Arcanis Secret Santa (2024)

1. Secret Santa Generator

  • A straightforward open-source tool to help you generate your secret santa pairings. One static page, and that's it.

  • No signup, no email, no bullshit. Just a straightforward open-source tool to help you generate your secret santa pairings. One static page, and that's it.

2. Secret Santa Pairing

  • Want to start your own Secret Santa with your friends? Click here to get started!

  • Hi ! You've been paired with

3. Secret Santa Pairing

  • Want to start your own Secret Santa with your friends? Click here to get started!

  • Hi ! You've been paired with

4. John J D Munn on LinkedIn: A useful (free) secret santa generator ...

5. bignose/arcanis-secretsanta: Adds support for extra descriptions -

  • ... secret santa less interesting! - Rudolph !Maël !Santa + Rudolph !Santa !Nicholas (the elf) # You can also cheat a bit and force someone to be paired with ...

6. Jesters — Secret Santa Generator - cero-sleep

  • Nov 18, 2022 · Has anyone suggested doing a secret santa type of event? 'Cus that could be fun and I don't think I have seen anyone say it yet?

  • Ok so, looks like we're doing it I'll probably make another post for ppl to confirm they'll be participating (pls be as sure as posible tho bc no one should stay giftless) and I'll be collecting the...

7. Secret Santa Pairing

  • Want to start your own Secret Santa with your friends? Click here to get started!

  • Hi ! You've been paired with

8. Secret Santa Generator - Draw Names

  • Missing: arcanis | Show results with:arcanis

  • This Secret Santa generator will organize your gift exchange online. Fill out the gift exchange generator and draw names!

9. 10 Best Virtual Secret Santa Ideas for Christmas in 2023

  • Oct 20, 2023 · Arcanis - a simple secret santa generator that generates individual links for people to use to know who they have to buy Christmas gifts for!

  • Christmas season is officially upon us. This means you and your coworkers are racking your brain for some best virtual secret Santa ideas for a memorable

10. arcanis (Maël Nison) · GitHub

  • @arcanis arcanis Follow · Overview Repositories 310 Projects ... secretsanta secretsanta Public. Host secret santa without leaking your guests' informations.

  • Lead maintainer for @yarnpkg 📦🧶 Staff DevX @DataDog, ex @facebook, @sketchfab, ... - arcanis

11. Secret Santa Deck - MTGGoldfish

  • 1, Mulldrifter, $ 0.25. 1, Perplexing Chimera, $ 1.16. 1, Arcanis the Omnipotent, $ 0.34. 1, Archetype of Imagination, $ 1.14. 1, Djinn of Infinite Deceits, $ ...

  • Secret Santa deck list with prices for Magic: the Gathering (MTG).

12. ARCANIS NODIS: The Emblematic Thesis Prints of the Roman College

  • ... Santa Barbara Suzanne Stewart-Steinberg Brown University Mary Quinlan ... ARCANIS NODIS, “by secret links” or “by hidden connections.” Plato described ...

  • In 1593, as the science of magnetism was undergoing important advances, the aristocratic students at the Jesuits’ flagship school, the Roman College, adopted as their academic emblem a lodestone—a naturally occurring magnetic rock—that attracts a

13. Living Rotted Capes - Facebook

  • We will run Rotted Capes and Arcanis (ARG and 5E), including an Arcanis premiere! ... Secret • Enemy Powers • Possession • Precognition Power Modifications ...

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

14. The Season of Giving: The Secret Santa Generator to the Rescue

  • Nov 27, 2023 · Some of these sites are: My Wish List Online · Secret Santa Organizer · Arcanis Github · Sneaky Santa · Elfster · Name Drawing. What to prepare ...

  • Christmas is nearing and it’s the season of giving again! If you are in charge of organizing your office’s Secret Santa, you’re probably getting stressed by now. But worry no […]

15. Commander Clash S5 E6: 1 Ticket EDH (Arcanis vs. Karador vs. Selvala

  • Aug 18, 2018 · ... Secret Santa | Commander Clash S11E20, Dec 24, 2021; Chaos Week Returns | Commander Clash S11E19, Dec 17, 2021; #TeamSeas Ocean Week ...

  • The crew build decks with a budget cap of only 1 ticket!

Arcanis Secret Santa (2024)


What is the Secret Santa where you steal gifts? ›

White Elephant is a gift exchange game that is very similar in style to Yankee Swap, although the emphasis is to “steal” gifts rather than swap them. Most often, this type of gift exchange takes place at a party with other participants in attendance.

What is the world's largest Secret Santa? ›

RedditGifts reports that 212,894 people worldwide participated in the event during 2014. The site was a three-time Guinness World Record holder for the World's Largest Gift Exchange. 2021 Secret Santa exchange was the last one to take place before the RedditGifts site was shut down in January of 2022.

What is dirty Secret Santa? ›

The game begins once #1 selects a gift from the pile (after much thought and deliberation, of course), opens it, and shows it to everyone. The person who drew #2 then goes and has the option to steal #1's gift (aka "Dirty Santa") or pick a different gift from the pile.

Who is the real Secret Santa? ›

The Story of The Original Secret Santa . . .

During this time, he kept his identity a secret. In 2006, prior to his death, he revealed his identity. His name was Larry Dean Stewart.

What is Bad Secret Santa? ›

Bad Santa is a variation of the classic Kris Kringle (or Secret Santa) game, in which each guest receives an anonymous gift bought by another guest. Part of the fun (for others) is the unwrapping of silly and useless gifts, which is done one by one. Bad Santa spices things up.

What is the Christmas gift exchange where you steal? ›

The White Elephant Game Rules

Sit in a circle and place the gifts in the center, preferably under a festive tree. The person who drew #1 selects a gift from the pile, opens it, and holds it up for all to see. The person who drew #2 decides whether to steal that gift or unwrap a mystery present from the pile.

How much is too much for Secret Santa? ›

Besides, Secret Santa usually has a price cap of about $10 to $15 per gift. So plan for that in your Christmas budget, and you'll be golden.

Is it OK to spend more on Secret Santa? ›

If you have more money than you need, give more. One suggestion I have is if you are giving a gift card and it's not Visa or Mastercard or another general kind of card, make sure they would like shopping/eating at the place you choose. I hope this helps. What are some good Secret Santa gifts for colleagues?

Are you supposed to find out who your Secret Santa is? ›

The Secret Santa is given a Wishlist of gift ideas to choose from to give to their chosen giftee. After opening their present, the giftee has to guess which member of the group was their Secret Santa. It's a holiday classic where the guessing is as much a part of the fun as receiving the gift.

How do I make Secret Santa more fun? ›

List of Secret Santa games
  1. Secret Santa Dice. Secret Santa Dice adds a unique twist to traditional Secret Santa gift exchanges. ...
  2. Swap Party. A Swap Party is an exciting twist to the traditional Secret Santa game. ...
  3. Hot Potato Variant. ...
  4. Treasure Hunt. ...
  5. Trading Places. ...
  6. Balloon Pop. ...
  7. Reverse Secret Santa. ...
  8. Homemade Gift Challenge.
Apr 17, 2024

What is the bad Santa gift game? ›

'Bad Santa' Kris Kringle

Whoever gets number one gets to pick a present and unwrap it, and so on. The catch is that anyone who unwraps a present can steal a gift from the person before them. If family member number two decides they don't like the present they've unwrapped, they can swap it for yours instead!

Do you steal or keep Secret Santa? ›

Guests take turns to choose one to unwrap. Or they can choose to “steal” a gift already opened by someone else. The person losing their gift then gets the same choice: open a wrapped present or steal someone else's. It's a good alternative to buying a gift for everyone, and a great way to ruin friendships.

What is the opposite of Secret Santa? ›

A white elephant gift exchange, Yankee swap or Dirty Santa is a party game where amusing and impractical gifts are exchanged during festivities. The goal of a white elephant gift exchange is to entertain party-goers rather than to give or acquire a genuinely valuable or highly sought item.

What is another name for Secret Santa? ›

Deriving from the Christian tradition, the ritual is known as Secret Santa in the United States and the United Kingdom; as Kris Kringel or Kris Kindle (Christkindl) in Ireland; as Wichteln, Secret Santa, Kris Kringle, Chris Kindle (Christkindl) or Engerl-Bengerl in parts of Austria; as Secret Santa or Kris Kringle in ...

Do you reveal Secret Santa after? ›

Once everyone has opened their gifts, you can reveal who the Secret Santas were! After you've exchanged gifts, spend the rest of the time enjoying the magic of the holiday season. For a thoughtful touch, send a follow-up card a few days after the party to thank everyone for participating.

What are the rules for gift stealing in Secret Santa? ›

The fun really starts to ramp up when the first gift is 'stolen', the person who has their unwrapped gift stolen can then also steal an unwrapped gift from another player or pick a new gift from the pile. The only rule is that if your gift is stolen you can't steal it back in the same turn.

What is bad Santa gift stealing? ›

Player 1 picks a present and opens it. Player 2 decides first whether to steal Player 1's present, or open a new present, and then does so. (Pro tip: Ensure players declare this loudly before they touch a single present.) If your present gets stolen, you may either steal from another player, or open a new present.

What is the Secret Santa gift receiver called? ›

The Secret Santa is given a Wishlist of gift ideas to choose from to give to their chosen giftee. After opening their present, the giftee has to guess which member of the group was their Secret Santa. It's a holiday classic where the guessing is as much a part of the fun as receiving the gift.

What is another name for the Secret Santa gift exchange? ›

This game is more commonly known as the white elephant gift exchange, or Yankee Swap.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.