skillset, tackling a specific project, or exploring a new domain?What level of proficiency? Do you aim for expertise or basic knowledge to handle simple projects?Choose the Right Resources:Bootcamps/Intensive Courses: Look for online or in-person bootcamps tailored for experienced programmers. These often focus on core concepts and practical applications.Books & References: Select specialized books on the new language, preferably aimed at experienced coders. These offer in-depth explanations of concepts and advanced applications.Hands-On Projects: Don't just study theory. Start working on small to medium-sized projects to apply your knowledge and solidify concepts.Focus on Fundamentals:Language Structure: Grasp the new language's syntax, data types, variables, functions, and control flow.Programming Paradigm: Understand the language's paradigm (object-oriented, functional, etc.) and how it's applied in coding.Libraries & Tools: Explore popular libraries and tools used in the new language and how they streamline development.Leverage Your Experience:Compare Languages: Contrast the new language with those you're fluent in. This helps you grasp similarities and differences, easing the learning curve.Problem-Solving: Apply your problem-solving expertise to implement new concepts in the new language.Read Code: Study open-source projects written in the new language to see how it's used in real-world scenarios.Practice Consistently:Daily Time Allocation: Dedicate daily time to practice, even if it's just a short session. Consistent practice is key to mastering any new skill.Community Engagement: Join online developer communities, participate in discussions, and ask questions. Learn from others and expand your network.Challenge Yourself: Participate in coding challenges or online competitions to test your skills and learn more.Bonus Tips:Be Patient: Learning takes time and effort. Don't get discouraged by initial hurdles.Have Fun: Learning a new language can be enjoyable and rewarding. Embrace the exploration and discovery of new concepts.By following these steps, you'll optimize your time and effort, mastering the new language quickly and efficiently.#programming #coding #softwaredevelopment #learning #careerdevelopment #techskills #upskilling


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  • Ayman Alheraki

    Senior Software Engineer. C++, Python, NodeJS/JavaScript, SQL, NoSQL

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    Transitioning from C++ to Rust: My Journey.-------------------------------------------------Regarding the experience with Rust in depth, and to avoid my opinion always being biased as human nature towards what I have loved and worked with for a long time, I asked Gemini this question, and it gave me a somewhat convincing answer. In fairness, because I have written a lot about the comparison between C++ and Rust and observed various reactions from those biased towards either language, as well as good and convincing comments, my knowledge of a particular language does not prevent me from trying to learn another. This allows me to choose the language that best suits my work and is more secure and productive.Question:"When I have been a professional C++ programmer for more than 20 years and have accumulated many solutions and libraries over the years, can I switch to a language that is safe in terms of memory management and multi-threading, has almost the same efficiency as C++, but is relatively modern? I need sincere advice."Answer:Certainly! You can switch to a safer language for memory management and multithreading without sacrificing performance and efficiency. Here are some tips based on your C++ experience:Why Consider Switching?Safe Memory Management: Rust handles memory automatically, reducing risks like memory leaks and improper access.Safe Multithreading: Rust offers tools to write correct multithreaded programs, minimizing issues like deadlocks and race conditions.Performance: Rust provides performance close to C++, suitable for high-speed, efficient applications.Active Community: Rust has a growing community and rich libraries that ease development.Transition Challenges:Learning Curve: Adjusting to new concepts may take time.Porting Effort: Converting your C++ libraries might require effort and adjustments.Practical Tips:Start Small: Experiment with Rust on small projects.Use Community Support: Seek advice from experts online.Understand Core Concepts: Learn how Rust handles memory and multithreading.Leverage Libraries: Use existing libraries to simplify development.Choosing Rust:Rust is ideal for safety and efficiency with its unique ownership system ensuring memory safety at compile time.Ultimately, evaluate your needs and priorities to choose the language that best suits your work.



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  • Ayman Alheraki

    Senior Software Engineer. C++, Python, NodeJS/JavaScript, SQL, NoSQL

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    Good article "C++20 Filesystem Tasks on cppstories.com"


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Ayman Alheraki on LinkedIn: #cpp #rust #multi_language_programming #software_development… (28)

Ayman Alheraki on LinkedIn: #cpp #rust #multi_language_programming #software_development… (29)


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Ayman Alheraki on LinkedIn: #cpp #rust #multi_language_programming #software_development… (2024)
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